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How unhappy we are!

THE TRIBUNE established in 1881
India has plunged from the 133rd position to 140th on the index
are egalitarian in comparison and
there are not many people whose
lifestyles are in stark contrast to the

Pulwama eyewash lifestyles of those around them.

Poverty in India may have come
down quite significantly, but still we
Pakistan probe findings on expected lines have millions of very poor and nearly

poor who are just above the poverty
LAYING an all-too-familiar tape, Pakistan has claimed that no JAYSHREE SENGUPTA
line. Rahul Gandhi’s promise of giv-
terror camps exist on 22 ‘pin locations’ shared by India. A month SENIOR FELLOW, OBSERVER ing Rs 6,000 per month to the very
after India handed over a dossier with details of Jaish-e- RESEARCH FOUNDATION
poor, therefore, has an appeal. Aspira-
Mohammed’s (JeM’s) complicity in the Pulwama attack and the pres- tions are high on the other hand due

ence of JeM terror camps and its leadership in the neighbouring coun- ANY may not have been to the increased use of mobile
try, Pakistan says it has found no evidence to prosecute 50-odd persons aware that the Interna- phones, Internet and social media,
who were detained in connection with the February 14 terror strike. For tional Day of Happiness but fulfilment of desires is scarce.
the record, these suspects had included JeM chief Masood Azhar’s son was on March 20 and the How does this happiness index
and brother. After having denied access to the media to the area where 7th Annual World Happiness Report translate into the voting pattern in
the Balakot airstrikes took place on February 26, Pakistan has finally was released by the Sustainable NOTHING TO CHEER: While India’s GDP has doubled in the last decade, the the upcoming elections? A one-
expressed willingness to allow visits — on request — to the locations. Development Solutions Network of average happiness has gone down. point increase in life satisfaction is
These spots have in all probability been duly ‘sanitised’ over the past the UN. The day was fixed by the UN associated with 2 per cent increase
General Assembly in 2012. The in propensity to vote. As per the
month. Indian investigators are not likely to find even a shred of cred-
founder was UN adviser Jayme Illien,
People are happy when they have secure jobs, a regular report, happier people are not only
ible proof there, as sought by the wily neighbour.
Though these are ‘preliminary’ findings, India can’t expect the
an orphan rescued from the streets of flow of income and know justice will be meted out. more likely to engage in politics, but
Kolkata by Mother Teresa’s Interna- also are more likely to vote for
outcome to change once the investigation is complete. If Pakistan is tional Mission of Hope Charities. He In India, there is no such guarantee. incumbent parties. And the incum-
sincere about taking its purported counter-terror operations to their was adopted and educated by an bent parties generally receive the
logical conclusion, it should throw open the doors of its seminaries, American woman, Anna Belle Illien. highest vote share the more buoyant
some of which are notorious as breeding grounds for terrorists. This The happiness report is based on GDP per person and happiness food and water safety. People are the election year economy.
should have been done right after the Pulwama outrage. The reluc- data from 156 countries about ‘how move in opposite directions. insecure about their health because In the case of India’s economy, no
tance has undone Pakistan’s efforts, already half-hearted, to convince happy their citizens perceive them- In the world, however, most happy the question of treatment cost one can say it is stagnant. Yet there are
the international community about its intentions to tackle terror. selves to be’. The happiness index countries are also high income coun- plagues their minds. many points of dissatisfaction. The
Amid the jingoistic din raised by a section of the media, credible ranks countries on the basis of tries. Finland is the happiest coun- There is no doubt that social secu- legal system is clogged. Those engaged
journalists with an unbiased approach could have shown the true questions from the World Gallup try followed by other Nordic coun- rity and the welfare state of Scandi- in agriculture are unhappy about unre-
picture to the world, but they were denied the opportunity. Creating Poll. The results are correlated to tries — Norway, Sweden, Denmark navian countries and the EU have a munerative prices and low incomes.
income, healthy life, longevity, gen- and Iceland, and the Netherlands, big role to play in raising the level of Due to the stressed banking system,
a smokescreen has laid bare Pakistan’s agenda to shield the perpe-
erosity, freedom, social support and Switzerland, New Zealand, Austria people’s happiness. If people are investment remains low, resulting in
trators of the Pulwama attack, for which the JeM had promptly
absence of corruption. and Canada. But many more vari- covered by a social safety net, they declining corporate profits.
claimed responsibility. India can go on providing evidence to Pak- While India’s GDP has doubled in ables could have been added to have little to worry about healthcare, Lack of adequate affordable hous-
istan, but it will all be like water off a duck’s back. The fact that the last decade, its average happi- make the index more weighty. education, unemployment or old- ing is making millions of slum
Pakistan has laughably identified ‘social media content’ as the ness has gone down by about 1.2 In India, why are people less hap- age pension. dwellers unhappy. Lives of people in
basis for India’s documents makes it obvious that this probe is points, according to the report’s hap- py today than five years ago? Look- People are happy when they have the informal sector engaging 90 per
being stage-managed by the deep state. piness index. PM Modi promised ing around big cities like Delhi, secure jobs and a regular flow of cent of the labour force are not happy
achhe din five years ago, but have there are ample reasons for people income. They are happy to see jus- due to job insecurity and dismal work
they come by? feeling hassled and unhappy. Even tice being meted out. In India, we conditions. Industrial growth is lack-
India’s rank, according to the hap- the report admits there has been an are witnessing robber barons get- lustre and hence the rise in unem-

