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Nama: Maria F..

Lowa Dhuge
Kelas : x c
Nomor : 28


Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Auretto, all people lived peacefully there. One of them
was Charlita, the King’s Doctor was assumed as the most beautiful and kindest Princess of Auretto.
One day Charlita looked blue. Because of that her father got confused. “What’s the matter my beautiful
daughter? Why are you sad?” Asked king Fernando. Charlita was just silent. She did not say anything.
Then, king fernando decided to make a competition to cheer Charlita again. After that, the palace
representative announce : “I will make a competition. The aim is to make my daughter, Princess Charlita
to be happy and laugh again. Everyone who can do it, will get a prize. It will be held tommorow when the
sun rises. Sign: king Fernando.
The following morning, everybody came to the palace, try to give their best performance. They seemed
happy and laugh, but not for Princess Charlita. She was just silent and still looked sad. King Fernando
starting to give up. No one amused his daughter. Then, there came a young handsome man.
“Excuse me King Fernando. I would like to join your competition. But would you mind if I too Princess
Charlita for a walk?” Said the young man gently. “As long as you make my daughter be happy again, it will
totally alright.” said King Fernando. The young handsome man took Princess Charlita for a walk in a
beautiful blue lake with a green forest around it. Princess Charlita smile and looked happy after that.
Everybody looked happy too. “I Know why are you so my beautiful daughter. Now, I promise I will
environment green. I regret for always destroying it. Finally, the environment around the kingdom
bacame so beautiful and green full of plants.
Then, the young handsome man got a prize from the king. “I will marry you of my daughter.” Said him.
“That is the prize I promise for you. Thanks for keeping our environment well. Thanks for making my
daughter happy again.”

Sekali waktu , ada sebuah kerajaan bernama Auretto , semua orang hidup damai di sana. Salah satunya
adalah Charlita , Raja Dokter tersebut dianggap sebagai yang paling indah dan paling baik Princess of
Auretto .
Suatu hari Charlita tampak biru . Karena itu ayahnya sempat bingung . " Ada apa anak saya cantik ?
Mengapa kau sedih ? "Tanya raja Fernando . Charlita hanya diam . Dia tidak mengatakan apa-apa .
Kemudian , raja fernando memutuskan untuk membuat sebuah kompetisi untuk menghibur Charlita
lagi . Setelah itu , perwakilan istana mengumumkan : " Aku akan membuat sebuah kompetisi . Tujuannya
adalah untuk membuat putri saya , Putri Charlita untuk menjadi bahagia dan tertawa lagi . Setiap orang
yang bisa melakukannya , akan mendapatkan hadiah . Ini akan diadakan besok pada saat matahari
terbit . Sign : Raja Fernando .
Keesokan harinya , semua orang datang ke istana , mencoba untuk memberikan performa terbaik
mereka . Mereka tampak bahagia dan tertawa , tetapi tidak untuk Princess Charlita . Dia hanya diam dan
masih tampak sedih . Raja Fernando mulai menyerah . Tidak ada yang geli putrinya . Kemudian ,
datanglah seorang pria tampan muda.
" Permisi Raja Fernando . Saya ingin bergabung dengan pesaing Anda . Tapi apakah kau keberatan jika
aku terlalu Princess Charlita untuk berjalan-jalan ? "Kata pemuda lembut . " Selama Anda membuat putri
saya senang lagi, itu akan benar-benar baik-baik saja . " Kata Raja Fernando . Pria tampan muda
mengambil Princess Charlita untuk berjalan-jalan di sebuah danau biru yang indah dengan hutan hijau di
sekitar itu . Putri Charlita tersenyum dan tampak bahagia setelah itu . Semua orang tampak senang juga .
" Aku tahu kenapa kau jadi putri saya indah . Sekarang , aku janji aku akan lingkungan hijau . Aku
menyesal karena selalu merusaknya. Akhirnya , lingkungan sekitar kerajaan bacame begitu indah dan
hijau penuh dengan tanaman .
Kemudian, pria tampan muda mendapat hadiah dari raja . " Aku akan menikah denganmu putriku . " Kata
dia. " Itu adalah hadiah saya berjanji untuk Anda . Terima kasih untuk menjaga lingkungan kita dengan
baik . Terima kasih untuk membuat anak saya bahagia lagi . "

