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Journal of Chiropractic Medicine (2009) 8, 171–186

Literature review

The relationship of whiplash injury and

temporomandibular disorders: a narrative
literature review☆
Charles E. Fernandez DC, MAppSc a,⁎, Abid Amiri DC b ,
Joseph Jaime DC c , Paul Delaney DC, PhD d
Associate Clinical Professor, Los Angeles College of Chiropractic,
Southern California University of Health Sciences (LACC/SCUHS), Whittier, CA
Private Practice, Alberta, Canada
Private Practice, Ontario, CA
Private Practice, Palm Desert, CA

Received 25 May 2009; received in revised form 3 July 2009; accepted 9 July 2009

Key indexing terms:

Whiplash injuries;
Objective: The purpose of this article is to offer a narrative review and discuss the possible
relationship between temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) and whiplash injuries.
Methods: Databases from 1966 to present were searched including PubMed; Manual,
Alternative, and Natural Therapy Index System; and Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied
Health Literature. Search terms used included whiplash injury, temporomandibular disorders
and craniomandibular disorders. Inclusion criteria consisted of studies on orofacial pain of a
musculoskeletal origin addressing the following topics: posttraumatic temporomandibular
disorder (pTMD) incidence and prevalence, mechanism of injury, clinical findings and
characteristics, prognosis (including psychologic factors). Excluded were studies of orofacial
pain from nontraumatic origin, as well as nonmusculoskeletal causes including neurologic,
vascular, neoplastic, or infectious disease.
Results: Thirty-two studies describing the effects of whiplash on TMD were reviewed based
on inclusion/exclusion criteria. The best evidence from prospective studies indicates a low to
moderate incidence and prevalence. Only 3 studies addressed mechanism of injury theories.
Most studies focusing on clinical findings and characteristics suggest significant differences
when comparing pTMD to idiopathic/nontraumatic patients. Regarding prognosis, most
studies suggest a significant difference when comparing pTMD to idiopathic/nontraumatic
TMD patients, with pTMD having a poorer prognosis.

No funding sources or conflicts of interest were reported for this study.
⁎ Corresponding author. Associate Clinical Professor, Los Angeles College of Chiropractic, Southern California University of Health
Sciences (LACC/SCUHS), 16200 E. Amber Valley Drive, Whittier, CA 90604.

1556-3707/$ – see front matter © 2009 National University of Health Sciences.

172 C. E. Fernandez et al.

Conclusions: There is conflicting evidence regarding the effects of whiplash on the

development of TMD. Furthermore, because of lack of homogeneity in the study populations
and lack of standardization of data collection procedures and outcomes measured, this review
cannot conclusively resolve the controversies that exist concerning this relationship. This
review of the literature is provided to clarify the issues and to provide useful clinical
information for health care providers managing TMD such as doctors of chiropractic, physical
therapists, dentists, and medical doctors.
© 2009 National University of Health Sciences.

Introduction acceleration-deceleration mechanism of energy transfer

to the neck. It may result from rear-end or side-impact
Substantial controversy exists regarding the inci- motor vehicle collisions, but can also occur during
dence, prevalence, proposed mechanism of injury, diving or other mishaps. The impact may result in bony
clinical characteristics, and prognosis of temporoman- or soft-tissue injuries (eg, whiplash injury), which in
dibular disorders (TMDs) due to whiplash. A study turn may lead to a variety of clinical manifestations (eg,
concluded that the incidence of temporomandibular whiplash-associated disorders [WAD]). 7
joint (TMJ) pain and clicking after whiplash injury was
extremely low and that patients who did not have TMD description
clicking on resolution of their initial pain dysfunction
subsequently did not develop this problem. 1 Some Dworkin et al8 described TMD as a cluster of
authors have suggested that chronic posttraumatic disorders characterized by pain in the preauricular area,
temporomandibular disorder (pTMD) from whiplash the TMJ, and/or the muscles of mastication; limitations
is a cultural phenomenon unique to North America. 2 or deviations in mandibular range of motion; and noises
Other authors have proposed opposite conclusions, as in the TMJ during mandibular function. McNeill et al 9
in the study by Pullinger and Seligman 3 where it was considered TMD as a subclassification of musculo-
observed that up to 79% of the patients being treated at skeletal and rheumatologic disorders. Although some-
a university-based specialty clinic for anterior disloca- times viewed as one syndrome of the masticatory
tion of the temporomandibular meniscus considered the system, the current view is that TMDs are a cluster of
onset of this problem to have surfaced after a vehicular related disorders with many common features. The
collision. The following terms and descriptions are most common initial symptom is pain that is aggravat-
provided to gain a greater understanding of the nature ed by chewing or other jaw functions. Other symptoms
of this problem. include jaw ache, earache, headache, and facial pain. In
addition to complaints of pain, patients with these
Whiplash description disorders frequently have limited jaw movement, and
joint sounds described as clicking, popping, grating, or
A whiplash injury best describes a rapid whipping crepitus. Pain or dysfunction caused by nonmusculos-
motion of a flexible object in 2 simultaneous directions. keletal causes (such as neurologic, vascular, neoplastic,
This motion, when occurring during a car crash, mostly or infectious disease) in the orofacial region is not
involves motion of the head and neck in extension and considered a primary TMD even though myofascial
flexion in relation to the torso but can involve lateral pain may be present. Temporomandibular disorders
motions as well. It can be stated that “whiplash” is an due to whiplash can be described as a group of signs
oversimplification of the complex forces that occur. and symptoms related to the TMJ and the muscles of
These forces occur when there is a rapid head mastication in patients who have received a traumatic
acceleration that is sometimes 2 to 3 times greater cervical extension-flexion (extrinsic) injury, but who
than the vehicle and results in injury to the internal have not had direct physical injury to their jaw.
structures of the neck. Previous studies have described In epidemiologic studies 8,10 of TMD focusing on
these as tensile, compressive, shear, and torque signs and symptoms, TMD-related pain was reported
forces. 4-6 The 1995 Quebec Task Force adopted the by 12.1% of the general population. Temporomandib-
following definition of whiplash. Whiplash is an ular disorder pain in a sample population studied
Whiplash injury and temporomandibular disorders 173