Contempt for contempt piness index, has plunged from the

133rd position to 140th in the past
year, though there has been no reces-
increase in negative emotions,
including worry, anger and sadness
in all countries. Even with higher
ting away scot free after defraud-
ing banks of crores of rupees and
corruption at all levels. When peo-
ployment. According to another
recent survey (conducted between
May and July 2018) by the Pew
The courts need to act when other options fail sion or huge national calamity. Pak- incomes than before, people ple like Nirav Modi and Vijay Research Centre (US), over 70 per
istan’s higher position (67th), howev- remain unhappy because of factors Mallya fled after borrowing huge cent Indians are unhappy due to lack

PARE the rod and spoil’is a concept that may appear to work well er, is paradoxical. like rapid urbanisation and conges- sums of money from public sector of job opportunities and rising prices.
for the judiciary when it comes to preserving its dignity. But the Even when people are relatively tion in cities, environmental pollu- banks, ordinary people felt very Replacement of humans by machin-
judicial hammer of correction needs to fall sparingly, and as a better off than before, why has their tion and problems of commute. unhappy and angry. ery, AI and automation is taking
last resort, while exercising contempt jurisdiction to punish people happiness not increased? Clearly, People worry on many fronts, espe- Growing inequality and seeing the place, rendering rural people as well
blamed for obstructing the administration of justice or lowering the the correlation between happiness cially when bringing up children in rich and famous having fancy wed- as urban unskilled labour jobless.
esteem of the court. The Supreme Court, by slapping a suspended and wealth is weak. According to big cities. There is the big question dings and lavish parties at home and All these are adding to the problems
three-month jail sentence on a lawyer for committing contempt by the report of the 125 countries for of law and order and safety regard- abroad do make people unhappy. of the common people, detracting
launching a personal attack on judges, exercised an established right which good data exist, 43 have seen ing women. There are worries about Scandinavian countries and Holland them from the quest for happiness.
that, undoubtedly, has the scope to act as a deterrent.
Indeed, the courts are guardians of the Constitution, and their own

Yesterday once more...

