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- 515002

For the Yeor 4018-19


Second Yegr
(For 2017-18 qdmitted botches'l

First Unit of fnstrucfions 2O.L2.2OLB t o l3.O2.ZOt9 (08 Weeks)

First Mid Exominotions 14.02.2019 t o 18.O2.20t9 (04 Doys)

Second Unit of fnstructions 19.02.2019 t o L5.O4.ZOL9

Second Mid Exominotions

Preporotion ond Project Work Vivo Voce

Exominotions 22.04.2019 to 04.0d.2019 (13 Doys)

End Exominotions 06.O5.2O19 to 14.05.2019

Dote: 24-1?-zOtB

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