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Question: Which type of organizational purchase situation occurs when the purchase

is of minor importance and is not complex

Answer:straight rebuy

Question: In high tech markets who is most likely to recognize a problem or need to
Answer:head of a department

Question: Which of the following can possibly be part of the informal information
search process for organizational buyers
Answer:discussions with sales representatives

Question: A commercial firm in which stock is widely traded is known as an

Answer:public firm

Question: Payments warranties delivery dates and so forth represent

Answer:terms and conditions

Question: Which of the following sources is rated as the most important information
source for purchasers and purchase influencers within organization
Answer:television business networks

Question: The beliefs and attitudes an organizations members have about the
organization and how it operates is known as
Answer:None of the above

Question: What supports back office operations and strategic analysis and includes
all systems that do not deal directly with the customers
Answer:organizational culture

Question: Organizations have a type of self concept and lifestyles that the text
refers to as
Answer:organizational culture

Question: Which term is often used to refer to the organizational culture of a

business firm
Answer:corporate culture

Question: involve both organization characteristics eg size activities and

location and characteristics of the composition of the organization eg gender age

Question: Which of the following variables represents an organizations

Answer:All of the above

Question: Which of the following is NOT a component of firmographics

Answer:reference groups

Question: Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding a firms size

Answer:The same promotional message needs to be targeted to all of the various
functions in the firm

Question: Organizational objectives can be categorized as

Answer:All of the above

Question: Which of the following is NOT a category of organizational objectives

Question: Organizational activities can be categorized as
Answer:a b and c

Question: The American Red Cross participates in fund raising activities all
throughout the year How would this be classified with respect to general
organizational objectives and the nature of the organizational activity
Answer:nonprofit objective routine activity

Question: General Electric commits millions of dollars a year to research and

development to develop new products How would this be classified with respect to
general organizational objectives and the nature of the organizational activity
Answer:commercial objective technical activity

Question: Roger owns 200 shares of stock in Home Depot Which type of commercial
firm is Home Depot
Answer:public firm

Question: A commercial firm in which one or a few individuals owns a controlling

share of the firm is known as an
Answer:open firm

Question: Which of the following is NOT an objective uncovered through research

that drives the management of privately held firms
Answer:change governmental regulations

Question: The types of individuals who work in the organization represent the

Question: The culture of most organizations is influenced most heavily by which of

the following

Question: Organizations with distinguishing firmographics can be grouped into

market segments through a process called

Question: Innovative organizations that derive a great deal of their success from
leading change are referred to as
Answer:lead users

Question: Which of the following is NOT considered a user reference group in

organizational buying
Answer:trade press

Question: Which of the following can influence an organizations decision to buy or

not buy a given product or to buy or not buy from a given supplier
Answer:all of the above

Question: Lead users tend to accelerate diffusion of information through

infrastructure which is labeled as
Answer:market pull

Question: is a problem solving approach It depicts special friendship within the

Answer:Socio Metric Overlay

Question: Which year did mangers began to understand that an organization is

successful if it accomplishes its goals effectiveness using a minimum of resources
Answer:80s and 90s

Question: Which year did Jain and Verma argued that organizations that value
diversity will definitely cultivate success and have a future in this dynamic
global labour market

Question: According to Out in he said


Question: Which year did Kanji and Moura said that A performance measurement system
has many roles

Question: The Concept of Overlays was proposed by and

Answer:Pfiffner and Shernood

Question: Creating a motivating organization can pose an incredible challenge for

every leader or

Question: depicts is a direct relationship between operating departments and

specialists assistants
Answer:Function Overlay

Question: According the authors Neely Gregory and Platts in they define
performance measurement as a set of indicators used to quantify the efficiency and
effectiveness of action

Question: ideal type of organisation otherwise referred to as Bureaucracy is an

attempt at describing an ideal form of an organization which guarantees the
predictability of the behaviour of employees of an organization
Answer:B: Max Webers

Question: This thinking agrees with the ethical philosophy Do unto other what you
want them to do unto That is respect is

Question: Depicts the centres of authority in the organization

Answer:Power Overlay

Question: is defined as a set of subsystems whose interaction determines its


Question: depicitsth channel of who talks to whom about a particular problem

Answer:Communication overla

Question: Accounts of the growth of organizational theory usually start with

Answer:Taylor and Weber

Question: In Hayes stated Companies can succeed at diversity if the initiative to

create manage and value the diverse workforce has the full support of the top
Question: Which year did Saji stated that

Question: Strategic planning is planning for the long term period It is vary
between organizations but the plan usually made for up to years

Question: Which year did Deci and Ryan define intrinsic motivation as the doing of
an activity for its inherent satisfactions rather than for some separable

Question: Which year did Wentling and Palma Rivas gave a broader definition of
diversity as it may include age national origin religion disability sexual
orientation values ethnic culture education language lifestyle beliefs physical
appearance and economic status

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