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 Place, Date of Birth : Kediri, 15 April 1971
 Nationality : Indonesia
 Language and grade of : Indonesia (fairly)
comm. ability English (good)
 Proff. Organization : Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)

 Occupation : Expert Geological engineering at PR. BINAKARYA

 Office : Jl. Kalisahak 28, Yogyakarta 55222
Telp./Faks. (0274) 563029 / 563847 HP. 08156059093

 Education : S1 Department of Geological Engineering


 Integrated exploration and production data management, training and course program
conducted by IWPL – Migas collaborating with IAGI, 1998.
 Advance well test analysis : pressure test analysis for multilayer and fracture reservoir,
training and course program conducted by IWPL – Migas collaborating with IATMI, 2000.
 Coiled tubing technology by Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) and Department of Oil
Engineering FTM – ITB, 2001.

1. Presentasi pada IAVCEI General Assembly Bali, Juli 2000.
2. Presentasi pada Seminar Nasional Sains & Teknologi, 16 September 2000 di Hotel Novotel,
3. Presentasi pada 30th Annual Convention IAGI & 10th Geosea Regional Congress on Geology,
Mineral, and Energy Resources. Jogjakarta. September 10-12, 2001.
4. Presentasi pada International Symposium on Disaster Management, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta,
Januari 2002.

Position : Geological engineering
Name of company : PT. BINAKARYA
Year : 2000
Owner : University Airlangga
Title project : Management Construction extension of parking Lot at Kampus Airlangga
Description project : This project consist of 6th floor with 250 unit car capacity the duration of
project 8 Months. Scope of work including making analysis of soil
condition, calculation, design and recommendation of soil structure.
Position : Geological engineering
Name of company : PT. BINAKARYA
Year : 2001
Owner : Public work department
Title project : Design of water embankment at Dili
Description project : This project is designing embankment area for 125 Ha of farming area
including river bank reparation. Scope of work including making analysis
of soil condition, calculation, design and recommendation of soil structure.

Position : Geological engineering

Name of company : PT. BINAKARYA
Year : 2001
Owner : Public work department
Title project : Masterplan sidoarjo community center
Description project : This project is designing layout for community and public area with
facility like amphi theatre, restaurant, waterboom and other facilities in
10ha land area. Scope of work including making analysis of soil condition,
calculation, design and recommendation of soil structure.

Position : Geological engineering

Name of company : PT. BINAKARYA
Year : 2002
Owner : Ministry of education
Title project : Design 6 storey Flat for student
Description project : This project is designing layout for student accomodation in 3ha land area.
Scope of work including making analysis of soil condition, calculation,
design and recommendation of soil structure.

Position : Geological engineering

Name of company : PT. BINAKARYA
Year : 2003
Owner : Ministry of health
Title project : Design hospital for theraphy psychology
Description project : This project is designing layout for hospital in 3ha land area.
Scope of work including making analysis of soil condition, calculation,
design and recommendation of soil structure.

Position : Geological engineering

Name of company : PT. BINAKARYA
Year : 2004
Owner : Ministry of health
Title project : Design General hospital district
Description project : This project is designing layout for hospital district in 6ha land area.
Scope of work including making analysis of soil condition, calculation,
design and recommendation of soil structure.
Position : Geological engineering
Name of company : PT. BINAKARYA
Year : 2005
Owner : Private sector
Title project : Design shoping mall and hotel
Description project : This project is designing layout for shoping mall and hotel in 10ha land
area. Scope of work including making analysis of soil condition,
calculation, design and recommendation of soil structure.

Position : Geological engineering

Name of company : PT. BINAKARYA
Year : 2006
Owner : Private sector
Title project : Design condominium
Description project : This project is designing layout for condominium 12 storey in 10ha land
area. Scope of work including making analysis of soil condition,
calculation, design and recommendation of soil structure.

Position : Geological engineering

Name of company : PT. BINAKARYA
Year : 2007
Owner : Private sector
Title project : Design pave hotel
Description project : This project is designing layout for hotel 6 storey in 11ha land
area. Scope of work including making analysis of soil condition,
calculation, design and recommendation of soil structure.

Position : Geological engineering

Name of company : PT. PAMOAR
Year : 2008
Title project : Perencanaan tol Jombang Mojokerto
Description project : This project is designing layout for hi-way road Jombang-Mojokerto
area. Scope of work including making analysis of soil condition,
calculation, design and recommendation of soil structure.

Position : Geological engineering

Name of company : PT. PAMOAR
Year : 2009
Title project : Perencanaan parkir gedung B
Description project : This project is designing layout for parkir bertingkat gedung-B . Scope of
work including making analysis of soil condition, calculation, design and
recommendation of soil structure.
Position : Geological engineering
Name of company : PT. PDC
Year : 2010
Owner : UIN sunan ampel
Title project : Perencanaan gedung kuliah kampus agama
Description project : This project is designing layout for gedung kuliah kampus agama . Scope
Of work including making analysis of soil condition, calculation, design
and recommendation of soil structure.

Position : Geological engineering

Name of company : PT. PDC
Year : 2011
Owner : Perencanaan gedung kulian IAIN palopo
Title project : Perencanaan gedung kuliah kampus agama
Description project : This project is designing layout for gedung kuliah IAIN Palopo . Scope
Of work including making analysis of soil condition, calculation, design
and recommendation of soil structure.

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