occurred at about the same prevalence as abdominal a weak relationship and those that support a relation-
pain and chest pain, but was less common than back ship of whiplash and TMD. In addition, studies are
pain and headache. As in other studies, an increased listed in chronological order beginning with the most
rate of TMD pain among females was found, at an current publications.
approximately 4:1 ratio. In a survey of 897 French- In addressing the topic of whiplash and TMDs,
speaking adults from Quebec by Goulet et al, 11 we focused on finding the best evidence regarding 4
idiopathic/nontraumatic TMD (iTMD) symptoms issues, as follows: (1) What are the incidence and
were self-reported in 30% of the general population, prevalence of pTMD compared with iTMD? (2) What
with 5% reporting frequent and moderate to severe are the mechanism(s) of injury, both direct and
episodes (clinically significant iTMD). This informa- indirect? (3) How do the clinical findings or character-
tion on iTMD is important to note when comparing the istics in iTMD compare to those in pTMD populations?
prevalence of pTMD. (4) What are the differences in prognosis in iTMD and
The objective of this article is to report on the pTMD populations?
possible relationship between TMDs and whiplash
injuries. This article discusses the controversies that
currently exist and summarizes relevant literature
regarding the incidence, prevalence, proposed mecha-
nism(s) of injury, and clinical diagnostic and prognos-
tic characteristics in whiplash/TMD patients. This There were a total of 1483 articles captured from the
article also provides useful clinical information for regions searched. Thirty of these articles were initially
those providing care for these patients and identifies included for review based on the above inclusion/
areas for future research. exclusion criteria. In addition, 2 articles recommended
by peer review process were included, for a total of 32
articles reviewed.

Methods Incidence and prevalence

Databases from 1966 to present were searched Eight prospective and 8 retrospective studies were
including PubMed; Manual, Alternative, and Natural identified that attempted to assess the incidence or
Therapy Index System; and Cumulative Index for prevalence of pTMD. Some of these studies have
Nursing and Allied Health Literature. Search terms provided data on clinical characteristics and prognosis;
used included whiplash injury, temporomandibular and therefore, they are also included in those sections
disorders, and craniomandibular disorders. Inclusion of this article. Table 1 lists studies on incidence or
criteria included studies on orofacial pain of a prevalence, including design, methods, and results.
musculoskeletal origin addressing the following topics: These findings are categorized into 2 groups for
pTMD incidence and prevalence, mechanism of injury, comparison purposes and are listed in reverse chrono-
clinical findings and characteristics, and prognosis, logical order. The first 8 studies, including 4 prospec-
including psychologic factors. Excluded were studies tive (Visscher et al,12 Kasch et al, 13 Bergman et al, 14
of orofacial pain from nontraumatic origin, as well as Heise et al 1 ) and 4 retrospective studies (Carroll et al, 15
nonmusculoskeletal causes including neurologic, vas- Ferrari et al, 2 Deboever et al, 16 Probert et al 17 ), indicate
cular, neoplastic, or infectious disease. Quality scoring a low incidence or prevalence. A second group of
was not used for several reasons. Because of the 8 studies, including 4 prospective studies (Sale et al, 18
complexities of the topic, the studies needed to be Haggman et al, 19 Garcia and Arrington, 20 Kronn 21 )
varied in research design, for example, case-controls and 4 retrospective studies (Klobas et al, 22 Pullinger
for causation issues and randomized controlled trials or and Seligman 3 , Pullinger and Monteiro, 23 Weinberg
cohorts for prognosis issues. In addition to the variety and Lapoints 24 ), indicate a moderate to high incidence
of research designs, other problems when comparing or prevalence.
studies included differences in populations studied,
outcomes used, and data collected. General comments Mechanism of TMJ injury in whiplash trauma
on quality and limitations of the studies reviewed are
provided where appropriate. Studies listed in the tables Table 2 lists studies on mechanism of injury,
are categorized into those that tend to dispute or show including design, methods, and results. Two prospective
174 C. E. Fernandez et al.

Table 1 Incidence or prevalence of whiplash injury and TMD

Author (Year) Protocol/Groups Intervention/Outcomes Duration and Results
and Type Studied Rate of
of Study Follow-Up
Low incidence or prevalence of whiplash injury and TMD
Carroll et al 7462 Individuals filing A retrospective analysis of NA 14.9% (n = 1158) of the total
(2007)15 collision-related personal the records extracted from study population reported
retrospective injury claims were assessed. Saskatchewan claim forms TMD symptoms. TMD was
study Two distinct groups were dated 1994-1995. more prevalent in the WAD
addressed: those with WAD group (15.8%) vs the group
and those without WAD. without WAD (4.7%).

Visscher et al 65 Patients were distributed Standardized oral history NA WAD group had TMD pain
(2005)12 into 3 groups: no neck pain and physical examination of (17%) (P b .028) more than the
prospective (n = 31), neck pain (n = 11), the masticatory and cervical other 2 groups (0.0%).
study and WAD pain (n = 23). regions were performed.

Kasch et al 19 Acute MVA whiplash Examination protocol Up to 6 mo 1 Subject (5%) from each
(2002)13 individuals and 20 age- and included: Visual Analog after initial group reported incidence of
Prospective sex-matched controls without Scale0-100, McGill Pain Scale, evaluation. jaw pain at the initial
Study previous head or neck trauma Pain Detection Threshold, evaluation. Visual Analog
were assessed for incidence neurologic examination, and Scale scores tended to be
of TMD. a clinical TMD examination; higher for the WAD group
all were performed within (0.0-29.5) vs the control group
4 wk and 6 mo postinjury. (0.0-6.7) after 6 mo.

Ferrari et al Compared the prevalence of Controlled historical Initial survey Only 2.4% of the accident
(1999)2 TMD in 210 whiplash victims cohort design occurred an victims (4/165) reported jaw
retrospective in Lithuania with age- and average of pain for 1 d or more per month,
study sex-matched controls. 27 mo after and 0.6% had daily jaw pain.
the accident. Both groups had low
prevalence of jaw sounds, pain
in or near the ear, jaw locking,
tinnitus, and facial pain.

