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X-XII Grades
Specific competences:

1. to gain essential scientific knowledge in the field of physics and astronomy;

2. to conduct scientific investigations in the field of physics and astronomy;

3. to master the scientific terminology and communication specific to physics and


4. to use lab equipment and tools in investigating physical processes;

5. to be able to practically apply the knowledge in physics and astronomy in daily

life situations;

6. to involve in activities for the environmental protection.

This information has been taken from the document “Curriculum for Physics and
Astronomy (grades X-XII)”, Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the
Republic of Moldova(

X-th Grade
Chapter 1: Kinematics
1.1 The material point and rigid solid - models used in mechanics
1.2 Reference system. Space and time
1.3 Trajectory. Movement and distance
1.4 Operations with vectors
1.5 Uniform rectilinear motion. Speed
1.6 The kinematics of the relative movement
1.7 Repetitive varied motion. Acceleration
1.8 The circular uniform motion. The centripetal acceleration
1.9 Movement of bodies on parabolic trajectories

Chapter 2: The principles of dynamics. Nature’s forces

2.1 The principle of inertia. Inertial reference systems
2.2 Mass and strength. The fundamental principle of dynamics
2.3 The principle of action and reaction
2.4 Universal attraction
2.5 Elastic force. Motion under the action of elastic force
2.6 Friction force. Movement in the presence of friction force
2.7 Movement of bodies under the action of several forces
2.8 The principle of relativity of Galileo

Chapter 3: Elements of static

3.1 The rigid translation equilibrium

3.2 Moment of Force. Rigid rotation equilibrium
3.3 Weight center of the material points system

Chapter 4: The mechanical impulse. Work and mechanical energy

4.1 The impulse of the material point.

Theorem of variation and the law of preservation of the impulse of the material
4.2 The impulse of the material points system. Theorem
variation and the law of preserving the impulse of the material points system
4.3 The kinetic moment of the material point. The Law of Kinetic Moment
4.4 Mechanical work. The power
4.5 Kinetic energy. Theorem of kinetic energy variation
4.6 Work of the weight force. Potential gravitational energy
4.7 The work of elastic force. Potential elastic energy
4.8 The work of friction force
4.9 Law of the conservation and transformation of mechanical energy

Chapter 5: Oscillations and mechanical waves

5.1 Oscillatory movement

5.2 The linear harmonic oscillator
5.3 Composition of collinear oscillations
5.4 Damped and forcible oscillations. Resonance
5.5 Propagation of oscillatory motion. Transversal and longitudinalwaves
5.6 The characteristics of the wave movement. Wave propagation velocity
5.7 Equation of flat waves
5.8 Huygens’ principle
5.9 Reflection and refraction of waves
5.10Wave diffraction
5.11 Wave interference
5.12 Sound waves
5.13 Seismic waves
XI-th Grade
Chapter 1: The kinetic-molecular theory of the ideal

1.1 Thermodynamic system. Status parameters

1.2 Fundamental principles of kinetic- molecular theory. The discretestructure
of the substance
1.3 Molecular interaction forces. The kinetic and potential energies
1.4. Kinetic- molecular models of / in the states of aggregation
1.5 The kinetic- molecular theory of the ideal gas
1.6 Temperature. Temperature conditions
1.7 The ideal gas equation
1.8 Simple transformations of ideal gas
a. The law of the isothermal transformation
Lab activity: the experimental verification of the Boyle- Mariotte law
b. The law of the isobaric transformation
c.The law of isocratic transformation
d. The Gay- Lussac and Charles laws expressed through absolute
e.The thermal equation of the ideal gas condition
Cumulative assessment test.

Chapter 2: Basics of thermodynamics

2.1 Internal energy of the ideal gas

a. Internal energy
b. Internal energy of the monoatomic ideal gas
2.2. Gas work in thermodynamic processes
2.3 The amount of heat. Caloric coefficients
2.4 The first law /principle of thermodynamics and its application in various
a. The first law of thermodynamics
b. The application of the first law of thermodynamics to simple transformations
of ideal gas
2.5 Heat/ thermal engines. Efficiency
a. Internal combustion engines
b. The functioning principle of heat engines. Efficiency
c. Refrigerators
2.6 the second law of thermodynamics
a. Reversible and irreversible processes
b. The second law of thermodynamics
c. Carnot cycle. The maximum value of efficiency
2.7 Thermal machines and environmental protection
Cumulative assessment test

