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Graphic Organizer Rubric

Excellent Good Ok Poor

(4) (3) (2) (1)
Completeness All boxes are Majority of Some boxes (10) Few boxes (5)
complete. boxes (15) are are complete are complete.
Includes all No information Little Most Majority of
necessary about Reimann information on information on information on
Thoery and either Reimann either Reimann either Reimann
mathematicians Theory or Theory or Theory or
is missing. mathematicians mathematicians mathematicians
is missing. is missing, was missing.
Includes All formulas are Some formulas Most formulas None or almost
formulas (if added in their are missing. are missing. no formulas
correct place. Formulas may Formulas may were added.
be misplaced. be misplaced. Formulas may
be misplaced.
Graphic Assignment was Assignment was
Organizer is turned in on due turned in after
date. due date.
turned in on

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