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Just Comfortable Trading

The Building
Blocks for
Succeeding with
Forex Trading

This e-book was created by traders and for traders with the aim of equipping clients
with the knowledge needed to make better-informed trade decisions. With the help
of this comprehensive and easy-to-follow e-book, you will soon be equipped with
enough knowledge to start a fulfilling career in the foreign exchange market.

Just Comfortable Trading


Foreign exchange trading carries a high level of risk that may not be suitable for all
investors. Leverage creates additional risk and loss exposure. Before you decide to
trade foreign exchange, carefully consider your investment objectives, experience
level, and risk tolerance.
You could lose some or all of your initial investment; do not invest money that you
cannot afford to lose. Educate yourself on the risks associated with foreign exchange
trading, and seek advice from an independent financial or tax advisor if you have any
We provide references and links to selected blogs and other sources of economic
and market information as an educational service to its clients and prospects and
does not endorse the opinions or recommendations of the blogs or other sources of
information. Clients and prospects are advised to carefully consider the opinions and
analysis offered in the blogs or other information sources in the context of the client
or prospect’s individual analysis and decision making.
None of the blogs or other sources of information is to be considered as constituting
a track record. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and we specifically
advise clients and prospect to carefully review all claims and representations made by
advisers, bloggers, money managers and system vendors before investing any funds
or opening an account with any Forex dealer. Any news, opinions, research, data,
or other information contained within this website is provided as general market
commentary and does not constitute investment or trading advice.
We expressly disclaim any liability for any lost principal or profits without limitation
which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
As with all such advisory services, past results are never a guarantee of future results.

Just Comfortable Trading

Introduction...................................................................................... 4

Lesson 1: The basics of Forex trading..................................... 5

What is Forex trading?................................................................................................ 6
How does one profit from Forex trading?.. ................................................................ 6
How does one start trading currencies?.................................................................... 6
Advantages of online Forex trading........................................................................... 6
How are currencies traded in the Forex market?...................................................... 7
So, what are pips?....................................................................................................... 7
What is bidirectional trading?. .................................................................................... 7
Leverage...................................................................................................................... 8
Trade model................................................................................................................ 8
How does one carry out analysis of the market?...................................................... 8

Lesson 2: Market Analysis..........................................................10

Technical Analysis..................................................................................................... 10
1. Chartism/charting................................................................................................. 11
Trends........................................................................................................................ 11
Support and resistance............................................................................................. 13
Channels.................................................................................................................... 13
2. Forex indicators. .................................................................................................... 13
Stochastic.. ................................................................................................................. 13
Parabolic SAR. ............................................................................................................ 14
Relative Strength Index (RSI).................................................................................... 14
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)................................................. 14
Moving averages....................................................................................................... 15

Just Comfortable Trading

Bollinger bands......................................................................................................... 15
Fundamental Analysis............................................................................................... 16
i) Interest rates.......................................................................................................... 16
ii) Growth indicators.................................................................................................. 17
iii) Inflation rates....................................................................................................... 17
iv) Employment indicators........................................................................................ 17
v) Balance of trade reports....................................................................................... 18
How does one trade news and events?................................................................... 18

Lesson 3: The Psychology of Trading.....................................19

Fear of loss................................................................................................................ 20
How to overcome fear of loss................................................................................... 20
Greed......................................................................................................................... 21
How to overcome greed when trading Forex.......................................................... 21
Position management............................................................................................... 21
Position management solutions. .............................................................................. 22
Risk management...................................................................................................... 22
Risk management solutions...................................................................................... 22

Lesson 4: Forex Trading Strategies......................................23

Day trading................................................................................................................ 24
News trading............................................................................................................. 24
Swing trading. ............................................................................................................ 24
Trend trading. ............................................................................................................ 25
Carry trading.............................................................................................................. 25
Chart level trading..................................................................................................... 26
Classic chart pattern trading.................................................................................... 26
Technical indicator trading....................................................................................... 26


