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Name : Silma Megeta Safitri

Number : 1614025065

1. Connie is the main character of the story. Connie represented a pretty girl, attractive. She
represented the character of teenager as well. She likes music, shopping in plaza and
hangout with friend, and also has an interest to boys. Connie has two side of herself. First
when she in home and when she was out. They both are different. Connie think herself as
mature as women.
According to urban dictionary, connie means a beautiful girl, super hot and sexy. It is
match with the character Connie in the story. Connie like to explore her sexuality, she
like the older boys.

2. My interpretation about Connie’s parent is that they did not really care about their
daughter, Connie. Her mother likes to compare her with her sister, June. Her mother
likes to scolded about Connie. Compare the thing that Connie did not do with her sister
do. And once, Connie wished her mother dead and all over. Connie’s father is typical of
father that only focus to his job. He didn’t bother talking to them.

3. The story tell us that beauty is everything. Our physical appearance is important. Connie
knows herself is beauty and she used that to get attention of boys. And when she got that,
she’s afraid.
Physical appearance is important because if you are good looking you will have many
friends, it proved by Connie that she has many friend to hangout, rather than her sister,
June. The narrator describe June as plain and chunky (p2). It also the same with our
society nowadays. We know that physical appearance really influenced our life. If we are
beauty we will got many friends and attention, but if we are ugly, we will get bullied.
4. I think that Connie is passive victim, or maybe not at all. I claimed she as the victim
because she was controlled by Arnold. At first she try to reject him, but in the end she
was caught by him. Connie did have any power to fight Arnold.
5. “They must have been familiar sights, walking around the shopping plaza in their shorts
and flat ballerina slippers that always scuffed the sidewalk, with charm bracelets jingling
on their thin wrists; they would lean together to whisper and laugh secretly if someone
passed who amused or interested them.”
“Sometimes they did go shopping or to a movie, but sometimes they went across the
highway, ducking fast across the busy road, to a drive-in restaurant where older kids hung
The quotation above describe what teenager doing that time, the like to shopping with
their friend, and mocking at people secretly. They like to going to movie and eat some
food in restaurant, looking boy other kids.
The quotation really help us to understand the story, because it tell us the characteristic of
teenager at time like what they like, their preferences, their hobbies.
The preferences of music is also influenced the teenager culture, they dressed like their
favorite band or musician.

6. The kitchen symbolize that it was the place women should. Kitchen always placed at the
back or another side of house. It means women can’t be the number one, women always
became the other, the number two, always became the another side. Beside that, kitchen
in my opinion always belongs to women, women do all their activity in kitchen.
7. If I were Connie, and somebody that I didn’t know come to my house and I’m home
alone, I will fist hide and peep at the window to see that person. I will look carefully at
them. If they are so suspecting, I will call my neighbor or may be police. I will not even
try to talk to them for exact. I don’t want to take any risk. Or may be, I will call my
parent to ask if they have a guest and if it yes, I will let them in.
8. Yes it still although in not all situation. The story in briefly tell about women as an object
of sexuality for men. Men only look at women at their physical appearance. In America
in 1960 women are seeking the equality with men. They wanted the same changes in job
and education. They criticize the tradition that women only have one side play and just
stay at home, raise the kid. The situation in the past is not really different with situation
today, some people still think that women should in home and raise the kid, even women
thinking like that. It is due to the lower education than most of women got. And also
today women is still look as an object. Physical appearance still important. We can see in
the news that women still became victim of criminalization. Women got being raped,
being murdered. Men interested at women and the ask her to became his girl, and if
women refused, she will murdered. And then, women who is pretty got many attention
and who is ugly got bullied. The case above is often happened today. But that did not
worse as the past, today we can see that women begin to get education, high education,
women can get a job, work with men.

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