Health Anxiety, Hypochondriasis, and The Anxiety Disorders: Jonathan S. Abramowitz, Bunmi O. Olatunji, Brett J. Deacon

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Behavior Therapy 38 (2007) 86 – 94

Health Anxiety, Hypochondriasis, and the Anxiety Disorders

Jonathan S. Abramowitz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Bunmi O. Olatunji, Vanderbilt University
Brett J. Deacon, University of Wyoming

attend closely to bodily sensations to ensure that

Although clinical observations suggest that health-related serious signs and symptoms are dealt with in a
anxiety is present, to some extent, in a number of anxiety timely fashion. In fact, as part of their self-care, at-
disorders, this relationship has not been examined empiri- risk patients are often instructed to monitor their
cally. The present study therefore utilized the Short Health bodies for possible symptoms. In other instances,
Anxiety Inventory (SHAI) to elucidate the structure of such intense health concerns (or health anxiety) develop
symptoms among patients with anxiety disorders and to in the absence of organic pathology, such as when
empirically investigate the presence of health anxiety in individuals perceive themselves as seriously ill on
various anxiety disorders. Confirmatory factor analysis the basis of a misinterpretation of benign bodily
yielded equivalent support for either a 2-factor or 3-factor sensations (e.g., “This headache means I have a
model of the SHAI’s latent structure. The measure demon- brain tumor,” “My stomach pain is caused by a rare
strated good reliability, convergent validity, and discrimi- gastrointestinal disorder”). Hypochondriasis (HC)
nant validity. Comparison of SHAI scores across groups of involves a pattern of intense health anxiety that
patients with various anxiety disorders revealed elevated is based on these sorts of misattributions. In HC,
levels of health anxiety among patients with hypochon- catastrophic overestimates of the probability and
driasis and panic disorder relative to those with other seriousness of medical conditions give rise to
anxiety disorders. Receiver operating characteristic analyses preoccupation with the suspected illness, selec-
supported the utility of the SHAI as a diagnostic tool for tive attention to illness-related stimuli (Owens,
screening patients with hypochondriasis utilizing empiri- Asmundson, Hadjistavropoulos, & Owens, 2004),
cally derived cut scores. Findings are discussed in terms of and irresistible urges to seek medical advice and
cognitive-behavioral models of anxiety disorders. reassurance to the extent that it impairs psychoso-
cial functioning.
HC is not the only psychological disorder that
involves health concerns. Clinical observations and
B ECAUSE P H Y S I C A L W E L L - B E I N G is essential empirical research indicate that anxiety over health-
to our survival, it is not surprising that most people related matters is a feature of several anxiety
experience health-focused thoughts and concerns disorders. For example, individuals with panic
from time to time (Looper & Kirmayer, 2001). disorder (PD) evidence higher levels of body
Among those suffering from serious medical ill- vigilance (the propensity to attend to internal bodily
nesses (and those at risk), health concerns serve an cues) and anxiety sensitivity (the tendency to
adaptive function as they motivate the person to catastrophically misinterpret benign arousal-related
bodily sensations as indicating a potential cata-
strophe) relative to nonpatients and those with other
Address correspondence to Jonathan S. Abramowitz, Department anxiety disorders (e.g., Deacon & Abramowitz, in
of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CB# 3270 press; Schmidt, Lerew, & Trakowski, 1997).
(Davie Hall), Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA; e-mail: jabramowitz@unc. Health concerns are also observed in some
presentations of obsessive-compulsive disorder
© 2006 Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies. Published by (OCD; Abramowitz, Brigidi, & Foa, 1999;
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. McKay et al., 2004). For instance, patients with
health anxiety 87

