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When the General adaptation syndrome is activated, FLIGHT

OR FIGHT response sets in. Sympathetic nervous
system releases norepinephrine while the adrenal medulla
secretes epinephrine. Which of the following is true with
regards to that statement?

A. Pupils will constrict

B. Client will be lethargic
C. Lungs will bronchodilate
D. Gastric motility will increase

2. Which of the following response is not expected to a person

whose GAS is activated and the FIGHT OR FLIGHT response
sets in?

A. The client will not urinate due to relaxation of the detrusor muscle
B. The client will be restless and alert
C. Clients BP will increase, there will be vasodilation
D. There will be increase glycogenolysis, Pancrease will decrease
insulin secretion

3. State in which a person’s physical, emotional, intellectual

and social development or spiritual functioning is diminished or
impaired compared with a previous experience.

A. Illness
B. Disease
C. Health
D. Wellness

4. This is the first stage of illness wherein, the person starts to

believe that something is wrong. Also known as the transition
phase from wellness to illness.

A. Symptom Experience
B. Assumption of sick role
C. Medical care contact
D. Dependent patient role

5. In this stage of illness, the person accepts or rejects a

professionals suggestion. The person also becomes passive and
may regress to an earlier stage.

A. Symptom Experience
B. Assumption of sick role
C. Medical care contact
D. Dependent patient role

6. In this stage of illness, the person learns to accept the


A. Symptom Experience
B. Assumption of sick role
C. Medical care contact
D. Dependent patient role
7. In this stage, the person tries to find answers for his illness.
He wants his illness to be validated, his symptoms explained
and the outcome reassured or predicted

A. Symptom Experience
B. Assumption of sick role
C. Medical care contact
D. Dependent patient role

8. The following are true with regards to aspect of the sick role

A. One should be held responsible for his condition

B. One is excused from his societal role
C. One is obliged to get well as soon as possible
D. One is obliged to seek competent help

9. Refers to conditions that increases vulnerability of individual

or group to illness or accident

A. Predisposing factor
B. Etiology
C. Risk factor
D. Modifiable Risks

10. Refers to the degree of resistance the potential host has

against a certain pathogen
A. Susceptibility
B. Immunity
C. Virulence
D. Etiology

11. A group of symptoms that sums up or constitute a disease

A. Syndrome
B. Symptoms
C. Signs
D. Etiology

12. A woman undergoing radiation therapy developed redness

and burning of the skin around the best. This is best classified
as what type of disease?

A. Neoplastic
B. Traumatic
C. Nosocomial
D. Iatrogenic

13. The classification of CANCER according to its etiology Is

best described as:

1. Nosocomial
2. Idiopathic
3. Neoplastic
4. Traumatic
5. Congenital
6. Degenrative

A. 5 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 3 and 5

14. Term to describe the reactiviation and recurrence of

pronounced symptoms of a disease

A. Remission
B. Emission
C. Exacerbation
D. Sub acute

15. A type of illness characterized by periods of remission and


A. Chronic
B. Acute
C. Sub acute
D. Sub chronic

16. Diseases that results from changes in the normal structure,

from recognizable anatomical changes in an organ or body
tissue is termed as
A. Functional
B. Occupational
C. Inorganic
D. Organic

17. It is the science of organism as affected by factors in their

environment. It deals with the relationship between disease
and geographical environment.

A. Epidemiology
B. Ecology
C. Statistics
D. Geography

18. This is the study of the patterns of health and disease. Its
occurrence and distribution in man, for the purpose of control
and prevention of disease.

A. Epidemiology
B. Ecology
C. Statistics
D. Geography

19. Refers to diseases that produced no anatomic changes but

as a result from abnormal response to a stimuli.

A. Functional
B. Occupational
C. Inorganic
D. Organic

20. In what level of prevention according to Leavell and Clark

does the nurse support the client in obtaining OPTIMAL
HEALTH STATUS after a disease or injury?

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. None of the above

21. In what level of prevention does the nurse encourage

optimal health and increases person’s susceptibility to illness?

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. None of the above

22. Also known as HEALTH MAINTENANCE prevention.

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. None of the above
23. PPD In occupational health nursing is what type of

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. None of the above

24. BCG in community health nursing is what type of


A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. None of the above

25. A regular pap smear for woman every 3 years after

establishing normal pap smear for 3 consecutive years Is
advocated. What level of prevention does this belongs?

