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The reputation of Taylor Swift: How does Taylor Swift send messages

to the world through these short musical films ?

“There will be no further explanations. There will just be reputation.”

- Taylor Swift on Instagram, August 25th of 2017.

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There will be no further explanations. Taylor Swift has these
words to say for this year. It’s sure. On October 26th of 2017, Taylur
have drop here second music video from here incoming 6th album
“reputation”, named “…Ready For It?”. Directed by Joseph Kahn, this
short film of 3:30 introduces a new medium of communication that
Taylor already loves to set up for his songs, and I hope for these future
too !
Being a Swiftie since the Speak Now Era, I followed here evolution.
And I can say that our Princess of Meowtown has evolved a lot in
recent years, especially since 1989 Era. When LWYMMD cames out and
when I’ve see the “embrace for impact” on this MTV Trailer I couldn’t
control myself. And the fact that the clip has buntly break the Internet
made me understand that to be Swiftie, is to turn into Inspector Olivia
Benson and decode Taylor's messages.
So I come to the music video clip of “…Ready For It?”, I read a
lot, and enjoyed all the wacky theories and questions of the Swifties
on Tumblr and Instagram. I noticed we all had a very global opinion.
But at every notice, there were different elements and scenes that
were perceived differently. I will offer you my personal and
constructive opinion on this masterpiece here.
The video is broken down into 3 distinct scenes. First of all, I'm going
to talk about the first scene in the corridor where the black hoodie or
witch or Sith Taylor is making its own way. Then, I will dissect without
doubt one of the most complex scenes, the battle between the cyborg
or caged or bodysuit Taylor and the black hoodie Taylor. I will finally

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finish on the final scene with the release of the cyborg Taylor and

So, in this first part, Taylor is walking along a corridor, the further she
goes down the hall, the more we learn things. The scene is very dark,
from the beginning and in the thumbnail it is seen that Taylor has eyes
half robotized. These eyes still appear blue sky by moment.
We can talk about here faces expressions, when I looked at Look
What You Made Me Do in 0.25 speed, the amount of shots I could
take from Taylor with iconic, and funny faces was incredibly
important. In “...Ready For It”, there are only serious faces. Which
proves again that Taylor laughs a lot of people in “Look What You
Made Me Do” and I love it ! The look of this Taylor is totally imposing,
deep, intimidating. It makes me think of iconic movie scenes or for
example a high-lord stares at his most loyal valet with a haughty look.
What about Taylor's outfit of this scene? Many Swifties have indeed
noticed it is a Sithlord version of our Queen. But me, it makes me think
of an angel of death.

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Lyrics maintains my thoughts with : “But if he's a ghost, then I can be
a phantom” and also : “Like a vendetta”. Here the vendetta, Taylor
is saying is a vendetta of an amounts of deaths. Her outfit also look
like wings of a fallen angel, Taylor’s outfit have also a cloak. I know
Swities saying the lyrics aren’t coordinate with the music video, but
Taylor loves hidden messages !
Let’s continue with next elements in the hall. The most noticeable
element of this scene, it’s still the sublime robots that our friend Joseph
Kahn set us up during this first minute. These robots are black, again
dark, tuned with Taylor Swift.
They don’t have a facial expression, they don’t move. The only
movements are when Taylor passes in front of them, they make a
slight head movement to follow his path in the hallway. The eyes of
the robots are also special, the most noticeable and the most badass
is the one with the 4 red eyes, again one distinguishes an imposing
look, and one can see these eyes of the mechanical ways which turn
the air to say: " I will format your mind. ".

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I would also like to talk about robotic spiders spotted in the clip. I have
never seen almost anyone speak on it! These spiders make me think
of the black widow ! And yes, the black widow is often a metaphor
for women. She kills her lovers when she feels like it ! It really reminds
me of the media's view of Taylor. Which is a shame if I intend to marry
here one day.

When I’ve see this for the first time I was like : “Omg Taylor hate
spiders in Ellen show, how did she accept to put it on a music video !”.
This cut made me think of spiders represent in the informatic a virus.
If we can talk about viruses with music, we would talk directly about
album leaks, and streaming which is a subject that has already been
discussed during the career of Swizzle.
Before the arrival of the last part of the first scene, I will give my
opinion on these tags that are written on the walls. But I will not said

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too much on it, because I find that they are not all related to the
subject of the video and that they are rather Easter eggs.
Most important are the one which is wrote the snake year, but some
people want to know, why in Chinese ? Oh just because of Kahn. No
I’m joking. The snake year is only representative of Chinese traditions,
therefore there is a little Ghost In The Shell vibes. Here comes the
snake year. Did you know the colours of this year is : Red/Black/Yellow
? Red and Yellow appear on robots, and lights too. Black is on the
hoodie Taylurr and robots too.
The last graffiti I will be paying attention to is the one on the front
door. "Illusions".