rights and dignity. The law that has crystallised over the years also
makes it clear that the court is well within its jurisdiction to order pun-
ishment for contempt for itself and the subordinate judiciary. The
courts may not be endowed with unbridled rights under the contempt
Act, but the powers are in abundance. The question, however, travels
beyond the realms of legality and permissibility. By resorting to con- KK Paul ly travelled with their families. Keeping pace with the changing other route on the national high-
tempt, the courts rely upon an archaic law. The Act has the potential, When the boys were young, they times, the good old GT Road has way. Perhaps this has something
and the power, to erode people’s faith in the system.
Like other relics of the colonial legal system, contempt has its gen-
esis in ‘early modern’ England, when courts were perceived more as
an arm of the State than institutions to check unrestrained executive
D RIVING down back home to
Chandigarh from Delhi has
always been fun. Even after
45 years of following the same route
and routine, the excitement contin-
used to be invariably seated in the
rear with all the eats. I used to be at
the wheel. After a particular age,
children tend to become very noisy
and keep chattering and giggling
metamorphosed into an ultramod-
ern highway. Thanks to our engi-
neers, despite the higher speeds of
vehicular traffic and the consequent
reduction in travel time, the journey
to do with the Punjabi habit of eat-
ing out and converting every jour-
ney into a picnic!
For our journey last week, for
some reason, and with the examina-
powers. But the rod of contempt was not used liberally in the coming
ues to remain intact. Maybe, more with an occasional friendly fight has become much smoother and tion fever in full force, it was just the
years. Contempt proceedings are artefacts of a long-gone era and usu-
than anything else, it has some- thrown in. This used to continue safer, with the number of accidents four of us once again in the car. The
ally not brought into play in contemporary democratic States. The
thing to do with the feeling of nos- for the initial one hour or so, and coming down drastically. only difference being that on this
courts are not denuded of alternative remedies, some of them even talgia and childhood memories well before it was due, the eats This modernisation of the high- occasion, the boys were in the front
available to a common man. It need not exhibit its exclusiveness by evoked by visits to the hometown. hamper would be emptied out way has also been accompanied by and my wife and I were in the back-
resorting to measures that fall solitary within its domain. The Bar One such recent visit has been even before one had entered a simultaneous mushrooming of seat. Even as they were chattering
Council can take disciplinary action against lawyers. The courts need more memorable than others, as Haryana. Thereafter, all of a sud- eateries, resorts, motels and even and laughing like old times, lo and
to act when other options fail. As for contempt, the courts should after a very long time, both our sons den, there was a hush and one air-conditioned dhabas boasting of behold, it was both of us — now in
restrict its exercise to wilful disobedience of directions or judgments. were also accompanying us. Such found them fast asleep, despite the five-star washrooms on either our seventies — who were trying to
occasions have been very rare after car being non-AC and the road side. Their number appears to be resist sleep and were all the time
their marriages. They have natural- being not so smooth. highly disproportionate to any nodding and dozing off.

