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I dreamed of using a hose to wash a neighborhood street…

and ducks in pond arranged like a fleet.

I dreamed of many boats that looked like large ice cubes…

and cows in a pasture wearing inner tubes.

I dreamed of riding a moose in a shopping mall…

and playing catch in the yard with a bowling ball.

I dreamed of seeing fireworks without hearing a boom.

and having a big draft horse in my living room.

I dreamed of a playful puppy with a cute little bark…

and walking in the woods long after dark.

I dreamed of a big blue whale gently passing by …

and flocks of migrant birds flying high in the sky.

I dreamed of several seals swimming with their pups…

and many pounds of blueberries all in coffee cups.

I dreamed of little children laughing at what they say…

and farmers in their fields bailing their hay.

I dreamed of massive houses with giant winding stairs…

and feeding bread on plates to five polar bears.

I dreamed of a tiny kitten in a red sports car…

and a field of colorful flowers all in the shape of a star.

I dreamed of an antique train that looked very new…

and walking through a meadow in the morning dew.

I dreamed of mountain bikes with tires made of silk…

and eating a juicy orange with a cold glass of milk.

I dreamed of a magnificent parade with a large marching band…

and holding a newborn baby with my finger in its hand.

I enjoy dreams when my sleep does start…

when I wake I have more dreams but they are in my heart.

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