Adjective Verb Noun

Lived = tinggalah/ hiduplah Looked = melihat Time = waktu
Peacefully = damai Asked =bertanya Kingdom = kerajaan
Most = sebagian besar Silent = diam Competition = kompetisi
Kindest = paling baik Say = berkata Palace = kerajaan
Beautiful = cantik atau Decided = memutuskan Prize = hadiah
indah membuat Sun = matahari
Gently = maco Make = membuat Morning = pagi
Long = panjang Laugh = tertawa Everybody = semua orang
Tottaly = seluruhnya Get = mendapat Daughter = anak
Young = muda Sign = tanda perempuan
Handsome = ganteng atau Following = mengikuti King = raja
tampan Came = datang Mind = pikiran
Best = terbaik Performance = penampilan Lake = danau
Starting = memulai Give up = menyerah Forest = hutan
Finally = akhirnya Join = ikut Plants = tumbuhan
Full = penuh Walk = berjalan
Still = masih Took = berbicara
Just = hanya Smile = senyum
Around = sekitar Assumed = di amsumsikan
Sad = sedih Rises = naik
Happy = bahagia Destroying =
Keeping = menjaga
Confused = bingung
Became = menjadi

1. From the text we know the king of Auretto is…

a. king Fernando
b. people
c. princess Charlita
d. the young handsome man
e. participants
2. what is the main idea of paragraph one? The main ide of paragraph one is…
a. king Fernando wanted someone to marry princess Charlita
b. king Fernando wants her perfecly
c. king fernando decided to make a competition to cheer Charlita again
d. king Fernando wants his so n of school
e. king Fernando want she wanted her cheerful
3. what is the topic of the second paragraph? The topic of the second paragraph is…
a. everybody came to the palace, try to give their best performance, but they don’t can
make princess Charlita happy and laugh
b. She was just silent and still looked sad. King Fernando starting to give up.
c. No one amused his daughter.
d. Then, there came a young handsome man.
e. The young handsome man took Princess Charlita for a walk in a beautiful blue lake with a
green forest around it.

4. why king Fernando make a competition?

