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Running Head: LEARNING PLAN 1

Learning Plan – Signature Assignment

National University

Chelsea Johnston

ITL 608 Design and Process of Teaching

Signature Assignment

Cristina Salinas-Grandy

24 March 2019


Through the observation and evaluation of Konnie Hess’ fifth grade class, I can effectively

analyze her class and create a quality lesson plan. With this knowledge of the students, I can

better create a learning plan that will benefit all students’ learning needs. Consideration of all

students’ strengths and needs, allows me to formulate a plan that provides the necessary tools to

have them succeed and that promotes students to thrive. Students will gain a superb

understanding of adding and subtracting fractions through this well-crafted, student specific

learning plan, and will be able to demonstrate their growth through independent work, group

work, and one-on-one evaluations.


Learning Plan – Signature Assignment


Creating a lesson plan is a process that allows educators to clearly map out a teaching

approach to an anticipated topic. These lesson plans help guide the educator to instruct all

students to their best ability. Lessons must be structured around Common Core standards while

appealing to the needs of each students. By mapping out a lesson plan, educators can create an

effective learning plan that will meet Common Core standards while utilizing the Universal

Design for Learning (UDL). Incorporating UDL principles and the needs of all students,

educators can create the best instructional plan to ensure optimal learning. Through this learning

map, Konnie Hess’ fifth grade class should have a high success rate in learning how to add and

subtract fractions.

Learning Map

Stage 1: Planning Your Instruction

Target: Standard(s), Goals, Outcomes

Teacher: Mrs. Johnston

Grade Level/Content: Fifth/Math
Total Instruction Time: 90 Minutes

Academic Standard(s):

CCSS Mathematics Standards Number and Operations – Fractions 5NF

Use equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions.

1. Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators (including mixed numbers) by replacing given fractions
with equivalent fractions in such a way as to produce an equivalent sum or difference of fractions with like
denominators. For example, 2/3 + 5/4 = 8/12 + 15/12 = 23/12. (In general, a/b + c/d = (ad + bc)/bd.)

2. Solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions referring to the same whole, including cases
of unlike denominators, e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations to represent the problem. Use benchmark
fractions and number sense of fractions to estimate mentally and assess the reasonableness of answers. For
example, recognize an incorrect result 2/5 + 1/2 = 3/7, by observing that 3/7 < 1/2.

Essential Question(s): Objective: Skills (what will you explicitly

How does understanding fractions Students will be able to make
and how they simplify help you to estimates for a fraction addition 1. Students will need to understand
add and subtract them? and subtraction problems. vocabulary terms, such as: simplify,
estimate, addition, subtraction,
Students will be able to develop equivalent, numerator, and
strategies for adding and denominator.
subtracting fractions.
2. Students will learn Common
Core Grade Level Mathematic

3. Students will need the skill of

simplifying fractions.

Student Learning Goal:

Students will be able to add and subtract fractions with both similar and dissimilar denominators.

Student Social-Emotional Goal:

Students will practice cooperative learning strategies by positively and effectively working in various group
settings. Students will be encouraged to voice their opinion while respecting those of others. As students gain more
confidence in their ability to add and subtract fractions, they will be encouraged to peer teach and socialize
productively in a work-pace setting.

Barriers to Learning (level of literacy; language proficiency levels; funds of knowledge; attention span):

Four of the students are ELL and thus have a lower level of literacy in English. Three students have an IEP for
SLD, which could hinder their oral expression, basic reading skills, reading comprehension, and listening
comprehension. 28% of students are receiving a D or F in math.

Common Misconceptions:

Students may find difficulty in seeing and finding relations between equivalent fractions.

Even if students can speak English well, their writing and reading skills may be lacking.

Students may have a hard time understanding numeric fractions.


My Classroom Composite:

 28 Students total; 16 boys and 12 girls

 22% Caucasian, 18% Hispanic, 14% Native American, 7% African American, 39% Other
 4 Students are English Language Learners (ELL)
 3 Students have an Individualized Learning Plan (IEP)


Focus Student: Student A

 English Language Learner (ELL)

 IEP for SLD
 Visual and Kinesthetic Learner


 Provide extra set of teacher notes to student

 Teach in small groups
 Have student sit in front of the class or near instruction center
 Allow for brain-breaks periodically
 Modify assignments
 Allow for additional time

Differentiation Strategies:

 Provide copy of vocabulary words in English and Spanish

 Provide additional aids to help student understand material
 Allow student to have additional time in teacher center of the rotation

Focus Student: Student B

 Visual and Kinesthetic Learner

 IEP for SLD
 Loves Anime


 Additional visual aids

 Word bank with vocabulary terms defined
 Allow for brain-breaks periodically
 Modify assignments

 Allow for additional time

 Teach in small groups

Differentiation Strategies:

