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Hello class

today we are going to talk about why you should start investing
Before we start show of hands who here is investing
For those that are not investing my goal today is for you to is either to start investing or at least have a
more open mind towards it
And for those who is investing I will introduce new investments accounts that you should consider
Before we start, you might be wondering what makes me qualify to talk about Investing
Well for starter I have been investing for nearly 5 months now in something call the Foreign Exchange
In the first week of my investment I made 20 dollars from investment from only 100 dollars.
And in my Demo account that has real world data and everything is real except for the money. I’ve made
10k within a week from a 50k account.
Also, to reassure everybody on the information I’m about to give you I have included all of the websites
that I’ve used at the end of the power point
To start off, I want to say that investment is a great opportunity to better your future even with the risk
that comes involved.
To prove this, we will be talking about the reasons to invest and the mass amount of options that you
have when it comes to investing
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For one of reasons you should consider investing is because social security will not be there or at least
not as much when you retired. So, for those that is thinking they can depend on the government when
retiring you might want to consider in investing instead.
And here’s why, Social security funds is depleting, as you might know, social security works by taxing
working citizen and a portion of the money goes towards social security. However, the problem is the
cost due to the amount of people that is retired one reason is the baby boomer, out way the amount of
money going in from the working class.
On the government website themselves they say.
To continue on why you should invest, simply two words Compound interest.
To further demonstrate this, we will be looking at a traditional IRA account with the left investing at 18
to 65 and the right is investing at 19 till 65 with both investing 100 dollars per month. As you can see just
from one year there’s a 25 thousand dollars difference in money that can be earned in money that you
could have earned.
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Now since we are talking about IRA and investing, I want you to know that you have options.
The two main accounts or investments that you should consider is low risk and high-risk accounts.
Low risk is … and high risk is…
Low risk account is consisting of IRAs account
There’s also CDs and treasury bonds which you can get from your banks, broker or website.
Cd is basically promising you will not touch the money for a higher interest.

I’m going to leave all the website up here why I close this out I just want to say, there should be no
reason for you not to start investing. There are options with a near guarantee return, options that will
make you a millionaire, and you will risk your future because Social Security is not guarantee. So, start
investing, prepare for your retirement, make a little cash on the side, or make a career out of investing.
I’m going to end this with this Warren Buffet’s Quote “Someone's sitting in the shade today because
someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

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