Bergman et al Incidence of TMD was A prospective analysis of the MRIs were taken 32 Patients (53%) and 24
(1998)14 assessed in 60 patients with subjects was conducted via 3-14 d after the controls (45%) had a displaced
prospective symptoms in the neck after MRI. TMJ changes such as collision. TMJ disk in 1 or both joints
study rear-end traffic collisions who disk displacement and joint (P = .39). No statistically
underwent MRI of the TMJ effusion and also the incidence significant differences were
3-14 d after collision and of bleeding or edema in the found between the 60 patients
were compared with 53 soft tissues surrounding the and 53 volunteers regarding
healthy volunteers. joint in the acute phase after a frequency, stage, grade, or
well-defined whiplash trauma direction of TMJ disk
were used to compare the displacement or joint effusion.
whiplash group with the
control group.

DeBoever and 400 Consecutive TMD Interview and clinical Up to 1 y Maximal mouth opening was
Keersmaekers patients were divided into examination. Therapy was after initial less than 20 mm in 14.3%
(1996)16 2 groups. Group 1 (n = 98, similar in both groups and evaluation. of patients with a history of
retrospective 24.5%) related history and consisted of conservative trauma and in 4.1% of controls
study symptoms to trauma to the treatment. (P b .01).
head or cervical region,
mainly whiplash accidents.
Group 2 (n = 302, 75.5%)
with no history of trauma.
Whiplash injury and temporomandibular disorders 175

Table 1 (continued)
Author (Year) Protocol/Groups Intervention/Outcomes Duration and Results
and Type Studied Rate of
of Study Follow-Up
Probert et al 28 Subjects with TMD were A retrospective analysis Subjects not lost 0.4% of subjects with
(1994)17 identified from a total of of the records from the to follow-up because mandibular fractures and
retrospective 20 673 subjects who were Transport Accident all claims for 0.5% of subjects with
study involved in a road traffic Commission of Victoria, treatment were made whiplash injuries presented
accidents and claimed health Australia, in the to the Transport for treatment of an associated
care services year 1987. Accident TMD. Females more
Commission, common, with a ratio of 5:2.
regardless of

Heise et al (1992)1 155 Patients who had Initial examination included Initial examination, 8 Patients in group 1 (12.7%)
prospective sustained whiplash injuries evaluation of tenderness, 1-mo follow-up had masticatory muscle and
study and reported to emergency crepitus, and clicking/popping. (group 1 = 81% and TMJ pain. 14 Patients in group
trauma center. 63 with Muscles of mastication and group 2 = 85%), and 2 (15.2%) had masticatory
radiographic evidence of neck were examined for 1-y follow-up muscle and TMJ pain.
trauma (group 1) and 92 tenderness. Contact by phone (group 1 = 70% and Combined ∼14%. At 1-y
without (group 2) were at 1 mo and 1 y follow-up group 2 = 65%) follow-up, no new reports
studied for incidence of symptoms.
of TMD.

Moderate to high incidence or prevalence of whiplash injury and TMD

Sale and Isberg18 60 Consecutive patients After the accident, subjects 1-y follow-up Subjects with asymptomatic
(2007) involved in rear-end were examined by an questionnaire TMJs at the inceptive
prospective automobile collisions. 53 orthopedic surgeon who examination developed joint
study Control subjects matched graded the patients' neck symptoms significantly more
by age and sex. symptoms and trauma-related often during the follow-up
symptoms on the WAD period than the asymptomatic
scale. The subjects also control group. Of the
received MRI imaging asymptomatic collision group,
and answered a 38-item 34% developed TMJ
questionnaire that was symptoms vs 7% for the
followed up by an interview control group.
with an examiner to ensure
the accuracy of the
questionnaire answers.

Klobas et al 120 Subjects were divided A 2-part standardized NA 89% of individuals in the
(2004)22 into 2 groups. Group 1 (n = 54) evaluation comprised: an WAD group had severe TMD
retrospective consisted of individuals anamnestic questionnaire and symptoms, whereas only 18%
study with chronic WAD and a clinical examination. of subjects from the control
clinical signs and symptoms group experienced similar
of TMD. The control, intensity levels. TMD signs
group 2 (n = 66), consisted were more prevalent in those
of individuals undergoing subjects with WAD.
routine dental checkup.

Haggman- 50 Patients with WAD, 50 Endurance was evaluated NA All the healthy subjects were
Henrikson et al patients with pTMD and 50 during unilateral chewing of able to complete the task,
(2004)19 healthy subjects gum for 5 min when whereas 25% of pTMD and
Prospective participants reported fatigue most WAD patients
Study and pain. discontinued the task. Most
WAD patients also reported
fatigue and pain.
(continued on next page)
176 C. E. Fernandez et al.

Table 1 (continued)
Author (Year) Protocol/Groups Intervention/Outcomes Duration and Results
and Type Studied Rate of
of Study Follow-Up
Garcia and The relationship between TMJs were evaluated for NA Disk displacement with
Arrington cervical whiplash and TMJ internal derangement, reduction, 118/164 (72%);
(1996)20 injuries was documented effusion, and inflammation disk displacement without
Prospective with MRI in 87 consecutive using T1- and T2-weighted reduction, 25/164 (15%);
Study MVA cervical whiplash images. Documentation of effusion, 113/164 (69%);
patients who presented with pTMD symptoms and inflammation or edema,
TMJ symptoms and had relationship with MRI 84/164 (51%); total TMJ
sustained no direct trauma findings. abnormalities, 156/164.
to the face, head, or mandible
and had no TMJ complaints
before the MVA.

Kronn (1993)21 40 Consecutive whiplash Evaluation of joint sounds, Initial evaluation TMJ pain in 30% of whiplash
prospective patients (pTMD) compared mandibular opening, and with no additional subjects vs 2.5% controls
study with 40 matched control overall presence of symptoms. follow-up. (P = .001), limitation of mouth
patients. opening 37.5% vs 7.5%
(P b .01), and same percentages
in muscle masticatory muscle
tenderness (P b .01) were found.

