Better Hypothesis Testing For Statistical Machine Translation: Controlling For Optimizer Instability

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Better Hypothesis Testing for Statistical Machine Translation:

Controlling for Optimizer Instability

Jonathan H. Clark Chris Dyer Alon Lavie Noah A. Smith

Language Technologies Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA

Abstract hypothesis testing. In this paper, we present a series

of experiments demonstrating that optimizer insta-
In statistical machine translation, a researcher bility can account for substantial amount of variation
seeks to determine whether some innovation in translation quality,2 which, if not controlled for,
(e.g., a new feature, model, or inference al-
could lead to incorrect conclusions. We then show
gorithm) improves translation quality in com-
parison to a baseline system. To answer this that it is possible to control for this variable with a
question, he runs an experiment to evaluate the high degree of confidence with only a few replica-
behavior of the two systems on held-out data. tions of the experiment and conclude by suggesting
In this paper, we consider how to make such new best practices for significance testing for ma-
experiments more statistically reliable. We chine translation.
provide a systematic analysis of the effects of
optimizer instability—an extraneous variable 2 Nondeterminism and Other
that is seldom controlled for—on experimen- Optimization Pitfalls
tal outcomes, and make recommendations for
reporting results more accurately. Statistical machine translation systems consist of a
model whose parameters are estimated to maximize
some objective function on a set of development
1 Introduction
data. Because the standard objectives (e.g., 1-best
The need for statistical hypothesis testing for ma- BLEU, expected BLEU, marginal likelihood) are
chine translation (MT) has been acknowledged since not convex, only approximate solutions to the op-
at least Och (2003). In that work, the proposed timization problem are available, and the parame-
method was based on bootstrap resampling and was ters learned are typically only locally optimal and
designed to improve the statistical reliability of re- may strongly depend on parameter initialization and
sults by controlling for randomness across test sets. search hyperparameters. Additionally, stochastic
However, there is no consistently used strategy that optimization and search techniques, such as mini-
controls for the effects of unstable estimates of mum error rate training (Och, 2003) and Markov
model parameters.1 While the existence of opti- chain Monte Carlo methods (Arun et al., 2010),3
mizer instability is an acknowledged problem, it is constitute a second, more obvious source of noise
only infrequently discussed in relation to the relia- in the optimization procedure.
bility of experimental results, and, to our knowledge, This variation in the parameter vector affects the
there has yet to be a systematic study of its effects on quality of the model measured on both development
1 2
We hypothesize that the convention of “trusting” BLEU This variation directly affects the output translations, and
score improvements of, e.g., > 1, is not merely due to an ap- so it will propagate to both automated metrics as well as human
preciation of what qualitative difference a particular quantita- evaluators.
tive improvement will have, but also an implicit awareness that Online subgradient techniques such as MIRA (Crammer et
current methodology leads to results that are not consistently al., 2006; Chiang et al., 2008) have an implicit stochastic com-
reproducible. ponent as well based on the order of the training examples.
data and held-out test data, independently of any ex- explored regularization of MERT to improve gener-
perimental manipulation. Thus, when trying to de- alization on test sets. Moore and Quirk (2008) ex-
termine whether the difference between two mea- plored strategies for selecting better random “restart
surements is significant, it is necessary to control for points” in optimization. Cer et al. (2010) analyzed
variance due to noisy parameter estimates. This can the standard deviation over 5 MERT runs when each
be done by replication of the optimization procedure of several metrics was used as the objective function.
with different starting conditions (e.g., by running
MERT many times). 4 Experiments
Unfortunately, common practice in reporting ma- In our experiments, we ran the MERT optimizer to
chine translation results is to run the optimizer once optimize BLEU on a held-out development set many
per system configuration and to draw conclusions times to obtain a set of optimizer samples on two dif-
about the experimental manipulation from this sin- ferent pairs of systems (4 configurations total). Each
gle sample. However, it could be that a particu- pair consists of a baseline system (System A) and an
lar sample is on the “low” side of the distribution “experimental” system (System B), which previous
over optimizer outcomes (i.e., it results in relatively research has suggested will perform better.
poorer scores on the test set) or on the “high” side. The first system pair contrasts a baseline phrase-
The danger here is obvious: a high baseline result based system (Moses) and experimental hierarchi-
paired with a low experimental result could lead to a cal phrase-based system (Hiero), which were con-
useful experimental manipulation being incorrectly structed from the Chinese-English BTEC corpus
identified as useless. We now turn to the question of (0.7M words), the later of which was decoded with
how to reduce the probability falling into this trap. the cdec decoder (Koehn et al., 2007; Chiang, 2007;
Dyer et al., 2010). The second system pair con-
3 Related Work trasts two German-English Hiero/cdec systems con-
structed from the WMT11 parallel training data
The use of statistical hypothesis testing has grown
(98M words).4 The baseline system was trained on
apace with the adoption of empirical methods in
unsegmented words, and the experimental system
natural language processing. Bootstrap techniques
was constructed using the most probable segmenta-
(Efron, 1979; Wasserman, 2003) are widespread
tion of the German text according to the CRF word
in many problem areas, including for confidence
segmentation model of Dyer (2009). The Chinese-
estimation in speech recognition (Bisani and Ney,