Just Comfortable Trading

This e-book has been created to assist the Forex newbie ,even though the experienced
and the professional traders may find it to be a valuable and useful reference tool.
Forex newbies are likely to learn vital tips from reading the whole text ,beginning with
Lesson ,1 which gives a basic overview of the world of online currency trading.
The lessons are set out in a logical manner ;however ,each works as a distinct unit unto
itself .Therefore ,you are free to read each individual lesson as often as you’d like .You
may choose to concentrate first on those lessons that you feel will complement your
particular knowledge base best before embarking on other areas.
With the assistance of this e-book ,you will soon be equipped with enough knowledge
to commence a fulfilling career in Forex trading.
We wish you all the best in your trading ,and trust you find this guide captivating,
useful ,and resourceful.
So now ,if you’re ready ,let’s get started.…

Just Comfortable Trading

Lesson 1:
The basics of Forex

Just Comfortable Trading

What is Forex trading?

Forex trading or currency exchange as it relates to individual retail investors and
investors refers to the trading of international currencies against one another in a
worldwide, decentralized financial market that operates throughout the day, apart
from weekends.

How does one profit from Forex trading?

Apparently, buy low and sell high is the trick here! The prices of currencies in the
foreign exchange market often fluctuate; that is, rise and fall. As such, the profit
potential comes from these changes in currency prices.
Online trading cuts out the need for intermediaries (such as banks). And, yes, it can
be a very rewarding experience. But like any other business, you must be properly
The most important preparation you must do for your trading business is get the
proper training.

How does one start trading currencies?

If you wish to commence a career in Forex trading, you will have to register with a
Forex brokerage firm and then deposit the amount you want to use in your trading
account. Once you have completed the depositing process, you are ready to begin
Since there are many trading arenas a person can choose to start trading in, making
a proper choice through careful evaluation is necessary.

Advantages of online Forex trading

Online Forex trading has low barriers to entry, making it easily accessible to all traders
with internet access. Traders can access the market 24 hours a day, from their desktop
and mobile device.

With online trading, you are not limited to one market. You can trade Forex, indices and
commodities. It’s all available to you within the style of trading you choose to adopt.

With online trading, there are no surprises. Since you have full control to monitor
your trading status, you know how much you can lose and how much you can make.

Just Comfortable Trading

This let’s you trade with ease and in a relaxed mode, which is the way you should
always be when trading money.

How are currencies traded in the Forex market?

In the currency market, currencies are traded in pairs. It is important to note that a
currency pair is made up of the base currency and the quote currency or the counter
For example, the quotation EUR/USD, EUR is the base currency whereas the USD is
the quote currency.
The currency pair points out the amount of the quote currency needed to buy one
unit of the base currency. As an example, if EUR/USD is trading at 1.3900, then it
means that you’ll need 1.3900 dollars to purchase 1 euro.
Thus, the quote currency is what gives your profits or losses for each transaction you
engage in while trading in the foreign exchange market.

So, what are pips?

Pips are the units of calculation used by Forex traders to calculate the profit or loss
from the trades they make.
If you look at any currency quote starting from the left and count 4 places, then the
4th place is the pips value in a quote.
For example, when a currency pair moves from a value of 1.4022 to 1.4026, then it has
moved by 4 pips. And, when a pip has a value of $10, then the profit is $40.
To calculate the value of pips, traders usually use the following pips formula:
The asking price for the currency trade
Divided by 1 pip
Multiplied by the value of the trade
The result of this gives the value of the number of pips gained or lost in a trade.

What is bidirectional trading?

In the foreign exchange market, there are always two currencies being traded. One
currency is bought while the other is simultaneously being sold.
For one currency to rise in value, then the other currency must fall in value. As a
result, either the base currency or the quote currency will always be rising in value,
which means there is always the possibility to profit.

Just Comfortable Trading

If the base currency is falling in value, then it means that the quote currency is
strengthening. Thus, bidirectional trading in the Forex market enables you to place
trades regardless of the direction of the market.