Pullinger and Prevalence of trauma history Controlled historical design. NA Except for subluxation
Seligman was studied among 6 Trauma history was obtained diagnostic group, trauma
(1991)3 diagnostic subgroups of 230 through personal interview. typified TMD groups: 63%
retrospective patients with TMD from a disk displacement with
study private practice setting and reduction, 79% disk
compared with controls (61 displacement without
asymptomatic students, 161 reduction, 44% osteoarthritis
symptomatic students, and with history of derangement,
150 general dental patients). 53% primary OA, and 54%
myalgia only. Significant
difference (b.001) when
compared with controls

Pullinger and Differences in prevalence Controlled historical design. NA The TMD patients reported a
Monteiro of head or neck trauma Trauma history was obtained history of moderate or severe
(1988)23 (whiplash), orthodontic through questionnaires. trauma significantly more than
retrospective treatment and molar oral asymptomatic comparison
study surgery procedures were group (P b .001). A history of
compared among 152 patients trauma was also significantly
with TMD. 331 Students more frequent in symptomatic
constituted the comparison comparison group. The
population. Setting was a prevalence of trauma in the
university-based specialty TMD group was 30.4%.

Weinberg and 28 Patients with postwhiplash Symptoms and examination Initial evaluation Internal derangements were
Lapoints TMD. No experience of TMD findings were noted. 25 at an average of seen in 22 of 25 (88%) patients
(1987)24 before accident. Subjects received arthroscopic 126 d after who consented to
retrospective surgery whiplash. arthrographic investigation.
study Confirmed in the 10 patients
who elected to have surgery.
Whiplash injury and temporomandibular disorders 177

Table 2 Causation—mechanism(s) of injury

Author (Year) Protocol/Groups Intervention/ Duration and Results
and Type Studied Outcomes Rate of
of Study Follow-Up
Disputes the correlation between whiplash injury and TMD
White et al Tests on 10 cadavers High speed radiographic N/A Relative protrusion, retrusion,
(2005)25 were reviewed to images were used to and mouth opening were
prospective measure the relative measure incisor translation computed from the 7 tests
study translation between at various seat-back angles meeting inclusion criteria and
upper and lower and body postures. compared with normal
incisors during a physiologic limits during daily
low-speed, rear-end activities such as mastication. It
impact. was concluded that low-speed,
rear-end automobile collisions
do not appear to create the
motion required to initiate injury
to the TMJ.

Howard et al 4 Live human subjects Accelerometer sensor and NA Force magnitudes generated at
(1995)26 participated as vehicle high-speed cinematography the TMJ during low-speed
prospective occupants in a series of 10 data were obtained from collisions constitute a minor
study vehicle-to-vehicle low- live human test subjects in fraction of the forces experienced
velocity impact tests. motor vehicles–staged at the joint during normal
low-velocity rear-end physiologic function.

Supports the correlation between whiplash injury and TMD

Burgress et al 219 Consecutive pTMD Self-reports and medical Initial evaluation Significant interaction between
(1996)27 patients examined by author in examinations including: with no additional vehicle damage and maximum
retrospective an oral medicine clinic. questionnaire detailing follow-up. jaw opening. Speed N40 mph and
study impact characteristics and greater pain, looking right or left
body position and posture. at impact, and more pain and
masticatory muscles tender to
palpation than was looking
forward. Jaw opening or closing
or restraint use did not reveal
significant differences in terms of
TMJ variables.

studies25,26 focusing on low-impact rear-end collisions some providing a comparison of pTMD to iTMD
dispute a direct mechanism of injury theory, whereas 1 patients demonstrating significant differences.
retrospective study27 identifying crash characteristics of
pTMD patients provides some support of whiplash- Comparing prognosis in iTMD and pTMD patients
induced TMD. Overall, the mechanisms of injury remain
poorly understood. Table 4 list 7 studies 16,22,36-40 comparing prognosis
in iTMD and pTMD patients, including design,
Comparison of clinical characteristics in iTMD and methods, and results. Five studies suggest a signifi-
pTMD patients cant difference when comparing pTMD to iTMD
patients, with pTMD having a poorer prognosis. It
Table 3 list studies on clinical findings and should be noted that, of these 5 studies, 3 prospective
characteristics, including design, methods, and results. studies and 1 literature review included psychologic
Twelve studies 19-21,24,28-35 were identified (4 prospec- factors, whereas 1 prospective study did not. Two
tive and 8 retrospective studies) that focused on clinical other studies did not show a significant difference,
findings and characteristics. Most the studies lend including 1 prospective investigation and 1 retrospec-
support to the correlation of whiplash and TMD, with tive study.
178 C. E. Fernandez et al.

Table 3 Comparing clinical characteristics in pTMD and iTMD populations

Author (Year) Protocol/Groups Intervention/Outcomes Duration and Results
and Type Studied Rate of
of Study Follow-Up
Lends support to the correlation between whiplash injury and TMD
Haggman- 50 Patients with WAD, Endurance was evaluated NA All the healthy subjects were
Henrikson 50 patients with pTMD, during unilateral chewing able to complete the task,
et al (2004)19 and 50 healthy subjects of gum for 5 min when whereas 25% of pTMD and
prospective participants reported fatigue most WAD patients
and pain. discontinued the task. Most
WAD patients also reported
fatigue and pain.

Haggman- 12 Subjects were studied for Movements in the mandible Duration between Compared with the healthy
Henrikson et al incidence of pain and and head were monitored in 3 trauma and subjects, the WAD group
(2002)28 dysfunction in the jaw and dimensions while performing examination was showed smaller magnitude
prospective neck regions that had 3 standardized motor tasks. 1-9 y for females and altered coordination
developed after neck trauma. and 2-4 y for pattern of mandibular and
The traumas consisted of males. head movements. The authors
MVA and falls that resulted conclude that neck trauma can
in WAD class II-III. These derange integrated jaw and
subjects were compared with neck behavior, and underline
a control group. the functional coupling
between jaw and head-neck
motor systems.

