Cavalier Ibarra Automatic Controller Arteria Pressure IEEE 88

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Physiological Systems and Models: Heart and

Hemodynamics I


G. cave1ier, A. Gautbier, X. Meier, J. Bob6rquez, P. Ibarra·

UJJiJW"Sidld dP 106� �to.:N IDPJJiNi6 EN<:frjea

-14bonfNj() dP � UoiVN'sid6dj6VN'i.fJ16
JkJptt Ca/omb/6,. A1'Mrfea .:NJ SUr
pump. llearurement meenJ took I8"f8N1 IiIne1s from the
__ specitlce11y the mean arte1'ie1 pressure beini the output
(and �) analyze<! and proceaed by a 1LUX!
Protnmel>1e CoDU'ol1er, 9hich e1so Itore<I cliiite11y the
1iIne1S. and conU'Olle<l the intusion pump in open (tor
i<lantincatioll) or cloIe<Itoop. Data II1'II trIIIl.Jtered later to e.
VAI l1/7X1 to carry out amra! UNe1 i<lantince.Uon
proc:e<lura Yith <IUt8mlt mocIelJ; the mo<Ie1 shOft in
reference (4] � ioocI rmJIts. Hoft'IV. it 'WIll found that
an eppropiele mo<Ie1, il� Its rimpllclty and nttnea tor
conttol 1>roc:e<IureI. is

U(s) 1 + tS

yes) : premn chenie from its initial Telue Po (rfItem'.

u(s) : <Irui inf'uIion raUl (rfItem'1 input)
TR : rystem'. pure <le1e.'y
,. : time ¢OD.I1aDt tor drui 6Ction
I: : r,stem's iIIin (pe.Uanf'1 JeDlitivity to drui)

The model pere.meten shOft<! en ample inten81 of

VIlI'ielion in i<lantineelion teIUlts. but beIe<I on the wriouI
DfTRODUCTIOH mo<lelinl-i<lantineelion-Te1Idelion loops, [ end t ftnI
rete.ine<lend TR dlaepr<le<l, beini Mi1iiible 9ith respect to
in automelic <Irui intusion Jystem to 10ftr the arterial the 4eStre<I, I10Y time of respoDIe.
prem.n <Iurin& hypertemiTe ¢I'isis and maintain this
1oftre<I Telus, mmt oonrorm to the phJliclan's inItrUctionI
about I'IIIpODSe time. It8edy stele Telus. a1erms tor non- DESIGH, Snrot.J.TIOH AlfD TESTIIG Of THE �!PTm
4eStre<I behmour, andlboUl<l be �le and COBTROL ALGORITHII
rupenilable by the phYliclan. The <IeIire<I beIlmour mmt
be mllintlline<l automatice11y in spiUl of � in the � tint or<Ier clole<l-l00p trerlI1'er tunctlon 'WIll aimed.
pel!ent'. perameten, or the praence of dIJt\.rben<*. and By means ot en ene1yt1¢el proee<Iure, a tredicione1 P.I.
the aettinI of the pe.Uanf's peremeten should be automatic conU'Ol1er is obUline<l; the conU'Oller hili conatants 9hi¢h II1'II
ewtl. it aYi<le renp of Terielion of the pelienf'. JeDliti�ty tun<:tlonJ of the pelient's on-line l<lantltieble peremeten;
to the <Iru& is eommonly found. All these <:onItre!nts lMd to this structure ilTelen a<lepti�, quesi-optime1 control. in the
chooIe an a<leptiTe control aliorithm; recent literature sense ot desire<! response . � dis¢reUI torm of the P. I.
mo". amra1 exem.piel (1]. !2], (3]. � <limrent dptiTe elioritllm 'WIll UIe<I . for the on-line i<lantineelion. e.
control alioritllm 'WIll choIen in the present "10!11: litter TeI'iation of the traditione1 mean-1qUIlS'eI elioritllm 'ftII
mo<IeIinI. i<lantineellon and TelI<Ielion of the mo<le1 and the emp1ole<l.
controllU'atelT. theq latter taIb pertorme<I1rith the teIUlts
of dmu1eliODl and ezperiments YithllD8l1hetllecl dop. Detai1e<I ene1Y1is of se'lVe.1 simu1elions 'With noise,
dUtmmt pere.meterS, time 'ftIrl'ini parameters,
perturbations lind lonl runs (se'lVe.1 hours), 1e<I to better
IIOJ)ELIHG AlfD IDEHTlEICATlOH control en<l i<lantineellon stre.leiies. The � initla1iJes the pelienrs pere.meten wluas end then
Experiments 1rith anesthetiJel1 dop, intUIe<I 1rith 10ftN the mean pressure wlue to the 4eStre<I rteactr-Ite.te
lIdrene1ine continuoUII.y in or<Ier to nIiIe their arte1'ie1 Telue, performlni III desire<I, pro�<Ie<I that in lq runs the
preaure, ftte pertorme<I; the hypotenliTe apnt 'ftII ¢UIIlu1eli� undesire<l e1'te¢ts or noise end disturbances on
Sodium-Hhropruai<le. <Ie1I'm'ed by e. conU'Olle<l intudon the l<lentin<:e.tion proce<Iure II1'II e1Iminele<l . Closed-loop