❝ ❞
thought for the day letters to the editor
Happiness is a place between too much and too little.
Keep it positive transport helicopters like Chinook, has taken stock of the archaic Looking for gains
— Finnish proverb It is unfortunate that nowadays which our defence forces need so provision and upheld the fact that Raghuram Rajan’s statement
everything is viewed with political badly. We are spending billions of all individuals are born equal ‘ Willing to return, open to oppor-
eyes. Pulwama killings, defence dollars in procuring such strategic (editorial ‘Caste aside’; March tunities, says Rajan’ (March 28),
action, defence equipment pro- military hardware. Moreover, it takes 28). The HC has not only put an at this juncture, when India is in
on this day...100 years ago curement, and now the latest anti- a long time in finalising the purchase end to the colonial practice, but election mode, smacks of oppor-
satellite capability, are all being deals and in receiving the supplies. also has provided wings to the tunism. Moreover, his averments
given a political colour by claims Such deals also invariably generate judiciary to ensure the funda- allude to his proximity to a partic-
and disclaims by politicians. unsavoury political heat, alluding mental right to justice and digni- ular political group, which if
These are not the signs of a vibrant corruption charges and counter- ty of every individual during trial. returned to power, may install
democracy and not in the national charges. Wouldn’t it be prudent to This will give birth to a caste-free him at the top financial post in
lahore, saturday, march 29, 1919
interest. The ongoing electioneer- use the DRDO in such projects era, especially in the judicial sys- the government. Mr Rajan has,
ing atmosphere is being vitiated rather than chest-thumping on tem of our country. proverbially, struck now when the
Mr Gandhi’s Reply. by undesirable utterances of politi- rarely usable ASATs? AAYUSHI, MUKERIAN iron is hot. His eminence as a
IT is a matter of common knowledge that one of the grounds on which the cians. We need positivity, not criti- KIRAN SHARMA, SUNDERNAGAR world-class economist has suf-
passive resistance movement has been condemned is that it will prove futile. cism at every step. Let there be an fered a dent and is going to be
Government, it has been said, will leave the handful of Satyagrahis alone and not attitudinal change by choosing to Fix the zoo irreparable this time.
make martyrs of them. In his message to a Madras meeting, Mr. Gandhi gives an appreciate for the good of society. Caste is barred The middle ‘Patiala Zoo symbol NEERAJ KISHORE, SUNDERNAGAR
appropriate reply:—“There is here in my humble opinion if Satyagrahis are left Kudos to the DRDO and ISRO for Apropos the editorial ‘Caste of state apathy’ (March 28) is fac-
alone, they will have won a complete victory because they will have succeeded in the ‘space shot’. aside’ (March 28), not only is the tual and shocking. Barren cages
disregarding the Rowlatt Bills and even other laws of the country, and in having JS JASSAL, PATIALA caste of the complainant or the and malnourished animals signify Value the elderly
thus shown that a civil disobedience of a Government is held perfectly harmless accused irrelevant to investiga- the apathetic state in which they Apropos the editorial ‘Showing a
by it. I regard the statement as an unwarranted assumption of fact because it tion, but also hampers the process are confined to survive. Zoo is path’ (March 25), it is, indeed,
contemplates the restriction of the movement only to a handful of men and DRDO can do more by potentially influencing offi- considered to be an educative painful that tall and senior leaders
women. My experience of Satyagraha is that it is such a potent force that once set Apropos ‘Satellite shot down, PM cials, and hence the outcome. Fur- place meant for appreciation and like LK Advani and Murli
in motion it ever spreads till it becomes a dominant factor in the community in hails India’s arrival as space power’ thermore, in most states, deep- protection of wild animals, espe- Manohar Joshi have been side-
which it is brought into play. No Government can neglect it.” (March 28), it is a landmark achieve- rooted casteism still remains alive cially endangered species. It is an lined by denying them ticket.
ment that India has acquired an anti- in the system, which can rightly enriched habitat for exotic ani- Their contributions to the BJP
Quite Characteristic. satellite weapon system, and has be attributed to the practice of mals that has entertainment and cannot be ignored, even though
IT is characteristic of Lord Willingdon that while professing his own doubtless entered an exclusive group. such archaic provisions. educational value. What an irony they have aged, which is not their
sincere belief in self-government for India, he should have said at the farewell Undoubtedly, our scientists and VARUN DAS, ZIRAKPUR that the zoo in the royal city is in fault. I am reminded of a verse of
reception by the Indian Social Club in London that he believed that no engineers in the DRDO are among a shambles. The authorities Wasim Barelvi: Dekhna kahin
Englishman in India was anxious to keep India from attaining her goal. We the best in the world. But one fails to should ensure that the conditions saath na chhoot jaye in buzargon
would respectfully remind his lordship that the millennium has not come yet understand why such an organisa- HC shows the way at zoos are the best possible for ka/ Patte paedon pe lage rahen to
and that a racial generalisation is not the less fallacious because, unlike the tion is not being tasked the job to In a commendable move, the the confined animals. hare rehte hain.
usual run of such generalisations, it sees only the bright and not the seamy make fighter jets like Rafale and Punjab and Haryana High Court ANITA KATARIA, PATIALA MS TANDAN, AMBALA CANTT
side of things. If he were right, the responsibility for the existing bitterness in
India would rest principally if not solely with the educated Indian. Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to:

Why opinion polls often come a cropper

times, they downgrade the victory of ‘random’ samples.
margin in their predictions or even Predicting the number of seats var-
make a mistake in picking the winner ious political parties will win is
as well. Opinion polls erred in the much more complicated than simply
major elections in recent years across estimating their vote share. The
the world as well — the UK General relationship between vote and seat
Election in 2015, the US presidential is never a simple straight line even if
election (2016), the Brexit poll (2016) there are only two contesting par-
and the Israeli election in 2014. ties. The degree of complication gets
PROFESSOR, INDIAN STATISTICAL Two classic examples of disastrous amplified in a multi-party democra-
opinion polls were witnessed in the cy like ours. Also, there is little
US presidential elections. In 1936, a doubt that several regional issues,