a. to make princess Charlita cheer again
b. to make princess charlita happy again
c. because king Fernando very love his daughter
d. to give princess charlita something
e. because king Fernando want his daughter sad
5. why princess Charlta looked sad?
a. because princess Charlita cat is gone
b. because her father went to war
c. because his legs ache
d. because his head ache
e. because the princess Charlita looked so blue
6. what is the topic sentence of the last paragraph?
a. the young handsome man was already to married with princess Charlita
b. the young handsome man was a lier
c. the young handsome man gained the prize of the princess Charlita get married
d. the young handsome man which makes princess Charlita sad
e. the young handsome man which makes princess Charlita happy
7. “That is the prize I promise for you. Thanks for keeping…”
The underline word refers to…
a. young handsome man
b. princess Charlita
c. King Fernando
d. The people
e. The participants
8. what prize the young handsome man get it?
a. his get a throne of king frenando
b. his get the palace and its contents
c. his does not get anything
d. king Fernando will merry the handsome man with princess charlita
e. king Fernando give the young handsome man gold
9. “What’s the matter my beautiful daughter? Why are you sad?”
The bold word refers to…
a. The public
b. Kingdom Auretto
c. Princess Charlita
d. King Fernando
e. The daughter
10. how many characters in the text?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 7
e. 3
1. Who is the main carakters in the text?
Answer : the main characters in the text is the King Fernando
2. Where the young hansome man and princess Charlita for a walk?
Answer : they walk in a beautiful blue lake with a green forest around it
3. Why king Fernando make a competitions!?
Answer : because princess Charlita looked so blue
4. Why king Fernando give a young handsome man a prize?
Answer : because the young handsome man can make princess Charlita happy again
5. What is the king Fernando promises?
Answer : the king Fernando promises is “I will environment green. I regret for always
destroying it”
Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world, one some western historians have noted
that its architectural beauty has never been surpassed. The Taj is the most beautiful monument built by
the Mughals, the Muslim rulers of India. Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble. It’s stunning
architectural beauty is beyond adequate description, particularly at dawn and sunset. The Taj seems the
glow in the light of the full moon. On a foggy morning, the visitors experience the Taj as if suspended
when viewed from across the Jamuna river.
Taj Mahal was built by a Muslim, Emperor Shah Jahan (died 1666 C.E) in the memory of his dear wife
and queen Mumtaz expression of a “dream”. Taj Mahal (meaning Crown Palace) is a Mausoleum that
houses the grave of queen Mumtaz Mahal at the lower chamber. The grave of Shah Jahan was added to
it later. The queen’s real name was Arjumand Banu. In the tradition of the Mughals, important ladies of
the royal family were given another name marriage or at some other significant even in their lives, and
that new name was commonly use by the public. Shah Jahan’s real name was Shahab-Ud-din, and he
was known as prince Khurram before ascending to the throne in 1628.
Taj Mahal was constructed over a period of 22 years, employing 20.000 workers. It was completed in
1648 C.E. at a cost of 32 Million Rupees. The construction docments show that it’s master architect was
Ustad Isa, the renowned Islamic architect oh his time. The documents content names of those employed
and the inventory of construction materials and their origin. Expert craftsmen from Delhi, Qannauj,
Lahore, and Multan were employed. In addition, many renowned Muslim craftsmen from Baghdad,
Shiraz and Bukhara worked on many specialized tasks.
The Taj on a raised, square platform (186 x 186 feet) with it’s four corners truncated, forming an unequal
octagon. The architectural design uses the interlocking arabesque concept, in which each element stand
on it’s own and perfectly integrates with the main structure. It uses principles of self-replicating
geometry and a symmetry of architectural elements.
It’s central dome is fifty-eight feel in diameter and rises to a height of 213 feet. It’s franked by four
subsidiary domed chambers. The four graceful, slender minarets are 162,5 feet each. The entire
mausoleum (inside as well as outside) is decorated with inlaid design of flowers and calligraphy using
precious gems such as agate and jasper. The main archways, chiseled with passages from the Holy Qur’an
and the bold scroll work of flowery pattern, give a captivating charm to it’s beauty. The central domed
chamber and foblr adjoining chambers include many walls and panels of Islamic decoration.
The mausoleum is a part of a vast complex comprising of a main gateway, an elaborate garden, a
mosque (to the left), guest house (to the right), and several other palatial buildings. The Taj is at the
farthest end of this complex, with the river Jamuna behind it. The large garden contains four sections is
further subdivided into four sections and then each into yet another four sections. Like the Taj, the
garden elements serve like arabesque, standing on their own and also constituting the whole.
Taj Mahal dianggap sebagai salah satu dari delapan keajaiban dunia , satu beberapa sejarawan Barat
telah mencatat bahwa keindahan arsitektur yang belum pernah melampaui . The Taj adalah monumen
yang paling indah yang dibangun oleh Mughal , penguasa Muslim dari India . Taj Mahal dibangun
seluruhnya dari marmer putih . Ini keindahan arsitektur yang menakjubkan adalah di luar deskripsi yang
memadai , terutama saat fajar dan matahari terbenam . The Taj tampaknya cahaya dalam terang bulan
purnama . Pada suatu pagi berkabut , para pengunjung mengalami Taj seolah terhenti bila dilihat dari
seberang sungai Jamuna .
Taj Mahal dibangun oleh seorang Muslim , Kaisar Shah Jahan ( wafat 1666 M) dalam memori nya sayang
istri dan ratu Mumtaz ekspresi " mimpi " . Taj Mahal (artinya Crown Palace ) adalah Mausoleum yang
rumah makam ratu Mumtaz Mahal di majelis rendah . Makam Shah Jahan telah ditambahkan ke nanti .
Nama asli sang ratu adalah Arjumand Banu . Dalam tradisi Mughal , wanita penting dari keluarga
kerajaan diberi pernikahan nama lain atau di beberapa signifikan lain bahkan dalam hidup mereka , dan
bahwa nama baru biasanya menggunakan oleh publik . Nama asli Shah Jahan adalah Shahab- Ud - din ,
dan ia dikenal sebagai Pangeran Khurram sebelum naik tahta pada tahun 1628 .
Taj Mahal dibangun selama 22 tahun , yang mempekerjakan 20.000 pekerja . Itu selesai pada 1648 CE
dengan biaya 32 Juta Rupee . The docments konstruksi menunjukkan bahwa itu adalah arsitek utama
Ustad Isa , arsitek Islam terkenal oh waktunya . Dokumen Nama-nama konten mereka yang bekerja dan
persediaan bahan bangunan dan asal mereka . Pengrajin ahli dari Delhi , Qannauj , Lahore , Multan dan
dipekerjakan . Selain itu, banyak pengrajin terkenal Muslim dari Baghdad , Shiraz dan Bukhara bekerja
pada tugas-tugas khusus .
The Taj pada mengangkat , platform persegi ( 186 x 186 kaki) dengan itu empat sudut terpotong ,
membentuk segi delapan yang tidak setara . Desain arsitektur menggunakan konsep arabesque
interlocking , di mana setiap elemen berdiri pada itu sendiri dan sangat terintegrasi dengan struktur
utama . Menggunakan prinsip-prinsip geometri mereplikasi diri dan simetri elemen arsitektur .
Ini kubah pusat adalah lima puluh delapan merasa diameter dan naik ke ketinggian 213 meter . Ini
franked oleh empat ruang berkubah anak . Keempat anggun , ramping menara adalah 162,5 kaki masing-
masing . Seluruh makam ( di dalam maupun di luar ) yang dihiasi dengan desain hias bunga dan kaligrafi
dengan menggunakan permata mulia seperti batu akik dan jasper . Para lengkungan utama , dipahat
dengan ayat-ayat dari Al-Qur'an dan pekerjaan gulir berani pola bunga , memberikan pesona menawan
untuk keindahan itu . Ruang berkubah pusat dan foblr ruang sebelah mencakup banyak dinding dan
panel dekorasi Islam .
Makam adalah bagian dari kompleks yang luas yang terdiri dari gerbang utama , taman yang rumit ,
sebuah masjid ( ke kiri ) , guest house ( ke kanan ) , dan beberapa bangunan megah lainnya . The Taj
berada di ujung terjauh kompleks ini , dengan Jamuna sungai di belakang itu . Taman besar berisi empat
bagian dibagi lagi menjadi empat bagian dan kemudian masing-masing menjadi empat bagian lagi .
Seperti Taj , elemen taman melayani seperti arabesque , berdiri sendiri dan juga merupakan
keseluruhan .