Leverage is a common practice in currency trading, and allows traders to greatly
magnify the speed and impact of the trades they place. Leverage is what has
transformed Forex from just another form of trading to a highly exciting but also
highly volatile activity.
It is of essence to note that leverage is a double-edged sword. This means that you
can magnify both the profits potential and loss potential of your trades.
For example, if a trader opens a trade with a margin of $50 and a leverage of 200
times, then it means that the actual trade value will be 50 x 200 or $10,000.
If the trader records a gain, the profit will be 200 times greater than it would otherwise
have been. On the other hand, if the trader experiences a loss, then the loss will be
200 times more than it would otherwise have been.
Because leverage can have such a dramatic impact on your trading, it is very important
to set clear limits and targets for your trades in order to reduce the risk of a meltdown
in your account.

Trade model
Let’s say you want to open a trade on EUR/USD. You think the market will rise, and the
EUR will strengthen, so you decide to buy the EUR/USD. The rate is 1.4000 and you are
willing to invest $100 from your account.
You decide on a leverage of 100 times. Thus, the amount of the trade will be $10,000.
Your margin is 1%, that means that if the value of the pair drops by 1% then you will
lose your trade margin and your trade will be closed.
However, if the markets go in the direction you expected, then on a gain of 1% you
will profit by $100. You can then close the deal and bank the $100 you earned and the
$100 you invested.

How does one carry out analysis of the market?

There are two main ways of undertaking market analysis: technical analysis and
fundamental analysis, you will learn about both of them in the next lesson.

Just Comfortable Trading

Lesson 2:
Market Analysis

Just Comfortable Trading

Welcome to the Market Analysis course!

In this course, you will learn simply, quickly and interactively about using fundamental
and technical analysis when trading.
Remember that you can watch each individual lesson as often as you would like.
Let’s start whenever you are ready…
There are two main types of market analysis:
Technical analysis
Fundamental analysis

Technical Analysis
To succeed as a Forex trader, it is essential you undertake a detailed analysis of the
market before placing any trades on the trading platform.
Analysis of the market involves forecasting the market behavior to identify the best
places to enter and exit trades.
Technical analysis is a strategy of forecasting future market movements by studying
historical price patterns and trends in the foreign exchange market. Whereas technical
analysts may use various tools and theories in attempting to predict correctly market
moves, the most common instrument used by all is the chart.
There are three main principles in technical analysis:

Market action is the king

Followers of technical analysis hold that all the fundamental conditions that could
affect the behavior of a currency are already reflected in the price movements.

The market movement follow trends

Technical analysts hold that the rise and fall of currency prices in the foreign exchange
market occurs in an orderly manner, which is both systematic and easy to forecast.
The three major types of trends are upwards, downwards or sideways.

History tends to repeat itself

The movement of currency prices in the foreign exchange market has been tracked
for several years. And, a lot of studies have revealed a number of repetitive patterns
that often appear on charts. Therefore, technical analysts believe that patterns that
appeared in the past are likely to appear in the future.

Just Comfortable Trading

The three main schools used in technical analysis in Forex trading are:
Forex indicators

1. Chartism/charting
Technical analysts usually use Forex charts to predict the movements of currency
prices in the future. Basically, a Forex chartist holds that the market movements are
not random, but can be predicted through a study of past trends as well as by the use
of other tools in technical analysis.
Some of the methods used in charting include trends, support and resistance levels,
and channels.

An important aspect of technical analysis involves identifying tradable trends. A trend
for a currency pair consists of sustained directional movement in the pair’s exchange
rate. When the exchange rate trend for a currency pair is higher, traders look for a
suitable time to buy. And, when the exchange trend is lower, traders look for a good
time to sell.
There are three main types of trends: upwards, downwards, or sideways. An upward
trend or uptrend is defined as series of consecutive higher peaks and troughs. An
upward trend line can be drawn through the rising trough point.
When the currency pair closes above the upward trend line, a buying opportunity may
exit. On the other hand, when a currency pair breaks below an uptrend line, it signals
a trend reversal to the downside so a selling opportunity may exist.
A downward trend or downtrend is defined as a series of consecutively lower peaks
and troughs. A downward trend line can be drawn to link the declining peak points.
When the currency pair rallies to close below the downward trend line, a selling
opportunity may exist. On the other hand, when a currency pair breaks above a
downtrend line, it signals a trend reversal to the upside so a buying opportunity may
Lastly, a sideways trend is defined as a situation in which the overall direction of the
currency pair is see-saw; that is, price is fluctuating without following any definite