ARIOUS opinion polls are reputed magazine, Literary Digest, regional parties, complex caste-reli-
predicting varied combina- carried out a poll with a massive sam- gion-language divisions, a number
tions of the 17th Lok Sabha. ple size of 24 lakh, and predicted that of official and unofficial alliances —
For example, the difference Republican candidate Alfred Landon all these make the overall prediction
between the maximum and minimum would get 57 per cent votes, while a daunting task. And the errors
predicted number of NDA seats in incumbent President Franklin Roo- would be compounded — in most
about a dozen publicly available opin- sevelt would get the remaining 43 per cases, nobody really knows the mag-
ion polls in 2019 is 58 — nearly 11 per cent. However, in the election, 62 per nitude of the errors. In a nutshell,
cent of the total number of seats! cent of the votes went to Roosevelt the samples should be a representa-
Whether the actual picture will be sim- against 38 per cent for Landon. tive cross-section of the population.
ilar or different in either direction from There were different undesirable And then, unless these relationships
the average of these poll results will be features in the sample selection which are depicted within the framed mod-
known only on May 23. resulted in such a disaster. There was el with reasonable accuracy, it will
Are opinion polls a self-fulfilling ‘selection bias’ in this case as the be almost impossible to make rea-
prophecy? Could their average, at individuals under study were affluent TOUGH: Regional issues, complex caste-religion equations, official and unofficial alliances make prediction a daunting task. sonably correct predictions through
least, be blindly believed? The record people whose names appeared in tele- the opinion polls.
of opinion polls in India’s General phone directories (telephone was Party supporters — the term ‘shy Tory presidential election, Gallup’s opin- The procedures of sampling and
Election during this millennium, more of a luxury in 1936), club mem- Predicting the number of factor’ became popular during the ion poll predicted 50 per cent votes analyses are not publicly available for
however, is not very encouraging. berships and magazine subscribers’ seats various political election of John Major in the 1990s. for Republican candidate Thomas most of the opinion polls of our coun-
The 2004 General Election was a clas- lists. And Roosevelt had less support George Gallup introduced quota Dewey and 44 per cent for Democrat try, which makes it impossible to
sic example of monumental blunder base among such people. Again, there parties will win is much sampling in 1935, where stratified Harry Truman. The election result gauge the quantum of selection bias
of the opinion polls. Most of the opin- was severe ‘non-response bias’ — the samples were taken by maintaining was just the reverse — Truman got and non-response bias that are
ion polls in 2009 could not visualise a magazine approached 1 crore individ-
more complicated than socio-economic proportions, but 50 per cent votes, and Dewey could induced. Also, are the samples proper-
comprehensive UPA victory. uals, of which only 24 per cent simply estimating their they were not ‘random’ within each manage 45 per cent. Chicago Tri- ly stratified according to the socio-eco-
Although an NDA win was largely responded. There is reason to believe stratum. Gallup’s employees ful- bune was so convinced of Dewey’s nomic-gender divisions across differ-
predicted in 2014, most of the opinion that the people who respond to such vote share. The degree filled their quota within each stra- victory that it went to press for its ent parts of the vast and diverse
polls failed to foresee the huge mar- surveys are different from people who tum for sure, but human interven- early edition for November 4, 1948, country? Are the samples within each
gin of the victory. don’t in terms of their political prefer-
of complication gets tion in choosing the sample is with the headline ‘Dewey defeats stratum truly random?
Such gross mistakes in the opinion ences. Quite often, people supporting amplified in a multi-party always subject to bias. In contrast, Truman’! The photograph of a victo- Unless all these aspects are ensured
polls are not limited to the results of a particular party or candidate are by ‘random’ we mean that each rious Truman holding aloft a copy of and available in the public domain,
the General Election, as is apparent reluctant to express their views pub- democracy like ours. individual within a stratum will Chicago Tribune has become part of I’d rather prefer to put a statutory
from the last Assembly elections of licly for various reasons. In the UK, have the same probability of being US folklore. This election thus warning for the opinion polls — ‘for
Bihar, Delhi and West Bengal. Some- this happens among the Conservative included in the sample. For the 1948 taught the pollsters the importance entertainment only’!

