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Cameron, Eileen. “The Psychology of Hamlet.” International Journal of Language and

Literature, American Research Institute for Policy Development, Sept. 2014,

Eileen Cameron dives into the deeply intricate mind of Prince Hamlet. Within “The

Psychology of Hamlet”, she writes about the young prince and how he struggles with his mental

state without consciously knowing so. Further into the article, Hamlets decaying sanity becomes

more evident, and we soon begin to realize that maybe he wasn’t so stable to begin with. Hamlet

appears to be obsessed with his father’s death and avenging him. So obsessed, that it causes him

to do irrational things without placing any thought behind his actions. The result of his extreme

carelessness sends him into a seemingly endless downward spiral that ultimately ends in tragedy

for nearly everyone involved. Leaving the audience to question the actual character of Hamlet.

Hero? Or Weak-minded prince. Some may even argue that the unfolding of this tale is solely

Hamlets fault, which is quite reasonable due to all of the indirect/direct deaths that Hamlet has

actually caused. Deaths such as Ophelia, and even his own mother, Gertrude. Indirect, but all by

his own hand.

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