Adjective Verb Noun

Have = mempunyai Built = dibangun World = dunia
Beauty = cantik/ indah Stunning = menakjubkan Western = barat
Never = pernah Description = deskripsi Historians = sejarah
Most = sebagian besar Marriage = pernikahan Monument = monumen
Glow = cahaya Show = acara Rulers = penguasa
Full = penuh Construction = konstruksi Sunset = matahri terbenan
Experience = pengalaman Interlocking = Light = cahaya
Real = nyata Rises = naik Moon = bulan
Royal = kerajaan Outside = keluar Morning = pagi
Lives = hidup Decorated = dihiasi Visitors = tamu/ pengunjung
Over = berakhir Building = bangunan River = sungai
Completed = selesai Subdivided = dibagi Memory = ingatan
Many = banyak Standing = berdiri Wife = istri
Perfectly = sempurna Costituring = saling Queen = ratu
Height = tinggi Expression =ekspresi Dream = mimpi
Graceful = anggun Noted = mencatat Palace = istana
Inside = dalam Houses =rumah
Include = termasuk Ladies = wanita
Right = benar Family = keluarga
Like = seperti/ menyukai/ suka Public = masyarakat
Prince = pangeran
Years = tahun
Workers = pekerja
Document = dokumen
Concept = konsep
Central = tengah
Feel = merasa
Design = desain
Flowers = bunga
Holy = suci
Garden = taman
House = rumah
Master = guru

