Excel Assignment #A: Software Integration

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Software Integration

Excel Assignment #A
Harmony needs help in formatting her Excel workbook, to highlight those foods which have a
high percentage of fat. Complete the following:
Replace “username” with your username (used to login to college computer).

1. Open the file Counter.xlsx, then save the workbook as username_Calorie Counter in the
location specified by your professor.
2. In the Documentation sheet, enter your name and the date on which you began this
3. Set the following formatting to the Documentation sheet:
a) In cell A1, apply the Title cell style, increase the font size to 22 points, and then
change the font colour to Orange, Accent 2. Change the text "Calorie" to 26
points, bold. Underline the text "Counter"
b) Apply the Accent2 cell style to the range A3:A5
c) Wrap the text within the range B3:B5, and then left and top-align the text in the
range A3:B5
d) Change the format of the date in cell B4 to the long date format
e) Add borders around all of the cells in the range A3:B5.
4. Copy the custom cell format for cell A1 in the Documentation sheet to cell A1 in the
Calories worksheet. Make sure that both cells are formatted identically.
5. Go to the Calories worksheet.
6. In cell F4, enter the text Calories from Fat. In cell G4, enter the text Fat Percentage.
7. Change the column width of F:G to exactly 16 characters.
8. Format the range A4:G4 using the Accent2 cell style.
9. In the range F5:F54, calculate the calories from fat for each food item (there are 9
calories per gram of fat). In the range G5:G54, calculate the fat percentage of each food
item (Calories from Fat divided by the Calories).
10. Format the range D5:F54 with the Comma style and display one decimal place.
11. Format the range G5:G54 with the Percent style and display two decimal places.
12. In F56, enter the text “Fat % Stats”. Merge and Center the range F56:G56.
13. In F57:F59 enter the following labels Maximum, Minimum, Average. Enter formulas in
G57:G59 which will calculate the maximum, minimum, and average Fat Percentages.
Add borders around each of the cells in the range F56:G59.

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Software Integration

14. Merge the cells in the range A5:A12, rotate the text up, and then center-align the cell
content both horizontally and vertically. Change the fill color, using one of the darker
green colours (your choice). Increase the font size to 18 points, and then change the
font colour to white.
15. Place a thick outside border around the fruit food items in the range A5:G12.
16. Repeat Steps 14 and 15 for the rest of the food categories.
17. Create a Conditional Formatting rule to highlight those fat percentages which are less
than 10%, using green fill with dark green text.
18. You will create a legend to explain the conditional cell formatting in column G. In G2
enter the text Low Fat Food. Centre the text in the cell. Using another conditional
formatting rule, change the format of the cell to green fill with dark green text. Add an
outside border around the cell.
19. Set the following print formats for the Calories worksheet:
a) Change the page orientation to landscape
b) Set the print range to print all the data, excluding the Fat % Stats results below
the table
c) Repeat the first four rows of the worksheet on every printed page
d) Scale the printout so that the width of the worksheet will never be greater than
a single page
e) Create manual page breaks directly above row 24 and above row 45. The
worksheet should print on three separate pages
f) For the first page header, print Prepared by: your name in the left section. For
every other page, use only the right header section to insert the worksheet
name element
g) For every page footer, print Page page in the right section, and insert the date in
the left section (the date field will update automatically, to always show the
print date).
20. In the Documentation worksheet, insert a screen clipping of Conestoga College’s logo
from Conestoga’s home page. Position it so that the left edge is in Column B. In a cell
either directly below or directly above the picture, enter the text Information
Technology Business Analyst. Apply a custom font colour to this text.
21. Preview your workbook, but do not print.
22. Save and close the workbook.

Total points - 45

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