Activity Route Map: Before The Lesson Material Professionals. Timing Language

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Ana Rojas

Chapter 3
Activity Route Map

Before the lesson

Material Just their books and pictures of


Timing 8-10 minutes.

Language They are going to use expressions

opinions such us
“ I think that…” or “In my point of view”, etc.

Instructions First, they have to think

individually their answers then talk with their partners
about what aspects are important when you choose a
career. If they want, they can talk about their own

Seating arrangement They will sit in pairs.

Possible problems Vocabulary of the activity.


I’ll show them this picture and then

give them some time to discuss
about it. I will ask for some opinions
and then I will share my own
experience for choosing a career
and ask two or three people to
share their experiences too.

Setting up the activity

Organize the students in pairs, if there is one extra student,

he or she is going to be part of a group of three. I’ll explain
them the activity and ask them, using comprehension
checks, if they have understood. Allow individual work.

Running the activity

Ms. Ana Rojas

Now, they have to talk to their partners using the

vocabulary of expressing opinions. I will monitor them and
answer some questions or help them with some words they
want to say but don’t know how to say it in English.

Closing the activity

I will sense if everybody has finished the activity and if

some students are still talking I will tell them than in 2
minutes the activity is over.


I will change partners, and everybody will sit with different

people and report what their last partners just said to
them. When they have finished, I will ask some of them
randomly to tell the class what their partners said.

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