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Name Shahab R Class Block 2 Date 10/29/10

Section Summary

In 1516, Charles V was the king of Spain and ruler of the READING CHECK
Spanish colonies in the Americas. In 1519, he inherited the
What is an absolute monarch?
Hapsburg empire. This included the Holy Roman Empire and
the Netherlands. Ruling two empires involved Charles in con-
stant warfare. In addition, the empire’s large territory was too
cumbersome for Charles to rule well. The difficult and
demanding responsibilities led him to give up his throne in
1556. He divided his kingdom between his brother Ferdinand
and son Philip.
Philip II was successful in increasing Spanish power in
Europe and strengthening the Catholic Church. Philip also ruled
as an absolute monarch—a ruler with complete authority over
the government and the lives of the people. He also declared
that he ruled by divine right. This meant he believed that his VOCABULARY STRATEGY
right to rule came from God. Philip was determined to defend Find the word cumbersome in
the Catholic Church against the Protestant Reformation in the underlined sentence. What
Europe. He fought many battles in the Mediterranean and the does cumbersome mean? What
clues to its meaning can you find
Netherlands to extend and preserve Spanish Catholic power.
in the surrounding words, phras-
To expand his kingdom, Philip II needed to eliminate his es, or sentences? Circle the
enemies. Elizabeth I of England was his chief Protestant words in the paragraph that
enemy. Philip prepared a huge armada, or fleet, to carry an could help you figure out what
invasion force to England. However, English ships were faster cumbersome means.
and lighter than Spanish ships. After several disasters, the
Spanish sailed home defeated. The defeat of the armada
marked the beginning of the end of Spanish power.
While Spain’s strength and wealth decreased, the arts in
Spain flourished under Philip’s support. The years between
1550 and 1650 are often called Spain’s Siglo de Oro, or “golden
century.” Among the famous artists of this time was the READING SKILL
painter El Greco. His work influenced many other artists. This Identify Main Ideas and
period also produced several remarkable writers. One of the Supporting Details What details
most important was Miguel de Cervantes. His Don Quixote, in this Summary support the
which pokes fun at medieval tales of chivalry, was Europe’s main idea: Spanish power grew
first modern novel. in the early 1500s?

Review Questions
1. What territories were included in the Hapsburg empire?
The Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands.

2. Why did Philip fight many battles?

To extend and preserve Spanish Catholic Power.

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