1. From the text we know the monument name is…

a. Taj mahal
b. The monument
c. The mosque
d. guest house
e. river Jamuna
2. What is the main idea of paragraph one? The main idea of paragraph one is…
a. one some western historians have noted that its architectural beauty has never been
b. Taj is the most beautiful monument built by the Mughals, the Muslim rulers of India
c. Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble
d. Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world
e. It’s stunning architectural beauty is beyond adequate description, particularly at dawn
and sunset.
3. What is the topic sentence of paragraph two?
a. In the tradition of the Mughals, important ladies of the royal family were given another
name marriage or at some other significant even in their lives, and that new name was
commonly use by the public
b. Taj Mahal was built by a Muslim, Emperor Shah Jahan (died 1666 C.E) in the memory of
his dear wife and queen Mumtaz expression of a “dream”
c. The grave of Shah Jahan was added to it later.
d. The queen’s real name was Arjumand Banu.
e. Taj Mahal (meaning Crown Palace) is a Mausoleum that houses the grave of queen
Mumtaz Mahal at the lower chamber.
4. What the information we can get from the text?
a. Taj Mahal was built by a Muslim, Emperor Shah Jahan (died 1666 C.E) in the memory of
his dear wife and queen Mumtaz expression of a “dream”
b. It’s franked by four subsidiary domed chambers.
c. The four graceful, slender minarets are 162,5 feet each.
d. Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world, one some western
historians have noted that its architectural beauty has never been surpassed.
e. It’s central dome is fifty-eight feel in diameter and rises to a height of 213 feet.
5. when the Taj Mahal completed in?
a. 1666
b. 1629
c. 1628
d. 1626
e. In 1648
6. In the left The mausoleum is a part of a…
a. guest house
b. garden
c. Mosque
d. gerage
e. river Jamuna
7. “…employing 20.000 workers. it was completed…” the underline word refers to…
a. river Jamuna
b. gerage
c. garden
d. Taj mahal
e. guest house
8. “The Taj is the most beautiful monument built by the Mughals, the Muslim…”
The italic word have the different meaning with…
a. Get up
b. unite
c. building
d. broken
e. Destroy
9. What’s the queen Mumtaz Mahal real name?
a. Shah Jahan
b. Shiraz
c. Arjumand Banu
d. Bukhara
e. Shahab- Ud - din
10. What’s the Shahab- Ud – din real name?
a. Shah Jahan
b. Ustad Isa
c. Shiraz
d. Prince Khurram
e. Shiraz
1. What is the name of the monument in the text?
Answer : Taj Mahal
2. Why Kaisar Shah Jahan building the monument?
Answer : because Kaisar Shah jahan want memory his dear wife and queen Mumtaz
expression of a “dream”
3. Who is the master architect in the text?
Answer : the master architect of the teks is Ustad Isa
4. What is The architectural design uses the interlocking arabesque concept means?
Answer : The architectural design uses the interlocking arabesque concept means in
which each element stand on it’s own and perfectly integrates with the main
5. When the monument was completed building?
Answer : the monument was completed in 1648 C.E.