Chapter 3: Liquids and solids. Phase transition

3.1 Structure and general properties of liquids

3.2 Superficial phenomena
a. The superficial/ top layer. The coefficient of surface tension
Lab activity. The study of superficial phenomena
b. The shape of the superficial layer. Capillary phenomena
3.3 Structure and general properties of solids
a. Crystalline substances
b. Amorphous substances
c. Liquid crystals

3.4 Deformation of solid bodies. Hooke Law

3.5 Solids and liquids expansion
3.6 Vaporization and condensation
a. Evaporation. Saturated and unsaturated vapours
b. Air humidity. Humidity measurements
c. Boiling. Boiling temperature
3.7 Melting and solidification. Sublimation and de-sublimation
3.8 Calorimetry. Calorimetric equation
Lab test. Calculation of latent heat specific to the melting of ice
Cumulative assessment test.

Chapter 4: Electrostatic

4.1 Electric charge. The law of electric charge conservation. The Coulomb law
4.2 Electric field. Intensity of the electric field
4.3 The work of the electric field in the motion of the point charges. Electric
a. Electrostatic field – potential field
b. The work of the electric field. Electric potential
c. Equipotential surfaces
4.4. Conductors in electrostatic field
4.5 Dielectrics in electrostatic fields
4.6 Electrical capacity. Condensers
a. Electric capacity of condenser/ capacitor
b. Electric capacitance of plate capacitor
c. Capacitor grouping
d. Electric capacitance of an isolated conductor
4.7 Energy of the electric field
4.8 Motion of charged particles into a homogeneous electric field
Cumulative assessment test.

Chapter 5: Electro kinetics. Electric current in different fields

5.1. Electric current. Basic notions

a. Stationary electric current. Current intensity
b. the state conditions of the continuous electric current
Electromotive tension
5.2 Laws of the stationary electric current
a. Ohm law for a homogeneous electric circuit. Electrical resistance
b. Work and power of the electric current. Joule law
c. Ohm low for a complete circuit
5.3 Measurements of current intensity and electric tension. Potentiometer
a. Measuring the current intensity. The ampermeter’s heart
b. Measuring electric tension. Additional resistance
c. Potentiometer
5.4 Electric measuring devices
a. Characteristics and classification of electric measuring devices
b. Errors of the electric measuring devices
c. Lab activity 1. Determining the internal resistance of a voltage source
d. Lab activity 2. Determining the conductor’s resistivity
5.5 Electric current in metals
a. Electrical conductivity of metals
b. Ohm law in the electron theory of metals
c. Joule law in electron theory of metals
d. Temperature dependence of resistivity of metals
e. Superconductivity
5.6 Electric current in semi-conductors
a. Electrical properties of semi-conductors
b. Free electric charge carriers in semi-conductors. Intrinsic conduction
c. Semi-conductors with impurities. Extrinsic conduction
d. P-n junction. Semiconductor diode
e. Transistor
5.7 Electric current in electrolytes
a. Electrolytic dissociation.
b. Electric charge carriers in electrolytes. Electrolysis
c. Faraday laws
d. Applications of electrolysis
5.8 Electric current in gases
a. Non-autonomous electric discharge
b. Autonomous electric discharge in gases. Applications
c. Plasma
5.9 Vacuum electric current
a. Thermoelectron emission
b. Electron beam tube
Cumulative assessment test

XII-th Grade

Chapter 1: Electromagnetism
2.1The Magnetic field. Magnetic field lines
1.2 Magnetic induction. Electromagnetic force
1.3 The action/ effect of the magnetic field on the electric charges in motion.
Lorentz force
1.4. The motion of charged particles in a magnetic field
1.5 Magnetic properties of substances. Relative permeability
1.6 Electromagnetic induction
f. Electromagnetic induction phenomenon. Practical applications
g. Magnetic flux. Lenz rule
h. The law of electromagnetic induction
1.7 Self-induction. Circuit inductance
a. Self-induction phenomenon
b. Inductance. Self-induction
1.8 Energy of the magnetic field

Chapter 2: Alternating electric current

2.1 Generating alternating electromotive voltage

2.2. Effective values of intensity and alternate tension
2.3 Circuits in alternate current
a. The particularities of alternating current circuits
b. Ideal resistors in alternating current circuits
c. Ideal coil in alternating current
d. Ideal capacitor in alternating current
e. RLS series circuit in alternating current. OHM law
f. Resonant circuit. The quality factor
2.4 Power in alternating current circuits
2.5 long- distance transmission of electricity
d. AC generator
e. Transmission line yield. Impact on living organisms
f. Transformer