Just Comfortable Trading

Support and resistance

In general, support and resistance are terms used by technical analysts to describe
price levels on charts that tend to act as obstacles to thwart market movements
towards a certain direction.
Support refers to a certain price level on a chart at which a falling currency pair
encounters resistance from the market. This takes place because the number of
traders who expect the price to stabilize or rise is greater at this level – so the pair is
literally “supported.”
Resistance refers to a certain price level on a chart at which a rising currency pair
struggles to increase in value. The number of traders who think that the market will
not move above this level is greater, and so the level “resists” further price rises.
It is of essence to note that the concepts of support and resistance are a matter of
human psychology. They exist because the traders in the market believe them to
exist; and act accordingly – by selling near resistance and buying near support.

There are three types of channels in Forex charting: ascending channel, descending
channel, and horizontal channel. In an ascending channel pattern, the peaks create
higher highs and higher lows. In a descending channel pattern, the peaks create lower
highs and lower lows. And, in a horizontal channel pattern, the market is ranging.

2. Forex indicators
In the currency market, indicators are important in portraying the fluctuation of
currency prices. Here is a description of some of the major types of indicators used in
technical analysis:

The stochastic indicator makes it possible for traders to measure overbought and
oversold conditions in the foreign exchange market. The indicator is calibrated from
0 to 100. And, if the stochastic lines go above the 80 mark, then it indicates that the
currency pair is overbought. Alternatively, if the stochastic lines go below the 20 mark,
then it indicates that the currency pair is oversold.
As such, the 20 and the 80 marks are called the “trigger points”. It is important to
note that the basic guideline when using stochastic to identify trade opportunities in
the market is to enter long (buy) positions when the stochastic lines are below the
20 mark and to enter short (sell) positions when the stochastic lines are above the 80

Just Comfortable Trading

For instance, when the indictor has been staggering over the 80 mark for sometime,
then it is highly probable that a reversal to the downside is imminent.

Parabolic SAR
Parabolic SAR (Stop And Reversal) indicator is commonly used by technical analysts to
spot the ending of market trends. Parabolic SAR places a series of dots either above
or below the currency price in order to assist traders identify trade opportunities.
When the indicator places dots below the price of the currency pair, then traders should
look for opportunities to place long orders. Conversely, when the indicator places
dots above the price of the currency pair, then traders should look for opportunities
to place short orders as the market is likely to maintain a downward trend.

Relative Strength Index (RSI)

The Relative Strength Index, commonly referred to as RSI, is more or less similar to
the stochastic indicator. This is because it also makes it possible for traders to gauge
overbought and oversold conditions in the currency market.
RSI is also marked from 0 to 100. And, when the RSI goes above the 70 mark, it indicates
that the price of the currency pair is overbought; thus, a reversal to the downside is
bound to take place. Conversely, when the RSI goes below the 30 mark, it indicates
that the price of the currency pair is oversold; therefore, traders should anticipate a
reversal to the upside.

Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)

The Moving Average Convergence Divergence, normally called MACD, is a well-liked
and useful technical analysis tool majorly used as either a trend or a momentum
indicator. In general, this indicator exhibits the relationship between two moving
averages of prices.
MACD is calculated through getting the difference between the 12 and the 26
exponential moving averages (EMA’s). It is important to note that the former moving
average is faster than the latter moving average.
The difference between these two moving averages is what is shown as a single line.
And, this is the MACD main line. In most cases, MACD indicators comprise of one
extra line that is a simple moving average of the main line and it usually has the
default setting of 9 in most of the trading terminals. This single line is important in
pointing out potential turning points in the market.
The numbers 12, 26 and 9 are normally the default settings of this indicator; however,
other numbers can be employed to reflect the desire of the user.
The cross-over of the fast and the slow moving averages is normally used by traders

Just Comfortable Trading

as a means of identifying places of entry and exit in the currency market. Since the
two moving averages are moving at different speeds, it is definite that the faster one
will react to price action much faster than the slow moving one. And, their cross-over
give trading signals.