Holiday in Borobudur
A trip to Borobudur temple last week, I spent my holiday in Jogjakatra. I went to Borobudur temple. My
family and I went there early morning we went to Borobudur temple by private car. I had prepared every
thing . Before we went to Jogja.
While we were driving, we could see some beautiful views of mountains, forests, and waterfalls. My
family and I arrived at Borobudur temple at 11.30 in the afternoon. There, I saw many tourists
Borobudur temple wags crowded in that holiday vacation. I could learn and practice speaking English
with one of foreign tourist. His name was Jacky. He was very friendly. It was my first time to speak
English with foreign tourist.
We went back at 04.30 in the evening. It was a very interesting vacation.
Liburan di Borobudur
Sebuah perjalanan ke Candi Borobudur minggu lalu, saya menghabiskan liburan saya di Jogjakatra. Aku
pergi ke Candi Borobudur. Saya dan keluarga saya pergi ke sana pagi kami pergi ke Candi Borobudur
dengan mobil pribadi. Saya telah mempersiapkan segala sesuatu. Sebelum kami pergi ke Jogja.
Sementara kita sedang berkendara, kita bisa melihat beberapa pemandangan indah pegunungan, hutan,
dan air terjun. Saya dan keluarga saya tiba di Candi Borobudur pada pukul 11.30 sore. Di sana, saya
melihat banyak wisatawan Borobudur mengibaskan candi ramai dalam liburan liburan. Aku bisa belajar
dan berlatih berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris dengan salah satu turis asing. Namanya Jacky. Dia sangat
ramah. Ini adalah pertama kalinya saya untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan wisatawan asing.
Kami kembali pada 04.30 di malam hari. Itu liburan yang sangat menarik.

Adjective Verb Noun

Last = terakhir Trip = perjalanan Temple = kuil
Private = pribadi Spent = menghabiskan Week = minggu
Beautiful = cantik/ indah Driving = mengemudi Holiday = liburan
Many = banyak See = melihat Borobudur = borobudur
Foreign = perjalanan Arrived = tiba Family = keluarga
Friendly = ramah Saw = melihat Car = mobil
First = pertama Speak = berbicara Everything = segalanya
Very = sangat Back = kembali Mountains = gunung/
Interesting = menarik pegunungan
Forest = hutan
Waterfalls =air terjun
Tourist = wisata
Time = waktu
Evening = sore
Vacation = liburan

1. What does the text tell us about?

a. Holiday in Borobudur
b. My adventure in Borobudur
c. My holyday in jogja
d. My trip in Jogjakarta
e. My holyday in house
2. What is the main idea of paragraph one? The main idea of paragrapf one is…
a. I spent in malang
b. I spent my holiday in Jogja
c. I spent to borobudur
d. I spent to my cousions house
e. I spent my holiday in Jogjakatra
3. When they arrived at Borobudur?
a. at 04.30 in the evening.
b. at. 11.30 in the evening
c. at 04. 30 in the afternoon
d. at 03.47 in the evening
e. at 11.30 in the afternoon.
4. What is the topic sentene of the second paragraph?
a. His name was Jacky. He was very friendly. It was my first time to speak English with
foreign tourist.
b. While we were driving, we could see some beautiful views of mountains, forests, and
waterfalls. I could learn and practice speaking English with one of foreign tourist.
c. There, I saw many tourists Borobudur temple wags crowded in that holiday vacation.
d. My family and I arrived at Borobudur temple at 11.30 in the afternoon.
e. I had prepared every thing . Before we went to Jogja.
5. Why he went to Borobudur?
a. For recreation
b. For holiday
c. For vacation
d. For drawing
e. For drifing
6. Where is the Borobudur temple?
a. In Yogyakarta
b. In bandung
c. In semarang
d. In Surabaya
e. In kupang
7. “…my first time to speak English with foreign tourist.”
The underline word have the same meaning with…
a. peer
b. family
c. Stranger
d. relatives
e. cousions
8. “I had prepared every thing . Before we…”
The italic word have a different mening with…
a. Too late
b. After
c. over
d. under
e. on
9. “He was very friendly. It was my first time to speak…”
The bold word refesr to…
a. The foreign tourist
b. My brother
c. My grand mother
d. My grand father
e. My friend
10. What he was riding in order to buffer until there?
a. By train
b. By private car
c. By plan
d. By car
e. By motor cycle
1. When My family and I arrived at Borobudur temple?
Answer : at 11.30 in the afternoon
2. What I can doing if I meet the tourist?
Answer : I could learn and practice speaking English with one of foreign tourist
3. What is the tourist name?
Answer : the tourist name is Jacky
4. What we can see while we were driving?
Answer : we could see some beautiful views of mountains, forests, and waterfalls.
5. What is the main idea of paragraph one?
Answer : my trip to Borobudur temple last week, I spent my holiday in Jogjakatra My family
and I went there early morning we went to Borobudur temple by private car.

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