contamination fears evidence obsessional images and research purposes. Salkovskis et al. (2002)
of germs and fears of illnesses, passive avoidance reported that the SHAI consists of two factors
of situations in which germs might be present (e.g., assessing (a) the perceived likelihood of becoming
floors), and compulsive rituals focused on pre- seriously ill (“illness likelihood”), and (b) the
venting illnesses (e.g., excessive handwashing). perceived negative consequences of being seriously
Individuals with generalized anxiety disorder ill (“negative consequences”). They did not, how-
(GAD) often display excessive and persistent ever, report the pertinent factor analytic results (e.g.,
worries about their health, along with other life factor loadings) in their paper.
events and circumstances such as safety, relation- In a subsequent study evaluating the psychometric
ships, and finances (American Psychiatric Associa- properties and factor structure of the SHAI in a
tion, 2000). Finally, some types of specific phobias nonclinical sample, we (Abramowitz, Deacon, &
(i.e., illness phobia) involve irrational fear and Valentiner, in press) also found evidence of sound
avoidance of particular health-relevant stimuli and psychometrics (α = .86). Exploratory factor analysis,
situations that are reminders of illnesses, or that however, revealed three factors assessing (a) the
are believed to increase the risk of becoming ill perceived likelihood of becoming ill, (b) the perceived
(e.g., hospitals, public bathrooms; Marks, 1987). negative consequences of becoming ill, and (c) body
Despite the prominence of health concerns across vigilance. The negative consequences factor over-
a variety of conditions, no research has directly lapped entirely with that identified by Salkovskis et al.
compared levels of health anxiety in groups of Taken together, these two studies indicate that health
individuals with different anxiety disorders. For anxiety as assessed by the SHAI is multidimensional
several reasons, understanding the degree to which and suggest that further research is needed to
health anxiety is present across the anxiety disorders elucidate the factor structure of this instrument.
is of particular interest. For instance, a clearer The prominence of health concerns in various
understanding of the role of health anxiety would anxiety disorders highlights the importance of a
inform unifying theories and transdiagnostic treat- reliable and valid measure of health anxiety in
ments of anxiety disorders (e.g., Harvey, Watkins, clinical samples. The present study therefore had
Mansell, & Shafran, 2004; Norton, Hayes, & two goals. First, we examined the factor structure,
Hope, 2004), which conceptualize these syndromes psychometric properties, and correlates of the SHAI
as heterogeneous presentations of the same under- in a large sample of individuals with clinical anxiety
lying psychological mechanisms. Given that the (including those with HC). After examining the
innate function of anxiety is to protect the organism SHAI’s internal consistency and item-total correla-
against injury and harm, it would not be surprising tions, we conducted confirmatory factor analyses
if health concerns emerged as a common denomi- (CFA) comparing the goodness of fit of competing
nator of many topographically diverse anxiety factor models. The SHAI’s convergent and divergent
states. Research also indicates that the assessment validity with respect to existing measures of anxiety-
of health anxiety is clinically valuable, over and related psychopathology was also examined. Con-
above other variables (e.g., anxiety sensitivity), in sistent with previous work, we predicted that the
the diagnosis of anxiety conditions (e.g., Schmidt, SHAI would (a) best fit either a two- or three-factor
Joiner, Staab, & Williams, 2003) and that actual model including factors assessing illness likelihood,
and perceived health concerns are associated with negative consequences of having an illness, and
attenuated treatment outcome (e.g., Schmidt & perhaps body vigilance, and (b) demonstrate a
Telch, 1997). Perhaps health anxiety is also a pattern of theoretically consistent relationships
prognostic indicator for other anxiety disorders. with measures of anxiety-related symptoms.
One explanation for the lack of research on health The second aim of the present study was to
anxiety is that psychometrically sound measures of examine the phenomenon of health anxiety across
this construct have not been available. Recently, several anxiety disorders. On the basis of previous
however, Salkovskis, Rimes, Warwick, and Clark conceptual and empirical work (Salkovskis et al.,
(2002) introduced the Health Anxiety Inventory 2002), we predicted that patients with HC would
(HAI) and its abbreviated form, the Short HAI evidence elevated health anxiety compared to
(SHAI). In an initial study, Salkovskis et al. (2002) those with anxiety disorders. We also examined
reported that the 64-item HAI showed adequate the SHAI’s utility as a diagnostic instrument for
internal consistency (α range = .71 to .92) and test- HC. The differential diagnosis of PD and HC can
retest reliability (r = .90 over 1 week) in a sample of be complicated as both disorders are characterized
HC patients. The 18-item SHAI evidenced compar- by health-related fears, body vigilance, and efforts
able reliability (α = .89) and validity, and thus (due to avoid or seek assurance from medical sources
to its brevity) is a more practical measure for clinical (e.g., Hiller, Leibbrand, Rief, & Fichter, 2005).
88 abramowitz et al.

