380.3 SP18 Final Exam Guidelines

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380.3 Spring 2018 - Final Examination (Wednesday, May 9, 9:00 am-12:00 pm)

Part 1 – Scores
In the packet you will find six (6) score excerpts; please note that some are more than one
page long. From these, please pick four (4) upon which to write (if you prefer, you may
write on all excerpts and I will choose the 4 highest scores).
Please begin a new sheet of paper for each excerpt and put on top of the page your
name and the excerpt number.

Address the following:

1. Basic stylistic information: texture, harmonic rhythm, melodic design, rhythmic
language, form (if possible), genre, instrumentation (if necessary), language (if
applicable). Include any information that you feel helps to argue the basic identity of
the work.
2. Based on your information, try to draw a conclusion about the composer. It is not
always possible to identify the composer. However, are there any idiosyncrasies or
stylistic features that may point in one direction or another? If you cannot
determine the composer, please supply a possible year (or range of about 50 years).
In cases where a composer can be ruled out, that is also pertinent information.
Remember: more important than simply guessing the composer is to give
information about the style and main characteristics of the piece.
3. In a case where not enough information is available (e.g. the excerpt is too short),
you can indicate what information might be available if you had the entire work that
might help to determine for sure the identity of the composer.

In all cases, the evidence that you provide to support your argument is more important
than whether or not you are able to guess the right composer. That is, an answer that
correctly identifies the relevant stylistic features, but misidentifies the composer will
receive more credit than one in which the correct answer is provided but without any
supporting evidence. Please include only information that helps to indicate the general
identity of the composer and the characteristics of the composition. Please discuss these
characteristics rather than simply describe the piece.

Please write neatly! Complete sentences are not necessary; however, your information
needs to be unambiguous and your meaning clear. You may write in the score packet
and on the scratch paper, but only information that is provided on the lined paper will
receive credit.
Please turn in the score packet and the scratch paper along with your answers.

I suggest taking some time to look through the excerpts before choosing those upon which
to write.

Part II – Short written essay – In class, during exam time
– Choose one of the two essay questions and write a short essay (about one page);
– The two questions will be a shortened version of the questions listed on the Canvas
webpage two weeks before the exam date;
– Please indicate at the top of the page the question you have chosen;
– Include mention of relevant composers, some significant works, and the main
characteristics of the genre under discussion;
– Please write neatly!

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