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The Corne¬ Daily Sun

Vol. 127, No. 47  ITHACA, NEW YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2010  16 Pages — We wish we could charge for this thing

Students Turn to ‘Six MoFo’

To Keep Up Energy, Buzz
By I.M. AMPED Library in his underwear. “I defi-
Sun Guido nitely don’t have the attention span
to finish this architecture project
It’s got health officials in a tizzy, without Six MoFo. Plus, once I’m
and students getting fizzy all day done, I’ll already be drunk. It’s a
and all night. Six MoFo, the latest win-win.”
beverage from Phusion Products, Other students are raving about
rolls a potent combination of caf- the drink’s efficiency.
feine, 20 percent alcohol, nicotine, “Having to put different sub-
adderall, several methampheta- stances in my body throughout the
mines, human growth hormone, day was just getting annoying,”
liquid salvia and a rare Amazonian Jeff Connelly ’11 said. “Coffee to
herb known as “El Aguijón” into survive my 8:40, Red Bull to pull
one 36 oz. can. an all-nighter, Keystone to be frat- Drink it, live it, be it | Six MoFo’s popularity is growing as students discover the advantages of caf-
Students say they are quickly ty, and Four Loko to rage. I mean, feine, alcohol, nicotine, adderall, methamphetamines, human growth hormone, salvia and “El Aguijón.”
making the switch to Six MoFo who has time for all that shit? Six
from the previously popular Four MoFo is an all-in-one godsend.” down. By the time you’re ready to Cornell, Gannett has launched its telling,” said Tim Marchell ’82,
Loko because the drink packs According to the Phusion wake up the next morning, the caf- own campaign against the danger- director of mental health initia-
more of a punch. Product website, Six MoFo time- feine-equivalent of a double-shot ous drink and is distributing tives. “But leave it to Cornell stu-
“I’ve been up 40 hours straight, releases its range of substances at espresso is already pumping posters that read, “We’re Sick of dents to turn a 2,000-calorie death
and I’m still rollin’, baby,” Ryan various points throughout the day. through your veins. Taking Care of All You MoFo’s, mix into their ‘go-to’ party drink.”
Christopher ‘12 said as he Alcohol, for instance, is released in Despite its popularity, Six Quit Drinkin’ Six MoFo!”
scratched his neck furiously while the evening during the mid-after- MoFo is under fire from health “I think the fact that this drink I.M. Amped can be reached at
pacing the fourth floor of Olin noon methamphetamine come- experts across the country. At has been banned in 24 countries is

C-Town Leases Signed at Birth

By GITER DONE est, nobody reads that 40 minutes late to an
Sun Sage shit anyway,” he said. apartment showing,”
Despite Stevens’ con- Little said. “I gave birth
In an effort to spur fidence, many parents to my baby boy in the
more competition and were outraged by the car and then we took
drive up rental prices, a policy switch. him right over to sign
group of Collegetown Tom Johnson said he for a nice four bedroom
landlords announced at missed the birth of his house on Eddy [Street].”
a joint press conference first child because he was “I hope that someday
Thursday their plans to in Ithaca touring the he likes it,” she added.
THE SAX GUY IS HAWT / SUN SENIOR PHOTOGRAPHER only accept lease agree- apartments above “If there’s a silver lining
Party harder | In a new initiative, students are expected to “frat big” every weekend. ments from students at Stella’s, Asian Noodle in any of this, it’s that at
the time of their birth. House and Jason’s as well least he’ll be living close
“We found it unac- as a homey frat annex on to Dunbars.”