Chapter 3: Electromagnetic oscillations and waves

3.1 Electromagnetic oscillations

a. Ideal oscillating circuit
b. Analogy between mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations. Period and
frequency of electromagnetic oscillations
c. Damped and forced electromagnetic oscillations
3.2 Electromagnetic field
3.3 Electromagnetic waves
d. Existence of electromagnetic waves
e. Propagation of electromagnetic waves
3.4 Classification of electromagnetic waves
3.5 electromagnetic waves in communication systems
a. Radio communication
b. Radiolocation
3.6 Evolution of concepts on the nature of light
3.7 Light interference
d. Coherence of light waves. Conditions for observing interference of light
e. Young’s device
f. Parallel plane blade
g. Newton’s rings
h. Application of light interference
3.8 Light diffraction
a. Qualitative study of light diffraction
b. Diffraction of light from a slot. Diffraction grating
3.9 Polarisation of light
a. Mechanical model of light polarisation. Polarisation plan
b. The polarisation state of the light. Transversality of light waves
c. Light polarisation by reflection
3.10 Scattering of light
Chapter 4: Elements of theory of restrained relativity

4.1 Principle of relativity in physics. Einstein postulates

4.2 Space and time in the theory of restrained relativity
a. Relativity of simultaneity
b. Relativity of time intervals
c. Relativity of longitudinal dimensions
4.3 Lorentz transformations and their consequences
d. Lorentz transformations
e. Relativistic composition of velocities
4.4. Notion of relativistic dynamics

Chapter 5: Elements of quantum physics

5.1. Thermal radiation. The quantum hypothesis

5.2 External photoelectric effect
d. Photoelectric effect. Experimental laws
e. Photons. The quantum theory of the external photoelectric effect
f. Photoelectric cells
5.3 The pressure of light
5.4 Wave properties of micro particles. Wave- corpuscular duality
e. De Broglie waves. Diffraction of electrons
f. Electronic microscope

Chapter 6: Elements of atomic physics

6.1 Phenomena revealing the complex structure of the atom

6.2 Rutherford experiment. The planetary model of the atom
6.3 Bohr atomic model
a. Bohr postulates
b. Hydrogen atom in Bohr theory
6.4 Stimulated emission of radiation. Laser

Chapter 7: Elements of atomic nucleus physics. Elementary particles

7.1 Atomic nucleus: physical characteristics and structure

7.2 Nuclear forces. Nuclear binding energy
7.3 Radioactivity
a. Discovery of radioactivity. Radioactive transformations
b. Law of radioactive disintegration
7.4 Nuclear reactions
a. Nuclear reactions. General features
b. Fission of uranium nuclei
c. Chain reaction. Nuclear reactor
d. Thermonuclear fusion
7.5 Ionizing radiation detectors
7.6 Biological effect of nuclear reactions
7.7 Elementary particles
a. Discovery of elementary particles
b. Particles and particles
7.8 Basic interactions. Classification of elementary particles

Chapter 8: Elements of astronomy

8.1 Astronomy within the physical sciences

a. The object and fundamental issues of astronomy
b. The research methods of astrophysics
8.2 Elements of practical astronomy
a. The apparent movement of stars. Constellations
b. The celestial sphere and its elements
c. The annual apparent movement of the Sun. Ecliptic
d. Celestial coordinate systems. The culmination of the stars. Equinoxes and
e. Periodical movement of the Earth and Moon. Moon’s phases. Moon and
Sun’s eclipses
f. Time and the measurement of time. Calendar
8.3 Solar System
a. Terrestrial planets and giant planets. Planets’ satellites. Dwarf planets
b. Small Solar System bodies
c. The Earth. Internal structure, hydrosphere, atmosphere and magnetosphere of
the Earth. The Moon. Tides.
d. Notions of cosmogony. Origin and evolution of the Solar System
8.4 Elements of celestial mechanics.
a. Apparent movement of the planets. The heliocentric concept of the Universe.
b. The sidereal period and synodic period of planets’ revolution. Kepler’ s laws
8.5 The Stars
a. Classification of stars
b. The spectre- luminosity diagram. Evolution of stars. Variable and non-
stationary stars
8.6 Notions of cosmology.
a. Our Galaxy. Star balls. The own movement of stars and solar System.
Rotational movement of the Galaxy
b. Classification of galaxies. Galaxies with active nuclei. Quasars. Expansionof
the Universe. The Big Explosion