Abd-Ul-Salam et al 30 Patients with refractory Clinical data and operative NA A wide range of arthroscopic
(2002)29 TMJ symptoms who had reports of patients with a findings, ranging from
retrospective cervical flexion-extension diagnosis of TMJ whiplash chondromalacia to moderate
study injury. injury from 1997-2002 or severe synovitis and
were reviewed. adhesions was observed, as
well as combinations of these

Friedman and Investigation of whiplash as TMD evaluations involved NA The most common presenting
Weisberg a causative factor for TMD. active range of motion, symptoms, in order, were jaw
(2000)30 The records of 300 patients palpation, application of pain, neck pain, posttraumatic
retrospective with pTMD preceded by a resistive forces to opening headache, jaw fatigue, and
study motor vehicle accident were and closing of jaw. Cervical severe TMJ clicking. The
examined retrospectively. spine was also evaluated most common TMD findings
with range of motion, and were masseter trigger points,
muscle and joint palpation; closing jaw muscle
and several canned tests hyperactivity, TMJ synovitis,
were included to rule out opening jaw muscle
inconsistent analysis. hyperactivity, and advanced
TMJ disk derangement.

Kolbinson and 30 Previously treated A retrospective pilot study NA Jaw, head, and neck pain, and
Epstein (1997)31 patients with TMD after to investigate persistence of jaw dysfunction persisted in
retrospective MVA. TMD after MVA and effects most patients regardless of
study of litigation. litigation status

Goldberg et al 1st phase, 14 patients with 1st phase–reaction time tests, Initial with Clinical examination: pTMD
(1996)32 pTMD compared with 13 neuropsychologic assessment, no additional group had greater reaction to
retrospective patients with iTMD. 2nd and clinical examination with follow-up muscle palpation. Reaction
study phase, 5 pTMD compared examiner blinded to groups. time tests were significantly
with 6 nontrauma (iTMD) slower for pTMD group.
Whiplash injury and temporomandibular disorders 179

Table 3 (continued)
Author (Year) Protocol/Groups Intervention/Outcomes Duration and Results
and Type Studied Rate of
of Study Follow-Up
Seligman and Populations of 52 females Multiple stepwise logistic NA Non-MVA trauma was
Pullinger with iTMD and pTMD. regression analysis of defining feature of TMJ
(1996)33 trauma history and 16 intracapsular disorders, and
retrospective other cofactors. MVA trauma explained a
study small but significant
percentage of myofascial pain

Steigerwald et al Symptoms of 43 patients Patients were polled regarding NA Whiplash-induced TMDs

(1996)34 with whiplash-induced TMD symptoms before and 24 differ from insidious-onset
retrospective who underwent arthroscopic h after arthroscopic surgery. TMDs by prevalence of neck
study surgery were compared with pain and intensity of neck pain
those of other TMD with concurrence of shoulder
populations. pain, headache, and jaw pain.

Garcia and The relationship between TMJs were evaluated for NA Disk displacement with
Arrington cervical whiplash and TMJ internal derangement, reduction, 118/164 (72%);
(1996)20 injuries was documented effusion, and inflammation disk displacement without
prospective with MRI in 87 consecutive using T1- and T2-weighted reduction, 25/164 (15%);
study MVA cervical whiplash images. Documentation of effusion, 113/164 (69%);
patients who presented with pTMD symptoms and inflammation or edema, 84/
TMJ symptoms and had relationship with MRI 164 (51%); total TMJ
sustained no direct trauma findings. abnormalities, 156/164 (95%).
to the face, head, or mandible
and had no TMJ complaints
before the MVA.

Kronn (1993)21 40 Consecutive whiplash Evaluation of joint sounds, Initial evaluation TMJ pain in 30% of whiplash
prospective patients (pTMD) compared mandibular opening, and with no additional subjects vs 2.5% nontraumatic
study with 40 matched control overall presence of follow-up. (P = .001), limitation of mouth
patients with iTMD. symptoms. opening 37.5% vs 7.5% (P b
.01), and same percentages in
masticatory muscle tenderness
(P b .01) were found.

Braun et al 25 Post–cervical trauma Patients were evaluated with Initial evaluation at Cervical trauma group had
(1992)35 patients referred to physical cervical and TMJ symptom 2 d to 10 wk after significantly more pain with
retrospective therapy clinic and 25 questionnaires. trauma. No jaw function, limited jaw
study asymptomatic age- and sex- additional follow- mobility, and evidence of
matched volunteers. Litigating up. mild-to-moderate
patients, n = 13; nonlitigating intracapsular dysfunction.
patients, n = 12. Litigating patients showed no
significant difference in all 3

Weinberg and 28 Patients with postwhiplash Symptoms and examination Initial evaluation at Internal derangements were
Lapoints TMD. No experience of TMD findings were noted. 25 an average of 126 d seen in 22 of 25 (88%)
(1987)24 before accident. Subjects received arthroscopic after whiplash. patients who consented to
retrospective surgery. arthrographic investigation.
study Confirmed in the 10 patients
who elected to have surgery.
180 C. E. Fernandez et al.

Table 4 Comparing prognosis in pTMD and iTMD populations

Author (Year) Protocol/Groups Intervention/Outcomes Duration and Results
and Type Studied Rate of
of Study Follow-Up
Disputes the correlation between whiplash injury and TMD
Klobas et al 94 Patients with whiplash- The group was divided 3-wk and 6-mo Except for an increase of maximum
(2006)22 related conditions were into a jaw exercise group follow-ups. active mouth-opening capacity in
Prospective accepted for functional who performed specific the control group, there were no
evaluation and rehabilitation. therapeutic jaw exercises inter- or intragroup differences in
Of those patients, 55 were and a control group. symptoms and signs of TMD, at the
diagnosed with TMD and 3-wk and 6-mo follow-ups.
chronic WAD in accordance
with the inclusion criteria.

DeBoever and 400 Consecutive TMD Interview and clinical Up to 1 y after They indicate that the prognosis
Keersmaekers patients were divided into examination. The Helkimo initial for this condition was favorable
(1996)16 two groups. Group 1 (n = 98, index was calculated. evaluation. using conservative treatment
retrospective 24.5%): related history and Therapy was similar in procedures. No significant
study symptoms to trauma to the both groups and consisted difference between pTMD and
head or cervical region, of conservative treatment. iTMD at 1-y follow-up.
mainly whiplash accidents.
Group 2 (n = 302, 75.5%):
with no history of trauma.

