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Mitter – Bitter Monitoring System Using

Android Smartphone’s
R.Anand G. Arun Kumar S.Murthy

Department of CSE, Dhaanish Ahmed of Engineering, Chennai, India

Abstract-- Employee monitoring system using android programming framework so that users can easily build
mobile is, essentially, software that allows Managers to their own applications.
monitor their Employee's office cell phone. All incoming An Android application is written with new and
and outgoing calls, texts and multimedia messages can be reusable application building blocks, such as activity;
seen and interrupted by the Managers, who can also broadcast intent receiver, service, and content provider.
monitor where their Employee are (through GPS), access a After an application is written, it is deployed in a Zip-
history of where they've been and set up alerts if their compatible archive, .apk file, or the Android package
Employee are going outside of approved geographical file. An Android package file contains codes, resources,
zones, are receiving texts from unapproved numbers or and a special XML file called the Android Manifest file.
calls from banned persons. This system uses Android The manifest file contains basic information about an
based mobile phones for the software to be run. The application such as the package name, component
mobile device in the hand of the Employee should be an descriptions, and permission declarations.
Android based device and the Managers may have any Employee Tracking System using network
kind mobile devices, since they are going to receive alerts
technology is supported by Organization. Employee
tracking adopts a mobile cell phone network. Based on
from the Employee in SMS format only. For convenience,
the experiences and findings of the field experiments, we
the alerts are also stored in the centralized server like the
propose a new generation Employee tracking system.
details of incoming call, text and multimedia messages and
The system has the following five requirements. Easy to
the timely location update of their Employee. Managers
implement and add functions, able to manage many
may later login into the centralized server and view the
employee efficiently, Adaptive for mobility of employee
details of their Employee’s mobile usage. This system is who is working in concern. Secure against suspicious
really very helpful for the Managers to monitor their individuals, Low cost. To satisfy the above requirements,
Employee through mobile phones. By using this system, we the proposed new generation employee tracking system
can avoid the unnecessary things happened for the adopts 3G communication function between Android
Employee those who are having mobile phones by mobile terminals, and collects employee information
monitoring their mobile phone usage and also by tracking using Global positioning system. In addition we are
their current location through the GPS. adopting cloud technique for storing and retrieving
relevant employee details such as incoming call,
Keywords—GPS, Employee detection, tracking, Android outgoing calls, text message. The new generation
employee tracking system consist of telephony manager
I INTRODUCTION for identifying the information about the employee.
Android mobile terminals which each employee holds,
Android is an open mobile platform developed by the and the server which stores employee tracking
Open Handset Alliance (OHA) led by Google, Inc. The information. The Collected tracking information in this
Android platform consists of several layers: the Linux system contain the position and time information of
kernel, native libraries, the Dalvik virtual machine (VM), android mobile terminals. When the employee crosses
and an application framework. The Linux kernel particular boundary area an immediate alert message will
provides basic operating system services and hardware be sent to the manager’s mobile phone. With this system
abstraction for the upper software stacks. Native libraries it is possible for the manager in organization to track the
support the miscellaneous functionalities of web location of the employee. Android is a software stack for
browsing, multimedia data processing, database access, mobile devices that includes an operating system,
and GPS reception optimized for a resource-limited
middleware and key applications. The 
hardware environment. The register-based Dalvik VM
runs Java code with low memory demand. At the top of
provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin
the layers, Android provides a component-based developing applications on the Android platform using
the Java programming language.
Tracking is made to shorter distance while using
Bluetooth. The tracking system is not secure when
compared to the proposed system. The communication
Android Architecture: link to the management server is managed by wireless
LAN which is relatively slow when compared to the 3G
APPLICATIONS network. The dynamic paring of mobile terminal is
mandatory. The network is more complex and it is not
APPLICATION FRAMEWORK reliable. The message is transferred through wireless
LAN and it is not secure.
RUNTIME A. Drawbacks of Existing System
LINUX-KERNEL The Managers cannot trace out the Employee’s
activities in the mobile, like SMS and Calls.The
Managers cannot know the Employee’s current location.
Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system There is a possibility of data loss during the message
services such as security, memory management, process transfer from one mobile terminal to another mobile
management, network stack, and driver model. The terminal. There is a lag in data transfer due to 2G
kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the network .
hardware and the rest of the software stack. Every
Android application runs in its own process, with its own III PROPOSED SYSTEM
instance of the Dalvik Virtual machine. Dalvik has been
written so that a device can run multiple VMs efficiently. We have implemented some functions for the
The Dalvik VM executes files in the Dalvik new generation employee tracking system such as
Executable(.dex) format which is optimized for minimal telephony manager to track all incoming, outgoing calls
memory footprint. The VM is register-based, and runs and sms. Android mobile terminal is connected to high
classes compiled by a Java language complier that have speed 3G network for effective data transfer between
transformed into the .dex format by the included “dx” two mobile terminals. Tracking can be made at a very
tool. The Dalvik VM relies on the Linux kernel for high speed without any distortion in the network. The
underlying functionality such as threading and low-level tracking system is very secure when compared to the
memory management. Android uses SQLite which is a existing system with the effective implementation of
powerful and lightweight relational database engine web service security(WSS). This proposed system
available to all applications. makes use of the cloud technology to store and retrieve
There are various features available in the android and various telephony information using SOAP protocol.
