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Word list: Clive Cussler - Trojan Odyssey

obituary noun a report, especially in a newspaper, that gives the news of

mogul noun someone's
an importantdeathpersonandwhodetails about
is very richtheir life
or powerful
dagger noun a short, pointed knife that is sharp on both sides, used especially
bowl noun in the past
a round as a weapon
container that is open at the top and is deep enough to
stretcher noun hold fruit, sugar, etc.
a light frame made from two long poles with a cover of soft
lumber verb material
to move stretched
slowly andbetween
awkwardlythem, used for carrying people who
sanctuary noun protection or a safe place, especially for someone or something
palatial adjective being chased
A palatial houseor is
very large and beautiful.
pull up When a car or someone driving a car pulls up, the driver stops the
daring adjective car,
andfor a short
taking riskstime
intimidated adjective frightened or nervous because you are not confident in a situation
cataclysm noun an extremely destructive event or violent change
appalling adjective shocking and very bad
alleviate verb to make pain or problems less severe
susceptible adjective easily influenced or harmed by something

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