English systems were optimized 300 times, and the
2004), and to determine the significance of MT re-
German-English systems were optimized 50 times.
sults (Och, 2003; Koehn, 2004; Zhang et al., 2004;
Our experiments used the default implementation
Zhang and Vogel, 2010). Approximate randomiza-
of MERT that accompanies each of the two de-
tion (AR) has been proposed as a more reliable tech-
coders. The Moses MERT implementation uses 20
nique for MT significance testing, and evidence sug-
random restart points per iteration, drawn uniformly
gests that it yields fewer type I errors (i.e., claiming
from the default ranges for each feature, and, at each
a significant difference where none exists; Riezler
iteration, 200-best lists were extracted with the cur-
and Maxwell, 2005). Other uses in NLP include
rent weight vector (Bertoldi et al., 2009). The cdec
the MUC-6 evaluation (Chinchor, 1993) and pars-
MERT implementation performs inference over the
ing (Cahill et al., 2008). However, these previous
decoder search space which is structured as a hyper-
methods assume model parameters are elements of
graph (Kumar et al., 2009). Rather than using restart
the system rather than extraneous variables.
points, in addition to optimizing each feature inde-
Prior work on optimizer noise in MT has fo-
pendently, it optimizes in 5 random directions per it-
cused primarily on reducing optimizer instability
eration by constructing a search vector by uniformly
(whereas our concern is how to deal with optimizer
sampling each element of the vector from (−1, 1)
noise, when it exists). Foster and Kuhn (2009) mea-
and then renormalizing so it has length 1. For all
sured the instability of held-out BLEU scores across
systems, the initial weight vector was manually ini-
10 MERT runs to improve tune/test set correlation.
tialized so as to yield reasonable translations.
However, they only briefly mention the implications
of the instability on significance. Cer et al. (2008)
Metric System Avg ssel sdev stest the development set for the ith optimization run, and
BTEC Chinese-English (n = 300)
m is the average of all mi s, we report the standard
System A 48.4 1.6 0.2 0.5
BLEU ↑ deviation over the tuning set as sdev :
System B 49.9 1.5 0.1 0.4
System A 63.3 0.9 - 0.4
MET ↑ v
System B 63.8 0.9 - 0.5 u n
uX (mi − m)2
System A 30.2 1.1 - 0.6 sdev = t
System B 28.7 1.0 - 0.2 n−1
WMT German-English (n = 50)
System A 18.5 0.3 0.0 0.1
BLEU ↑ A high sdev value may indicate that the optimizer is
System B 18.7 0.3 0.0 0.2
System A 49.0 0.2 - 0.2 struggling with local optima and changing hyperpa-
System B 50.0 0.2 - 0.1 rameters (e.g. more random restarts in MERT) could
System A 65.5 0.4 - 0.3 improve system performance.
System B 64.9 0.4 - 0.4
Overfitting effects stest As with any optimizer,
Table 1: Measured standard deviations of different au-
tomatic metrics due to test-set and optimizer variability. there is a danger that the optimal weights for a tuning
sdev is reported only for the tuning objective function set may not generalize well to unseen data (i.e., we
BLEU. overfit). For a randomized optimizer, this means that
parameters can generalize to different degrees over
multiple optimizer runs. We measure the spread in-
Results are reported using BLEU (Papineni et
duced by optimizer randomness on the test set met-
al., 2002), M ETEOR5 (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005;
ric score stest , as opposed to the overfitting effect in
Denkowski and Lavie, 2010), and TER (Snover et
isolation. The computation of stest is identical to sdev
al., 2006).
except that the mi s are the translation metrics cal-
4.1 Extraneous variables in one system culated on the test set. In Table 1, we observe that
stest > sdev , indicating that optimized parameters are
In this section, we describe and measure (on the ex-
likely not generalizing well.
ample systems just described) three extraneous vari-
ables that should be considered when evaluating a Test set selection ssel The final extraneous vari-
translation system. We quantify these variables in able we consider is the selection of the test set it-
terms of standard deviation s, since it is expressed self. A good test set should be representative of
in the same units as the original metric. Refer to the domain or language for which experimental ev-
Table 1 for the statistics. idence is being considered. However, with only a
single test corpus, we may have unreliable results
Local optima effects sdev The first extraneous
because of idiosyncrasies in the test set. This can
variable we discuss is the stochasticity of the opti-
be mitigated in two ways. First, replication of ex-
mizer. As discussed above, different optimization
periments by testing on multiple, non-overlapping
runs find different local maxima. The noise due to
test sets can eliminate it directly. Since this is not
this variable can depend on many number of fac-
always practical (more test data may not be avail-
tors, including the number of random restarts used
abile), the widely-used bootstrap resampling method
(in MERT), the number of features in a model, the
(§3) also controls for test set effects by resampling
number of references, the language pair, the portion
multiple “virtual” test sets from a single set, making
of the search space visible to the optimizer (e.g. 10-
it possible to infer distributional parameters such as
best, 100-best, a lattice, a hypergraph), and the size
the standard deviation of the translation metric over
of the tuning set. Unfortunately, there is no proxy to
(very similar) test sets.6 Furthermore, this can be
estimate this effect as with bootstrap resampling. To
done for each of our optimizer samples. By averag-
control for this variable, we must run the optimizer
ing the bootstrap-estimated standard deviations over
multiple times to estimate the spread it induces on
the development set. Using the n optimizer samples, 6
Unlike actually using multiple test sets, bootstrap resam-
with mi as the translation quality measurement of pling does not help to re-estimate the mean metric score due to
test set spread (unlike actually using multiple test sets) since the
M ETEOR version 1.2 with English ranking parameters and mean over bootstrap replicates is approximately the aggregate
all modules. metric score.
optimizer samples, we have a statistic that jointly 40
quantifies the impact of test set effects and optimizer 35