Moving averages
Moving averages is a technique used in smoothing out the price action over a certain
time period in the foreign exchange market. These indicators simply reduce the
noises and the disarrays in the market and make the charts easier to identify potential
trade opportunities. The two main types of moving averages are the simple moving
averages (SMA) and the exponential moving averages (EMA).
Simple moving averages are the most widely used type of moving averages. A simple
moving average is worked out by adding up the closing price for the definite number
of time periods (for instance X) and then dividing this total number by the number of
time periods (X).
Traders love simple moving averages because they assist them in measuring
the prevailing market sentiment and the big picture and thus ease the process of
identifying trade entry and exit areas.
The other type of moving averages is the exponential moving averages. Exponential
moving averages are the same as the simple moving averages. Nonetheless, the only
distinction is that the exponential moving averages put more emphasis on the recent
happenings in the market.

Bollinger bands
Bollinger bands are used by technical analysts to measure the volatility of the Forex
market; that is, whether the market is quiet (low activity) or whether it is loud (high
activity). Bollinger bands consist of three lines: upper band, lower band and middle
band. The middle band is a simple moving average.
The upper and the lower band are used for measuring deviations; they become close
together when there is low activity and they spread apart when there is high activity
in the marketplace.
An essential characteristic of Bollinger bands is that price often tend to go back to the
middle of the bands; therefore, price normally touches the upper and lower band and
retrace to the middle of the band. Also, when the upper and the lower bands constrict
towards one another, then it often indicates that a breakout of price either to the
upside or downside is about to take place.

Just Comfortable Trading

Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental analysis is a type of market analysis that involves examining the
economic, social and political factors and their influence on the value of currencies.
Traders using fundamental analysis as the basis for making informed decisions on
when and how to trade currencies believe that the value of a currency in the Forex
market is reflected by its macroeconomic condition. This means that a currency of a
country with a strong economy will have a higher value than a currency of a country
of with a weak economy.
It is important to mention that economic news as well as important political events
have the power to trigger big movements in the Forex market. As such, by analyzing
them, you can better understand how the market is likely to move in the future.
When examining economic data on an Economic Calendar, you should study the
previous results and forecast results, and then compare them with the actual results.
Movements in the market happen when there is a difference between market
expectations – based on the previous and forecast results – and the actual result.
Here is a description of some of the key economic data that often cause movements
in the Forex market:

i) Interest rates
Interest rates are regarded as possibly the most significant mover of currency prices
in the foreign exchange market. It is of essence to note that each currency has a daily
interest rate determined by the nation’s central bank.
Lower interest rates can cause the value of a nation’s currency to weaken and higher
interest rates can cause the value of the currency to strengthen. If a central bank of a
country makes its interest rates to be high, this would increase the yield of holding the
currency; therefore, the currency would become more attractive to hold as weighed
against its counterparts. As a result, its value would rise.
Conversely, if a central bank of a country decreases the interest rates of a country,
then this would make the currency less attractive to hold. As a result, its value would
come down.

ii) Growth indicators

Growth indicators exhibit the status of the economy of a country. If the indicators
are positive or increasing, it usually suggests good overall economic condition of
the country. Naturally, this would attract foreign investors and make the value of its
currency to appreciate.

Just Comfortable Trading

Some of the growth indicators closely monitored by currency traders include Gross
Domestic Product (GDP), Gross National Product (GNP), Consumer Price Index (CPI),
construction indexes, capital expenditure, and government spending.

iii) Inflation rates

Inflation alludes to the general increase in the prices of goods and services within
a certain territory over a specific time period. Inflation indicators like PPI (Producer
Price Index) in a country are usually employed as a means of measuring its underlying
economic growth. As such, central banks normally have checks and balances to ensure
inflation rates do not go out of control.
A country with a high rate of inflation has a low purchasing power and thus a poorly
performing currency. To increase the strength of such a currency, the government
may decide to raise the country’s interest rates.

iv) Employment indicators

Employment reports provide a sign of how the economy of a country is performing.
If the number of individuals getting jobs in a country is increasing on a regular basis,
then it means that the economy is expanding. Conversely, if there is no remarkable
growth in a country’s employment rate, then it indicates that its economy is not
performing as expected and can cause its currency to also weaken.
For instance, the Non-Farm Payrolls report, which is an employment report released
on a monthly basis from the U.S., plays a vital role in determining the strength of
currencies in the foreign exchange market.