Admins Push for More Unregulated Parties ceptable that students

would sign their leases in
August, September and
Cook Street.
“It’s an absolute trav-
esty,” Johnson said,
Some parents,
though, welcomed the
change. They said know-
By CHILL BRO students. “We don’t want to Sun on Thursday, the October only one year holding back tears. “I ing that they made the
Sun Jester deny that experience to today’s University’s Judicial before they were plan-
students.” Administrator indicated her ning to move in,” John “We need ... 15 years to take students’
After threatening to prohib- The new office will hire support for the new initiative. Stevens, a Catherine money and spend it while pretending
it freshmen from fraternity monitors to check in on frater- “If you ain’t blackout, you’d Street landlord, said in
parties earlier this semester, nity parties each weekend best be passed out,” she said. an interview with The that it’s going towards home
administrators made a sudden night. Students reacted to the Sun conducted as he improvements.”
change in course Thursday, “If one of the monitors University’s announcement boarded his private jet
announcing their support of finds a bro who isn’t fratting with a mixture of trepidation and prepared to fly to his
John Stevens
giant, unregulated frat parties hard enough and pulling his and astonishment. permanent residence in
filled with drunken underage weight on the keg, they will “I think it’s great the admin- Florida for a scheduled missed the birth of my right housing decision
students. V.P. of Student and issue a citation,” Surphy said, istrators want me to have a round of golf. daughter because I was brought them even more
Academic Services Musan explaining that she expected to good time, but I’m a student, “We need, at the trying to decide whether lasting joy than the birth
Surphy ’73 also revealed the see dudes pounding shots and too. I have to study some- absolute minimum, 15 she would want a house of their child itself.
creation of a new Office Fratty “gettin’ on that.” times,” Tony Richards ’12 said. years to take students’ with two or three bath- “I came back with
Affairs, intended to foster an In addition to ensuring that Kim Longhorn ’11 agreed money and spend it rooms 20 years from the lease and saw my
environment of sloppy hook- student behavior meets expec- that Cornell had unrealistically while pretending that it’s now.” kid’s face, fresh out of
ups and vomit-smeared dance tations, the office also aims to fratty expectations. “I heard going towards home Another parent, the womb ... and he gave
floors. educate, Surphy said. It will that the University was going improvements,” he Molly Little, said she me this look,” Don
“We were all young once, offer seminars to students on to pay for shots of patron added. actually went into labor Patrick said, smiling
and we certainly remember topics ranging from “how to through the student activities When asked how a as she and her husband broadly. “I knew I had
waking up in the morning and shotgun without looking like a budget. I don’t even like tequi- newborn baby would be drove to Cornell to tour made the right choice.”
frantically searching through pussy” to “where to buy those la,” she said. expected to sign a com- houses.
our texts to try to find out who sweet-ass plaid shorts,” accord- plex legal document, “We didn’t have time Giter Done can be
that girl laying next to us was,” ing to its website. Chill Bro can be reached at Stevens shrugged off the to go to the hospital reached at
said Trapgar, associate dean of In an interview with The question: “Let’s be hon- because we were already

NEWS: Do You Read This? OPINION: I’m Cool Cuz I Write ARTS: Artsy Fartsy, Indeed WEATHER:
The Sun publishes an investigation into I struggle to find 800 words to say about Our Arts Editors stick their pinkies out HIGH: 31°
whether anyone reads articles on anything, but I feel happy when I and drink some champagne
|3 |9 LOW: 32°
page 3. see my name in print. for the sake of fine art. | 11