This makes me think that the corridor is representative of the unreal

and the imaginary. All that is in this hallway is invented so that you
will be bogged down by your own illusions.
In this shot, we notice that there are 8 robots. Would this still be an
allusion to Taylor's famous eight exes. Possible yes, but they aren’t put
forward as it would be in “Look What You Made Me Do”. Here they
would be the elements of the media about Taylor Swift's content.
They are the elements that allow the Taylor hoodie to live safely.
And I'll finish with the numeric keypad Taylor uses to get out of the
corridor. The figures are stylized in the manner of the reputation font
(which is an old British font). We clearly see Taylor typing on 2 and 1,

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but after we do not distinguish the end of the code, I saw Swifties say
that his fingers go from right to left down, which can think of 89, l birth
year of Taylor. 21 is Joe's day of birth. We are referring here directly to
the lyrics of the song "Younger than my exes". But, what I noticed and
that a lot of people didn’t notice is that the number 6 is reversed with
the 5. Why 6 ? Because 666 ? No, I find it quite absurd personally. I
think about the year of the snake that represents the sixth year in the
Chinese zodiac calendar. It also makes me think of the tag "Illusions".
The numbers being reversed, it represents the disorder that directly
associated with the evil, and therefore, if we look at the media space,
this could be referring to false information that would touch our most
invulnerable minds.

The hoodie Taylor Swift have entered the code, the door is open. She
is walking to the new Taylor who is imprisoned in a large futuristic

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The second scene is of paramount importance because it creates all
the link between the first Taylor of which I spoke and the new one
which will discover immediately.
A remarkable thing is that the beat and the lyrics of the song will
change completely as soon as the door opens. The beat is much
quieter, calm and slow. The lyrics are all so sweet "In the middle of the
night, in my dreams".
The space is no longer the same, instead of a narrow and dirty couch,
filled with spiders and threatening robots, the Taylor hoodie walks
into a very large abandoned shopping centre (Hawthorne Plaza !)
with high escalators and large places.
Now, the hoodie Taylor repeats the lyrics: "you should see the things
we do, babyy, hmm". Looks like Taylor is talking to Taylor cyborg. If
we continue to personify the hoodie Taylor by the fact that she is evil,
the media, death, a witch ... We can say that she wants to try to cause
the cyborg Taylor.

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So, who is the new Taylor in this cage ? Let's describe here physical
appearance, here emotions, and here cabin :

The bodysuit Taylor doesn’t have a single garment to cover her and
hide her forms. Compared to the Taylor hoodie, we can see here real
appearance ! No lies so. Which leads me to explain that like the fact
that she looks naked (she’s not !! it truly warms, it’s a bodysuit), this
Taylor bodysuit is vulnerable! This explains why she’s in a cage and
protected. For facial expressions, during the first seconds when we see
it, she looks at first desperate as she is kneeling in her cage. Then when
we see her closer, she is very upset, and we feel that in his looks, she
wants revenge for the Taylor hoodie. For the environment and the
coloured paste, the cyborg Taylor is in a very large prison although
she is not free. The cage is blue, which can make you think of Taylor's
eyes, as well as my eyes too, rofl, she thinks of me. But we can

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distinguish effects of water in the cage. If I come back to my theory
that the hoodie Taylor is an angel of death or any entity that would
represent death and destruction, then the Taylor cyborg would be the
opposite! The presence of water at these feet, her hair that has been
wet, but also the fact that she is naked looks reminiscent of a goddess
of mythology. We can think of Freyja who possesses the gift of life !

This scene marks the fight between the Taylor bodysuit and the Taylor
hoodie. It's not a fight with fists or guns. No, in my opinion, this is a
fight of strength, perdurance and demonstration. The bodysuit Taylor
will do everything to show the hoodie Taylor that she knows how to
do great and that she couldn’t need protection or bad media
coverage of his person.

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First appearance/stage :
Despite being seen only very briefly, she looks like a species of cyborg
snake, or a semblance of Medusa or the Prime of Life, Quintessa in
the universe of Transformers who is a creative and protective entity
of life. Which reminds me of 1989 and the year of the snake. If we see
her for a short time, could it be because here original form or even
here birth form which still haunts her ? I want to say, being personified
to a snake doesn’t improve our daily life.