Observation Count
instability on a test set. We call this statistic ssel . 30
Different values of this statistic can suggest method- 25
ological improvements. For example, a large ssel in- 20
dicates that more replications will be necessary to 15
draw reliable inferences from experiments on this 10
test set, so a larger test set may be helpful. 5
To compute ssel , assume we have n indepen- 46 47 48 49 50 51
dent optimization runs which produced weight vec- BLEU
Figure 1: Histogram of test set BLEU scores for the
tors that were used to translate a test set n times. BTEC phrase-based system (left) and BTEC hierarchical
The test set has ` segments with references R = system (right). While the difference between the systems
hR1 , R2 , . . . , R` i. Let X = hX1 , X2 , . . . , Xn i is 1.5 BLEU in expectation, there is a non-trivial region
where each Xi = hXi1 , Xi2 , . . . , Xi` i is the list of of overlap indicating that some random outcomes will re-
translated segments from the ith optimization run sult in little to no difference being observed.
list of the ` translated segments of the test set. For
each hypothesis output Xi , we construct k bootstrap 1 sample

Probability of observation
replicates by drawing ` segments uniformly, with re- 0.5 3 samples
placement, from Xi , together with its corresponding 0.4 5 samples
reference. This produces k virtual test sets for each 10 samples
0.3 50 samples
optimization run i. We designate the score of the jth
virtual test set of the ith optimization run with mij . 0.2
If mi = k1 kj=1 mij , then we have:
0.6 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9
BLEU difference
u k
uX (mij − mi )2
si = t
k−1 Figure 2: Relative frequencies of obtaining differences
in BLEU scores on the WMT system as a function of the
n number of optimizer samples. The expected difference
1 X
ssel = si is 0.2 BLEU. While there is a reasonably high chance of
i=1 observing a non-trivial improvement (or even a decline)
for 1 sample, the distribution quickly peaks around the
4.2 Comparing Two Systems expected value given just a few more samples.
In the previous section, we gave statistics about
the distribution of evaluation metrics across a large
system’s distribution is centered at the sample
number of experimental samples (Table 1). Because
mean 48.4, and the hierarchical system is centered
of the large number of trials we carried out, we can
at 49.9, a difference of 1.5 BLEU, correspond-
be extremely confident in concluding that for both
ing to the widely replicated result that hierarchi-
pairs of systems, the experimental manipulation ac-
cal phrase-based systems outperform conventional
counts for the observed metric improvements, and
phrase-based systems in Chinese-English transla-
furthermore, that we have a good estimate of the
tion. Crucially, although the distributions are dis-
magnitude of that improvement. However, it is not
tinct, there is a non-trivial region of overlap, and
generally feasible to perform as many replications
experimental samples from the overlapping region
as we did, so here we turn to the question of how
could suggest the opposite conclusion!
to compare two systems, accounting for optimizer
To further underscore the risks posed by this over-
noise, but without running 300 replications.
lap, Figure 2 plots the relative frequencies with
We begin with a visual illustration how opti-
which different BLEU score deltas will occur, as a
mizer instability affects test set scores when com-
function of the number of optimizer samples used.
paring two systems. Figure 1 plots the histogram
of the 300 optimizer samples each from the two When is a difference significant? To determine
BTEC Chinese-English systems. The phrase-based whether an experimental manipulation results in a
statistically reliable difference for an evaluation met- p-value
n System A System B BTEC WMT
ric, we use a stratified approximate randomization 1 high low 0.25 0.95
(AR) test. This is a nonparametric test that approxi- 1 median median 0.15 0.13
mates a paired permutation test by sampling permu- 1 low high 0.0003 0.003
tations (Noreen, 1989). AR estimates the probability p-value (95% CI)
(p-value) that a measured difference in metric scores 5 random random 0.001–0.034 0.001–0.38
