Uranus in Taurus 2019 PDF

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By Yasmin Boland
There is a massive astrological event happening this month – the
planet of change and disruption, aka Uranus.
Uranus will change signs moving from Aries to Taurus where it
will stay until 2026!
This cycle actually began in 2018 when Uranus briefly dug its
toes into the Taurus earth ... but now it's happening for real and for
the long-term.
At the start of this cycle, I wrote to the best astrologers I know
and asked them: What are your broadest brushstroke thoughts
about Uranus in Taurus from now to 2026 and what does it mean?
Here's what they said…



The idea of getting this information out there is to help you to

understand one of the biggest astrological events of the year,
which I why I asked some of the brightest light's in the astrological
universe, so to speak.
Have a great Uranus into Taurus experience!
Astrologers included are (in no particular order): Lynn Bell,
Nikki Harper, Aubrey Adams, Samuel Reynolds, Kimberly Dewhirst,
Christina Rodenbeck, Tara Greene, Kim Fairminer, Cassandra
Tyndall, Joanne Madeline Moore, Alex Trenoweth, Sally Kirkman,
Michael Lutin, Priya Kale, Yasmin Boland

"I did not see that coming!"

My broadest brushstroke thoughts
about Uranus into Taurus and what it
You may think something belongs to
you, and then suddenly it may not. Ura-
nus in Taurus changes our relationship
with what we have.  Nothing can be tak-
en for granted, but this is not always
due to external events, it may happen
inside of us. What has been important may suddenly not be.  In this
cycle people can turn away from old pleasures, and look for some-
thing out of the ordinary.  Then again there may be battles to keep
what we value from slipping away. When this is the case, people
dig in, passive acceptance becomes conscious resistance. In nature,
a new force awakens under our feet. It's power is disruptive, and
yet exciting. Something wild to be harnessed and hopefully, mas-
Find me here: www.lynnbellastrology.com

My broadest brushstroke
thoughts about Uranus into
Taurus and what it means...
It’s been a very long time
coming but are we about to
finally see a push for great-
er global equality? Perhaps.
When Uranus enters Taurus, we can be sure of one thing: the es-
tablishment is in for a shock. Taurus is a sign traditionally connect-
ed with finance, banking and building and Uranus energy is the
energy of revolution, upheaval, democracy, radical change and
popular protest. In the months ahead, we may see the 1% shaken
out of their complacency and greed, as ordinary individuals be-
come empowered to make their voices heard. 
Driven by the decent values that most of humanity shares (Tau-
rus is big on values, remember) change may start to feel unstop-
pable. Expect social media to play a large part in organising this
avalanche of feeling; Uranian energy is nothing if not tech-savvy.
There’s an environmental feel here too, and a growing recognition
that the world needs holistic, innovative, creative solutions not just
more of the same old same old. As more and more of us harness
Uranus to speak up and speak out, refusing to know our place and
refusing to look the other way, the powers that be will necessarily
take notice. To channel this potentially explosive energy positively,
however, will take some very skilful world leadership. Cross your
fingers: it could be a bumpy ride. 
Find me here: questionology.co.uk

My broadest brushstroke
thoughts about Uranus into Tau-
rus and what it means...
Uranus is changing signs and
it’s a big deal. It will move from
Aries into Taurus and stay until
2026. Outer planets make huge
collective impacts on our lives.
Uranus brings sudden change
and bolts of enlightenment. With such a wild planet moving into a
stable sign like Taurus, you can expect sudden changes but ones
that feel good and supportive of your being. Money, foundations,
and your morals will get a shakeup that will bring great wealth. It
will talk to Saturn in Capricorn bringing rewards greatly deserved
by those who have been working. This is such an epic transit as
it brings great appreciation and enlightenment around our earth,
material realm, and our bodies. Body love, understanding of our
resources, and environmental issues. Our earth and its health di-
rectly affects our health and this transit will definitely bring this to
our attention. Uranus also brings enlightenment through aware-
ness. Your 6 senses will definitely be heightened and you will feel
more connected not only to your physical senses but your spiritual
senses as well. Uranus can be a very spiritual planet and your sight,
smell, touch, hearing, and taste have spiritual aspects to them too.
For example, you can see the chair you’re sitting in. However, even
the chair has an energetic aura to it. This very beautiful transit will
lead you to a level of appreciation of the world around you that
you never knew existed.  
Find me here: aubreyadams.com