A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. None of the above

26. Self monitoring of blood glucose for diabetic clients is on

what level of prevention?
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. None of the above

27. Which is the best way to disseminate information to the


A. Newspaper
B. School bulletins
C. Community bill boards
D. Radio and Television

28. Who conceptualized health as integration of parts and

subparts of an individual?

A. Newman
B. Neuman
C. Watson
D. Rogers

29. The following are concept of health:

1. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing

and not merely an absence of disease or infirmity.
2. Health is the ability to maintain balance
3. Health is the ability to maintain internal milieu
4. Health is integration of all parts and subparts of an individual
A. 1,2,3
B. 1,3,4
C. 2,3,4
D. 1,2,3,4

30. The theorist the advocated that health is the ability to

maintain dynamic equilibrium is

A. Bernard
B. Selye
C. Cannon
D. Rogers

31. Excessive alcohol intake is what type of risk factor?

A. Genetics
B. Age
C. Environment
D. Lifestyle

32. Osteoporosis and degenerative diseases

like Osteoarthritis belongs to what type of risk factor?

A. Genetics
B. Age
C. Environment
D. Lifestyle
33. Also known as STERILE TECHNIQUE

A. Surgical Asepsis
B. Medical Asepsis
C. Sepsis
D. Asepsis

34. This is a person or animal, who is without signs of illness

but harbors pathogen within his body and can be transferred to

A. Host
B. Agent
C. Environment
D. Carrier

35. Refers to a person or animal, known or believed to have

been exposed to a disease.

A. Carrier
B. Contact
C. Agent
D. Host

36. A substance usually intended for use on inanimate objects,

that destroys pathogens but not the spores.
A. Sterilization
B. Disinfectant
C. Antiseptic
D. Autoclave

37. This is a process of removing pathogens but not their


A. Sterilization
B. Auto claving
C. Disinfection
D. Medical asepsis

38. The third period of infectious processes characterized by

development of specific signs and symptoms

A. Incubation period
B. Prodromal period
C. Illness period
D. Convalescent period

39. A child with measles developed fever and general weakness

after being exposed to another child with rubella. In what
stage of infectious process does this child belongs?

A. Incubation period
B. Prodromal period
C. Illness period
D. Convalescent period

40. A 50 year old mailman carried a mail with anthrax powder

in it. A minute after exposure, he still hasn’t developed any
signs and symptoms of anthrax. In what stage of infectious
process does this man belongs?

A. Incubation period
B. Prodromal period
C. Illness period
D. Convalescent period

41. Considered as the WEAKEST LINK in the chain

of infection that nurses can manipulate to prevent spread of
infection and diseases

A. Etiologic/Infectious agent
B. Portal of Entry
C. Susceptible host
D. Mode of transmission

42. Which of the following is the exact order of the infection


1. Susceptible host
2. Portal of entry
3. Portal of exit
4. Etiologic agent
5. Reservoir
6. Mode of transmission

A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
B. 5, 4, 2, 3, 6, 1
C. 4, 5, 3, 6, 2, 1
D. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

43. Markee, A 15 year old high school student asked you. What
is the mode of transmission of Lyme disease. You correctly
answered him that Lyme disease is transmitted via

A. Direct contact transmission

B. Vehicle borne transmission
C. Air borne transmission
D. Vector borne transmission

44. The ability of the infectious agent to cause a disease

primarily depends on all of the following except

A. Pathogenicity
B. Virulence
C. Invasiveness
D. Non Specificity

45. Contact transmission of infectious organism in the hospital

is usually cause by
A. Urinary catheterization
B. Spread from patient to patient
C. Spread by cross contamination via hands of caregiver
D. Cause by unclean instruments used by doctors and nurses

46. Transmission occurs when an infected person sneezes,

coughs or laugh that is usually projected at a distance of 3 feet.