Second appearance/stage :
She turns into something that would make us think of the Power
Rangers, or also the iconic video of the Taylur Squad, Bad Blood,

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futuristic weapons and armor do nothing to the evil Taylor despite it
being well badass in this outfit, and I would not say no to see here like
that on tour. We can add that at this time, the bodysuit Taylor is very
upset, but the hoodie Taylor, she doesn’t seem to realize shots that
Taylor bodysuit launched her !

Third appearance/stage :
She claim a beautiful cyborg white horse. After a few seconds, the
horse is covered with armour, which is reminiscent of the armour of
the knights of the Middle Ages. It made me think, too, that Taylor
really loves the stories of Prince Charming. Recall, she did a music
video for White Horse, that at the same time, Love Story, was shot in
a castle. Blank Space was also shot in a castle. Many people also think
that this horse is Blank Space's white horse. The armour on the horse
makes me think that these tales have turned into fights, as in Blank
Space where it shaves everything in her path with a golf bat.

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Fourth appearance/stage :
She resumed her normal shape, but she holds a sort of magic globe.
We can think of an orb of clairvoyant, or a famous scene in Harry
Potter. She seems to be amaze of what she is seeing inside.

Fifth appearance/stage :
She rises thanks to maybe what it found in the orb previously. We
don’t know. But we imagine at this moment that the cyborg Taylor is
discovering a power which exceeds these understandings.

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Sixth appearance/stage : Black Taylor looks like she try to stop her.
She looks like she done something to the cage to make down the
cyborg Taylor.

And the cyborg Taylor doesn’t look happy.

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Seventh appearance/stage :
New Taylor channels the powers of the lightning from now on ! She
would remind us maybe to the hidden child from Thor, or rather here
old ex ! The lightning in at once reminds famous loves at first sight that
had Taylor with Tom or with Calvin recently, but it’s difficult to relate
that at this moment of the video. Some Swifties says that affected of
which are reproduce flashes of lightning reminded “This Is What You
Came For” and “Nils Sjob(erg)bot”. But it is still not enough for
intimidated the hoodie Taylor. The lightning will not still make for her

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Eighth appearance/stage : Leaving a trail of lightning behind her, we
can see in the look of the new Taylor Swift that she’s determined and
ready for anything to fight.

It looks like she tries to use the orders of her cage, but in her own way

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Let’s the game begin. The final stage approach !

The end of the fight between New and Hoodie Taylor ends now.
The scene which I show this above shows both Taylor, separated by a
window. That looks like a little the scenes of detective movies with the
prisoner who receives a member of his family for a short-term
conversation behind a little plastic. They put both hands in even
places on the window. But it especially reminds me a mirror in which
Taylors glimpses.
As I had proposed it at the beginning, the bodysuit Taylor, embody
life, the good, purity, innocence. The hoodie Taylor embodies the
death, the disinformation, illusions, the imagination and the evil.
Angel and devil. We would say a little the opposite twins !
But the new Taylor doesn’t need this cold and intimidating Taylor.
She doesn’t need her. No. What she wants, it’s just to go out of the
cage, out of the woods too maybe. She wants to be free of her acts.

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After that, new Taylur is free. She unchains a torrent of lightning on
all the zone. The Black Taylor takes everything in the face and is
stared. She is stared by what she saw emotionally. But she is also
stared physically. The skin withdraws and let’s seem its truth identity.
That of the evil, the disinformation : The media and the modern

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The light is behind her. She looks very happy and she is emotional. She
takes up escalators. The rise represents the ascent. New Taylor Swift
makes his ascent towards her intended. She turns around by saying
with a lot of emotion “Are You Ready For It ?” and leave a teardrop,
not on her guitar, but on herself.

It is a very concrete conclusion for the story of this video. But there are
speculations which I am going to share you with great pleasures,
because things tell me that Taylor did not stop surprising us because
this is Taylur.