The Corne¬ Daily Sun

Being Around Since 1880
Hey Come on How You
Business Manager
Editor in Chief
Managing Editor
Gonna Go and Do That?
Dude, for real? his secretary says he’s available in 20 minutes
KENT FUCHS ’11 SUSAN MURPHY ’11 I’m just chillin at my apartment playing so I go to his office.
Web Editor Advertising Manager
KENT HUBBELL ’11 ANDY NOEL ’12 XBOX and munchin on a Peanut Butter & I’m like, “What’s what with the Non-
Associate Editor Sports Editor Jerry — minding the shit out of my own Science department getting cut?” And he
KENT KLEINMAN ’12 THE GHOST OF BIDDY MARTIN ’11 beeswax — and BANG, someone texts me goes, “Over the past 18 months myself and
Web Managing Editor Design Editor and says Cornell cut my department. the Barry S. Stephenson Vice-Dean of
CASSANDRA DEMBOSKY ’11 Then a few minutes later I get this phone Humanities and Other Non-Sciences have
Photography Editor BRUCE LEVITT ’13
Arts & Entertainment Editor call and it’s someone from Day Hall and taken on the challenge of reassessing the
Arts & Entertainment Editor TOMMY BRUCE ’12 she’s like, “Hello Daniel, I’m Barbara and strengths, weaknesses and goals of our
City Editor
I’m calling to inform you that the department in order to make it a world-
News Editor
News Editor Department of
News Editor KATHYRN BOOR ’11
Daze Editor has been elimi-
Assistant Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
nated.” And I
was like, “Yeah
Former Student
Assistant Sports Editor
Pseudoscience Editor I know.” And
she’s like, “You
Danny McFanny
Assistant Design Editor DAN ROTH ’12
Assistant Design Editor have until Guest Room
Marketing Manager JAMES WALSH ’11 Thursday at 5
Online Advertising Manager
HARRY KATZ ’13 p.m. to choose
Assistant Advertising Manager DAVID SKORTON ’11 another department to enroll in.” And I’m renowned Deparment of Non-Science. Let
Features Editor
MONEYBAGS ATKINSON ’11 ISAAC KRAMNICK ’11 like, “Okay” And she goes, “Please don’t me make it clear that Non-Science is a sin-
Damn you The Wall Street Journal Senior Editor drag your feet anymore than you already gular pillar in the strivation for life and the
[CUT AS PART OF STRATEGIC PLAN] ’11 JIMMY MCMILLAN ’11 have.” And then she hangs out. seekings of creative … creative under … fac-
[not anymore] Senior Editor
And once I put the phone down my ulties.” Then his eyes roll back in his head
roommate comes in all freaked out and goes, and the dude straight up passes out. And
WORKING ON TODAY ’S SUN “So I think I’m transferring to Biology. That when he wakes up I’m kneeling next to him
or Physics. Have you decided yet?” And I and I’m like, “What’s what?” And he just
say, “No.” And he hurries into his room and shakes his head and goes, “Get on with it
Define “working” ... yells out, “You really shouldn’t keep putting son.”
this off.”
Now I’m sitting there with my mind
Danny McFanny is no longer enrolled at Cornell,
blown and I see the jelly crusting up on my as he refused to transfer into the Legitimate College
Peanut Butter & Jerry, so I decide to contact of Science. Guest Room appears periodically this
the dean of my college to see what’s up and semester.

Prohibition Now, That fella Atkinson’s cheap

To the Editor:

Prohibition Tomorrow, Re: “Atkinson gives Cornell Eleventy-Billion Beans for Sustainability” News, Halloween!
While David and Patricia Atkinson’s eleventy billion-dollar donation to Cornell may