A. Droplet transmission
B. Airborne transmission
C. Vehicle transmission
D. Vector borne transmission

47. Considered as the first line of defense of the body against


A. Skin
C. Leukocytes
D. Immunization

48. All of the following contributes to host susceptibility except

A. Creed
B. Immunization
C. Current medication being taken
D. Color of the skin
49. Graciel has been injected TT5, her last dosed for tetanus
toxoid immunization. Graciel asked you, what type of immunity
is TT Injections? You correctly answer her by saying Tetanus
toxoid immunization is a/an

A. Natural active immunity

B. Natural passive immunity
C. Artificial active immunity
D. Artificial passive immunity

50. Agatha, was hacked and slashed by a psychotic man while

she was crossing the railway. She suffered multiple injuries
and was injected Tetanus toxoid Immunoglobulin. Agatha
asked you, What immunity does TTIg provides? You best
answered her by saying TTIg provides

A. Natural active immunity

B. Natural passive immunity
C. Artificial active immunity
D. Artificial passive immunity

51. This is the single most important procedure that prevents

cross contamination and infection

A. Cleaning
B. Disinfecting
C. Sterilizing
D. Handwashing
52. This is considered as the most important aspect
of handwashing

A. Time
B. Friction
C. Water
D. Soap

53. In handwashing by medical asepsis, hands are held…

A. Above the elbow, The hands must always be above the waist
B. Above the elbow, The hands are cleaner than the elbow
C. Below the elbow, Medical asepsis do not require hands to be above
the waist
D. Below the elbow, Hands are dirtier than the lower arms

54. The suggested time per hand on handwashing using the

time method is

A. 5 to 10 seconds each hand

B. 10 to 15 seconds each hand
C. 15 to 30 seconds each hand
D. 30 to 60 seconds each hand

55. The minimum time in washing each hand should never be

A. 5 seconds
B. 10 seconds
C. 15 seconds
D. 30 seconds

56. How many ml of liquid soap is recommended

for handwashingprocedure?

A. 1-2 ml
B. 2-3 ml
C. 2-4 ml
D. 5-10 ml

57. Which of the following is not true about sterilization,

cleaning and disinfection?

A. Equipment with small lumen are easier to clean

B. Sterilization is the complete destruction of all viable microorganism
including spores
C. Some organism are easily destroyed, while other, with coagulated
protein requires longer time
D. The number of organism is directly proportional to the length of
time required for sterilization

58. Karlita asked you, How long should she boil her glass baby
bottle in water? You correctly answered her by saying
A. The minimum time for boiling articles is 5 minutes
B. Boil the glass baby bottler and other articles for atleast 10 minutes
C. For boiling to be effective, a minimum of 15 minutes is required
D. It doesn’t matter how long you boil the articles, as long as the
water reached 100 degree Celsius

59. This type of disinfection is best done in sterilizing drugs,

foods and other things that are required to be sterilized before
taken in by the human body

A. Boiling Water
B. Gas sterilization
C. Steam under pressure
D. Radiation

60. A TB patient was discharged in the hospital. A UV Lamp was

placed in the room where he stayed for a week. What type of
disinfection is this?

A. Concurrent disinfection
B. Terminal disinfection
C. Regular disinfection
D. Routine disinfection

61. Which of the following is not true in implementing medical

A. Wash hand before and after patient contact
B. Keep soiled linens from touching the clothings
C. Shake the linens to remove dust
D. Practice good hygiene

62. Which of the following is true about autoclaving or steam

under pressure?

A. All kinds of microorganism and their spores are destroyed by

autoclave machine
B. The autoclaved instruments can be used for 1 month considering
the bags are still intact
C. The instruments are put into unlocked position, on their hinge,
during the autoclave
D. Autoclaving different kinds of metals at one time is advisable

63. Which of the following is true about masks?

A. Mask should only cover the nose

B. Mask functions better if they are wet with alcohol
C. Masks can provide durable protection even when worn for a long
time and after each and every patient care
D. N95 Mask or particulate masks can filter organism as mall as 1

64. Where should you put a wet adult diaper?

A. Green trashcan
B. Black trashcan
C. Orange trashcan
D. Yellow trashcan

65. Needles, scalpels, broken glass and lancets are considered

as injurious wastes. As a nurse, it is correct to put them at
disposal via a/an

A. Puncture proof container

B. Reused PET Bottles
C. Black trashcan
D. Yellow trashcan with a tag “INJURIOUS WASTES”

66. Miranda Priestly, An executive of RAMP magazine, was

diagnosed with cancer of the cervix. You noticed that the
radioactive internal implant protrudes to her vagina where
supposedly, it should be in her cervix. What should be your
initial action?