50 random random 0.001–0.001 0.001–0.33
arose by chance by randomly exchanging sentences
between the two systems. If there is no significant Table 2: Two-system analysis: AR p-values for three
difference between the systems (i.e., the null hypoth- different “single sample” scenarios that illustrate differ-
esis is true), then this shuffling should not change ent pathological scenarios that can result when the sam-
the computed metric score. Crucially, this assumes pled weight vectors are “low” or “high.” For “random,”
that the samples being analyzed are representative we simulate an experiments with n optimization replica-
tions by drawing n optimized system outputs from our
of all extraneous variables that could affect the out- pool and performing AR; this simulation was repeated
come of the experiment. Therefore, we must include 250 times and the 95% CI of the AR p-values is reported.
multiple optimizer replications. Also, since metric
scores (such as BLEU) are in general not compa-
rable across test sets, we stratify, exchanging only glected by standard experimental methodology in
hypotheses that correspond to the same sentence. MT research, where single-sample measurements
Table 2 shows the p-values computed by AR, test- are too often used to assess system differences. In
ing the significance of the differences between the this paper, we have provided evidence that optimizer
two systems in each pair. The first three rows illus- instability can have a substantial impact on results.
trate “single sample” testing practice. Depending on However, we have also shown that it is possible to
luck with MERT, the results can vary widely from control for it with very few replications (Table 2).
insignificant (at p > .05) to highly significant. We therefore suggest:
The last two lines summarize the results of the test • Replication be adopted as standard practice in
when a small number of replications are performed, MT experimental methodology, especially in
as ought to be reasonable in a research setting. In reporting results;7
this simulation, we randomly selected n optimizer • Replication of optimization (MERT) and test
outputs from our large pool and ran the AR test to set evaluation be performed at least three times;
determine the significance; we repeated this proce- more replications may be necessary for experi-
dure 250 times. The p-values reported are the p- mental manipulations with more subtle effects;
values at the edges of the 95% confidence interval • Use of the median system according to a trusted
(CI) according to AR seen in the 250 simulated com- metric when manually analyzing system out-
parison scenarios. These indicate that we are very put; preferably, the median should be deter-
likely to observe a significant difference for BTEC mined based on one test set and a second test
at n = 5, and a very significant difference by n = 50 set should be manually analyzed.
(Table 2). Similarly, we see this trend in the WMT Acknowledgments
system: more replications leads to more significant
results, which will be easier to reproduce. Based on We thank Michael Denkowski, Kevin Gimpel, Kenneth
the average performance of the systems reported in Heafield, Michael Heilman, and Brendan O’Connor for
insightful feedback. This research was supported in part
Table 1, we expect significance over a large enough
by the National Science Foundation through TeraGrid re-
number of independent trials. sources provided by Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
under TG-DBS110003; the National Science Foundation
5 Discussion and Recommendations under IIS-0713402, IIS-0844507, IIS-0915187, and IIS-
0915327; the DARPA GALE program, the U. S. Army
No experiment can completely control for all pos- Research Laboratory, and the U. S. Army Research Of-
sible confounding variables. Nor are metric scores fice under contract/grant number W911NF-10-1-0533.
(even if they are statistically reliable) a substitute 7
Source code to carry out the AR test for multiple optimizer
for thorough human analysis. However, we believe samples on the three metrics in this paper is available from
that the impact of optimizer instability has been ne-
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