My broadest brushstroke
thoughts about Uranus into
Taurus and what it means...
Astronomers recently re-
ported that the planet Uranus
is loaded with hydrogen sulphide, the same gas that rotten eggs
emit. You’d hope that unpredictable Uranus moving into Taurus, a
sign ruled by sweet Venus, would make life sweeter and bring less
noxious changes in our lives. But surprising stinker planet will likely
be only as pleasant as someone not doused in enough cologne to
cover bad body odor. 
In other words, Uranus will bring a less pungent funkiness in our
lives. Yet, still funky. There’s a good and bad side to that.  The good
is that bursts of change will likely happen slower and with more
long lasting consequences. More like slow tectonic shifts rather
than an earthquake breaking beachfront off into the sea. We might
read stories of sweeping political changes that inch along over
weeks or months rather than regimes toppled overnight. 
The bad is that these changes are likely to be more entrenched,
whether good or bad. That’s because Uranus in Taurus will surface
events and experiences that have long taken root in our minds and
hearts. They just haven’t come from nowhere. Our own funk has
just taken some time for us to sense. 
Find me here: http://www.unlockastrology.com

My broadest brushstroke
thoughts about Uranus into
Taurus and what it means...
The first thing that comes
to my mind for the Uranus
in Taurus cycle is the digi-
tization of money! PayPal,
bitcoin, cryptocurrencies – all practical solutions for online trans-
actions; our attitude towards assets and property measured in the
digital realms is about to become a greater topic of interest, with
giant leaps and advancements for our ‘net worth online’ and earn-
ings, in store. 
China introduced the Social Credit System at the end of Uranus
in Aries, and our web presence – our social media or digital profile
– has become an accepted means of individual participation and
existence. Up next could be what each person has to offer, what
value they hold, what role they play in the collective. 
Agriculture and ways of farming could be revolutionized with
ground-breaking developments for food consumption, as well as
our relationship to sensory experiences. Online shopping and buy-
ing through apps will be more relevant than brick and mortar; cash
could increasingly peter out. People will increasingly be able to
make money more easily online. 
As Uranus sparks the imagination from its place in Taurean skies,
a bigger conversation could evolve around ‘what’s owed’; people
could become more impassioned and demonstrative around equal
pay, fair employment practices and changing up usual ways of
working – three day weekend anyone?!
Find me here: http://starsignstyle.com
My broadest brushstroke
thoughts about Uranus into
Taurus and what it means...
1. Revolution in how we pay
— eg cash, plastic, electron-
ic transfer. Could we go back
to gold standard — or shoot forward to crypto world? Take a look
right now at China which is re-establishing a gold standard. 
2. Radical simplicity,  liberation through nature and being “nat-
ural”, liberation through working the land, equality of labour. All
these ideas will become popular again. More preppers and back to
the land movements than ever. 
3. Innovative ways of cleaning the planet, innovative agricultural
4. Ecological problems will accelerate. There may be more
events like the American Dust Bowl of the Dirty Thirties, which
came about during the last Uranus in Taurus. 
5. Maybe also cybernetics will become more commonplace. Ac-
tual implants. Something about the human body being re-engi-
6. On a personal level, potentially very exciting — liberation from
fixed, old beliefs about the body, beauty… A new emphasis on radi-
cal self-sufficiency.
Find me here: www.oxfordastrology.com

