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Group Name:

Category Excellent (5 points) Fair (3 points) Poor (1point)

Organization Includes all 7 categories Missing 1 category Missing 2 or more
bubbles along with the bubble and/or categories with its
required sub bubbles. It is missing sub bubbles. sub bubbles.
exceptionally appealing in It is appealing and Acceptable appealing
terms of design and organized. Bubbles yet bubbles are
organized. Bubbles are not are not overlapping. overlapping.
Description For each sub bubble, a For some sub For each sub bubble,
clear and formative bubbles, a clear and an unclear
description is given formative description description is given
demonstrating strong given demonstrating demonstrating
knowledge of the bubble reasonable imprecise knowledge
content (offense, defense, knowledge of the contents.
rituals etc.) (offense, defense,
rituals etc.)
Critical Thinking Demonstrate thorough Demonstrates Demonstrates poor
critical thinking skills on adequate critical critical thinking skills
the modifying offense and thinking skills on on modified offense
defense area. It shows modifying offense and defense area. It
effort and creativity and defense area. It is without much of
inputted to each sub shows effort inputted effort inputted nor
bubble. Also, the use of to each sub bubble. creativity.
original ideas.
Grammar and Shows no errors in spelling Shows few errors in Shows frequent
Spelling and punctuation. spelling and errors in spelling and
punctuation. punctuation.
Similarities to Demonstrates absolute Demonstrates Demonstrates
the Ancient knowledge of the Ancient adequate knowledge insufficient
Olympics Olympics sport. Compares of the Ancient knowledge of the
at least one or two ancient Olympics. Compares Ancient Olympics.
sport into a modified at least one ancient Does not completely
game. The game shows sport into a modified compare an ancient
distinctive. game. It is relatively sport into a modified
distinctive. game. There is no

Points: _____/25

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