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IIIT Hyd interview.

I had applied for MS in ECE and I was interested in research in robotics.
There were around 22 candidates within my panel and few were absent. My turn was
last and my turn came at around 4-30 pm.

There were four of them for the interview.

Interviewer: So you have been working for 3 years.
Me: No, I have been working for 1 year and 9 months and I took a break for GATE
I: How did you do in GATE ?
Me: Not so good, told my marks and score.
I: So you have applied for other colleges ?
Me: I had gotten into NIT Goa, I am from Goa by the way, through CCMT but I did go
there, since it is a new NIT, and there are no good placements.
I: So you are interrested in placements ?
Me: Not as much, I am more interested in research.
I: Which field would you want to do research in ?
Me: Robotics. I have done my final year project in robotics and I have worked in
the Automation Dept. of 'Company name'. That's why I am inclined towards robotics.
I: What would you want to change or improve at you company ?

Then they called another professor, on the phone, who is into robotics research.
They told me to wait outside until he comes and called the next candidate.
When the next candidate's interview was over I was called back again.
The robotics professor started going through my project report.

I: What do you want us to ask you ?

Me: Communication engineering and electronics and devices.
I: Which is your strong one ?
Me: Communications, analog and digital communications except the noise part.
I: Oh (smiles) noise is the most important thing in communications.
Me: I have gone through it but I am not so confident, although I may be able to
answer a few questions.
I: Take the chalk and go to the board.

Man, I started getting nervous.

Following are the questions I was asked.

I: Which parameters are considered while designing a communications system ?
Which comm system has the least bandwidth ?
Draw and explaing the AM signal.
Draw the AM demodulator circuit.
Explain FM modulation. Which has smaller bandwidth ?
Given an FM signal and AM demodulator, how would you retriew the message signal
? Use your basic concepts.
Me: We can take the derivative of the FM signal and pass it through the envelop
detector. 'Had to write all the equations on the board.'
I: Why don't we modulate the message over a square wave ? Why only sinusoidal
signal ?
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IIIT Hyd interview.txt
Explain ASK and PSK.
Which has the least bandwith ?
Why does ASK and PSK have the same bandwidth ?
I drew their frequency spectrums and explained. Although I was not sure whether I
was right or wrong.
I: OK. You may leave.

I was not asked any question by the professor from robotics.

In all it took around 25 minutes I think.

There was one simple question that i could not answer due to nervousness, got blank
at that moment. Man, I have to improve myself and stop getting so nervous.
In all it was okay, not so good, not so bad.

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