Qoribu Planet Profile

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Astronavigation Data: Scarif system, Outer Rim

Orbital Metrics: 362 days per year/26 hours per

Government: Imperial military administrator
Population: 475,000
Languages: Basic
Terrain: Tropical
Major Cities: none
Areas of Interest: Imperial security complex
Major Exports: starships, supplies for the Death
atmosphere makes it extremely difficult for
unauthorized personnel to gain access to the
Major Imports: consumables, construction Imperial facility, and with the facility's personnel
resources being entirely Imperial military, anyone successfully
Background: Its existence either not known or gaining entry would need an appropriate disguise.
ignored by the galaxy at large, Scarif was a
secluded and tropical planet in the Outer Rim used
by the Galactic Empire to house the construction of
the first Death Star, an armored battle station
capable of destroying entire worlds. The Empire
built a major Imperial security complex on Scarif
Immediately after the Rebel group
and excavated large swaths of land in order to
known as Rogue One transmitted the
build ships and supply the Death Star. An orbiting
Death Star plans to the overhead Rebel
docking station housed several Imperial Star
fleet, a group of Imperial
Destroyers. The planet was protected by an
reinforcements – including the Death
impenetrable deflector shield that enveloped the
Star itself – entered space over Scarif.
entire world.
In response to the security breach,
At the center of the Imperial facility was an Grand Moff Tarkin ordered the Death
immense tower that, among other things, housed a Star to fire its superlaser with a single
data library containing all of the full archival copies reactor ignition at the Imperial citadel,
of Imperial military schematics and construction destroying the base and killing
plans on removable data storage discs. Atop the everyone within proximity, including
central tower was a large communications the few survivors of Rogue One. While
transmitter dish, capable of sending the sort of a tactical victory for the Empire,
large data files that these schematics can entail. obtaining the plans was a decisive
strategic victory for the Rebellion.
The access portal in the orbiting shield gate
could be filled by the shield, enclosing the entire Princess Leia Organa’s ship, the Tantive
planet within the shield. The gate itself was heavily IV, escaped Scarif, with the princess
armored and shielded, requiring significant damage the custodian of the stolen plans. This
to disable. This single point of entry to the planet's set in motion a chain of events leading
to the Battle of Yavin.

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