Faculty of Engineering Mechanical Engineering Program: Vibration Engineering Lab: KM31401: LAB IV

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KM31401: LAB IV




Mechanical vibration can be defined as the measurement of a periodic process of

oscillations with respect to an equilibrium point. Any motion that repeats itself after an
interval of time is called vibration or oscillation. The swinging of a pendulum and the
motion of a plucked string are typical examples of vibration. The theory of vibration deals
with the study of oscillatory motion of bodies and forces associated with them. Linear
vibration is occurred when all the basic components of a vibratory system such as the
spring the mass and the damper behave linearly then the resulting vibration is known as
linear vibration. Principle of superposition is the valid application of linear vibration.

The vibration analysis is a very important technique, in terms of mechanical

vibrations for machine diagnosis. It is based on the high information content provided by
the machine vibration signals that are an indicator of machine condition, used for the
diagnosis of faults. Vibration analysis in a predictive maintenance program, is widely
used for monitoring and detection of initial and critical faults in machinery parts,
like shafts, bearings, rotors, couplings, and motors.

A system is said to be linear or nonlinear depending on the force response

characteristic of the system. The block diagram relating to output and input can be
represented as shown in Fig 2(a) and mathematically represented as shown in Fig.2(b).
A linear system may be of first or second order depending on the presence of the basic
elements. a system can be represented by using a operator D such that Dx(t) = f(t),
where D is the differential operator, x(t) is the response and f(t) is the excitation input. A
system Dx(t) = f (t) is said to be linear of it satisfies the two conditions which are the
response to αf(t) is αx(t),where α is a constant and The response to f1 (t) + f2 (t) is X1 (t) +
X2 (t) where X1 (t) and X2 (t) is the response to f1 (t) and f2 (t) respectively.

The objectives of this experiment are:

• To verify Hooke’s law and to find the combined spring rate of the two springs
used on the spring-mass system.
• To derive an expression for the frequency of vibration of a mass of weight, W
attached to the free end of a helical spring of stiffness S and weight w, allowing
for the weight of the spring


i. Vibration generator of Cussons apparatus

ii. Spring
iii. Carrier
iv. One Unit Load (17.45g)


Part 1

i. The vibrator was set up as shown in Figure 1. The keeper rod is fitted to lock the
vibrator spindle. The height of the suspension bar was adjusted until the lower
restraining spring is extended by 40mm without load units on the carrier.

ii. The rule was aligned at zero on some convenient point on the carrier then
progressively add six load units noting the position of the carrier at each load.
(The spring are already in extension and initially loaded by the carrier).

iii. The graph of change in extension ΔE against change in load ΔW was plotted.
The stiffness of the spring system (S) was determined from the graph,
conveniently expressed in the number of load units per cm.
Part 2

i. The apparatus for Spring-Rate Test was set up as shown in Figure 2. The
vibration generator was connected up to the drive unit and the keeper rod was
removed. The system was vibrated over frequency range 4-20Hz and the natural
frequency of vibration for a full range of mass loads were established.

ii. The graph of Tp2 against W L (mass load) was plotted from the results. The slope

and the intercept OD was determined in order to calculate value for g and to

estimate a value for


Frequency, Change in
W (Unit (Natural
f(Hz) T (sec per cycle) T2 (sec per cycle)2 Extension of
Load) Frequency, rad. s-1) Spring, ΔE (mm)
0 48 289.03 0.022 0.00049 0
1 46 263.89 0.024 0.00058 6
2 40 251.33 0.025 0.00063 9
3 36 226.19 0.028 0.00078 12
4 28 175.93 0.036 0.00130 15
5 25 157.08 0.040 0.00160 18

Graph 1: Change in Extension of Spring, ΔE (mm) vs Load, W

Graph 2: T2 (sec per cycle)2 vs Load, W

Part 1
Part 2

The acceleration due to gravity constant g is

calculated from equation T2


The x-intercept of graph 2 is OD, therefore

Y=mx + c
%error = (9.81 – 5.87)/9.81

%error = 32.9%

Y = 0.0002x + 0.0005

Then y = 0, x = - 2.5

Therefore x-intercept or OD = 2.5


From this experiment, it shows that T2 is proportional to the unit masses and the
spring mass. As the mass applied on to the spring system increased, the time for an
oscillation also increased exponentially. According to the Hook’s law, load or weight is
directly proportional to the extension. From the experiment, the spring system exhibit a
non linear load deflection relationship. This occur in practical system where there are
two or more spring are involved particularly when deflection is big. Clearance such as
stress concentration at each end is happen and thus will significantly affect the result.

For the part II of the experiment, there are 32.9% of error for the acceleration due
to gravitational force which is 9.81ms/s. this error may be due to human error such as
parallax error during taking measurement of the ruler. Moreover, the overall calibration of
the apparatus being used to conduct the experiment may have been inaccurate such as
the springs are worn out before the experiment.


Inconclusion, the load applied is directly proportional to the extension of the

spring and the (sec per cycle)2, T2. The experimental g value is 5.87ms-1 with 32.9% due
to some error explained on the discussion section. Last but not least, the stiffness of the
spring, k is 3.33-unit load/cm.


[1] http://writing.engr.psu.edu/workbooks/laboratory.html


ANALYSIS OF MECHANICAL SYSTEM. Guwahati, India: Indian Institute of

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