Theme of Play: True Friendship

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Theme of Play: True Friendship

"Damon and Pythias" is a tale about the power of friendship. Damon and Pythias are such
close friends that it was said that one would never betray the other.

In this Play, the writer is trying to get across the message that friendship and devotion can
conquer even the hardest heart. King is known for his cruelty, but the writer also shows that
the root of his behavior is loneliness. The tyrant has become cynical and paranoid due to his
isolation and power, but the realization that true friendship exists inspires him to become
something more.

Loyalty is another major message presented throughout this short play. The loyalty between
Damon and Pythias is unparalleled. Not only is Damon willing to take his friend's place
under the penalty of execution, but his faith in Pythias' loyalty is such that he never doubts
that he will return. For his part, Damon overcomes great obstacles to return in time to honor
his promise to his friend. Even though Damon would die in Pythias' place without hesitation,
Pythias would never allow him to sacrifice his life. Loyalty is a major theme throughout play,
writer uses a friendship tested by the threat of death to showcase it.

A more subtle theme that runs throughout this narrative is the idea that people always have
the capacity to change. Even though king was cruel enough to have someone executed simply
because he dreamt that he had been betrayed, he still had the capacity to change in the end.
This follows the ideal that human compassion and virtue at its finest can triumph over human
weakness and cruelty at its most extreme.

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