My broadest brushstroke thoughts
about Uranus into Taurus and what it
A huge change is coming- a 7+ year
mini-age that hasn’t happened in 84
years. URANUS the planet that orbits at
a 90-degree angle is taking up long-term
residence in stable stubborn Taurus.  From
2018-2026 new technology will become part of our everyday life and
our bodies through microchipping. Robots take over A1 will rule-sex
robots;  “Sophia”  Virtual reality and cryptocurrencies/blockchains too. 
Uranus governs Hi-tech; revolutions; freedom; equal rights for all;
Higher consciousness and chaos. Uranus is like being hit by lightning
which can be destructive or can bring enlightenment. In Greek myths
Uranus castrated Saturn in Greek myths. The Patriarchy will be toast
by 2026. Taurus is a Fixed earth sign which resists change. It rules the
throat and music the arts and singers. It is stable sensuous and loves
beauty jewellery and luxury as its ruled by VENUS. Taurus rules re-
sources-what “I have.” Like Real Estate all tangible goods the stock
market -bull market and gold. This also means earth changes earth-
quakes lightning strikes and societal upheavals. 
In Yoga Uranus’s energies are called Kundalini. This is the actual
electrical spiritual energy coiled in the base of the spine which brings
enlightenment.  Many people will have spontaneous enlightenment. 
Resistance to change for all Tauruses will be challenging. All earth
signs - Virgo and Capricorn too - will be affected by positive as-
pects. Scorpio will be challenged as Uranus will opposes it. Leo and
Aquarius will also be affected by hard squares. Get ready to break
free and boldly go to places unthought of before. 
Find me here: http://www.taratarot.com
My broadest brushstroke thoughts
about Uranus into Taurus and what it
What will surprise-packet Uranus
bring to the serene sign of Taurus? Ura-
nus breaks to breakthrough. Taurus is
a Venus-ruled Earth sign so the revolution comes to the material
and sensual world. Technological advancement and progressive
leaps will focus on solving tangible problems, such as environmen-
tal degradation, increasing agricultural yield, reducing waste. Dig-
ital art is likely to gain legitimacy. Advances in sustainable fibre
technology will flow on to fashion. Micro fibre will be phased out.
People will choose quality garments that last, over wasteful ‘fast
fashion’. Advances in virtual reality and robots, perhaps even as
substitutes for intimate human relations. 
Our delusions about stability and security will be shattered
through increased seismic activity as the Earth cries out for an end
to environmental exploitation. Technological advances around the
extraction of ‘earth energy’ leading to an end on reliance of on fos-
sil fuels and fracking, and a move to renewable sustainable sources
of power. 
These changes will come about in part due to the decentralisa-
tion of economic structures, as cryptocurrency goes mainstream,
but also as financial institutions recognise the economic risks of
climate change and invest accordingly. 
Awareness of the impact of our pleasures - food, consumerism,
investments, lifestyle choices – on our bodies and the planet, will
lead to more conscious choices being made at both an institutional
and personal level.
Find me here: www.dreamorpheus.com
My broadest brushstroke
thoughts about Uranus into
Taurus and what it means...
Since 2010, Uranus in Aries
delivered a series of disruptions,
shocks and surprises. These
may have manifested in the
form of minor tremors, or mas-
sive earthquakes, depending on
your unique relationship with
the sign of Aries. By now, you’ll
have learned that life isn’t about
anyone else’s pace, permission or approval. Discovering and un-
leashing your authentic self and walking along your personal path
less travelled may have caused separations from what you once
held dear, either in your heart or in your life. What may have been
lost has brought new forms of self- expression that has liberated
Uranus’ passage through “I want” Aries has helped you clarify
your desires. The next challenge will redefine what you value while
Uranus tours “I have” Taurus until 2025. Taurus dislikes change. In
fact, the bull actively resists it. Uranus will shake things up, redefin-
ing your comfort levels and your relationship to the physical world.
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to recognise your stub-
born streak, and seek to bend rather than break. By the time Ura-
nus is ready to enter Gemini, you’ll have learned about money and
survival and what is it you truly need to find simplicity and peace. 
Find me here: https://www.cassandratyndall.com