A. Using a long forceps, Push it back towards the cervix then call the
B. Wear gloves, remove it gently and place it on a lead container
C. Using a long forceps, Remove it and place it on a lead container
D. Call the physician, You are not allowed to touch, re insert or remove

67. After leech therapy, Where should you put the leeches?
A. In specially marked BIO HAZARD Containers
B. Yellow trashcan
C. Black trashcan
D. Leeches are brought back to the culture room, they are not thrown
away for they are reusable

68. Which of the following should the nurse AVOID doing in

preventing spread of infection?

A. Recapping the needle before disposal to prevent injuries

B. Never pointing a needle towards a body part
C. Using only Standard precaution to AIDS Patients
D. Do not give fresh and uncooked fruits and vegetables to Mr.
Gatchie, with Neutropenia

69. Where should you put Mr. Alejar, with Category II TB?

A. In a room with positive air pressure and atleast 3 air exchanges an

B. In a room with positive air pressure and atleast 6 air exchanges an
C. In a room with negative air pressure and atleast 3 air exchanges an
D. In a room with negative air pressure and atleast 6 air exchanges an

70. A client has been diagnosed with RUBELLA. What

precaution is used for this patient?
A. Standard precaution
B. Airborne precaution
C. Droplet precaution
D. Contact precaution

71. A client has been diagnosed with MEASLES. What

precaution is used for this patient?

A. Standard precaution
B. Airborne precaution
C. Droplet precaution
D. Contact precaution

72. A client has been diagnosed with IMPETIGO. What

precaution is used for this patient?

A. Standard precaution
B. Airborne precaution
C. Droplet precaution
D. Contact precaution

73. The nurse is to insert an NG Tube when suddenly, she

accidentally dip the end of the tube in the client’s glass
containing distilled drinking water which is definitely not
sterile. As a nurse, what should you do?

A. Don’t mind the incident, continue to insert the NG Tube

B. Obtain a new NG Tube for the client
C. Disinfect the NG Tube before reinserting it again
D. Ask your senior nurse what to do

74. All of the following are principle of SURGICAL ASEPSIS


A. Microorganism travels to moist surfaces faster than with dry

B. When in doubt about the sterility of an object, consider it not sterile
C. Once the skin has been sterilized, considered it sterile
D. If you can reach the object by overreaching, just move around the
sterile field to pick it rather than reaching for it

75. Which of the following is true in SURGICAL ASEPSIS?

A. Autoclaved linens and gowns are considered sterile for about 4

months as long as the bagging is intact
B. Surgical technique is a sole effort of each nurse
C. Sterile conscience, is the best method to enhance sterile technique
D. If a scrubbed person leaves the area of the sterile field, He/she
must do handwashing and gloving again, but the gown need not be

76. In putting sterile gloves, Which should be gloved first?

A. The dominant hand

B. The non dominant hand
C. The left hand
D. No specific order, Its up to the nurse for her own convenience

77. As the scrubbed nurse, when should you apply the goggles,
shoe cap and mask prior to the operation?

A. Immediately after entering the sterile field

B. After surgical hand scrub
C. Before surgical hand scrub
D. Before entering the sterile field

78. Which of the following should the nurse do when applying

gloves prior to a surgical procedure?

A. Slipping gloved hand with all fingers when picking up the second
B. Grasping the first glove by inserting four fingers, with thumbs up
underneath the cuff
C. Putting the gloves into the dominant hand first
D. Adjust only the fitting of the gloves after both gloves are on

79. Which gloves should you remove first?

A. The glove of the non dominant hand

B. The glove of the dominant hand
C. The glove of the left hand
D. Order in removing the gloves Is unnecessary
80. Before a surgical procedure, Give the sequence on applying
the protective items listed below

1. Eye wear or goggles

2. Cap
3. Mask
4. Gloves
5. Gown

A. 3, 2, 1, 5, 4
B. 3, 2, 1, 4, 5
C. 2, 3, 1, 5, 4
D. 2, 3, 1, 4, 5

81. In removing protective devices, which should be the exact


1. Eye wear or goggles

2. Cap
3. Mask
4. Gloves
5. Gown

A. 4, 3, 5, 1, 2
B. 2, 3, 1, 5, 4
C. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
82. In pouring a plain NSS into a receptacle located in a sterile
field, how high should the nurse hold the bottle above the

A. 1 inch
B. 3 inches
C. 6 inches
D. 10 inches

83. The tip of the sterile forceps is considered sterile. It is used

to manipulate the objects in the sterile field using the non
sterile hands. How should the nurse hold a sterile forceps?