 Provide additional visual aids with Anime to spark interest in the assignment for Student B
 Encourage student to utilize their knowledge of Anime to help them understand the new material (i.e. use
characters to help visualize and understand fractions)

Focus Student: Student C

 Visual and Auditory Learner

 IEP for SLD
 Extremely Social
 Loves to be funny and make people laugh


 Provide student with copy of instruction notes

 Additional visual aids
 Teach in small groups
 Word back with vocabulary terms defined
 Allow for brain-breaks periodically
 Modify assignments
 Allow for additional time
 Encourage them to share ideas but limit irrelevant conversation. Reward positive and insightful input, hard
limit on social conversations.
 Have student sit in front of the class or near instruction station

Differentiation Strategies:

 Place in group with other students who are less likely to feed into social conversations and can help Student
C to stay on task
 Have student sit separately during independent work to ensure he works diligently
 Provide additional visual aids to assist in understanding

Differentiation for High-Achieving & Gifted Learners

Student D

 High-Achieving Student

 Visual and Auditory Learner

Differentiation Strategy:

 Ask deeper and more analytical questions after completing class work
 Allow student peer teach
 Teach in rotational/self-paced groups
 Create additional challenging work for when student completes class assignments

Multiple Means of How will the content by presented/shared in multiple ways to highlight critical
Representation features, represent different formats, media types, and cultural diversity? How will you
monitor and assess understanding of representation?

The content will be presented in multiple ways through center rotations. A different
learning style will be appealed to in each center. Students will gain perspective of
knowledge through the rotation and be taught in their preferred learning style. With this
approach, all students will gain instruction to meet their preferred learning style while
being exposed to the various learning styles. This will promote optimal understanding of
new information.

Multiple Means of How will students engage in the process of new learning? How will the content become
Engagement accessible, meaningful, and relevant to the learner? How will you monitor and assess
this process?

Students will engage in the process of new learning by reviewing previous lessons on
fractions, completing a review sheet on simplifying fractions, asking clarifying questions,
and be provided a vocabulary sheet with new terms. The educator will provide an
overview of the new information and allow for questions. The class will then be split into
groups and go through center rotations to expose them to various learning styles. The
educator will provide one-on-one opportunities with every student during the teacher

Multiple Means of What principles of choice for the product of learning will you accept? How will you
Expression provide a space for communication, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration
(4C’s)? What measures will you use to assess products on learning?

Students will express their knowledge through independent worksheets, group completed
worksheets, homework, one-on-one assessments, and classroom participation on white
boards. Students will be allowed to access themselves through their independent work
and homework. The educator will access overall understanding through one-on-one
assessments, homework, and completed work/student performance.

Managing the How will you manage the classroom/setting so students transition successfully through
Classroom instructional stages and student groupings? How will you create an optimal learning
Environment environment (space, time, pacing, interactions, expectations, and assessment)?

The pacing of the instruction and lesson will be gauged by the educator. While the
learning plan provides a general length for each section, the lesson can be altered to meet
the needs for the students. For example, if students have more clarifying questions than
anticipated, the question/answer section can be extended. To ensure students maximize
their working time, a timer will be set to alert them when to change stations. Students
will also be expected to transition quietly, to promote little to no wasted time. If students
defy the quiet transitions, they will be required to complete a reflection paper on their
behavior for homework.

Stage 2: Teaching

Daily Agenda:

1. Students are to complete a simplifying fraction review sheet individually to access prior knowledge
2. Go over those answers with class and ask for any questions
3. Introduce new Vocabulary Terms; pass out vocabulary list to all students to have them paste in the
note journal
4. Give quick review/refresher lesson on simplifying fractions
5. Give overview instruction of adding and subtracting fractions to entire class; allow for questions
6. Break students into groups of five (each group should have a mix level of academic proficiency)
7. Explain each rotation station to the class
8. Have student groups work through each station
9. End of lesson debrief; broadly access classes overall understating of adding/subtracting fractions and
answer any final questions

Instructional Procedure:

1. Students are to complete a simplifying fraction review sheet individually to access prior knowledge
(10 minutes)
2. Go over those answers with class and ask for any questions (4 minutes)
3. Introduce new Vocabulary Terms; pass out vocabulary list to all students to have them paste in the
note journal (3 minutes)
a. List will consist the words: simplify, estimate, addition, subtraction, equivalent, numerator,
and denominator.
b. Students are encouraged to take notebook home to aid in their homework
4. Give quick review/refresher lesson on simplifying fractions (4 minutes)
a. Provide examples and work as a class to solve them
5. Give overview instruction of adding/subtracting fractions to entire class; allow for questions (15
a. Begin with verbally going over vocabulary again