My broadest brushstroke
thoughts about Uranus into Taurus
and what it means...
Uranus is the planet of revolu-
tions, disruptions, changes and
autonomy. And Taurus rules fi-
nance, banking and material pos-
sessions.  So globally, prepare for
major stock market and real estate volatility. And expect some
shocking revelations about the behaviour of banks and financial in-
stitutions. Personally, find practical ways you can gain more finan-
cial freedom. Can you sell property or shares to boost cash flow?
Or earn extra money doing something you love, in your own highly
individual way? Liberate yourself from too many possessions. Keep
only the things that are useful and/or beautiful, and get rid of the
Taurus also rules food, farming and cooking. So a Back-To-Ba-
sics and Down-To-Earth philosophy will work best over the coming
years. Be more self-sufficient and grow your own produce. Even
if it’s just a few tomatoes and herbs on your balcony. Become a
member of a neighbourhood community garden. Bottle jams and
chutneys. Bake your own bread and biscuits. Make fermented
foods like yogurt and pickles. Join a food co-op or visit a farmers’
market. Enjoy eating local produce, as you become less dependent
on the multinational supermarket chains. Being a Bohemian Food
Goddess is one of the most revolutionary things you can do as Ura-
nus moves through Taurus. 
Find me here: http://bohoastro.com/

My broadest brushstroke thoughts
about Uranus into Taurus and what it
It is time for the British to begin rev-
olutionising the way we educate our
children. With the ingress chart set to
London, it can be seen whole manner
in which we communicate, learn and
trade will hinge on technology. Teachers, as we understand them,
may become a thing of the past as virtual classrooms make phys-
ical school buildings and books obsolete. Children will be free to
learn at their own pace and will be encouraged to become inde-
pendent thinkers. They will finally be allowed to think beyond the
constraints of the less technologically sophisticated adults. Will this
be a good thing? It certainly will change the way we relate to each
As a collective society, we need to ensure our Mother Earth is
allowed to recover from the abuses of her offspring. And it just
might be the children born during these next eight years whilst
Uranus is in Taurus who help us to see the way to healing. 
The Royal family, so connected to the fixed star Algol, is also
likely to feel the pressure of change. This may be particularly felt as
Uranus transits that New Moon on Algol towards the end of 2024! 
Find me here: www.alextrenoweth.co.uk

My broadest brushstroke
thoughts about Uranus into Tau-
rus and what it means...
Uranus, the planet of change,
moves into Taurus, renowned
for its dogged and stubborn
nature. This already indicates a
clash of different natures and
some changes over the next
seven years will be sudden and
Taurus is an earth sign, linked
to nature, also food, produce and growth. Food banks are on the
rise, ‘avocado anxiety’ (finding a ripe avocado) is a major first
world problem and sustainability and climate change are going to
rocket up the list of world priorities. 
Taurus is the builder and represents money; Uranus rules tech-
nology and all things modern. Digital currencies are exploding, a
market correction of property prices is on the cards and you can’t
rule out another financial crisis. Crowd-funding will become main-
In the past, Uranus’ move into Taurus coincided with the birth of
industrialism. Therefore, we can expect huge innovations in manu-
factured products, robotic engineering and modern conveniences. 
Art and design could enter an exceptional, new-wave phase and
the internet will undergo a serious overhaul. Uranus in Aries was
the era of the ‘selfie’ (Aries rules the head); Uranus in Taurus is the
era of the 'collective voice' (Taurus rules the throat). 
Find me here: www.sallykirkman.com

