Yardi KRC Manual Refund AP

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Kilroy Realty | Yardi Voyager 7S


Manual Refund
This document demonstrates the required steps to manually process a refund to
a tenant for a non-security deposit related item such as a credit charge or an
Step 1: Process Forms and Send to Revenue Accounting
Revenue Accounting will need the Tenant Account Adjustment Form. Please submit this
form with the necessary support to RevenueAccounting@kilroyrealty.com

Step 2: Revenue Accounting will Process Tenant Transactions

After all required documentation is provided to Revenue Accounting, the necessary
steps will be completed in Yardi to correct the tenant or customer ledger to reflect the
amount to be refunded.

Example of a credit balance owed for a Prior Year CAM Reconcilation

Step 3: Revenue Accounting will Notify AM to enter Refund Payable

Once the adjustments have been entered to the tenant ledger and the refund amount
has been verified from the Tenant Account Adjustment Form, the Asset Manager will be
notified that the refund payable may be entered into Payscan. Refund Payables may
not be entered without prior approval from Revenue Accounting.

Step 4: Asset Management Enters Refund Payable

Once the charges have been created for the Deposit and the Deposit Refund, an Invoice
Register batch will need to be created and approved to generate a check to the tenant
and to create the refund. Enter a single payable for the total amount of the refund.

Revised: October 22, 2013 Page 1 of 3

Kilroy Realty | Yardi Voyager 7S

Example of Other Refund Invoice Register


1 Company Select the appropriate company.
2 Payee Enter the Lease ID or Customer code for the Payee.
3 Invoice # Enter a unique invoice number such as “2012CAMRefund”.
4 Expense Type Select the Opex expense type.
5 Total Amount Enter the total amount of the refund.
6 Invoice Date Enter the date of the invoice – this will appear on the tenant
or customer ledger.
7 Post Month Enter the post month for the invoice.
8 Entity Enter the property code for the tenant being refunded.
9 Amount Enter the amount of the refund.
10 Account Enter the account for Other Refund 20107-10.
11 Notes Enter a descriptive note, such as “2012 CAM Refund”.
12 Click SAVE

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Kilroy Realty | Yardi Voyager 7S

Supporting documentation must be attached by way of the Functions>Attachment

feature on the Payable Invoice screen. Attach the below items:

a. Tenant Account Adjustment Form and the associated/appropriate

supporting documents. The name of the document should be saved as
“TAAF_[Name of Tenant]_[Date]”.
For example: TAAF_MarcusAndMillichap_102113.
b. A copy of the email from Revenue Accounting, which approves the
Refund to be entered.

Once the check is approved and paid, the tenant ledger will reflect the refund payable
and refund as a debit/credit (net zero) as shown below.

Example of Ledger after Refund

Revised: October 22, 2013 Page 3 of 3

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