b. Provide a couple examples and solve it for the class

c. Provide examples and have students raise their hands to participate in solving the equation
d. Have students solve a problem individually and raise hand to share answer
6. Break students into groups of five (each group should have a mix level of academic proficiency) (3
a. Make sure groups each have a strong academic student in their class
b. Encourage students to work together and peer teach
c. Remind students of effective group work protocols
7. Explain each rotation station to the class [station 1: Visual/Auditory (work with teacher/one-on-one),
station 2: Group Work (Interpersonal), station 3: Independent Work (Intrapersonal), station 4:
Kinesthetic/Manipulatives Work] (3 minutes)
a. Visual/Auditory group will work with teacher and use white boards to share answers with the
group. Students are encouraged to ask questions here and allow for one-on-one time to occur.
Teacher will do most assessing with the students in her station.
b. Group Work (Interpersonal) group will work with each other to solve a series of problems.
They are to productively work together and come to a consensus on their answers. Students
are encouraged to peer teach at this station.
c. Independent Work (Intrapersonal) group will allow students to access themselves in their
current understanding and allow for me to better gauge their retention. Students are to
individually complete as many equations possible during this time.
d. Kinesthetic/Manipulative Work group will interact with their group while using
manipulatives, such as paper pizzas and pies, to visually and physically add/subtract various
fractions. Card matching games to visually see equivalent fractions.
8. Have student groups work through each station (12-minute rotation blocks; 48 minutes total)
a. Timer will be set at the beginning of each station. Students will be held responsible in
ensuring they move to the next rotation after each 12 minutes.
9. End of lesson debrief; broadly access classes overall understating of rational exponents and answer
any final questions (10 minutes)

Materials Needed:

 SMART Board
 Each student needs their Math Journal and a pencil
 Exponent Review Worksheet
 Vocabulary Term list
 Individual Worksheet
 Math Textbook
 Paper Pizzas/Pies with printed fractions
 Card matching game of various equivalent fractions
 Connective Building Blocks
 21 small white boards

 21 dry erase markers

 Group Worksheet
 A timer
 Extra copies of instruction notes for students who need it
 Break-Break activity cards


Continuous observation of students’ performance, checking for understanding, providing feedback and suggestions
to students who need help. This will allow me to continuously gauge my student’s progression and be able to see
how I should adjust my lessons. If the majority of the students are still struggling to grasp the concept, I will
reevaluate my approach and build a new plan to better appeal to them.

Assessing students understanding through teacher group work time. I will be able to make note of those who are
struggling and make a point to retouch base with them and assure they are progressing.

I will check in with each group during the end debrief section to address each group’s overall understanding.

All students work will be collected at the end of the math period. I will grade all students work, compare them with
the class, as well as the performance given at each station. If I see that most student succeed when working in
groups, but are struggling independently, then I will evaluate the reasons and gain a deeper understanding through a
pop quiz.


Complete a worksheet of 15 equations that demonstrate your knowledge of adding and subtracting fractions.
Homework will be collected and grade the next school day.

Stage Three: Assessing Student Learning

What evidence of During the center rotation centers, the educator will be able to assess the students
student learning has one-on-one when they are at the teacher station. All completed work will also be
been collected? turned in at the end of the lesson. Students will then review and demonstrate their
understanding through classroom discussion before proceeding to the next lesson.

How will you analyze The educator will analyze this evidence through the overall assessment of each
this evidence? student’s performance on the data collected.

What instructional After assessing student learning, the educator will have a better understanding on
decisions can you make what areas need additional attention. With this, the educator could create an
as a result of your additional lesson to focus on common areas of confusion. This would ensure that

analysis on the students are given the necessary tools to succeed will better understand the new
evidence? learning.

Stage Four: Reflection on Teaching and Learning

What new information did I get about my students in relation to their learning preference?
The new information gained about the students in relation to their learning preference can be collected once the
lesson is complete. The educator can reach out to all students and ask for feedback on the lesson to see which
station they each gained the most from. With the concept of center rotations, students are exposed to various
learning styles and can begin to better understand what strategies work best for them. Educators will also learn how
students work with others and can begin teaching them on positive and productive group work strategies.

How will I use this information to plan my future instruction?

I will use this information to plan my future instruction by adjusting the centers, if need be, to meet the needs of the
majority of students. I can also learn how to better group the students into functional groups. Through working in
centers, I can assess those who thrive to peer teach, those that have the potential, and those that just skate by. I will
make constant notes to allow me to better group the students into the best groups.

How effective were my practices? What will I keep, what will I improve and what will I discard?
My practices were effective because it satisfied multiple learning styles of the class, appealed to a wide range of
learning levels, and exposes all learners to various learning techniques. I really like the idea of center rotations, but
maybe I will try this to be a self-timed activity. By taking away the timer, it allows students to take their time on the
assignments or move ahead at their own pace. I do not feel a reason quite yet, to discard anything from this learning

What new understanding do I have about my own teaching practices?