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First speculation : This is not the end, because of Taylor anyway

So yes, Black Taylor is dead, but I think that we can see that the
famous accomplices of the Black Taylor are still there, and try to
save her. The media aren’t so easy to arrest and it’s not in a snap of
a finger that Taylor is going to be alone. They are everywhere. Also,
the tag “They’re burning all the witches”, maybe proves that media
are related to witches and maybe the old history of Salem !
Having look at this video already around thirty times. I noticed
things which struck me in the spirit, but which are not obvious to find
dice the first view.
Joseph Kahn and his team really must work completely the picture.
Did it already arrive at you that when you light your TV after a
thunderstorm, you had difficulty having images and seeing black
screen, or bands of colours to appear occasionally ?
It is what I spotted in certain passages of the video, in particular a
passage toward the end on new Taylor :

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We can admit that these bugs of image are a characteristic of the
hoodie Taylor. The media are often compared with a TV. What
strengthens the identity of the character that to create Taylor.
Hoodie Taylor is an alive TV a little !
But look rather at these shots :

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It’s the only moment when the new Taylor had that colour bug. And
in more toward the end, we can see the eyes blue oceans winking to
see them robotised.
That explains that she’s always vulnerable to the outside world, or
while as the viruses, the hoodie taylor transferred here in the new
taylor and she maybe still be manipulated. But in view of her
capacities to counter the media when she released herself from her

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Second speculation : Meanings of Fight Stage

I put forward all the scenes of fight by describing them each. I have
thought as well of something else, rather than it is a fight, as it is a
representation of the route of the TayTay’s career.
If we list the various plans by redrawing Taylor's career, we notice
that indeed, has plans there or that sticks.
We can also do a chronology of 1989.

First appearance/stage :
- > Can we evoke Taylor's birth here ?
- > So, I mean birth, we can evoke the new album named 1989 ?

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Second appearance/stage :
- > Can we evoke Tay first eponym album in 2006, so she start to
be strong with country music ?
- > Or can we speak about the iconic music video of Bad Blood ?

Third appearance/stage :
- > This can be reference to Fearless, Love Story, White Horse ?
- > Or the Blank Space Video ?

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Fourth appearance/stage :
- > Speak Now Era, maybe she found her way ?
- > Out Of The Woods relating shots (with enchanted woods)

Fifth appearance/stage :
- > Speak Now Era too (Sparks Fly) ? Or maybe when she starts
rise worldwide with Red, 22, WANEGBT and IKYWT, and Paris
MV of Begin Again ?
- > Another hints to enchanted woods in Out Of The Woods ?

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Sixth appearance/stage :
- > When media has start to search something about Taylor on
1989 Era

- > And they affect Taylor really hard…

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Seventh appearance/stage :
- > Worldwide success, grammy, the glory of the 1989 Era,
international tour…

Eighth appearance/stage :
- > After all of incidents with 1989 Era, I mean slutshamming, the
symbolic dollar…

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- > …she comes back to beat media with Look What You Made
Me Do and reputation ?

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Third speculation : And let us not forget the theories on Look What
You Made Me Do

With the release of Look What You Made Me Do, if we return with
the theory of : there is 15 Taylor, there is 15 tubes on reputation
album. We can verify from now on little, by accommodating Ready
For It as well as Gorgeous on their place. :

So, Ready For It, is Biker Taylor, compared to the Vogue photoshoot
in 1991.
She says : “There she goes, playing the victim, again !”
Oh, it’s a speech that media have regularly with Taylor Swift.

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And where is Gorgeous so ?
Oh It’s Met Gala Taylor 2014. Hmm the song is about Joe, love, there
is no big problem for her, because Tay want marry him and bakes
cookie dough for him (Imma cry, I wanna marry with Tay, HOW IM
TAYLORrrr… ok I stop)
Met Gala Taylor haven’t big incidents with her life, so I mean this is
quite good to put Gorgeous here, maybe let’s wait for music video !
It is the end of my very, very, very, long novel of how I’m gonna
marry with Ta……
Who OK, I will stop.

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I hope that this complete analysis will have pleased you, and I hope
that it will have you interest. And that even if you reader, you are
not a fan of Taylor Swift, I hope that you will interest you to her.
And if, you reader, you are Swiftie, and thank you to have read
everything, and I hope that you will well have understood
everything in all things which takes place in my head.
I’m not English so maybe there was some English mistakes, say it to
me, no problem, I will love to correct them ! I’m French but I’ve learn
English with Taylor’s songs + English courses. Taylor’s song REALLY
help me !
I would like to thank quite particularly Taylor Swift, all his team of
management, the Taylor Nation, the Swift family, and a big up to
Joseph Kahn who likes to tease us on Twitter in the evenings of
And If you are on Tumblr or Instagram,

Merci beaucoup
Signé, Clément

Tumblr : @tallliketaylorswift 32 IG : @tall_like_taylor_swift

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