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1. Student : I am sorry Sir, I don’t finish my home work yet.

Teacher : Oh no! I’m not pleased at all.
Student : Don’t worry sir! I will not repeat again in the next time.
Teacher : Kneeling down on the floor right now!
1. The underlined expression expresses ....
A. Expressing satisfaction
B. Expressing dissatisfaction
C. Expressing happiness
D. Expressing sadness
E. Expressing anger

For questions number 2 and 3

Endy : Hey Naufal ! What are you doing there ?
Naul : I want to sit here !
Endy : Move now! I am watching now. You had block my view.
Naul : Aaaah! Just a minutes!
Endy : Move now! You made me sick.
Naul : Ok. I’m sorry sister ..

2. The underlined expression expresses ....

A. Expressing satisfaction
B. Expressing dissatisfaction
C. Expressing happiness
D. Expressing sadness
E. Expressing annoyance

3. . "You had block my view" The underlined word has similar meaning with ....
A. Hunk
B. Deter
C. Raise
D. Assist
E. Lump

For questions number 4 and 5

Driver : I’m sorry, Sir. I am late. You must be waiting for me for a long time.
Mr. Robby : Yeah! I am very annoyed. Why did you come late? You should have been here
Driver : Err… There was a traffic jam on the way here. So I couldn’t drive fast. That’s the
truth, Sir.
Mr. Robby : Oh, stop talking. __________________ .
Driver : Pardon me, sir.
4. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. You make me mad
B. Never mind
C. You make me pleased
D. You make me shy
E. What a shame!

5. Based on the dialogue, we know that ....

A. Driver came on time
B. Driver was happy
C. Mr. Robby was sad
D. Mr. Robby really angry
E. Mr. Robby and Driver came late

Indra : I’m really sorry. I’m late to pick you up.

Rany : Make sure this is the last time you are late because You made me annoyed.
Indra : Okay, okay. Forgive me. Are you hungry? Let’s have lunch together.
Rany : No I’m not. Just take me home now.

6. Based on the dialogue above, what kind of expression Rany used?

A. Expression of sadness
B. Expression of like
C. Expression of annoyance
D. Expression of surprise
E. Expression of happiness

For questions number 7 and 8

Riny : Cindy, where do you put my book?
Cindy : Ha?? (Panic).
Riny : Where is my book? I need it.
Cindy : Rin, sorry. I want to say something about your book.
Riny : What do you want to say?
Cindy : Here! Sit down and I will tell you.
Riny : What's going on?
Cindy : Sorry, I lost your book.
Riny : Oh, NO!! Don’t tell it out on me!
Cindy : Sorry.. I will change with a new one.
Riny : You must do it, dear! I really need it!

7. The underlined expression expresses ....

A. Expressing satisfaction D. Expressing happiness
B. Expressing dissatisfaction E. Expressing sadness
C. Expressing anger
8. "I will change with a new one." The underlined word has close meaning with ....
A. Languish D. Serve
B. Substitute E. Provide
C. Palpate

Andy : I have bad news for our class.

Bram : What's going on?
Andy : Miss Jenny didn’t teach us anymore.
Bram : What _____________. She is the best teacher in our school.
Andy : I know, he would move out of town.

9. What is the appropriate response to complete the dialogue?

A. I’m glad to see it D. I feel fed up with it
B. I’m happy to hear that E. It makes me ashamed
C. I'm really shy

Nely : What are you working at?

Liza : My tasks. These tasks are driving me nuts.
Nely : Wow! You have a lot of tasks to be done.
Liza : Yeah. It’s make me sick.
Nely : Come on. You can do it. Let me help you.
Liza : Oh thank you so much.
Nely : Never mind.

10. From the dialogue we know that ...

A. Nely has a lot of tasks
B. Nely happy in doing the tasks
C. Liza is very annoyed with the tasks
D. Liza asking help to Nely
E. Nely and Liza are excited

11. Woman : What’s wrong with your shirt? It

looks so dirty.
Man : …………………
What should the man’s responses to show his annoyed?
a. Do you like it?
b. How could you ask me that question.
c. A girl drops her drink on me. I ‘m very annoyed.
d. It usual happened on me.
e. I hate you so much!

12. Man : Sinta, what happen with you? You

Look so sad.
Woman : …………….
What should Sinta’s response to express her sadness?
a. It’s ok, I am all right.
b. Come on…, don’t ask me more
c. I can’t hold my tears on it.
My dad has passed away.
d. Don’t mention it
e. What is your business?

13. Boy : I love you so much, mom.

Mother : …………….
What should mother’s response to express her love?
a. That’s good news
b. I never think about it before
c. Don’t you know, that I love you too my son.
d. What are you talking about?
e. How nice you are.

14. Jill : What’s wrong with you?

Rick : You really make me mad!Do you know how much money you waste for
For the dialogue we know that Rick expresses his ....
a. Regret d. Anger
b. Happiness e. Love
c. Grief

15. Mona : Nina, why did you cry? Did you have a problem?
Nina : ………………….
What should Nina’s response to express her sadness?
a. It, ok.
b. Don’t ever ask me such a question.
c. What is your business?
d. My heart is so burdened. He leaves me alone.
e. Do you think I’m sad?

16. Jono : Jeni, I want to talk to you about my heart.

I think I’m in love with you. What about you?
Jeni: …………..
What should Jeni’s response to express her love?
a. I m sorry to hear that. d. So, pleasa leave me alone?
b. I think you are nut. e. I have a crush on you too
c. What a nuisance

17. Man : Do you know that I have entered a

wrong class this morning.
Woman : …………………….
What should the woman response to express an embarrassment?
a. Are you all right? d. What’s a relief!
b. What’s wrong with you e. That’s so wonderful
c. What’s an embarrassment!

For questions number 18 and 20

Tony : Tika, Today is your birthday, but I didn’t see
the happiness in your eyes. Is there something wrong ?
Tika : (a)………………,I’ve got E for daily English test.
Tony : really? I can’t believe it, you must study hard for the next.
Tika : I will.thank’s for your suggestion.
Tony : Don,t mention it. Well, I’ve a present for your special day.
Here it is! Do you like it?
Tika : It,s beautiful! (b)…………………….Thanks a lot.
I love you so much, my brother.
Tony : (c)………………………,my sister.

18. What did Tika’s response to express her sadness?

Answer :

19. What did Tika’s response to express her love?

Answer :

20. What did Tony’s response to express his love?


21. (+) I went to Bali with my friends last week.

22. (+) She studies Biology every Monday.
23. (+) You are the winners.
24. (+) They go to beach on weekend
25. (+) I was happy with you.


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