they mainly focuses on application framework enabling Global Positioning System, shortly known as GPS
reuse and replacement of components, Dalvik virtual System, is the system that enables you to know the
machine optimized for mobile devices. Integrated location of a person or a thing. It consists of minuscule
browser based on the open source WebKit engine. chip which is attached to the object to be tracked. This
Optimized graphics powered by a custom 2D graphics chip will give out signals which are tracked by the
library; 3D graphics based on the OpenGL ES 1.0 satellite which sends data to the earth giving the exact
specification (hardware acceleration optional). location of the object. GPS tracking has come to be
SQLite for structured data storageMedia support for accepted on a global scale. It has got a number of uses
common audio, video, and still image formats. GSM worldwide. Due to the usage 3G network the data is
Telephony (hardware dependent). Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, retrieved and stored in the server at a very high speed.
and WiFi (hardware dependent).Camera, GPS, compass, With the help of the encryption algorithm the messages
and accelerometer (hardware dependent). Rich are sent to the mobile terminal very securely.
development environment including a device emulator,
tools for debugging, memory and performance profiling, A. The Features of the Proposed System
and a plugin for the Eclipse IDE The Manager can easily track the Employee’s day to
day activities like SMS, MMS and call information. It
II EXISTING SYSTEM also brings the current location of the Employee.
If the Employee crosses the specified Geographical
In the existing system the tracking is done by location then an alert message will be sent to the
fixing tags in different location for identifying the exact Manager's mobile as a SMS format. The managers can
position of an employee. The android terminal is also view the entire call history of the corresponding
connected to Bluetooth and wireless LAN. employee with the help of the cloud service in which the
manager can track the position of the employee at
anytime. It is possible to track the exact position of the before it can access a component (mostly, but not
employee with the help of Google Maps ,with the help necessarily, of another application). A number of
of latitude and longitude it is possible to locate any features further refine Android’s security model. One
position. example is the concept of shared user IDs, i.e., different
applications can share the same user ID if they are
signed by the same developer certificate. Another
refinement are protected APIs: Several security-critical
system resources can be accessed directly rather than
using components.
WS-Security (Web Services Security, short
WSS) is a flexible and feature-rich extension to SOAP
to apply security to web services. It is a member of the
WS-* family of web service specifications and was
published by OASIS. The protocol specifies how
integrity and confidentiality can be enforced on
messages and allows the communication of various
security token formats, such as SAML, Kerberos, and
X.509. Its main focus is the use of XML Signature and
XML Encryption to provide end-to-end security. SOAP,
originally defined as Simple Object Access Protocol, is
a protocol specification for exchanging structured
information in the implementation of Web Services in
computer networks. It relies on Extensible Markup
Language (XML) for its message format, and usually
relies on other Application Layer protocols, most
notably Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), for message
Fig 1: Architecture of proposed system negotiation and transmission. SOAP can form the
foundation layer of a web services protocol stack,
IV SECURITY ANALYSIS providing a basic messaging framework upon which
web services can be built.
Recall that we are using Android as an
illustrative example. We begin by describing several V IMPLEMENTATION
attack vectors possible on that platform. Later in the
course of the paper, we demonstrate how our security A. Hardware and Software for Implementation
architecture addresses these security problems. First, we The Android mobile terminal is Google Dev Phone 1
briefly explain the basic Android security concepts. and 2. The operating system for the terminal is Android
2.1(Eclair). We develop mobile ad hoc network
A. Android Security software using Java programming language and SDK
Android is a Linux platform for mobile phones for Android 2.1.
with a Java middleware on top of the OS. This way,
Android applications are usually Java-based, although B. Functions for Implementation
native code can also be accessed through the Native So far, we have implemented communication
Development Kit (NDK). Android has two basic parts software to construct a 3G network by GPS for the
of security enforcement . First, applications run as employee tracking system. We took care of security in
Linux users and thus are separated from each other. This communication between each pair of mobile terminals
way, a security hole in one application does not affect using WS-Security. When a mobile terminal
other applications. However, there is also a concept of communicates with another mobile terminal, it is
inter-process communication (IPC) between different necessary to establish pairing of such two mobile
applications, or more precisely, between the Android terminals before their communication occurs. When the
components of the applications such as activities and employee mobile terminal crosses a particular boundary
services. The Java-based Android middleware region an immediate alert message send to the manager
implements a reference monitor to mediate access to mobile phone using 3G network and simultaneously
application components based upon permission labels messages stored in the centralized server. Data stored
defined for the component to be accessed. Any are secured using encryption algorithm.
application requires an appropriate permission label
VI. ALGORITHM ȏ͹ȐMori, Y.; Kojima, H.; Kohno, E.; Inoue, S.; Ohta, T.; Kakuda, Y.;
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fundamental objectives of information security, such as
confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and anonymity
typically using this encryption algorithm.
Encryption is the process of converting a plaintext
message into cipher text which can be decoded back
into the original message. An encryption algorithm
along with a key is used in the encryption and
decryption of data. There are several types of data
encryptions which form the basis of network security.
Encryption schemes are based on block or stream

In this paper, we have implemented the new

generation employee monitoring system and system
features to meet the requirements. Using this system it is
possible for the manager to track an employee in the
organization and it is also possible for the manager to
know all the incoming calls, outgoing calls and text
messages sent by an unknown person to the employee.
Using telephony manager technique, the proposed new
generation employee tracking system can adapt to
various mobility of employee by adjusting network.


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