CH2566-8/BB/0000--0509 $1.00 C 19B8 IEEE
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r 11118. III
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8.8 8.0

TIME [ Mi ... J

aperimeIlU 1rith 8I18IthetiIId _ wre per1'OrIDed. prcrriDc

the control etl8CtiWD811 8D4 robum1ea. !Ipre 1 IhnI
one or 1heR ezperimeD.tI 1rith IDiIlor edreIla1J.oe
perturbedom. I. compact. 181t-c:GD.teiDe4. microproceaor­ RE!EREICES
baled prototype 1rith e1enu, 4IJp1e.y' end pre-pt\CI8llUlW:l.i
t>.,.the phylic:leD iJ e1moIt 11DiJhed end'WW IOOIl be teI1e4 em. 11 1 Y.G. Be, B. Iautmen enel R. Roy "IIultip1e IIo<Ie1 I._UTI
limule.tiOD end aperimeIlti. Control ProcecJ\n tor BIoo<I Preaure Control", IEEE Tl'8DJ. em.
Biom.Erlly Vol. BIIE-n. R°1. pp 10-19. ,JIIIIl86.
121 .iJ. �'90. ".iutomatic Contifluow-Time BIoo<I Preaure
SimulatioDl end doled loop uperimentl 'With Control ifl Dop t>.,. IIeeDJ or BypoteDJiTi Druc Injec:tioD"
1DU1het11e4 _ haw Ihcml that the automaUc control IEEE TnmJ. em. BJom.Erll� Vol BIIE-27, HOlD. Oct Ill.
IIIOrithm enel cyItem behe.w<I ifl the cJedred �, lowriDi
end memteiDiDI the ertIIria1 preaure at the pre-apedfte4 [31 JX.�, B.t.llcInDil. J.R. GlDTIr. R.J.. RormaIUI.
1n81. Im!ID ifl the prII8I1C1 or 1lOiIe, <liJturl>eDCII, or 10q ".i_tiTi Control or BIoo<I Preaure". IEEE TNDI. em.
aeaioDs. The syItem iJ rot>UIt end IiIIlp1e, ieJllDtitteI Biom.Erlly Vol BIIE-"30. R�.1IIrch 8).
automaticeU.,. at the �..jnl the patient'. peremeten end
fDUoy the patient Jtate 4urini hiJ imprll'ftlDlllt. lurthel' [t} J.B. Slate. L.t. Shepperd. V.t. Ri<lllout enel EB. BIebtone. ".i
ezperimeD.tI end teJtiD& or the com� protOtype 'With IIocIe1 tor DeIip or a BIoo<I Preaure ControUe:r tor
eoeJthetIIe4 _ 'WiJ1 be mMe ifl the fb1loYiq m001hJ, Bypene!lltTl PatieAtI". �th lue Corlp'eII em. 5yJt8m
eime4 at e.1ater c1iDice1. phylic:leD-tUpel"riJecJ teJtiD&. leJllDtitlcatiO!l. enel Penaetric EJtimation. DermItad. Sept 79.

.iuthon'" adcJnIa: Departemento <Ie lDpnieria EI8ctri<:e.

UDiTlrJic81<le 101 J.n4eJ Tel. (7) (1) 286 64 36

.i. .i. t9'76 Bocoti-Co1ombie. - U.


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