Chapter 9: The scientific picture of the world

9.1 The development stages of the physical picture of the world

9.2 Astronomy and the scientific concept of the world
Cumulative assessment test.

This information represents the contents of the school’s manuals recommended by the Ministry of
Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova (

The following tests represent the baccalaureate tests used in 2017 and 2018 and have been
downloaded from the site of the National Agency for Curriculum and Evaluation of the
Ministry of Education, Culture and Research of the Republic of Moldova
No. Items Score
1 Complete the following sentences so that they are true: L L
a) is composed of a reference body, a ruler and a clock. 0 0
b) All substances that have their own form and volume are........................................ bodies. 1 1
c) The voltage between two points of an electrostatic field is a quantity equal to the field’s
2 2
intensity ......................................... the distance between the considered points.
d) The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction occurring in a circuit due to the variation of
3 4
the current in the circuit is called ....................................................
e) The physical quantity equal to the minimal work necessary for the decay of the nucleus 5 5
into separated protons and neutrons is called ........................................... of the nucleus.
2 Establish (by using arrows) the correspondence between the following physical L L
quantities and the physical units they represent: 0 0
Kinetic moment mN 1 1
Specific melting heat kW∙h 2 2
Electric energy kJ/kg
3 3
Wavelength kg∙m²/s
Half-life (Period) nm 4 4
days 5 5
3 Determine the truth value of the following statements, choosing T if the statement is L L
true and F if the statement is false: 0 0
a) In a uniform motion of a body on a circle, the magnitude of its acceleration is constant. T F 1
b) The temperature of crystalline bodies varies during melting. T F 2 2
c) In a group of capacitors connected in series, the module of electric charge on each
3 3
capacitor’s plate is the same. T F
d) Multicolored surfaces of soap bubbles are due to the phenomenon of interference. T F 4 4
e) The wavelength of a micro particle is directly proportional to its momentum. T F 5 5
4 An electric dipole is in a homogenous electric field, oriented L L
as shown in the adjacent figure. Indicate on the same figure 0 0 the
vectors of forces acting on the charges of the dipole and 1 1 the
vector of its dipole moment. 2 2
3 3

5 A capacitor receiving a charge of 3 µC establishes an electrical voltage between its plates of L L

100 V. Determine the electrical voltage between the plates of the same capacitor if the 0 0
received charge is equal to 4,5 µC. 1 1
3 3
4 4
6 Item 6 is composed of two statements, linked by the conjunction “because”. Establish if L L the
statements are true (by writing T), or false (by writing F), as well as whether a 0 0
“cause-effect” relationship exists between them (by writing “yes” or “no”). 1 1
Nuclear reactions always occur with release of energy because nuclear reactions respect the energy 2
2 conservation law. 3
ANSWER: I statement ; II statement ; “cause-effect” relationship .

7 A body with mass 2 kg is pulled upwards on a plane inclined with an angle α to the horizontal a) a)
direction. The thread pulling the body is torn 2 s after the beginning of the motion. The graph L L of
the body’s velocity projection dependence as a function of time is presented in the figure below. 0 0
a) Determine the body’s acceleration projections before and after 1 1
the thread breakage; 2 2
b) While neglecting the friction between the body and the inclined 3 3
plane, represent on a drawing the projections of forces acting
upon the direction of motion and write the expression of b) b)
Newton’s second law in projections on this direction before L L
and after the thread breakage; 0 0
c) Calculate the value of the mechanical tension in the thread 1
1 before its breakage. 2
4 4
c) c)
0 0
1 1
2 2

8 In a container, there are 100 moles of an ideal monoatomic gas at a pressure of 100 kPa and a a) a)
temperature of 27 °C. By communicating to the gas a quantity of heat through an isochoric L L
transformation, its pressure increased to 200 kPa. Determine: 0 0
a) The temperature of the gas at the end of the isochoric transformation;
1 1
b) The variation of internal energy and the quantity of heat communicated to the gas in this
2 2
For calculations, the universal gas constant will be equal to 8,3 J/(mol∙K). 3 3
b) b)
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
9 A gymnast trains for artistic jumps in water with the help of a gymnastic springboard. He L L
jumps perpendicularly on the springboard with a velocity of 6 m/s and takes off it with the 0 0
same velocity. What is the force acting on the gymnast, knowing that his mass is 50 kg, and 1 1
the duration of his contact with the springboard is of 0,5 s? 2 2
4 4