Therefore, we specifically examined how well the version of the original ASI (Reiss, Peterson,
SHAI distinguishes HC patients from those with Gursky, & McNally, 1986) and measures the
PD. fear of anxiety-related sensations based on beliefs
about their harmful consequences. Respondents
Method indicate their agreement with each item on a scale
ranging from “very little” (coded as 0) to “very
much” (coded as 4). Total scores range from 0 to
Participants were 157 adults (i.e., ≥18 years old) 144. The ASI-R has demonstrated excellent inter-
with a primary (principal) diagnosis of HC or an nal consistency and adequate validity (Deacon,
anxiety disorder (diagnostic and assessment proce- Abramowitz, Woods, & Tolin, 2003; Taylor &
dures are described below) who were seeking Cox, 1998). Prior factor analytic research on the
evaluation and treatment. Forty-nine patients had ASI-R has revealed lower-order dimensions per-
a principal diagnosis of PD, followed by 32 with taining to fear of respiratory, publicly observable
social phobia, 21 with GAD, 18 with OCD, and 16 anxiety reactions, cardiovascular, and cognitive
with specific phobia. Twenty-one patients had HC. dyscontrol that may have implications for different
Many had additional Axis I diagnoses (42.0%), disorders relative to the total score (Deacon et al.,
including 26 (16.64%) with depressive disorders. 2003). Thus, we elected to calculate subscale
The mean age of the sample was 36.4 (SD = 13.5) scores consistent with the four ASI-R factors
and about half of the patients were women (n = 93, rather than the ASI-R total score.
59.2%). The sample was predominantely Cauca- Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ; Meyer,
sian (n = 138, 87.9%). Nearly all participants had Miller, Metzger, & Borkovec, 1990). The PSWQ is
earned a high school diploma (97.4%), and over a 16-item self-report inventory designed to capture
half (52%) held at least a 2-year college degree. the generality, excessiveness, and uncontrollability
About half the sample was married (55.4%), and dimensions of pathological worry without regard to
the median family income was between $50,000 its specific content. Each item is rated on a 1 (not at
and $60,000 per year. all typical of me) to 5 (very typical of me) Likert-
type scale (e.g., “My worries overwhelm me”). The
measures PSWQ possesses good internal consistency and test-
Short Health Anxiety Inventory (SHAI; Salkovs- retest reliability in clinical samples and is at least
kis et al., 2002). The SHAI is a self-report measure moderately correlated with other measures of trait
that contains 18 items assessing health anxiety worry (Molina & Borkovec, 1994).
independently of physical health status. Items Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory–Revised (OCI-R;
measure worry about health, awareness of bodily Foa et al., 2002). The OCI-R is an 18-item self-
sensations or changes, and feared consequences of report questionnaire based on the earlier 84-item
having an illness using a multiple-choice format. Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory (Foa, Kozak, Sal-
Salkovskis et al. (2002) identified two factors kovskis, Coles, & Amir, 1998). Respondents rate
corresponding to (a) the feared likelihood of the degree to which they have been bothered or
becoming ill, and (b) the feared negative conse- distressed by 18 common symptoms of OCD in the
quences of becoming ill. The SHAI has demon- past month. The OCI-R assesses six symptom
strated good reliability and validity in clinical and domains: (a) washing, (b) checking/doubting, (c)
nonclinical samples (Abramowitz, Deacon, & obsessing, (d) mental neutralizing, (e) ordering, and
Valentiner, in press; Salkovskis et al., 2002). (f) hoarding. OCI-R total scores have demonstrated
Body Vigilance Scale (BVS; Schmidt et al., excellent psychometric properties and validity (Foa
1997). The 4-item self-report BVS measures the et al., 2002).
tendency to attend to anxiety-related body sensa- Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI; Beck, Epstein,
tions. Items assess (a) the degree of attentional focus, Brown, & Steer, 1988). The BAI is a self-report
(b) perceived sensitivity to changes in bodily instrument that assesses 21 common symptoms of
sensations, and (c) time spent attending to bodily clinical anxiety (e.g., sweating, fear of losing
sensations on 10-point scales. The fourth item control). Respondents indicate the degree to
involves separate ratings for attention to 15 which they have recently been bothered by each
different anxiety-related sensations (e.g., heart symptom during the past week. The BAI was
palpitations, dizziness). The BVS has good internal designed to assess anxiety symptoms independently
consistency and adequate test-retest reliability from depression symptoms and has good reliability
(Schmidt et al., 1997). and validity (Beck et al., 1988).
Anxiety Sensitivity Index–Revised (ASI-R; Taylor Social Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS; Mattick
& Cox, 1998). The ASI-R is a 36-item, expanded & Clarke, 1998). The SIAS is a widely used 20-item
health anxiety 89

