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Intelligent Practice – Sharing into a ratio

a. Share £20 in the ratio 3:1 £15,£5
b. Share £91 in the ratio 2:5 £26, £65
c. Share £13.20 in the ratio 4:7 £4.80, £8.40
d. Share £900 in the ratio 2:1:3 £300, £150, £450

e. A recipe for bread requires flour and water in the ratio 20:13. How much of each
ingredient is needed to make a loaf weighing 1.65kg? 1kg flour, 650g water

f. John and Dave are given £50 pocket money to share between them in the ratio of
their ages. John is nine years old and Dave is 2 years older. How much pocket money
does each receive? John: £22.50, Dave: £27.50

g. There are 200 sweets in a bag. 16% of them are yellow and one fifth of them are red.
The other sweets are coloured green, purple and orange in the ratio 5:5:6. How many
of each colour sweet are in the bag? 32y, 40r, 40g, 40p, 48o

a. Claire and Sue share a cake in the ratio 2:3. If Claire gets 6 slices of cake, how many
slices does Sue get? 9

b. Keith and Frank share some money in the ratio 3:7. If Frank gets £24 more than Keith,
how much does each person receive? Keith £18, Frank £42

c. Rita and Pauline have some sweets in the ratio 3:2. Rita gives Pauline 12 sweets. The
ratio of sweets is now 1:4. How many sweets are there in total? 30

Problem Solving
a. A recipe for a concrete mix requires cement, sand and gravel in the ratio 2:3:5. Paul
needs 220kg of concrete. He has 45kg of cement, 70kg of sand and 100kg of gravel.
Can Paul make enough concrete using the materials he has? You must fully explain
your answer. No, he needs 44kg cement, 66kg sand and 110kg gravel. Not enough
b. James is also making concrete using the same ratio as Paul. He has 70kg of cement,
170kg of gravel and unlimited sand. What is the maximum amount of concrete James
can make? Show full working to support your answer. 340kg. He would have enough
cement to make 350kg but only has enough gravel to make 340kg.

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