A. The tip should always be lower than the handle

B. The tip should always be above the handle
C. The handle and the tip should be at the same level
D. The handle should point downward and the tip, always upward

84. The nurse enters the room of the client on airborne

precaution due to tuberculosis. Which of the following are
appropriate actions by the nurse?

1. She wears mask, covering the nose and mouth

2. She washes her hands before and after removing gloves, after
suctioning the client’s secretion
3. She removes gloves and hands before leaving the client’s room
4. She discards contaminated suction catheter tip in trashcan found in
the clients room
A. 1, 2
B. 1, 2, 3
C. 1, 2, 3, 4
D. 1, 3

85. When performing surgical hand scrub, which of the

following nursing action is required to prevent contamination?

1. Keep fingernail short, clean and with nail polish

2. Open faucet with knee or foot control
3. Keep hands above the elbow when washing and rinsing
4. Wear cap, mask, shoe cover after you scrubbed

A. 1, 2
B. 2, 3
C. 1, 2, 3
D. 2, 3, 4

86. When removing gloves, which of the following is an

inappropriate nursing action?

A. Wash gloved hand first

B. Peel off gloves inside out
C. Use glove to glove skin to skin technique
D. Remove mask and gown before removing gloves

87. Which of the following is TRUE in the concept of stress?

A. Stress is not always present in diseases and illnesses
B. Stress are only psychological and manifests psychological symptoms
C. All stressors evoke common adaptive response
D. Hemostasis refers to the dynamic state of equilibrium

88. According to this theorist, in his modern stress theory,

Stress is the non specific response of the body to any demand
made upon it.

A. Hans Selye
B. Walter Cannon
C. Claude Bernard
D. Martha Rogers

89. Which of the following is NOT TRUE with regards to the

concept of Modern Stress Theory?

A. Stress is not a nervous energy

B. Man, whenever he encounters stresses, always adapts to it
C. Stress is not always something to be avoided
D. Stress does not always lead to distress

90. Which of the following is TRUE with regards to the concept

of Modern Stress Theory?

A. Stress is essential
B. Man does not encounter stress if he is asleep
C. A single stress can cause a disease
D. Stress always leads to distress

91. Which of the following is TRUE in the stage of alarm of

general adaptation syndrome?

A. Results from the prolonged exposure to stress

B. Levels or resistance is increased
C. Characterized by adaptation
D. Death can ensue

92. The stage of GAS where the adaptation mechanism begins

A. Stage of Alarm
B. Stage of Resistance
C. Stage of Homeostasis
D. Stage of Exhaustion

93. Stage of GAS Characterized by adaptation

A. Stage of Alarm
B. Stage of Resistance
C. Stage of Homeostasis
D. Stage of Exhaustion

94. Stage of GAS wherein, the Level of resistance are decreased

A. Stage of Alarm
B. Stage of Resistance
C. Stage of Homeostasis
D. Stage of Exhaustion

95. Where in stages of GAS does a person moves back into


A. Stage of Alarm
B. Stage of Resistance
C. Stage of Homeostasis
D. Stage of Exhaustion

96. Stage of GAS that results from prolonged exposure to

stress. Here, death will ensue unless extra adaptive
mechanisms are utilized

A. Stage of Alarm
B. Stage of Resistance
C. Stage of Homeostasis
D. Stage of Exhaustion

97. All but one is a characteristic of adaptive response

A. This is an attempt to maintain homeostasis

B. There is a totality of response
C. Adaptive response is immediately mobilized, doesn’t require time
D. Response varies from person to person
98. Andy, a newly hired nurse, starts to learn the new
technology and electronic devices at the hospital. Which of the
following mode of adaptation is Andy experiencing?

A. Biologic/Physiologic adaptive mode

B. Psychologic adaptive mode
C. Sociocultural adaptive mode
D. Technological adaptive mode

99. Andy is not yet fluent in French, but he works in Quebec

where majority speaks French. He is starting to learn the
language of the people. What type of adaptation is Andy

A. Biologic/Physiologic adaptive mode

B. Psychologic adaptive mode
C. Sociocultural adaptive mode
D. Technological adaptive mode

100. Andy made an error and his senior nurse issued a written
warning. Andy arrived in his house mad and kicked the door
hard to shut it off. What adaptation mode is this?

A. Biologic/Physiologic adaptive mode

B. Psychologic adaptive mode
C. Sociocultural adaptive mode
D. Technological adaptive mode

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