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Astronavigation Data: Mobile

Orbital Metrics: Varies

Government: Elected meritocracy
Population: 400,000 (Ferroan 40%, Langhesi 15%,
other 45%)
Languages: Basic
Terrain: Rainforests, mountains, rivers, small polar ice
caps, small oceans, tampasi
Major Cities: La’okio
Areas of Interest: Far Distance, Middle Distance,
Magister’s Palace, Dragon Cave
Major Exports: None
Major Imports: None
Background: Zonama Sekot (Ferroan for "World of
Body and Mind") was a living, sentient world capable of In the following years, stories of the "rogue planet"
traveling through space. Zonama was the planet itself, that had once made living ships circulated among many
while Sekot was the living intelligence of Zonama. in the Outer Rim.

Zonama Sekot was unique from other worlds. Its

north polar region, a spot of pearl white was
surrounded by an entire hemisphere of tropical jungles.
Its southern hemisphere was covered with All ships produced by the builders of Zonama
Sekot, were a melding of ordinary manufactured
impenetrable silvery clouds. Along the equator there
components such as engines, a hyperdrive,
were several rivers, lakes, and small seas. The edge of shields, navigational systems, and other such
the southern hemisphere was also covered by elegant equipment with an organic body and "mind" that
wisps of wind which frequently broke free to form was bonded to those for whom it was crafted.
spinning storms.
Seed-partners were small thorn-covered
Zonama Sekot's first settlers were black-haired organisms that originated within the tampasi,
humanoid Ferroan colonists and red-skinned Langhesi from the tree-like boras, of the living planet
colonists, and the living world was ruled by Magisters. Zonama Sekot. As Sekot's self-proclaimed
The Ferroans were believers in the Potentium view of "children ... cells in my body," the seed-partners
the Force. During the time of the Galaic Republic, would be introduced to a spacer who desired to
Zonama Sekot was rumored to be home to the fastest possess one of Sekot's living ships. If the seed-
ships in the galaxy. partners, according to their own desire, attached
themselves to the spacer, a ship would be
Roughly seven years prior to the Clone Wars, a produced by those partners working with a team
series of circumstances led to Zonama Sekot being of Ferroan designers, Langhesi forgers, and giant-
attacked by a Republic battle group led by Wilhuff like Jentari shapers.
Tarkin. In response, the world unveiled its hyperdrive
system, which had been built by the Langhesi, and Seed-partners attached themselves to a spacer
using a spike, which produced an uncomfortable
escaped into the Unknown Regions.
adhesion, but no wound. Three seed-partners per
spacer was the normal outcome of this election
process, but in the case of Anakin Skywalker and
Obi-Wan Kenobi, fifteen seed partners chose to
become part of their new vessel, the Jabitha.

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