It suits China to maintain links with terror groups

HINA has again blocked the na-Pakistan Axis — Asia’s New Geo- ist groups as strategic assets and
listing of Masood Azhar as a politics, Andrew Small says China using them against India. Hafiz
global terrorist by the United wants Pakistan to have the capabili- Saeed of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) was
Nations Security Council. ties to play a specific role. China is listed by the 1267 Committee. Both
Earlier, such attempts were stalled by also unhappy with India moving clos- LeT and JeM are proscribed organi-
China in 2009, 2016 and 2017 at Pak- er to the US. This has fuelled suspi- sations for the past 20 years. The
istan’s behest. China placed a techni- cion that China wants to use Pakistan 1267 regime requests States to
SANKAR SEN cal hold, which means that the propos- to keep India on tenterhooks. freeze, without delay, financial assets
al will remain in deep freeze for the China has maintained links with ter- of the designated individuals or
ACADEMY, HYDERABAD next six months. Thereafter, China can rorist groups such as JeM, and helped organisations. But Pakistan has seen
lift its hold or block it again. India’s them with money and arms to ensure to it that its strategic assets do not
present initiative for listing the Jaish- that they do not target China or sup- suffer. Only sustained pressure from
e-Mohammed (JeM) chief came after port the Uyghur separatists in Xin- the Financial Action Task Force
China helps terrorist the Pulwama terror attack. This time,
there was widespread international
jiang. China follows a policy of repres-
sion in Xinjiang. About one million
(FATF), which has already put Pak-
istan on the grey list, may work. But
groups such as support for India’s criticism of Pak- Uyghurs are imprisoned in so-called it is doubtful whether the US will go
istan for providing a haven to top ter- re-education (concentration) camps. the whole hog in view of its depend-
Jaish-e-Mohammed with rorists. Four permanent members of Pakistan remains quiet about it. ence on Pakistan in brokering peace
money and arms to ensure the Security Council — the UK, the
US, France and Russia — and seven
Today, in view of the growing alliance
between the US, Japan, Australia and
with the Taliban so that it can with-
draw its troops from Afghanistan.
that they do not support non-permanent ones (Australia, Bel- India, China may try to improve its The Azhar case has also brought to
gium, Italy, Bangladesh, Japan, Mal- relationship with India, but it will not the fore India’s strategy and tactics
the Uyghur separatists in dives and Bhutan) joined hands in the TERROR TAG: The Masood Azhar case has brought to the fore India’s strategy do it at Pakistan’s expense. of dealing with China. So far, the
Xinjiang. In view of the move to designate Azhar as a global
terrorist. But China did not budge and
and tactics of dealing with China. Pakistan’s relationship with JeM is
quite complex. The ISI has spent vast
Indian policy towards China has
been very defensive. India has often
growing alliance between took the stand that it needed more rorism. Germany has also come for- kept in private detention and some resources to nurture it. It is an impor- gone the extra mile to take note of
time to study the proposal. ward in support of listing Azhar as an terrorist groups have been allowed to tant sword arm of Pakistan in its proxy China’s core interests and respected
the US, Japan, Australia There has been disappointment and international terrorist. The European function, with a change of signboards war in Kashmir. Hence, it is doubtful if Chinese sensitivities. But China has
and India, China may try to frustration at China’s negative and
obstructionist approach. Some UN offi-
Union is also thinking on the same
lines. It will be a big diplomatic break-
and leadership structure.
In 2016, India had named China for
the army and the ISI will change its
policy of utilising them as strategic
not shown the same concern for
India’s core interests, and, at times,
improve its relationship cials have stated that the stalled pro- through for India if the EU lists Azhar. blocking Azhar’s listing. But this assets against India. Even former been uncaring. Perhaps, it is time for
posal can be brought before the Securi- It will isolate Pakistan diplomatically. time, it has not criticised the Asian President Pervez Musharraf has India to play hardball. India should
with India, but it will not do ty Council for an open discussion. And In a last-minute bid to persuade China giant for halting the process. Delhi’s denounced JeM, and said that Pakistan think of options to put pressure on
it at Pakistan’s expense. in that case, Beijing will have to willy-
nilly defend a terrorist in full public
against blocking the proposal, the US
put out a statement saying that failure
stand is that it would not lose
patience with China over Azhar, and
should not encourage it any longer.
However, it is to be borne in mind
China by squeezing Chinese busi-
ness interests in India, without fear
view. As a permanent member, China to designate Azhar would go against give it breathing space to resolve that Azhar’s listing, even if it takes of retaliation. But, at the same time,
may veto the resolution of the Security the goal of regional stability and peace. issues with Pakistan. place, will be symbolic. JeM is it would be improvident to reduce
Council, but this will go a long way to Owing to international pressure, Pakistan is undoubtedly China’s all- already a proscribed organisation, the growing and multi-faceted rela-
name and shame China. France has Pakistan has been compelled to take weather friend. As China challenges but this has not prevented it from tionship with China over one issue,
announced that it would freeze some action against the terrorist the post-Cold War global order, Pak- carrying out terrorist strikes. Things particularly when the practical gains
Azhar’s assets in that country, and groups, but this is of a cosmetic istan is likely to be its most important will not change unless Pakistan of listing, as the experience with LeT
stand by India in its fight against ter- nature. Certain persons have been ally. In his well-researched book, Chi- changes its policy of viewing terror- shows, are limited.

