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30 HOTTEST Group Discussion Topics from Past 6

Months for SSB Interview

The Group Testing Officer or the GTO during his first interaction with you begins with
two group discussion. The first group discussion is kept simple to encourage every
candidate even with below average knowledge speak something. The second group
discussion is the first serious exercise towards the quest for a leader in the group of
SSB aspirants. The topic for the second group discussion is generally of a higher
level, which requires better knowledge to effectively participate and glow as a leader
in the crowd. You must have sufficient knowledge or information. Regular reading
and watching news channels will help you a lot in this testing of the SSB Interview
After giving you a brief detail of the group discussion in this article for preparation of
SSB interview, I am going to share the most important current affairs & social
burning issues or topics from the past 6 - 9 months. Preparing on these expected
current affairs & social group discussion topics could also help you in personal
interview as the interviewing officer may ask you your views on some of these
important global issues. Hence, it becomes very necessary and important for you to
prepare your answers and get you facts ready on these GD topics before going for
any interview.


These group discussion topics are from the current affairs and social categories and
are sure to be asked in any SSB Interview in the coming month.

Also Read : Top National & International News from the Past Month
1. How to deal with the increasing number of hazards in high rise buildings ?

2. Is India ready for Electric Vehicles ?

3. Why are children out of school despite having Right To Education as a

Fundamental Right in our Constitution ? Refer This Article

4. Death Penalty : Inhumane or Should India Continue this harsh British Legacy ?
5. Are firecrackers necessary to bring people together in festivals like Diwali ?

6. Why are multiple Banking Scams happening in India ? What is the solution ?

7. Why do we build dams , Do we really need them ?

8. Should India depend on other countries to improve its relation with China or
Pakistan, to avoid situations like Doklam standoff ?

9. What Is Article 377 And Why Is SC Reviewing Its Verdict ?

10. What would bring peace in Jammu and Kashmir ? i) Governor's rule ii) Talks
with Pakistan

11. Can relations between India - Pakistan improve, if Pakistan strengthens its
Democracy ?

12. Pollution linked deaths in India. What is the way out of this crisis ? Refer This

13. Do you think Demonetization helped India curb corruption and recover black
money ?

14. Can India continue a good relations with Russia without upsetting other
nations like America ?

15. Do you think our education system needs some serious reforms to ancient
education & promote sports in schools and colleges ?

16. Water Crisis : Abundance and Scarcity. How to create a balance ?

17. Why the government is not successful in increasing the income of Farmers as
promised ?

18. How can India be better prepared to deal with sudden outbreak of various
diseases and viruses in India ?

19. Why Article 35A is Crucial to the Constitution of India?

20. How we as an individual can contribute to bring air and water pollution down in
our country ?

21. 90% of Civilians are Casualties by Small Arms - How to curb the proliferation of
Small Weapons among Civilians ?

22. Should temples be allowed to have gender specific rules ?

23. Do you think the rate at which our current economy is growing, enough to make
India a developed country ?

24. Who should be held responsible for Lynching ?

i) Social Media sites, or

ii) State government.

25. Do you think renaming of roads and cities is necessary ?

26. Is Pakistan's army a block to peace between India and Pakistan ?

27. Banning the entry of women in temple is unconstitutional, but still in practice.
What is the way out to this problem ?

28. What causes maximum threat to humanity ? Terrorism, Natural Disasters or


29. Should India give up under the pressure from the US on importing Iranian oil ?

30. Child Labor still exists in many parts of our country. What Labor Reforms do we
need ?

31. Keep Checking This List, We Will Update More Topics From Current Affairs &
Social Category For Group Discussion In SSB Interview Testing. . . .

Also Read ↓
1. How to Prepare For SSB Interview Lecture
2. Articles For SSB Interview Preparation


Suppose you have the weapon of knowledge and information loaded. Then, the big
question that could come to your mind would be - How to present my thoughts and
ideas in the GTO Group Discussion of SSB Interview ? To present yourself effectively
and impressively in the Group Discussion, I am listing down three important tips :

1. Try to speak during the initial phase,

2. Speak your part and immediately withdraw, and
3. Speak softly, be audible but not loud.



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