10 A jet plane’s engines provide a traction force of 30 kN. The distance of flight is equal to 920 L L
km. Considering that the engines yield (efficiency) is of 25%, determine the mass of the 0 0
kerosene used by the engines during this flight. It is given that the heat emitted during the 1 1
combustion of one kilogram of kerosene is equal to 46 MJ. 2 2
4 4
5 5
11 A student decides to build an electric heater working at a voltage of 220 V that would bring L L to
the boiling point 1 kg of water with an initial temperature of 12 °C in 10 minutes. For 0 0 this,
he uses a constantan wire having a cross-section area of 0,2 mm2. Considering that the 1 1 heater’s
yield (efficiency) is equal to 70%, determine the needed length of the constantan 2 2
wire. The resistivity of constantan is equal to 50∙10–8 Ω∙m, and the specific heat of water is 3 3
equal to 4200 J/(kg∙K).
4 4
6 6

12 You dispose of a direct current source, ammeter with negligible resistance, two known a) a)
resistances R1 and R2, a two-position switch and connecting wires. Determine the internal L L
resistance and the electromotive force (emf) of the source. 0 0
a) Represent the scheme of the electric circuit; 1 1
b) Obtain the calculation formula of the internal resistance; describe briefly the operating b) b)
mode and the calculation method of the electromotive force (emf) of the source. L L
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
Fundamental constants

Elementary charge e 1,60 10–19 Avogadro’s number NA 6,02 10


Mass of electron at rest m

9,11 10–31 kg Boltzmann constant k 1,38 10–23 J K
Speed of light in vacuum c 3 108 m s Universal gas constant R 8,31 J mol K
Gravitational constant K 6,67 10–11 N m2 Planck constant h 6,63 10 J s –34

kg2 Electric constant ke 9, 00 109N m C2 2

Permittivity of vacuum 0 8,85 10–12 F m

a t2 1 2 v2
x x0 vx t ; x 0
x 0x
v t x
; v 0
v at x; v 2
x x
s ; ; ; v r; 2 ;c a .
2 T T r
F ma ; F K ;F k l;F N;F Vg ; p gh ; M Fd ; p mv ; p
e f
F t;
A 0
L mv2 kx2
L Fs cos ; P ; Ec ; L12 Ec2 Ec1 ; Ep mgh ; Ep ; L12 Ep 2 Ep1 ;
t 2 2
l m
x Asin t ;T 2 ;T 2 ;
g k
1 2 3 3RT m
p m nv2 n ; kT ; p nkT ; v ; pV RT ; ; pV const., m, T const.;
0 tr. tr. T
3 3 2 M M
p V 3m
const., m, V const. ; const., m, p const. ;U RT ; L p V
T T 2M
m Q1 Q2 T1 T2 Fs 4
Q cm T C T;Q U L; ; ; ;h ;Q

m. max.
M Q1 T1 l gd
Qq 1 F U kQ L q S q U
F k ; ;E ;E ; ; U ;C ;C 0 r
;I ;I ;
e e
r2 4 0 q d r q U d t R
1 l Pu
I ;R ;R R 1 t ;L IUt ; Q I 2 Rt ; P IU ; ;m kIt ; F IBl
sin ; m
R r S Pt
LI2 CU 2 I U
FL qvBsin ; BS cos ; 1i ; LI ; Wm ; We ;I m
;U m
t 2 2 2 2
1 I2 N1 U1 l
X L; X ; P IU cos ; K ;T 2 LC ; d sin m ;d
L C a
C I1 N2 U2 N n
hc h h mvmax c
;m ; p ;h L ; ;h E

