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EGR 323 Signals and Systems Analysis

Homework Assignment #1

Name: ______________________________

Score: _____/ 100_

_____ / 10 (15 pts) Problem #1:

Using Euler's formula and the properties of complex numbers, show that
e j  e  j e j  e  j 
cos   and sin   .
2 2j

_____ / 20 ( 15 pts) Problem #2:

Assume that you have the complex signal
x(t )  xre (t )  jxim (t ) .
Furthermore, assume that x(t ) is Hermitian symmetric, that is, xre (t ) is an even signal
( xre (t )  xre (t ) ) and xim (t ) is an odd signal ( xim (t )   xim (t ) ). Show that the polar
representation of x(t ) is also Hermitian symmetric. To do so, show that the magnitude
x(t )  xre2 (t )  xim
(t )
is an even signal and the phase
x(t )  a tan im 
x (t )

 xre (t ) 
is an odd signal.

_____ / 10 ( 14 pts) Problem #3:

Evaluate the following sums:
 u (k ) 50 0
a)  k
b)  ramp(k ) c)  3k
k   2 k 10 k  20

_____ / 20 (12 points) Problem #4:

Using MATLAB, plot the CT signal c(t) = sin(2πt) over the range 0 <t <10 with the
following choices of the time resolution Δt of the plot. Explain why the plots look the
way they do.

a. 1/24 b. 1/12 c. 5/6 d. ½ e. 1

_____ / 10 ( 14 pts) Problem #5:

Text Chapter 2 Exercise 53.

EGR 323 Signals and Systems Analysis

_____ / 10 ( 15 pts) Problem #6:

Text Chapter 2 Exercise 57.

_____ / 10 ( 15 pts) Problem #7:

Text Chapter 2 Exercise 60.


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