self-report measure of social anxiety. Items specifi- indices: (a) chi-square, (b) root mean square error
cally assess cognitive, affective, and behavioral of approximation, (c) comparative fit index, and (d)
reactions experienced when meeting and talking normed fit index. Table 1 presents the results of
with other people (e.g., “I have difficulty making these analyses.
eye contact with others”) and are rated on a scale Goodness-of-fit indices indicated that the single-
from 0 (not at all characteristic of me) to 4 factor model provided a poor fit to the data. Hierar-
(extremely characteristic of me). The SIAS has chical chi-square tests confirmed the relative super-
demonstrated good internal consistency and at least iority of both the two-factor model, χ2 (1) = 178.19,
adequate convergent and discriminant validity p < .001, and the three-factor model, χ2 (3) = 183.17,
(Mattick and Clarke, 1998). p < .001. A comparison of the two-factor and three-
factor models indicated adequate and similar model
procedure fit, χ2 (2) = 4.98, p < .10. Indeed, the fit indices in
All patients were assessed in a multidisciplinary Table 1 demonstrate that these factor models were
anxiety disorders clinic housed within a large essentially identical. On the basis of parsimony, we
academic medical center. Prior to their evaluation, elected to use the two-factor solution reported by
patients completed the self-report measures Salkovskis et al. (2002) for subsequent analyses.
described above. The diagnostic assessment Following Salkovskis et al., the two SHAI factors
included a 1.5-hour interview performed by a were labeled Illness Likelihood and Negative
psychologist who administered the anxiety and Consequences. The first factor was composed of
mood disorders sections of the Mini International 14 items relating to beliefs about the probability of
Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI; Sheehan et al., acquiring a serious illness and attention toward
1998) and conducted a functional analysis of the body sensations. The second factor consisted of
patient’s anxiety problems. The assessment also four items assessing catastrophic thinking regard-
included a 1-hour interview with a psychiatrist who ing the burden and outcome of having a serious
examined the patient’s medical and pharmacologi- illness. Subscales assessing each factor demon-
cal history. Patients were only included in the strated adequate internal consistency (αs = .96 and
present study if there was 100% interrater agree- .87, respectively).
ment (psychiatrist-psychologist) on the patient’s
principal diagnosis. correlates of the shai and its
We computed Pearson correlation coefficients to
Results explore the associations between SHAI total and
reliability and item-level analyses subscale scores and other measures of anxiety-
The mean SHAI total score for the patient sample related psychopathology. We elected to use subscale
was 36.6 (SD = 13.2, range = 3–68). SHAI total scores rather than factor scores due to their greater
scores were not significantly associated with age interpretability and to approximate the way the
(r = .06, p > .10) or gender, t(155) = –1.61, p > .10. SHAI might be used in clinical practice. Table 2
The SHAI demonstrated excellent internal consis- presents correlations between the SHAI total score
tency (α = .96). Each of the 18 items evidenced and anxiety-related psychopathology measures. As
acceptable corrected item-total correlations can be seen, the total score was highly correlated
(range = .61 to .87) based on the criterion of .30 with measures of body vigilance, fear of cardiovas-
recommended by Nunnally and Bernstein (1994). cular symptoms, and worry. Moderate correlations
were found between the SHAI total score and fear
confirmatory factor analysis of the of respiratory symptoms and general anxiety,
shai whereas weak correlations were found between
Using AMOS 5.0 (Arbuckle, 2003), we conducted a the SHAI total score and measures of fear of
confirmatory factor analysis to test the goodness-
of-fit of competing models of the latent structure of Table 1
the SHAI. We examined the following models: (a) a Goodness-of-Fit Indices for Factor Models of the SHAI
single-factor model, (b) the two-factor model Model χ2 df p RMSEA CFI NFI
reported by Salkovskis et al. (2002), and (c) the
Single factor 505.07 135 <.001 .13 .84 .80
three-factor model reported by Abramowitz et al. Two-factor 326.88 134 <.001 .09 .91 .87
(in press). Each analysis was conducted using Three-factor 321.90 132 <.001 .09 .91 .87
maximum likelihood estimation and was computed Note. SHAI = Short Health Anxiety Inventory; RMSEA = root mean
from the covariance matrix among the SHAI items. square error of approximation; CFI = comparative fit index;
We estimated model fit via four commonly used NFI = normed fit index.
90 abramowitz et al.