Prohibition Forever!
seem like a sign of the couple’s genorosity, in reality they are nothing but two-bit cheapsakes.
It was a cool autumn night at the Whiskey Point Beef and Beer when David and Patricia
strolled in looking for a drink. Since he was a wearing an ascot and smoking a pipe, I could
tell David was ready to spend a dollar or two, so I acted accordingly.
For the next five hours I poured them drink after drink (he was drinking Old Fashioneds
WHILE THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE UNIVERSITY while she drank Pabst). Twice David threw the drink back in my face for being “two degrees
Recognition Policy are too timid and Greek-friendly to be considered a signifi- too warm,” and twice I wiped the drink off my face and fixed another one without com-
cant step forward in the War Against Drinking, the Trustees would be wise to plaining.
approve them. We, along with every other moral and sane person on this campus, Finally, they’d had enough. David sent Patricia out to the car and stayed behind to take
hold an unfailing belief in the ability of all students to abstain from drinking. In care of the check. And would you guess what he tipped me? Take a wild guess? On a $100
lieu of the full prohibition of alcohol that we all want and desire, the changes to check he tipped by 18 measly dollars. I typically get 20 percent at least. What blasphemy!
the URP are a positive first step toward snuffing out alcohol and all its rueful Butch Bunkis, bartender, Whiskey Point Beef and Beer
The signs that each sorority house has been mandated to hang on the sides of
their houses by the administration, “LIPS THAT TOUCH LIQUOR WILL
NOT TOUCH OURS,” show how the War on Drinking is, at its core, driven by
us, the students, who reject the antiquated notion that college kids like to drink
website, website, website
alcohol from time to time.
In the past, college students unthinkably enjoyed and celebrated the drinking Come on guys and girls
of alcohol. With games like Pong Beer, Cup Flip and Sink the Ship to The Very
Bottom of the Pitcher of Dasterdly Alcohol, drinking was considered a “normal”
please go to our website.
social activity that students used to unwind after a long week of studies.
Moreover, students considered drinking a glass or two of wine while studying
AN OKAY THING TO DO. This is indicative of how wayward and morally It’s like Perez Hilton except it’s all
bankrupt students were in past years. about Cornell and maybe you’re
Today is a new day. The taps at Dunbars dispense only warm, homely apple
friends will be quoted in an article.
cider. In spring, students take to their porches in the evenings to play a few games
of Pass to Plunket (for those of you who aren’t yet aware, this game involves a ball
of yarn and a teapot and is simply divine!). And on Friday and Saturday nights stu-
dents typically discuss the unsustainable, ungodly amount of work they had to do It’s pretty much a more vulgar, less
during that week, thus bringing back all of their anxieties just in time for bed. All censored version of College ACB.
without the blinding force of liquor.
Now, to the Trustees: Approve these proposed changes at all costs. Yes, pro-
hibiting freshmen from fraternities parties is a rash move that will change the
It works like them other websites with
Cornell social life in ways that no one, neither student nor administrator, knows.
And yes, there is zero evidence that this will make students safer and it is troubling the computer and stuff. mailbox... think about it
to realize that students will be binge drinking in sunafe environments where med-
ical amnesty does not apply. But, in the words of F. Scott Fitzgerald in his anti-
alcohol classic The Great Sober Gatsby, “fuck safety, this is alcohol we are talking
PJ & RP June | The Corne¬ Daily Fun | 666


University Adapts Arts Curriculum:
Department of Facebook mobile uploads created to replace department of photography
nifies a need in our society to document every instance that to Dougie.