Just Comfortable Trading

v) Balance of trade reports

Balance of Trade (BOT) means the difference between the imports and the exports of
a country. If a country has more exports than imports, then this usually translates to
it having a strong currency. The opposite is also true.

How does one trade news and events?

Trading the markets based on important news events is a popular fundamental trading
strategy that is practiced by several traders around the world. News traders attempt
to anticipate how the market will react to events and time the biggest movements.
Fundamental traders watch for surprising news that differs from the market
expectations and can result in substantial price changes. It is of essence to note that
news results can have a surprising impact on the market, so fundamental traders
need to beware of this.
Worth mentioning, key economic news releases from the world’s largest economies
often trigger price movements in the currency market. And, following the most
important news releases with the greatest market impact is one fundamental strategy
for trading the Forex market.
Therefore, you should learn which releases to look out for, when they are due out,
and how to trade based on the observed results.
This trading style requires considerable research, but allows well-informed traders to
reap significant rewards. It is important to remember that market movements based
on news events can only last for a few minutes, so watching news as it occurs is crucial
to this strategy’s success. And, you should beware of a contrary market impact when
trading key events in the marketplace.

Just Comfortable Trading

Lesson 3:
The Psychology
of Trading

Just Comfortable Trading

Welcome to the Psychology of Trading course!

In this course, you’ll learn all about the decision making process of trading: simply,
quickly and interactively.
Specifically, we will discuss some of the common psychological obstacles to trading
and provide some solutions to them.
Remember that you’re free to watch each individual lesson as often as you’d like.
So now, if you’re ready, let’s get started ….

Fear of loss
Fear is what often gets in the way of successful trading. That’s why understanding and
controlling your fears is so important.
So, how do you stop your fears from controlling your trading? The answer lies in
developing a trading plan.
As the old adage goes “Failing to plan is planning to fail”, your plan is what will help
you in navigating the Forex waters with profit.
As such, your plan should clearly set your trading goals and identify the price levels
and strategies you’ll focus on.
If you don’t yet feel like you know enough to plan in this way, then you might want to
focus on practice trading for some time or seek out more traders’ education before
starting to trade on a real account.

How to overcome fear of loss

Success as a trader requires overcoming your fears and developing confidence to
learn from your mistakes.
To realize long term success, you’ll need to believe in your ability to make more money
than you lose. Further, you should always stick to your trading plan regardless of the
conditions of the market.
That makes it easier for you to continue to place trades, even after a string of losing
positions. Learning from your mistakes is crucial to becoming a successful trader.

Most traders know what it feels like to hold on to a trade for too long, and see significant
profits go down the drain due to this. When this happens, it’s often the trader’s greed
that’s to blame.

Just Comfortable Trading

Greed changes the way you think and act, and can cause you to make mistakes in the
market, which can cost you dearly.
A lot of new traders imagine that it’s possible to earn returns of 100 or 1000 times
their initial investments from just a few days of trading. Add a high leverage rate into
the mix and you have a sure fire recipe for disaster – courtesy of greed.
It is important to note that success in Forex trading requires determination, hard
work, and discipline.
However, greedy traders always think that this business is not based on any rules and
they end up placing trades without proper analysis. The result? Massive devastations
on their trading accounts.

