Analysis of Evolution of Telephony (Traditional Telephony Vs Mobile Telephony)

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Arturo David Linares Ojeda

English III

Analysis of evolution of telephony (Traditional Telephony vs Mobile Telephony)

Throughout its history, communications have gone changing, new ways of

communication and new models have been launched to cover the demands of
society and sometimes they have created needs that had not been raised until then.
At the end of the 19th century, the first device was invented telephone. No one could
imagine until where it would come from and what the consequences would be more
than 135 years later. The telephone has become one of the most important invention
of all time. Communication through the telephone form part of our day to day
independently of age, sex or social level. During the evolution of the phone have
been many technological and aesthetic changes, the evolution of the phone
continued with mobile phones. Although many people still have traditional phones,
mobile phones are increasing in popularity and are slowly starting to replace fixed
telephone lines. The mobile telephony already be considered essential for the social
life and the business world.
The mobile telephony in recent years has had a large increase compared to
traditional telephony which is increasingly less used, this is due to the advantages it
provides such as portability, mobility, reception of calls, cost and functionality which
implements useful features and applications for the user in comparison with
traditional telephony, whose only objective is communication through the
transmission of voice signals, some of these advantages are sending text messages,
capturing images or videos and Internet connectivity, these differences have
promoted the use of mobile telephony and have made a difference in terms of the
main use that I had the phone, however these new features in the mobile phone
allow us to communicate in different ways for example the usse of messaging
applications such as WhatsApp which is an economical and easy to use. Official
investigations have determined that almost half of households use only mobile
phones instead of a traditional telephone line.
The expansion of mobile telephony is constant, and the use of a mobile phone has
become a necessity for daily life, however this is affecting a part of the population
since the communication of a person with society is seen affected in that people are
more focused on the communication through applications than a direct
communication with another person. In the same way, the excessive use of mobile
phones and smartphones becomes harmful, so we must return to the main objective
of the phone and make moderate use of the new functions and tools provided by
mobile telephony.
Arturo David Linares Ojeda
English III

In conclusion the invention of the telephone changed the lives of human beings
throughout the world. At first, the phone was heavy and large, and it only had one
function. As time passed, the phone became smaller, lighter and able to pay, the
mobile phones made communication much easier and better than the invention of
the traditional phone because it was mobile, it could be charged, and new features
were introduced that provide additional functionalities that facilitate communication,
provide entertainment and they allow an immediate communication.


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