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(FEB. 13, 2019/12:30 nn – 1:30 pm)

I – Competency:
Situate the texts in the context of the region, nation, and the world (EN12Lit-IIc-29)
II – Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Discuss the selection using Archetypal Approach;
b. Realize the importance of perseverance; and
c. Perform differentiated activities.
II – Subject Matter:
Topic: Textual and Contextual Reading Approach (Archetypal Approach)
References: 21st Century Lit. CG page 4,
Materials: Projector, Laptops, Manila paper, Markers,
Values Integration: teamwork, respect
III – Learning Activity Sequence
a. Preliminaries
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
3. Review
Students will be grouped into 5 groups. Each group will be assigned in five song
titles. At the back of the group names, are lines from the song. They need to sing
lines for the group to be recognized.
Game Mechanics: The group that will be the first one to sing the lines will send
one representative to fill in the answer. Picture will be displayed on each item.
These will serve as hints.
b. Motivation
Students will watch a video clip about Steps in Success.
Process Question:
1. What is your reaction towards the video?
c. Activity
Students will be given sheets which are jumbled parts of the Folklore: Makato
and the Cowrie Shell. They will be given 3 minutes to arrange the selection and
post it on the manila paper assigned on them. After the given time, each group
will transfer (clockwise rotation) and check the output of other groups by listening
to an audio which narrates the story.
d. Analysis
A laptop will be provided in each group. The questions are placed on the desktop.
Their task is to answer the questions and make a PPT presentation of their
answers. After playing three songs, they will present their outputs/answers.
Process questions:
1. How does this story resemble other stories in plot, character, setting, or symbolism?
2. What archetypal images occur? (Water, rising sun, setting sun, symbolic colors)
3. What universal experiences are depicted?
4. Does the protagonist undergo any kind of transformation? Cite example based from
the text.
5. What common human concerns are revealed in the story?
6. How does the story reflect your experiences?
7. What archetypal characters appear in the story? (Mother Earth? Femme Fatal? Wise
old man? Wanderer?)
8. How does the work reflect the hopes, fears, and expectations of character?
9. What archetypal settings appear? (Garden? Desert?)
10. What moral can you get from the folklore?
e. Abstraction
Paper Cabbage Roll
A paper cabbage will be handed to the students. This contains questions that will
capsulize the lesson for the day. The paper cabbage will be passed from one
student to another while the music plays. If the music stops, the last student who
touches the paper cabbage will answer the stand.
Process questions:
1. Are there connections between the characters, images, symbols and themes?
Cite examples
2. Describe the Archetypal Approach used in analyzing the selection?

Archetypal literary criticism is a type of critical theory that interprets a text by

focusing on recurring myths and archetypes in the narrative, symbols,
images, and character types in literary work. As a form of literary criticism, it
dates back to 1934 when Maud Bodkin published Archetypal Patterns in

f. Application
Each group will be assigned on different tasks. Rubrics will be given on each
Group 1 – Paint a picture. Choose two scenes from the folklore that shows
perseverance and portray it.
Facial Features – 5 points
Details – 5 points
Group 2 – Create a mobile text tula that will reflect on perseverance.
Relevance to the Theme – 5 points
Creativity – 5 points
Group 3 – Portray an interview on how Makato became successful.
Facial Features – 5 points
Details – 5 points
Group 4 – Compose a letter for the group on how to overcome struggles.
Content – 5 points
Format – 5 points
Group 5 – Draw a symbol that represents perseverance.
Creativity – 5 points
Relevance to the Theme – 5 points
IV – Evaluation
True or False
Write Trulala is the statement is true. Meanwhile write Waley if the statement is false
on a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. Archetypal approach uses the connections between the characters, images,
symbols and themes.
2. Perseverance is the main theme of the Folklore.
3. Makato is a boastful man.
4. Folklore is a traditional beliefs, customs, and stories of a community, passed
through the generations by word of mouth.
5. The folklore depicts a story of “rags to riches”.
V – Assignment
Research about Sociological Approach.

Prepared by:

SHS Teacher

Observed by:


Master Teacher I School Head

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