Supports the correlation between whiplash injury and TMD

Krogstad et al N = 32 with 16 whiplash Treatment consisted of Initial The pTMD group had higher
(1998)36 patients with TMD and counseling, exercise, evaluation and measures of somatic complaints and
prospective 16 nontrauma patients and stabilization splint. outcome psychologic distress and did not
treatment with TMD. Treatment outcome was measured after respond as well to therapy compared
outcome study assessed by changes in therapy. with the nontrauma group.
self-reported headache
frequency, number of
tender muscles to
palpation, and visual
analog scale.

Greco et al N = 361. Compared Treatment consisted of 6-mo follow-up/ A small but significant proportion
(1997)37 presenting problems and intraoral appliance, 65% of pretreatment variability (8.7%)
prospective response to treatment in biofeedback, and stress could be accounted for by onset
treatment 103 pTMD patients and management. Outcome (trauma vs nontrauma). Both
outcome 258 iTMD patients. measures included groups show positive outcomes
study clinical changes, oral with treatment with higher use of
parafunctional habits, pain medications in the
global evaluation or pTMD group.
improvement, and use
of pain medications at

Kolbinson et al Narrative literature review Various NA The review showed that patients
(1996)38 concerning the relationships with pTMD tended to respond less
retrospective between MVA, TMD, well to treatment than did iTMD
study whiplash, headache, neck patients. Biological and
(literature pain, and litigation. Total psychologic factors may contribute.
review) of 87 studies reviewed, Litigating patients and nonlitigating
with 9 addressing TMD. patients were not dramatically
different in traits such as pain and
return to work. Chronic pain
frequently continues after litigation.
Whiplash injury and temporomandibular disorders 181

Table 4 (continued)
Author (Year) Protocol/Groups Intervention/Outcomes Duration and Results
and Type Studied Rate of
of Study Follow-Up
Romanelli et al N = 104. 52 Patients with Evaluation included Treatment The posttraumatic TMD patients
(1992)39 MVA/TMD had no history history, clinical examination, ranged from 3-5 required significantly more
retrospective of TMD before MVA; and diagnostic imaging as y after MVA, treatment than the control TMD
study 52 patients, age- and sex- indicated. Interview to with progress patients. 60% of MVA/TMD
matched, with TMD without determine possible affective assessed at each patients had symptoms suggestive
MVA or other macrotrauma disorder. Therapy was visit. of affective disorder compared
to the jaws or neck were used conservative. with only 14% of TMD patients.
as controls.

Brooke and Stenn 194 Patients with TMD. 20 Treatment consisted Treatment Smaller percentage of injury
(1977)40 Were reported to be postinjury of physical therapy, ranged from 16 group became symptom free and
prospective TMD, and the remaining 174 occlusal splints, and to 44 mo after required further treatment than
study comprised the noninjury minor tranquilizers, as their first visit. noninjury group.
group. needed. Comparison
of treatment outcomes
for postinjury and
noninjury TMD.

Discussion that supported an association between TMD and WAD

were investigated once the whiplash symptoms reached
Incidence and prevalence of TMD in a chronic phase (N6 months' duration). The potential
whiplash populations correlation among the different phases of whiplash
(acute or chronic) and the prevalence of TMD should be
Eight prospective and 8 retrospective studies were further investigated. Pullinger and Seligman 3 commen-
identified that attempted to assess the incidence or ted on this topic, suggesting possible reasons for the
prevalence of pTMD. Collectively, the incidence of delayed onset of TMD symptoms. They noted that “jaw
TMD resulting from whiplash is variable. Further symptoms may initially be ignored in the presence of
stratified studies with large patient populations are more serious injuries,” and that “early disk displace-
needed to standardize subjective findings and quantify ment may go unreported because of the frequently
objective outcomes. The best correlative evidence painless nature of TMJ clicking.” Furthermore, the high
reviewed from controlled prospective studies indicates number of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings
a range of low to moderate incidence (14%-37.5%) of in both iTMD and pTMD patients lends support to the
TMD in whiplash populations. The wide range in statement of Pullinger and Seligman 3 that even
results may be due to variations in the study seemingly minor events might elevate preexisting
populations, clinical features and outcomes targeted, subclinical disorders into full symptomatic status.
and the type of data reported. A few studies need to be discussed because of their
Limitations of studies are discussed to provide proposed strong conclusions. In a prospective study by
information on the weight of evidence that these Heise et al, 1 an investigation was designed to
studies provide. Most retrospective studies on the interview, examine, and follow up patients with a
prevalence of whiplash injuries in TMD populations whiplash injury initially seen at an emergency trauma
that were reviewed provide support for the correlation center and to report the incidence of TMJ pain and
of whiplash injuries and TMD. However, there was a dysfunction initially and at 1-month and 1-year follow-
large range of prevalence from low to high. It should be ups. The authors concluded that the incidence of TMJ
noted that prevalence in itself does not prove etiology. 3 pain and clicking after whiplash injury was extremely
However, these studies may provide useful clinical low and that patients who did not have clicking on
information for the health care practitioner. resolution of their initial pain dysfunction subsequently
Notably, most studies showing a low correlation of did not develop this problem. It should be noted that in
TMD with WAD were conducted during the acute this study the follow-up rate was statistically low and
phases of whiplash injury. Conversely, most studies may not support its conclusions. More importantly, this
182 C. E. Fernandez et al.