My broadest brushstroke
thoughts about Uranus into Tau-
rus and what it means.
A time for embodiment.
Moving from selfies to
self-possession. Getting back
in the body. Less time online, more time with the tangible. Ura-
nus is the masculine or descending Kundalini, and will require we
are rooted to the earth. Grounding and earthing practices will be-
come more popular. An awakening in and from the earth. Mother
Nature erupting unexpectedly with earth quakes and other natu-
ral disasters to continue to awaken humans to take better care of
Her. A collective awakening around money, possessions and our
value system. We will move from hoarding, consuming, collecting
to wanting to live with minimal "things." Electronic media con-
tinues to replace tangible "stuff" that clutters our living space. At
the same time many will crave analog sound and objects they can
hold in their hands. Taurus is about texture, taste, sound and sight.
Awakening around all five senses. Sound healing becomes more
popular like nada yoga, sound baths, chanting, listening practic-
es etc. There will also be an awakening around our relationship to
money—how we make it, spend it and save it. As many predict,
financial instability and erratic markets are possible. We will break
through old ideas around accumulation and security. The desire to
stop trading dollars for hours seeps over the collective. Overall, our
values are undergoing a radical awakening from the ground up. We
must come home to our bodies to find stable ground when there is
so little externally. 
Find me here: Michaellutin.com

My broadest brushstroke
thoughts about Uranus into Tau-
rus and what it means...
We could all be singing: “I feel
the earth move under my feet…”
as Uranus the planet of innova-
tion, revolution, and the unex-
pected, enters Taurus this May.
Over the next eight years ex-
pect ground-breaking developments in field of physics, digital cur-
rency, environmental conservation, genetic research, and how ex-
perience our material world, among others. Questions surrounding
“values” — collectively, and individually — will be a central theme,
and backdrop to life.
In the area of your life ruled by Taurus, if it feels like you’ve
touched rock bottom, in reality you haven’t scratched the surface
of the potential. Life is pushing you to dig deeper and venture be-
yond your comfort zone into new pastures.
What and whom do you value, and why? Money can’t buy you
love or anything of true value; at most it can buy you freedom.
Your skills, talents, connections, are all your resources. Invest and
nurture what you value, be innovative, inventive, creative, and
you’ll be amazed at the tangible results.
Commitments too will be tested: pushing some over the edge,
and other sudden new relationships blossoming. You cannot pos-
sess another; the more freedom you offer, you can deepen bonds
that share your values.
Importantly: Taurus rules the body; Uranus’ energy is like elec-
tricity, or lightening – it follows the path of least resistance and
needs to be harnessed. No matter how fancy a lamp, without pow-
URANUS IN TAURUS er it won’t give light. A daily meditation practice is a necessity now
to your well-being, ability to remain grounded, and plugged in. Al-
lowing you to feel liberated, rather than shocked by developments.
We’re learning lessons of detachment from the material world.
We needn’t all become monks, but recognize everything material is
Enjoy each delicious moment, but remain detached. Then you
can experience the true sense of self-worth and security — materi-
ally, emotionally, and in your commitments – you crave, and watch
your life flourish.
Find me here: https://cosmicdiaries.com/blog/

My broadest brushstroke
thoughts about Uranus into
Taurus and what it means...
The most obvious thing I
think we can all predict with
the move of Uranus into Tau-
rus is a shake-up in the money
market, especially but not only where cryptocurrencies are con-
cerned. But there is more to it than that. For one thing, Uranus is
the Great Awakener so it's very likely that there will be changes
that run very deep about money, as more and more people re-
alise they have been living their lives somehow trapped by dark,
controlling governments (Pluto in Capricorn). There is a rebellion
building. There are changes in values. Digital ventures are going to
become more lucrative. If you can put it online, you can monetise
it. (Astrology online is going to explode even more.) Online dating
will too, even more as people are liberated from any shame around
it. Working for yourself will become even more normal too. Expect
also, more massive #metoo style developments. Women's roles are
still changing radically, think Women's Liberation For The New Mil-
lennium. Interesting times! 
Find me here: www.moonology.com

For one thing, keep an eye on your Facebook newsfeed and
our websites for more information about Uranus into Taurus as it
comes up this week, month and year.
This is a long-term cycle and with Uranus being the planet of the
unpredictable, anything could happen and probably will!
And if you would like to LEARN ASTROLOGY, click here to find
out about my free 3-part mini-online course after which you will be
offered my full-length course at a discount.
Sending you all best wishes, and may all your Uranus surprises
be great ones!

Speak soon,
Yasmin Boland


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