Table 2 p < .03) accounted for unique variance in the Illness

Pearson Correlation Coefficients Between SHAI Total and Likelihood subscale. In the second regression
Subscale Scores and Related Measures
predicting the Negative Consequences subscale,
SHAI Total SHAI-IL SHAI-NC the predictor variables accounted for 20% of the
SHAI-IL .94 - variance, R2 = 0.20, F(9, 134) = 3.74, p < .001. The
SHAI-NC .76 .63 - ASI-R fear of cardiovascular symptoms subscale
BVS .59 .62 .19
ASI-R Respiratory .39 .44 .12
(partial r = .24, p < .004) and PSWQ (partial r = .22,
ASI-R Social .10 .08 .10 p < .009) explained significant, unique variance
ASI-R Cardiovascular .59 .61 .33 after controlling for the other anxiety-related
ASI-R Cognitive .22 .25 .08 psychopathology variables.
PSWQ .51 .44 .33
BAI .29 .30 .06 group comparisons of the shai and its
OCI-R .14 .22 .13 factors
SIAS .06 .02 .07
To examine the specificity of health anxiety to HC,
Note. Correlations ≥ .20 are significant at p < .01. SHAI = Short
Health Anxiety Inventory; SHAI-IL = Illness Likelihood subscale;
we conducted a one-way analysis of variance
SHAI-NC = Negative Consequences subscale; BVS = Body Vigi- (ANOVA) comparing SHAI scores among indivi-
lance Scale; ASI-R = Anxiety Sensitivity Index–Revised; ASI-R duals with HC and the various anxiety disorders.
Respiratory = Fear of Respiratory Symptoms subscale; ASI-R Descriptive statistics for the SHAI total score for
Social = Fear of Publicly Observable Anxiety Reactions subscale; each diagnostic group are presented in Table 3. The
ASI-R Cardiovascular = Fear of Cardiovascular Symptoms sub-
scale; ASI-R Cognitive = Fear of Cognitive Dyscontrol subscale;
significant main effect, F(5, 151) = 9.58, p < .001,
PSWQ = Penn State Worry Questionnaire; BAI = Beck Anxiety was followed up by Fisher’s LSD post hoc tests.
Inventory; SIAS = Social Interaction Anxiety Scale. These analyses revealed that patients with HC had
significantly higher SHAI total scores than patients
cognitive dyscontrol, obsessive-compulsive symp- with PD, social phobia, GAD, OCD, and specific
toms, and social anxiety. phobia (ps < .01). Patients with PD also had
Correlations between the SHAI subscales and significantly higher SHAI total scores than those
anxiety-related psychopathology measures are also with social phobia, GAD, and specific phobia
presented in Table 2. The two SHAI subscales (ps < .05). However, patients with PD did not
demonstrated specific and theoretically consistent significantly differ from patients with OCD. No
patterns of convergent and divergent validity with other significant group differences were found.
the criterion variables. Specifically, Illness Like- One-way ANOVAs comparing SHAI subscale
lihood was most highly correlated with the BVS and scores across the anxiety disorder groups were also
the ASI-R fear of cardiovascular sensations sub- conducted. Descriptive statistics for the Illness Like-
scale. Moderate correlations were found between lihood subscale for each group are presented in
Illness Likelihood and the PSWQ and the ASI-R Table 3. The significant main effect, F(5, 151) =
fear of respiratory symptoms subscale. The Nega- 10.91, p < .001, was followed up by Fisher’s LSD
tive Consequences subscale was significantly corre- post hoc tests. Patients with HC, PD, and OCD had
lated only with the PSWQ and ASI-R fear of significantly higher Illness Likelihood subscale
cardiovascular symptoms scale. scores than patients with social phobia, GAD, and
specific phobia (ps < .01). However, patients with
differential prediction of the shai
We conducted a series of multiple linear regression Table 3
analyses to examine the extent to which anxiety- Means (M) and Standard Deviations (SD) for SHAI Total and
related psychopathology measures uniquely pre- Subscale Scores by Diagnostic Group
dicted the two SHAI subscales. In each regression Diagnostic Group SHAI total SHAI-IL SHAI-NC
equation, the BVS, all four ASI-R subscales, PSWQ, M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
OCI-R, BAI, and SIAS were simultaneously entered Hypochondriasis 49.90 (9.26) 38.95 (7.87) 10.95 (2.03)
as predictor variables. In the first analysis predict- Panic disorder 39.67 (12.28) 32.60 (10.10) 7.18 (3.14)
ing Illness Likelihood, the predictor variables OCD 35.44 (16.07) 33.38 (10.03) 6.88 (3.00)
explained a significant portion of the variance, Specific phobia 32.93 (11.68) 25.17 (9.36) 7.43 (3.07)
GAD 31.09 (11.91) 24.47 (9.25) 6.83 (3.19)
R2 = 0.56, F(9, 134) = 19.22, p < .001. After control- Social phobia 29.62 (9.13) 23.36 (7.93) 6.81 (2.58)
ling for other anxiety-related psychopathology
Note. SHAI = Short Health Anxiety Inventory; SHAI-IL = Illness
variables, only the BVS (partial r = .40, p < .001), Likelihood subscale; SHAI-NC = Negative Consequences subscale;
ASI-R fear of cardiovascular symptoms subscale OCD = Obsessive-compulsive disorder; GAD = Generalized anxiety
(partial r = .33, p < .001), and PSWQ (partial r = .19, disorder.
health anxiety 91