quick crossword su do ku calendar forecast

1 Recurring series of
events (5) 4 8 2 3 7 1 ■ Vikrami Samvat 2075 SUNRISE: SATURDAY 06:15 HRS
4 Young tree (7) ■ Shaka Samvat 1941
8 After all deductions (3)
9 Climax (9)
10 Synthetic fibre (7)
5 3 4 6 ■

Chaitra Shaka
Chaitra Parvishte
Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy

11 Hatred (5) ■ Hijari 1440 Chandigarh 32 16

13 Thinly scattered (6) New Delhi 35 17
15 Bestow (6) ■ Krishan Paksh Tithi 9, up to 12:48 am
18 Roman country house (5) ■ Pari Yoga up to 5:17 pm
Amritsar 32 16
19 Brochure (7)
21 In an undertone (5,4) 5 3 8 4 2 ■ Purvashadha Nakshatra up to 12:41 pm
Moon enters Capricorn sign 7:23 am
Bathinda 33 17
23 Rod used in snooker (3) ■ Jalandhar 33 14
24 Irritated (7) Ludhiana 33 17
Bhiwani 35 18
DOWN 2 7 3 8 6 4 5 9 1 Hisar 34 16
1 Seek opinions of (7)
2 To shriek (9) 8 1 5 6 3 5 6 8 1 9 3 7 2 4 Sirsa
33 17
3 Surpass (5)
4 Rough drawing (6) 4 9 1 5 7 2 8 3 6 Dharamsala 19 13
5 Small flute (7) Manali 17 04
6 Hostelry (3)
8 1 9 4 3 5 2 6 7
Shimla 18 10
7 Smarten (5) 3 4 7 9 2 6 1 8 5 JAMMU & KASHMIR
12 Hotly pursuing (2,4,3)
14 Indistinct (7) 7 5 2 4 6 2 5 7 8 1 9 4 3 Jammu
16 Withdraw (7)
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION 17 In another country (6) 9 3 4 2 1 7 6 5 8 Srinagar 18 06
Across: 1 Soft option, 8 Horde, 9 Dilemma, 10 Ramadan, 11 Godly, 12 Finish, 14 Fluent, 17
Urban, 19 Adverse, 21 Heinous, 22 Plant, 23 Go for broke.
18 Prospect (5)
20 Don Giovanni for
9 4 6 1 8 5 7 5 2 6 4 8 3 1 9 UTTARAKHAND
Dehradun 31 16
Down: 2 Oarsman, 3 Trend, 4 Pedant, 5 Illegal, 6 Nomad, 7 Easy street, 8 Hard-fought, 13 example (5) 1 8 6 3 5 9 4 7 2 Mussoorie 19 11
Send-off, 15 Earmark, 16 Hawser, 18 Bring, 20 Viper. 22 Silvery-white metal (3) EASY TEMPERATURE IN OC

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