BY JONATHAN FRANZEN catches our eye, regardless of content or relevance. Likewise, the new child star studies would be the first of
Sun Pretentious Writer “It’s become a reflex,” said Juliette Miller ’13, a nice its kind in the country and hopes to position itself at the
Jewish girl from Long Island. “I see something, anything — forefront of new media. “One thing we’re hoping to feature
When Ezra Cornell proclaimed his immortal creed that the first sign of crows in the fall, the apple vending machine are readings of upcoming Glee episodes,” said a spokesper-
the university he would lend his name to would be a beacon in Plant Science — worth showing anyone and my hand son for the department. “We’ve also been in talks with
for “any person, any study,” it is unclear whether he had frat twitches. I reach for my phone. I snap a photo. I upload it Willow Smith about coming in for a hair flipping tutorial
boys and Gleeks in mind. However, due to the ever-impos- to Facebook.” for our graduate students.”
ing threats of budget cuts, many of the programs in the arts The changes to the photography program are the first in As registration for classes continues in the upcoming
are seeking to create new identities for themselves, in an what the University sees as potentially campus-defining days, professors across campus are crossing their fingers that
attempt to reach out to a broader Cornell population. changes to the arts. Also currently being explored are pro- students will choose MBUP 1400: Techniques of Tagging
This Wednesday, the former Department of posals to alter several programs of study in the Department and MBUP 2750: Photo Captioning in the Age of Obama
Photography announced it would return to campus as the of Theatre, Film and Dance, including rebranding the dance in place of their traditional math and science courses. If this
Department of Facebook Mobile Uploads. The department program as the “dirty dancing” program and restructuring experiment works, Cornellians can expect many more
hopes to capitalize on the Facebook trend of creating instan- the theatre arts program into a child star studies major. unorthodox courses in pre-established fields to emerge on
taneous photo albums of pictures from a phone, more com- The dirty dancing program has been testing the waters campus in the coming years. Already faculty members are
monly known as “mobile uploads.” by placing ads in many of the North Campus freshman planning for cross-listed offerings such as PAM 6780:
This announcement follows a recent acquisition by the dorms, causing outrage from some community members Health Care Administration and Justin Bieber’s “Lonely
Cornell Library’s Rare Book collection of several grainy that the department was praying on the insecurities of Girl,” GOVT 2810: American Idol Voting Structures and
images from the archives of Margaret “Blackberry” Bourke- young students. Despite this, many of Cornell’s newest MS&E 1000: Going Against, and Getting Rid of, the
White ’27, a pioneer in mobile uploads, who featured the members have expressed interest in taking advantage of the Grain.
campus in many of her early images. proposed course offerings. Said one anonymous male fresh- “This is exactly the direction I had hoped the University
The field of mobile uploads has greatly expanded since man, “I’m not sure yet if I’m going to join the Greek system, would move in,” said G. Peter Leplague, dean of the College
then. With the rediscovery of Facebookium by Dark Lord but if I do, I’m going to need to get my moves down to of Arts and Sciences. “It has been an unfortunate reality that
Zuckerberg in the middle of this past decade, mobile grind up on some sorostitutes. I really feel like I can only the arts have borne the brunt of our budget cuts, but I can
uploads have become a mass culture phenomenon. find instruction like this at Cornell.” The department has see that this will no longer be a problem. It is now clear that
Professors in the department argue that the pictures’ rise sig- also promised to bring in instructors to teach students how mobile uploads can capture the future of Cornell.”

