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Th~ physi~al quantiti~s ~xpr~ss~d in the thesis arc in the units which ar~ in common
pra~ti~c. llowever. the work of the other rcscarcht:rs has been rt:portt:d in the units
used by th.:m. Tht: units ust:d for various physical quantities. tht:ir Sl units and con-
version l(l~t<H to convert them in Sl units arc given below.

Quantity Unit used SI unit Conversion Factor
Mass kg kg
Diameter of the blast hole/ Cartridge mm m lmm = J0-3 m
Depth of the hole m m
Density glee kg/m 3 I glee = I o3 kg/m3
Temperature oc K oc = K- 273
Viscosity cP mPa•s lcP =I mPa•s
Velocity of detonation m/s m/s
Distance between mid mark and em m I em= J0-2 m
collision mark in D'autriche method


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