Plant Distributed Control System Functions

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Plant Distributed Control System Functions:

The proposed system main functions:

 Collect all plant process data from various parts of the plant
 Implement all the necessary logic and interlocks between different process units.
 Issue the proper control commands based on the logic evaluation
 Provide centralized display of the process parameters and alarms.
 Provide manual (Local), Automatic, Manual and Remote modes of operation.

The proposal covers the supply of control units, assembled, programmed, tested and ready for onsite
hook-up, commissioning, and operation.

The proposed system shall be supplied with comprehensive sets of detailed documentation for both
maintenance and operation.

Plant Distributed Control System Architecture

The water treatment plant is divided into different operational zones (processing blocks); each zone shall
be provided with its monitoring and control system.

The operational zone system can work autonomously in case of communication failure with the central
control room system.

Each operational zone shall be controlled by Distributed field PLC’s mounted close to each processing

All operational zones PLC’s are members of the entire plant industrial grade network infrastructure,
communicating with the central control room system as well as with each other.

These field PLC’s shall be directly responsible of their processing cells, and ensure maximum control and

The system structure ensures processing intelligence down to each field point level. The entire system is
built on various layers of standard field buses.

The distributed intelligence structure is used to reduce the traffic load on the various field buses; to
ensure the best time response and reliability of the entire system.

A control and monitoring center is provided at the central control room.

This system shall give the facility to the plant operators to control, monitor, and report each activity in the
entire plant. A dynamic graphic large display LCD module of not less than 42" size is provided at the
control room for the real time display of process flow diagrams and process parameters in an intuitive
graphic form.

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