Assessment Brochure

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Assess More,
in Action
Grade Less A Guide for

When you think of

assessment, you may
recall letter grades and
report cards. This is only
one small aspect of
assessment. Here,
assessment is a vital part
of the learning process,
and it is used to enhance
your child’s learning
experiences. In our Contact Info
classroom, we assess Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX
more and evaluate less,
which has been proven Email:
to improve student See what your child is doing in the
achievement. classroom, visit
Assessment OF Learning is where your child’s
grades come into play. This is when I evaluate your Student-Led
child’s work and assign a letter grade that best reflects Conferences
the quality of their learning. These evaluative
practices occur usually at or near the end of a learning Every year,
period, when your child should be ready to students present
demonstrate their learning. their learning
portfolios to their
Examples: projects,
demonstrations, Students choose
What are the types of presentations, rubrics, tests, what goes into
assessments you will use? quizzes these portfolios that best represent their
learning. These “artefacts” will also include the

Assessment AS Learning occurs when children

How do assessments help assessment tools used. This is your opportunity
to discover what your child is learning. I
assess themselves. They monitor their own progress improve my child’s learning? encourage you to ask your child questions
in relation to learning goals and success criteria. They during your conference, such as “Can you
When assessments are done on an ongoing and timely
develop skills to self-monitor, set goals, and self-reflect explain this assessment?” You will be very
manner, students…
on their own learning. This helps build a sense of impressed with the way your young learner
independence and accountability in your child.  Grow more aware of their strengths and areas needing articulates their thinking and learning!
improvement, and what they need to do to close gaps in their
Examples: journals, graphic learning;
organizers, self-checklists,
goal-tracking sheets, peer
 Become more self-directed and independent; What is my role as a
 Are more confident and motivated to participate and complete
learning tasks;
 Have more opportunities to practice new skills and receive more Students attain more meaningful learning
feedback prior to evaluated tasks; experience when both home and school are
Assessment FOR Learning is gathering and  Develop understanding of desired outcomes, learning goals, and involved. To support your child’s academic
interpreting evidence of student learning that will success criteria, which help to focus their learning; growth, you can:
help me decide where your children are at in their  Ask your child to explain what the criteria
learning; where they need to go next; and how  Acquire life skills, such as critical thinking, self-regulation, self- on assignments in his/her own words (and
they will get there. Its purpose is to provide valuable, reflection, and goal-setting;
in his/her first language too!).
descriptive feedback to students as they are gaining  Understand the relevance of what they are learning.  Review the criteria and ask your child if
and practicing new knowledge and skills. The he/she has completed it all. Be sure they
information I receive from these assessments also understand they know what to do.
assists me to adjust my instruction to ensure your  Have your child read his/her work to you,
child’s progress. or read it aloud to him/her. Provide
feedback on what he/she did well and what
he/she can improve on.
Examples: teacher  If your child does not understand their
observations, student- grade, please get in contact with me.
teacher conferences,  Remain positive when discussing grades
admit/exit passes with your child. Focus on strengths and talk
about what he/she needs to work on.
 Avoid giving your child the “right answer.”
Encourage your child to explore the
question independently or together as a

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