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Objectives of the study

General Objective:

To determine the relationship of socio-demographic characteristics,

knowledge and attitudes towards outpatients’ practices on antibiotic prescription.

The specific objectives of the study are the following:

1. To determine outpatients’ level of knowledge on antibiotics

2. To determine outpatients’ attitudes on antibiotic prescription

3. To determine outpatients’ practices towards antibiotic prescription

4. To determine if there is a significant relationship between the socio-

demographic ​ characteristics of outpatients and their practices towards antibiotic
5. To determine if there is a significant relationship between the level of
knowledge of ​outpatients and their practices towards antibiotic prescription
6. To determine if there is a significant relationship between the
attitudes of outpatients ​and their practices towards antibiotic prescription




Educational attainment…oh=14a4c4ca22f3fef0c9173c4deddacc41&oe=5CA45D39&dl=1 01/04/2019, 1H01 PM

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Practices towards
Outpatients’ level of antibiotic prescription
knowledge on

Outpatients’ attitudes
on antibiotic

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Ethical Considerations

Throughout the duration of the study, respondents were guaranteed full

anonymity. Thorough briefing and explanation as to the rationale behind the study
was made aware to the chosen participants in order to give them the freedom of
choice whether to participate in the study or not. Participants were informed that any
data provided will be kept with utmost secrecy. Aside from that, the respondents were
reminded that failure to participate in the study would not result to any fines or
consequences, that despite already consenting, they had the right to withdraw from
the study and refuse to provide any information. Furthermore, the (UREC--
complete)approved the content and scope of the study. An informed consent from the
UREC was followed throughout the conduct of the study.…oh=14a4c4ca22f3fef0c9173c4deddacc41&oe=5CA45D39&dl=1 01/04/2019, 1H01 PM

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