Annotated Lesson Plan

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Annotated Lesson Plan (30%)

ALP Excellent 5 Great Job 4 Good Work Nice Try! 2 No Dice 1

Categories 3
Learning Theories deep and solid solid some connection reveals a bit of precious little
connection(s) connections made to learning evidence— evidence of
h e c c
u x o o made to the made the theories thinking any learning—
m p n g theory as distinctiveness about learning a case for
a e s n gauge to of what was theories Dewey
n r t i learning learned
i e r t
s n u i
t t c v
i i t e
c a i
l v

The Plan strong a rationale is some planned the teacher is willing to

evidence the discussed that attempt is made thinking about check for a
m e s
o n t plan is will attempt to to engage and/or engagement student pulse
t g r attempting to engage and/or motivate and/or
i a a motivate and motivate students in the motivation—a
v g t
engage students in the learning passing
a e e
t m g students in a planned experience thought!
i e i authentic learning
o n e learning experience
n t s
Questioning an array of many evidence of low-level loads of
appropriate appropriate some questioning, knowledge but
p p r
r r e questioning attempts are questioning lacking not a sensible
o o d revealing made to use revealing an thinking, half- question in the
m b i thoughtful questioning: attempt to draw hearted plan
p e r considerations divergent or students in and attempts to see
t s e
s t to draw convergent involve them in what students
s students into their learning know
classroom obvious the routines and teachers reveals reveals some still looking
plan is procedures are evidence that attempt to for their
r p
o r centered considered and routines and reveal a classroom—
u o around how evident are procedures are procedure or maybe next
t c the teacher choices to being considered present a year!
I e plans on maintain the routine
n d
e u implementing best learning
s r the plan— environment
e holistic view
beginning to
Rudiments clear ample sufficient clearly obvious an
explanation, information information is lacking a empty
concise lucid that links presented to qualified pedagogical
progression, activities to the warrant a explanation, head
well thought outcomes, worthwhile LP
out activities somewhat
connected to effective set
PSP outcomes and closure,
established PGT stated
set and
pogniant PGT



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