How to overcome greed when trading Forex

Your decision to invest in the markets should be based on rational analysis.
Since trading is not gambling, you should never treat it like it.
Remember that there are a lot of opportunities in the markets, but you’ll only be able
to exploit them if you can learn to control emotions like greed.
After all, when you think you’ve spotted an opportunity, shouldn’t you go all in?
Actually, the answer is NO.
Don’t risk your account in a single trade – it’s the classic mistake of an inexperienced
trader and it means letting your greed control you.
Always remember that the market can go against you.
Dance to the tune of the market, do not dance at your own tunes

Position management
In Forex trading, position management involves controlling how you invest and the
amount of money you allocate for entering each trade in the market.
As a trader, your position management strategy is crucial for successful trading. It’s of
essence to note that you may not be able to control the markets, but you can control
how you invest and the amount of risk which you take.
Your money management strategy should answer these two key questions:
How much money should I risk on any single trade?
What size of trades should I be making?

Position management solutions

As a trader, your first goal should be to preserve your capital. If you can stay in the
market long enough to achieve some big wins, then it should cover the costs of your
losing trades and deliver you some good returns on your investment.

Just Comfortable Trading

And, you can only achieve this through having a good money management strategy.
Most experienced traders never risk more than 2% of their trading capital on any
single trade. Thus, with a $10,000 account, that means your maximum potential loss
should be $200 dollars on any single trade.

Risk management
It’s no secret that you can’t control the direction of the market, or the extent of its
swings and movements. But there is one way in which every trader can achieve real
control over their trading – and that’s through proper money management.
Money management is a set of rules and guidelines designed to help you keep risk at
a level where you’re comfortable.
Effective money management asks, then answers these three key questions:
What should my risk-reward ratio be?
What is the right amount of risk for me to accept per trade?
And how much risk should I take across my account?
These questions sound simple, but getting them right is the key to your success as a
trader. With the right money management strategy in place, you can be wrong 50% of
the time when you trade and still profit overall.

Risk management solutions

The risk-reward ratio helps traders determine the level of risk in a trade. It shows
how much a trader is risking versus the potential reward they can make if the trade
becomes a success.
So, how do you calculate the risk-reward ratio?
It’s simple:
The “Stop Loss” displays your risk, and the “Take Profit” displays your potential reward.
So, if on a specific trade your stop loss is set at $100 and your take profit is set at $200,
then the risk-reward ratio is 100:200 or 1:2.
The larger your risk-reward ratio, the more easily you’ll be able to absorb losses
through time. An acceptable risk-reward ratio for beginning traders is 1:3. Any number
below 1:2 is too risky and the trade should be avoided.

Just Comfortable Trading

Lesson 4:
Forex Trading

Just Comfortable Trading

Welcome to the Forex Trading Strategies course!

In this course, you will learn simply, quickly and interactively about a variety of Forex
trading strategies that range from basic to more advanced and complex strategies.
Remember that you can watch each individual lesson as often as you would like.
Let’s start whenever you are ready…

Day trading
Day trading strategies encompass all trading styles that involve closing out all trading
positions before the end of the trading day.
Day traders usually have a very short term time horizon and take only intraday
positions aiming for a fast profit.
Day trading allows Forex traders to avoid taking overnight risk where their portfolio is
exposed to unmonitored exchange rate movements that occur when they are asleep
or inattentive to the market.
Scalping is an example of a day trading strategy whereby a Forex trader might attempt
to buy on or near the market bid and then quickly sell out the position at or near the
offer side to gain a few pips.

News trading
News trading strategies involve trading Forex based on the release of important news
events or economic data.
News trading is usually a very short term trading strategy where traders try to predict
how the Forex market will react to the observed news event.
When the outcome differs substantially from the Forex market’s consensus
expectations, the result is often a sharp exchange rate movement that can provide
news traders with a quick profit.
Popular economic releases to trade include: employment, inflation, growth and retail
sales data, as well as central bank interest rate decisions.
Remember that the observed impact of news can sometimes be counter-intuitive,
depending on what outcome the market was expecting.