f f f
Ee ; n m
c 2
t ln 2
; ;
N N Ne
T 19 N 2 1 2 ; 1 eV 1,60 10 ; 1J amu 1,66 10 kg .
0 0
T1 2
№ Items Score
1 Complete the following sentences so that they are true: L L
a) At the motion with constant velocity along a straight line of the mobile the acceleration is 0 0
.................................................... 1 1
b) Potential gravitational energy is a measure of ............................................ 2 2
c) The height at which an adherent liquid rises in a capillary tube is ............................... 3 3
proportional to its radius. 4 4
d) In the n-type semiconductor, the minority carriers are ........................................................... 5 5
) Isotope of iodine contains.........................neutrons.
2 Establish (by using arrows) the correspondence between the following physical quantities and L L
the physical units they represent: 0 0
Buoyant Force (Archimedes Force) kΩ 1 1
2 2
Moment of force (Torque) dimensionless
3 3
Magnetic field mJ/C
4 4
Capacitive reactance kN∙m
5 5
Refractive index mT
3 Determine the truth value of the following statements, choosing T if the statement is true and L L
F if the statement is false: 0 0
a) All mechanical waves are longitudinal waves. T F 1 1
b) When adiabatic expansion the temperature decreases. T F 2 2
c) The capacitance of the capacitor depends on the electrical voltage between T F 3 3
its armatures. 4 4

d) There is no energy loss in the ideal LC circuit. T F 5 5

e) The speed of light in vacuum is relative. T F
4 L L
There are two plates with parallel planes, one diamond and the 0 0
other one with glass. A monochromatic light beam is propagating 1 1
through a diamond in the glass, as shown in the figure. Construct 2 2
the reflected ray, refracted ray, and compare the refractive angle 3 3
with the incidence angle. Indication: .

5 The graph of voltage versus time u(t) for the AC circuit is L L

shown in the figure. Find for voltage: maximum value, 0 0
effective value, period and frequency of oscillation. 1 1
3 3
4 4

6 Item 6 is composed of two statements, linked by the conjunction “because”. Establish if the L L
statements are true (by writing T), or false (by writing F), as well as whether a “cause-effect” 0 0
relationship exists between them (by writing “yes” or “no”). 1 1
2 2
The magnetic field is swirling, because the magnetic field lines are closed.
3 3
ANSWER: I statement ; II statement ; “cause-effect” relationship .
7 Find the acceleration of the object on the inclined plane shown in the figure. L L
The coefficient of friction is μ = 0,2. Constants: g=10N/kg, cos 370≈0,8, sin370≈0,6. 0 0
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5

8 One mole of ideal gas undergoes a cyclic process 1-2-3-1 as a) a)

shown in p-T graph. The following constants are considered: L L
1atm=105Pa, and........................................... Requirements: 0 0
1 1
a) calculate the volume of gas in states 1, 2 and 3;
2 2
b) transfer the process to p-V graphs; 3 3
b) b)
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3

9 It is a system formed by a spring, that is coupled to the middle of a linear conductor and a charged L L
sphere. The spring is uncompressed, weightlessness and insulating. The linear conductor represents 0 0 a
horizontal bar perpendicular to the plane of the figure. The length of conductor is l = 10 cm and it 1 1 is
cured by a current I = 100A. The charge of sphere is q = + 1mC. At one moment upon the 2 2
conductor is applied an uniform magnetic field , and upon the sphere actions an uniform electric 3 3
field................... At the result the spring is expanded, remaining in horizontal position. Find the 4 4
5 5
value of ⃗⃗ . SOLUTION: 6 6
10 Two electromagnetic radiations with frequencies and are successively L L
transmitted to the surface of a metal. The maximum kinetic energy of the ejected electrons in the 0 0
second case is k = 2 times higher than in the first. Find the cut-off frequency. 1 1
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6

11 An object with mass m1=20g is at h=1,2m above m2 a) a)

and is maintained near a compressed spring with L L
∆ℓ=5cm and constant k=200N/m. The object is 0 0
released and passes on the horizontal bottom surface. The object 1 1
m1 undergoes a head on inelastic collision with an object with a 2 2
mass of m2=50g at rest. Friction and air resistance is neglected 3 3
(see figure). Constant: g=10N/kg. Find:
a) the speed of object when is passing on the horizontal bottom surface; b) b)
b) speed of objects after collision. L L
1 1
2 2
3 3

12 You have: ohmmeter, two connections serial and parallel made of a) a)

resistors R1 and R2 (see the figure). Ohmmeter is a device that L L
measures the resistance of a segment of circuit. The ohmmeter can 0 0
only be connected to points A and B. Requirements for resistance 1 1
determination R1 and R2:
a) describe briefly how to work; b) b)
b) deduce the formulas. L L
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5

Fundamental constants

Elementary charge Avogadro’s number

Mass of electron at rest Boltzmann constant
Speed of light in vacuum Universal gas constant
Gravitational constant Planck constant
Permittivity of vacuum Electric constant
⃗⃗⃗ ;

√ √


| | ⃗

√ √


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