study was limited in it's failure to use a control group of Mechanism of TMJ injury in whiplash trauma
nonwhiplash iTMD patients but rather divided pTMD
groups by radiographic findings vs no radiographic Historically, there have been 2 proposed theories
findings. A second study performed very similarly to describing the mechanism of injury resulting in TMD:
the study of Heise et al 1 , but with an opposite the direct injury theory and the indirect injury theory.
conclusion, was conducted by Sale and Isberg 18 who The direct injury theory describes a sequential
performed a prospective study at a hospital in Sweden extension-flexion of the neck accompanied by simul-
on 60 consecutive patients involved in rear-end car taneous jaw movement resulting in shear stress and
collisions. The subjects were examined by an orthope- compressive forces to the retrodiskal tissues. 24,41
dic surgeon and graded on the Quebec WAD scale. The Wakeley 41 described an anteromedial displacement of
subjects then underwent an MRI and were given a 38- the articular disk as a result of direct trauma to the TMJ
item questionnaire. If the patient reported any TMJ during cervical hyperextension. He speculated that the
complaint on the questionnaire, an examiner was sent pull of the lateral pterygoid muscle in combination with
in to verify the accuracy of the complaints and identify the force of trauma causes a stretching of the posterior
it as a true TMJ complaint. A follow-up was performed attachment of the disk. He felt that this was particularly
approximately 1 year later, where both subjects and significant if the trauma occurred when the mouth was
controls completed the self-questionnaire again. Of the open and the attachment was already stretched.
rear-end collision subjects, 34% of the asymptomatic In an indirect theory by Lader, 42 he suggested that
TMJ group developed TMJ symptoms within the 1 year whiplash-induced myospasm leads to abnormal jaw
compared with only 7% of the asymptomatic control posturing and parafunctional activity that results in
group. The conclusion by the authors is that 1 in 3 eventual dyscoordination and internal derangement.
people who are exposed to whiplash trauma is at risk of Other indirect mechanisms may include postinjury
developing delayed TMJ pain and dysfunction during stress, cervical postural changes, and postural imbal-
the year after the accident. ance. 43-47 These may be important considerations when
Ferrari et al2 performed a survey study (controlled evaluating and managing TMD.
historical cohort design), in which 2.4% of the accident Only 3 of the studies reviewed herein addressed a
victims (4/165) reported jaw pain for 1 day or more per direct mechanism of injury. Two prospective studies25,26
month and 0.6% had daily jaw pain. The authors dispute the direct theory, whereas 1 retrospective study27
concluded that despite acute whiplash injuries, Lithua- identifying crash characteristics of pTMD patients
nian accident victims did not appear to report the chronic provided some support of whiplash-induced TMD.
symptoms of TMD. The authors have suggested that In a study by Howard et al, 26 forces generated at the
chronic pTMD and whiplash are a cultural phenomenon TMJ during a low-velocity, rear-end collision were
unique to North America. However, one other non– measured using live human test subjects. The study
North American–based study based in Sweden by concluded that forces generated at the TMJ constitute a
Klobas et al22 refutes this idea, which identified a minor fraction of the forces experienced at the joint
correlation between TMD and WAD. Another consid- during normal physiologic function. A study conducted
eration is that perhaps the cultural phenomenon is unique by White et al25 reviewed 38 tests in which high-speed
to Lithuania and may reflect underreporting by patients radiographs were used to examine the effect of low-
due to a lack of cultural awareness regarding the impact, rear-end collisions on cadavers. The initial
management of this condition. In addition, it is hard studies were conducted to examine cadaveric cervical
to refute the large number of objective MRI findings spine kinematics, but the authors of this study used the
of TMJ abnormalities in North American studies. data and images to measure the position of the upper
One should be cautious of the outcomes displayed and lower incisors and compare them to the normal
by some studies that supported or disputed the physiologic range in daily activities such as mastica-
relationship between TMD and WAD based solely on tion. The conclusion by the authors is that low-speed,
questionnaires, without clinical contact, detailed clin- rear-end impact collisions did not produce motion that
ical histories, or follow-up to document objective would be beyond the physiologic TMJ motion. The
findings. Special attention should be placed on MRI authors do acknowledge that there are several severe
during the objective/clinical investigation. Future limitations of this study. One of the limitations was that
studies focusing on etiology and incidence, incorpo- they could only use 7 tests from the previous studies
rating the use of MRI, would be advantageous because because of their inclusion criteria. The study also only
of the important objective findings that it represents. analyzed the relative motion between the mandible and
Whiplash injury and temporomandibular disorders 183

maxilla and not at the TMJ directly. In one retrospec- no control group to compare these findings relative to
tive study, Burgress et al 27 examined 219 consecutive the general population. Bergman et al 14 compared a
patients presenting to an oral medicine clinic. Results pTMD group to a control group of the normal
indicated a significant interaction between vehicular population. The study found that there were no
damage and maximum jaw opening on clinical statistically significant differences between the pTMD
examination. According to the McGill Pain Question- group and the normal population. This does not mean
naire, looking right or left at impact was linked to that there is no joint injury during whiplash, but
significantly more pain and mean number of mastica- clinicians should be aware of the prevalence of
tory muscles tenderness to palpation than was looking abnormal TMJ in the normal population and treat
forward. Impact speed of 40 mph or higher was accordingly. It is proposed that, with underlying
associated with significantly greater pain. subclinical TMJ problems, the injury can push the
There is limited evidence that either supports or TMJ apparatus beyond its adaptive capabilities, result-
disputes the proposed theoretical mechanisms of injury ing in pTMD. 16
of TMD due to whiplash, and they remain poorly It should be noted that several of the studies
understood. The limited existing evidence was focused demonstrated the same clinical characteristics. Similar
only on a direct mechanism of injury for internal significant findings in these studies include an
derangement and TM pain, and did not address other increased incidence of limited jaw mobility/limitation
WADs that may progress to TMD. These may include in mouth opening, masticatory muscle tenderness, and
myospasm in cervical and orofacial musculature, a high incidence of internal derangement. One study
altered forward head posture, altered occlusion, and/ found a lesser incidence of internal derangement in
or posttraumatic stress disorder. pTMD patients based on a significant decrease in
intracapsular symptoms. Identifying clinical character-
Comparison of clinical characteristics in iTMD and istics in pTMD patients may be useful for those
pTMD patients providing treatment of these individuals. “The present
findings concerning a significantly higher presence of
There is moderate evidence from 12 studies that cardinal signs and symptoms of TMJ dysfunction,
supports the occurrence of TMD after whiplash, based together with a relatively high demand for treatment,
on a significant difference in clinical characteristics warrant further study and, from a clinical point of view,
between iTMD and pTMD populations. These signif- are valid arguments for the routine examination of the
icant characteristic differences are highlighted in the TMJ and masticatory system in all patients with a
articles by Kronn 21 and Friedman and Weisberg. 30 cervical whiplash injury.”21
Kronn found that, when compared with iTMD patients,
pTMD patients were more likely to have TMJ pain, Prognosis in pTMD patients
limitation of mouth opening, and masticatory muscle
tenderness. These findings were reinforced by the study A basic axiom of epidemiology is that the clinical
of Friedman and Weisberg 30 that found that, along with importance of a disease cannot be fully understood
jaw pain, fatigue, and TMJ clicking, neck pain was also without investigating its expression in general popula-
an associated finding with TMD pain after whiplash. tions as well as persons seeking treatment. 48 Discuss-
Steigerwald et al 34 determined that an increased ing prognosis of TMD/whiplash individuals provides
intensity of neck pain, with concurrent headache and another perspective of these types of patients. The
shoulder pain, was present in pTMD as opposed to most common method of studies in this area is the
iTMD. For clinicians, these findings are important comparison of prognosis in iTMD and pTMD
because the severity of symptoms and the presentation patients. A total of 7 studies compared the prognosis
of iTMD and pTMD are different. Whiplash/TMD in iTMD and pTMD populations. Five studies
patients may require additional treatment, and the (Krogstad et al, 36 Greco et al, 37 Kolbinson et al, 38
duration of their recovery period may be longer. Romanelli et al, 39 Brooke et al 40 ) suggested a
Magnetic resonance imaging studies have also been significant difference in some but not all of the
conducted to examine the TMJ after motor vehicle outcomes measured, with pTMD patients having a
accidents. The study of Garcia and Arrington 20 found poorer prognosis than iTMD patients. It should be
that disk displacement may occur with and without noted that most of these studies included psychologic
reduction, effusion, and inflammation or edema. The factors. One study by Kolbinson et al 31 indicated that
drawback with many of these studies is that there was litigation was not a factor for determining prognosis
184 C. E. Fernandez et al.