Swing trading
Swing trading strategies typically attempt to profit from both trends and counter-
trend corrections by taking positions that follow the momentum of the market.
Swing trading can be performed in all time frames, although it is most commonly used

Just Comfortable Trading

as a short to medium term trading strategy that may involve taking overnight positions.
Swing traders usually employ a combination of technical indicators that asses the
market’s momentum and trend to help them trade and provide trading signals for
taking and then reversing their trading positions.
Popular swing trading momentum indicators include the Relative Strength Index or
RSI. Popular trend indicators include moving averages and Wilder’s Average Directional
Movement Indicator (ADX).

Trend trading
Trend trading involves first identifying and then following an established directional
market movement or trend.
Trend trading can be performed over any time frame, but it is typically a longer term
trading strategy where traders routinely take overnight positions.
A trend trader will usually identify trending chart patterns like channels and/or employ
one or more technical indicators to assess the strength of the market’s trend and
provide trading signals for entering and exiting trend trading positions.
Popular trend indicators include moving averages and the MACD. Wilder’s Average
Directional Movement Index (ADX) can also be used to gauge the strength of a trend.
A trend trader will look for a good time to buy in an up trend or to sell in a down trend.
They will usually hold no position in a flat or ranging market.

Carry trading
Carry trading involves buying a higher interest rate currency and selling a lower
interest rate currency to capture the interest rate differential existing between them.
Carry traders typically take leveraged positions that they hold over a long term time
Ideally, a carry trader would expect the higher interest rate currency to appreciate
relative to the lower interest rate currency over the trade’s projected time frame to
generate even more profits.
An example of carry trading might involve buying the Australian Dollar and
simultaneously selling the Japanese Yen for a period of six months or more in order
to capture the positive interest rate differential.

Chart level trading

Chart level trading involves perusing exchange rate charts to identify significant levels
of support and resistance.

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Support and resistance levels are usually an indicator of underlying human psychology
that prompts a significant market reversal at a particular exchange rate. They often
occur near round numbers.
Chart level traders typically attempt to sell ahead of resistance and buy above support.
They often place their stops just beyond the chart level in case it breaks.

Classic chart pattern trading

Classic chart pattern trading involves perusing exchange rate charts for chart patterns
that have reliable outcomes and then trading the appropriate range or breakout
signals as they arise.
Classic reversal chart patterns that indicate the market may be changing direction
include Head and Shoulder Tops and Bottoms, Double and Triple Tops and Bottoms,
and Saucer Tops and Bottoms.
Classic continuation chart patterns include Flags and Pennants, where the market
pauses briefly after a substantial move before breaking out to make another move in
the same direction.
Classic consolidation patterns include triangles, wedges and ranges where the market
trades between established converging or flat parallel lines before breaking out.
The primary classic trending pattern is the Channel, which consists of a set of sloping
parallel trend lines between which the market trades as it moves in either an upwards
or downwards direction.

Technical indicator trading

Technical indicator trading involves computing one or more indicators that provide
trading signals which can be used to forecast and profit from exchange rate movements.
Technical analysis offers traders a variety of indicators computed mathematically
from market observables like price, volume and open interest that can be used alone
or in combination to devise a technical indicator trading strategy.
Popular technical indicators used in trading strategies include moving averages,
the Moving Average Convergence Divergence or MACD oscillator, Bollinger Bands,
the Average Directional Movement Index or ADX, the Relative Strength Index or RSI,
William’s Alligator indicator, Stochastic, and On Balance Volume.
Technical indicators provide traders with a more objective way to determine market
direction and timing for entering and existing positions.

Just Comfortable Trading

Proper training is important for achieving success as a Forex trader. Without the right
preparation and expertise, it is certain that a trader’s possibilities of succeeding are
substantially reduced.
This e-book, The Building Blocks for Succeeding with Forex Trading, was created by
traders and for traders with the aim of equipping traders with the right skills of earning
big returns from trading currencies.
It is important that you learn at your own pace and take time to familiarize yourself
with the foreign exchange market. Only then should you consider entering trades in
the market.
Whether you are an investor who want to learn Forex trading for the first time or
someone who just wants to give Forex trading a try, then take the first steps with this
easy-to-follow e-book.
Importantly, the lessons in this guide give new and experienced traders alike all
the essential tools and resources to start buying and selling currencies in the Forex


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