Muploads | The University’s recent acquisition of a seminal collection of Facebook mobile upload pictures, including “Eli and Ezra BFFEAEAEAEAEAE,” “I Can Has Gingerbread

House!” and “Peter Asleep in Food, LAWLZ” has spurred the creation of a new academic department.

Lil Wayne to
Stage Michael
Jackson Tribute
Show for Slope
Day 2011

(Free Weezy)


Friday, October 29, 2010
The Corne¬ Daily Sun

Sports 16

Quidditch Club
Advocates for
NCAA Recognition
Sun Resident Muggle

Fifty Cornell students stormed Willard Straight Hall

yesterday night, brandishing wands and swearing not to
leave the building until the NCAA accepts Quidditch as
an official collegiate sport.
“We will not surrender until Cornell provides us with
flying broomsticks, a magical golden snitch and Hagrid,”
said junior Cornell Quidditch president Sanjjay
Ever since its inception at Middlebury College a few
years ago, Quidditch clubs have been making their way
to colleges across the nation, with a “Quidditch World
Cup” scheduled for Nov. 13 and 14 in New York City.
However, the only thing preventing the University’s
latest byline-funded club sport from reaching elite status
(i.e. receiving coverage in The Cornell Daily Sun’s sports Talk about taking the fun out of life | The football team has been banned from having sex — in fraternity
libraries or elsewhere — by the Cornell coaching staff until the Red wins a game against an Ivy League opponent.
“We will not surrender until Cornell pro-
vides us with flying broomsticks, a magi-
cal golden snitch and Hagrid.” C.U. Football Hit With Sex Ban
Sanjjay Ruperford By LINDSAY LOHAN something to do with off-the-field senior member of the Red who
Sun Enabler distractions, which is why they wished to remain anonymous.
section) is a lack of NCAA accreditation. have instituted this so-called “Sex “My girlfriend is not happy. Not
Cornell clinical psychologist Alfred T. Boogart tried Following the example set by Ban From (Corn)Hell.” happy at all,” said another junior
to explain to students that Quidditch was a fictional New Mexico State a few weeks ago, While head coach Kent Austin defensive tackle.
sport, and thus not intended to be played in real life. the Cornell football coaches and could not be reached for comment, Another senior member of the
He held up posters to the rioting students attempting staff are urging students to refrain special teams unit took a more aca-
one of his assistants explained that
to demonstrate the difference between the “real world” from having sex with members of since many members of the Red are demically-based approach:
and the “imaginary world.” the team –– at least until the Red also roommates — whether in “According to most sports psy-
Still, the students persisted, saying they would never wins a game in the Ivy League. dorms, fraternities, or Collegetownchologists, a bit of extra aggression
give in to “that Muggle psychologist.” Earlier this month, New Mexico houses — the staff has encouraged could be the difference between
Students elsewhere supported the Cornell Quidditch State’s campus was notably winning and losing. They
Club’s efforts. littered with flyers urging “[Most sports psychologists] recommend a recommend a complete and
“We support the efforts of our fellow Ivy League insti- females to resist sleeping satisfactory sexual experi-
with members of the foot- complete and satisfactory sexual experience
tution,” said Brown “Quidditch Club” president Emma ence the night before a
Watson. “It is an embarrassment to higher education for ball team –– who had been the night before a game. ... I can’t argue game. ... I can’t argue with
Cornellians to be prevented from showcasing what lim- outscored 184-47 en route with science.” science.”
ited amount of athletic ability they possess.” to an 0-4 start –– until the Despite their com-
As the dementors, err, CUPD, escorted the rebellious Aggies earned their first win Anonymous plaints, most of the football
students out of the Straight, one sophomore Quidditch of 2010 against New players seem to be comply-
player could be overheard screaming, “Get your hands Mexico. the players to support each other in ing with the ban, though there a
off of me or I’m going to come at you like a Blast-Ended Those close to the Cornell foot- resisting temptations of the flesh. select few who have refused to give
Skrewt.” ball program are hoping that a sim- He added that the entire coaching in to peer pressure.
Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling could not be ilar –– albeit extreme –– tactic will staff hopes this will only be a tem- When asked how he’s managed
reached for an interview, but she did issue the following produce comparable results. The porary measure. to avoid detection by his team-
statement: Red has managed just one win this Reactions to the “sex ban” have mates, one sophomore offensive
“I’m so sorry for all the harm I’ve done. I wish I had season, a 21-12 victory over been, for the most part, over- lineman offered this: “There’s a
never written Harry Potter.” Bucknell on Oct. 2. Since then, whelmingly negative. reason why John M. Olin invented
Cornell has been outscored 102-34 “This is the worst thing to hap- the seventh-floor stacks.”
and is 0-3 in the Ivy League. pen to Cornell football since
Albus Severus can be reached at you’reawizardhar- The coaching staff believes the Coach Knowles ’87 took away the Lindsay Lohan can be reached at
ry@KYLE-IT’ team’s recent struggles might have C’s on our helmets,” said one notameangirl@it’

Double Secret Probation Hits Polo

By MIN VAR tion for the remainder of exploded online, People
Sun Horse Whisperer the fall semester. for the Ethical Treatment
While there was mini- of Animals (PETA) imme-
With the changes being mal damage to Murphy’s diately issued a response
made to the University’s office, confidential papers in outrage to the lack of
Recognition Policy, it was filed with the Judicial responsibility on the part
no surprise when a strict Administrator stated that of the Cornell team. A
punishment was handed a lingering stench could PETA press release called
down to the men’s polo be smelled throughout for Cornell fans to boycott
squad — less commonly Day Hall for several the Red’s matches for the
known by its Greek letters weeks. next two months in order
Omega Chi Lambda “It was an honest mis- to teach the athletes how
(Oxley) — for the appear- take,” said sophomore to take care of their horses.
ance of one of the team’s Connor Pardell. “I was The offending horse
horses in Vice President getting off the horse and could not be reached for
Susan Murphy’s ’73 office. before I knew it he was comment.
In response to the team’s sprinting out of Oxley
negligence the University and towards campus. I Min Var can be reached at
It’s not all scotch and cigars | The men’s polo team, less commonly known by has placed the men’s squad guess the rest is history.” i’lltakeanotherG&T@poloLO
its Greek letters Omega Chi Lambda (Oxley), has been hit with double secret probation. on double secret proba- When the story

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