and that the patient's symptoms and findings persisted Evaluation of the function of the TMJ and masticatory
regardless of litigation status. Two studies (DeBoever apparatus is therefore highly recommended. 16
and Keersmaekers, 16 Klobas et al 22 ) did not show a Standardized research needs to be designed and
significant difference between pTMD and iTMD conducted to include larger prospective controlled
patients. The prospective study by Klobas et al 22 studies addressing the issues of: incidence, proposed
focused on an exercise therapy as the only interven- mechanism(s) of injury, clinical characteristics, and
tion for pTMD patients and found no difference prognosis in whiplash/TMD patients. Standardization
between the jaw exercise group and the control group. of data collection procedures and outcomes used is
In contrast, other studies included other therapeutic needed to gain a greater understanding of this complex
interventions such as moist heat and massage, condition. An understanding of the possible mechan-
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relax- isms of this type of injury may lead to a better
ants, analgesics, intraoral appliances, antidepressant assessment and management of this condition.
medication, trigger point injection, and biofeedback. Additional research questions may include the
A narrative literature review by Kolbinson et al 38 following: (1) Why do some whiplash individuals
concerning the relationships between motor vehicle develop TMD and others do not? (2) What are the
accidents (MVA), TMD, whiplash, headache, neck predisposing or precipitating factors involved? (3)
pain, and litigation examined 87 studies including 9 What evidence describes other contributing or possible
addressing TMD. The review showed that patients with competing etiologies to whiplash/TMD? (4) Why is
pTMD responded less well to treatment than did iTMD TMD more associated with chronic WAD than acute
patients, and that both biological and psychologic WAD? (5) Does time play a role in development in
factors may have contributed. In addition, this review pTMD? (6) Does this correlate with some of the
focused on factors of litigation and found that litigating indirect mechanisms proposed earlier?
patients and nonlitigating patients were not dramati- Prospective studies on whiplash populations should
cally different in traits such as pain and return to work. capture a comprehensive picture of important variables
Chronic pain frequently continued after litigation. affecting TMD and provide a comparison with
Another study by the same authors31 found that jaw, controls. These variables could be identified through
head, and neck pain and jaw dysfunction persisted in the use of MRI, joint blocks/injections, standardized
most patients regardless of litigation status. reliable and valid clinical tests, and appropriate
Brooke and Stenn 40 proposed a possible mechanism outcomes measures. Other findings already correlated
that may influence the different prognoses of pTMD with whiplash and TMD in research studies, such as
and iTMD patients: “while recovery of the original balance and postural abnormalities, shoulder-neck-
tissue damaged may have already taken place, through headache, stress and psychosocial factors, parafunc-
a process of (maladaptive) learning, the patient tional and adaptive habits, central mediated pain
develops oral habits which increase the likelihood of factors, and others, should be included as potential
muscle fatigue and subsequent pain.” variables or descriptors to be defined in whiplash/TMD
The functional clinical examination of TMD should populations. 43-47
comprise palpation of muscles, registration of joint
sounds, and measurement of maximum jaw opening. 36 Limitations
In many patients, the intensity of symptoms in the TMJ
region and in masticatory muscles is less than This article should be used within the context of a
symptoms of pain and dysfunction in the cervical narrative literature review with its inherent limitations.
region, and is thus easily overlooked. However, TMD A systematic literature review uses a strict methodol-
symptoms may become more apparent after disappear- ogy to answer a specific research question with specific
ance of the major complaints. Temporomandibular outcomes, whereas a narrative review is better suited in
disorder symptoms should be treated immediately after addressing a broader range of questions and provides a
trauma before they become chronic. Counseling and summary of findings. Although this article used general
reassurance of the patient after trauma are very inclusion/exclusion criteria, it lacked important criteria
important and may help prevent the development of with flowchart demonstrating steps of exclusion based
posttraumatic stress disorder. Health care providers on identification of studies included with specific
evaluating and treating patients after trauma to the head research designs such as randomized control trials/
or after whiplash accidents should be aware of the case-control studies/cohort studies and identification of
possible involvement of joints and jaw muscles. studies with specific statistical approaches and sample
Whiplash injury and temporomandibular disorders 185

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