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Date : 17 May 2011



1. Analyze carefully the floor plan and create zones to be able to set up an effective
sequence of work.
2. Determine the contact area of every zone and calculate the nos. of workers based on a
man-hour output of 1 worker. Efficiency shall be reviewed periodically so that
necessary action can be taken up to improve the work.
3. Organize a team of workers to be utilized in such a manner that every group of workers
will be subjected to a particular task from start till completion of the building. The
safety helmet of every member belonging to a particular work shall be marked so that it
can be easily identified if he undertakes works not in his scope. The team shall be
divided into groups as follows;
a.) Erectors – responsible in shuttering of formworks in a safe and fast manner.
b.) Strikers – the group dismantling the formworks after every casting in a systematic and
safe manner.
c.) Platform Installer – the group responsible in installing and fixing of platform bracket in
full consideration of safety and speed of formworks erection.
d.) Carpenters – a group of skilled workers that will check wall verticality, install proper
bracing and support provided by MAINI such as drop frames, wall waler , door spacers,
building spacers, vertical soldiers and others.
e.) Surveyor – to provide reference lines, check the level and alignment of the formworks.
They shall work in full coordination of the Engineer /Forman/carpenters and erectors.
f.) Standby men – 4 workers who will check the casting zone during concreting by
monitoring any movement of pins, wedges, supports, slurry leakage and other problems
that may arise. They shall also ensure that the casting zone is tidy after it is completed.
g.) Pin pickers – 2 workers who will collect all scattered accessories such as pins, wedges,
wall ties, pvc sleeves, bolts, nuts, and others on the working area and at the lower level.
h.) Tie Pullers – 4 workers that will be responsible in extracting wall ties and sleeves and to
collect in a systematic way and prepare for the next floor.
i.) Wall Tie Holes Patchers – 2 workers that will patch up all holing in the walls.
j.) General Workers – a group of unskilled workers that will assist in transferring of panels
onto the next floor, cleaning and applying mould release agent, hacking of concrete,
supplying needed accessories and others.

The team will require crew chiefs that will supervise and coordinate the works and shall be
under competent supervisors.

a.) Surveyor shall establish control points with extreme care and accuracy. A survey hole
shall be provided to transfer the control points from lower level and marking of walls
shall be carried out by X and Y method. This is the most suitable way of doing survey
work using the MAINI formwork system.
b.) Before any erection of formwork, the alignment of kickers and steel reinforcement shall
be checked and adjusted if it is necessary. It is a good practice if misaligned steels and
kickers are marked with a spray paint so that it is seen by all concerned supervisors. The
slab and kicker level shall also be checked and if it is required, plywood shims shall be
provided on lower points and concrete shall be chipped on areas that are higher than the
required. If the kicker level is high, the bolts shall be loosen and adjusted on the 26 mm
A survey report shall be prepared and submitted to the engineer to ensure that action is
taken and that it should be filed for reference.
c.) Checking of deck soffit level shall be carried out inside the forming area so that
adjustment can be made easily and prop length can be checked and aligned. Upon erection
of deck, surveyor should immediately check the level so that carpenters can start the
checking of alignment and verticality.

- Based on the survey report, the Engineer / Foreman should ensure that any discrepancies
in alignment and level have been addressed prior formwork erection.
- After every casting date, formwork erection should start at around 3:00 p.m.
- External formwork shall be the first area to start with while the barbenders are doing the
installation of steel reinforcement.
- It is proper to erect the internal side on the corner panel ( IC ) and pin the connecting
panels on both ways to ensure safety.
- Coordination shall be made to the striking group by requiring them to lift the priority area
to avoid scattering of unnecessary panels on the working area.


- Mismatching of panels shall not be allowed as it will create problems on wall
verticality, extra works by providing timber packing and possible leak of concrete
- All the MAINI provided support and bracing shall be installed properly on their correct
- Close supervision is required so as to instill a good and responsible attitude on all
- The FORMWORK checklist should be strictly adhered and shall be approved before
any concreting is allowed.

- A crew chief shall lead and oversee the work to ensure safety, proper handling of
materials and systematic manner in stripping the formwork.
- Striking of wall panels should start 12 hours after the casting time and deck panels
should be removed after 36 hours or upon the approval of the concrete cube test.
- Thicker walls should be stripped first to allow early extraction of wall ties while another
group is stripping the external formwork.
- Dismantled panels should be stacked according to the numbering of wall and deck and
should be cleaned and oiled before transferring onto the next level of work.
- Steel and aluminum drop frames, transfer hole boxes, slab opening boxes and other
accessories should be cleaned, oiled and put in one particular place ready for the next
level of work.
- Prop lengths should not be removed without the approval of the site engineer. MAINI
provides 2 sets of prop lengths to be used for 2 floor level.

Thank You Your Faithfully


(Manager – Execution)

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