New understanding that I have about my own teaching practices are that I can make learning appeal to a wide range
of students. I have learned that I can adapt to the situation that is at hand and be able to create a functional learning
plan for my students. This is a realistic expectation for all educators, because no two classes are the same, and
lesson should always reflect the learners that are involved. I learned how to apply UDL to “improve and optimize
teaching and learning for all people” (CAST, 2019).

What have I learned about myself as a teacher?

I learned that while I have a decent understanding of how to incorporate UDL in the classroom, I still have a lot of
room to grow. I look forward to having my own class and begin seeing these lessons come alive and be able to
learn how to better educate my students. I have learned that quality education always has room for improvement
and we must always be willing to adjust our approach to be able to provide a great education.

As a professional learner, where do I need to continue to grow and strive for?

As a professional learner, I need to continue to understand the UDL and how to best apply it to my teaching
techniques. I believe that this is a great starting point when mapping out a lesson plan and if I have a deeper/fuller
understanding of it, then I will have an easier time applying it to my classroom. I feel I also need to continue to
strive to understand all learning styles more to ensure providing great lessons throughout the year.


Class Peers

Mattie Ford

There are so many great parts to your plan and it looks great! Not only does the plan

delve into each of the four parts thoroughly, but the UDL aspect is wonderful having each station

focus on a particular learning style. I noticed that the lesson is 2 hours of instruction, which

seems like a lot of time to spend on math for one day of instruction. My only concern then would

be the time aspect which could result in bored students and issues from students boredom. With

that in mind, I think you did a great job of making sure there is a lot of engagement and teacher


Konnie Hess

Did the teacher candidate base his or her plan using Universal Design and Learning

Map Model?

Ms. Johnston did create a thoughtful and complete lesson plan using the UDL

model. Areas such as goals, objectives, individual student needs, instructional practices,

assessment, and reflection.

Does the plan contain all four stages (planning, teaching, analyzing- reflecting and

applying) and six elements of the LMM (teacher, learner, target, assess, instruct, and


The plan does include all areas of planning, teaching, analyzing, and applying. The plan

is well thought out and meets the needs of various learners.


Is the plan structured properly developing from introduction to teacher

presentation, student learning, assessment and closure?

The plan is created in a manner which allows the students to activate prior knowledge,

create new learning in multiple ways, and the teacher is given data pieces which allow students

to demonstrate understanding.

Are the goal and objectives stated correctly and clearly?

The student learning goals are clear and correctly articulated.

Do the activities and assignments engage all students and ensure the achievement of

the learning outcomes?

The activities are well-structured and allow for multiple entry points into the

learning. Students can work in small groups and with the teacher, providing varying learning


Are the assessment and evaluation techniques effective?

The assessment and evaluation techniques are provided; however, further formative

explanation and a summative data point may need to be further explained.

Did the candidate provide timing for all lesson activities?

The timing for all activities was provided; thoughtful preparation was gleaned as Ms.

Johnston clearly articulated that these may need to be modified depending on student learning.

Does the plan provide accommodations for the exceptional, special need and English


Modifications are noted for all students on Individualized Education Plans. There is no

detailed information provided on modifications of the assignments for these students. There is

also little information for the students who have English Language Learner needs. A brief note

was added to the plan for students who are progressing through the material quickly, however,

no detailed information is present.

What would you suggest to improve this plan?

The plan is well thought-out and planned for student learning. Specific attention may

need to be added for the modifications and accommodations needed for students on IEPs or those

which have English Language Learner challenges. Specific information should also be added

about the assessment pieces, both formative and summative. Ms. Johnston’s includes many

effective strategies for a fifth-grade math classroom.

Noted Feedback and Changes Made

Konnie Hess and my class peers offered great insight on my overall effectiveness and

quality of my learning plan. The feedback that I obtained was to reconsider the amount of time

spent on my lesson plan, for it may be too long to keep the interest of my students; to further

explain my formative and summative data points within my lesson; and add details for the

modifications I plan to give on the assignments for my students on IEPs. I felt that these

suggestions were sound and with them I was able to improve my learning plan. I adjusted my

lesson time from 120 minutes to 90, I added some differentiation strategies for my students on

IEPs, to better specify the accommodations they will receive during the instruction, and I

elaborated more on my formative and summative data point. With this feedback, I believe that I

have a solid lesson plan and I would be excited to see it in action to be able to gain a firsthand

observation on its effectiveness.



California State Board of Education. (2019, March 14). California Common Core State

Standards Mathematics. Retrieved from California Common Core State Standards:

CAST. (2019, February 28). About Universal Design for Learning. Retrieved from CAST:

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