HC, PD, and OCD did not significantly differ from for selected SHAI total cutoff scores. A cutoff score
each other. No other significant group differences of 45 provided the best balance between sensitivity
were found. A similar analysis with the Negative and specificity in our sample, correctly classifying
Consequences subscale yielded a significant main 85.7% of HC patients and 77.9% of those with
effect, F(5, 151) = 6.83, p < .001, which was also anxiety disorders. A SHAI cutoff score of 63 was
followed up by Fisher’s LSD post hoc tests. Patients preferable from a positive and negative predictive
with HC had significantly higher Negative Con- power perspective, which takes the base rate of HC
sequences scores than patients with PD, social into account. At or above this cutoff, 85.7% of
phobia, GAD, OCD, and specific phobia (ps < .01). patients had HC, while 77.9% of patients below
No other significant group differences were evident. this cutoff had an anxiety disorder. To evaluate the
See Table 3. relative specificity of the SHAI in distinguishing HC
from anxiety disorders, we examined the diagnostic
diagnostic utility of the shai accuracy of other theoretically relevant measures.
We examined the utility of the SHAI as a diagnostic The BAI, ASI-R, and BVS failed to distinguish
instrument by determining the accuracy of different between these conditions at a level beyond chance
cutoff scores in distinguishing patients with HC (range in AUC = .40–.53).
from those with anxiety disorders in general and PD Differentiating HC from PD. ROC analyses
in particular. We conducted receiver operating were also conducted to determine the utility of the
characteristic (ROC) analyses using the Analyse-It SHAI in differentiating patients with HC from
add-in for Microsoft Excel. ROC analysis uses the those with PD. The SHAI total score evidenced a
association between sensitivity and specificity to high AUC indicating good discriminatory power
estimate the area under the curve (AUC) to indicate (AUC = .73, 95% confidence interval = .61 to .85).
how well a measure distinguishes between positive As shown in Table 4, a cutoff SHAI total score of 47
(i.e., a diagnosis of HC) and negative (i.e., an provided the best balance between sensitivity and
anxiety disorder diagnosis) cases. A value of 1.0 specificity, correctly classifying 81.0% of HC
indicates perfect diagnostic prediction, whereas a patients and 69.4% of those with PD. A cutoff
value of .50 indicates the level of chance. score of 62 provided the best balance between
Diagnostic accuracy was evaluated by calculating positive and negative predictive power. At or above
the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive power, this cutoff, 75.0% of patients had HC, while 72.7%
negative predictive power, and overall hit rate of of patients below this cutoff had PD. As before, the
various SHAI total and factor scores. Sensitivity
refers to the percentage of patients correctly
classified as having HC (i.e., true positives), Table 4
whereas specificity refers to the percentage of Predictive Accuracy of Selected SHAI Total Scores: Differentiating
patients correctly classified as having an anxiety Hypochondriasis (HC) From Other Anxiety Disorders and Panic
disorder (i.e., true negatives). Because sensitivity Disorder
and specificity are independent of the base rate of Cutoff Sensitivity Specificity Positive Negative Hit
the condition of interest, they cannot directly Score (%) (%) Predictive Predictive Rate
Power (%) Power (%) (%)
address the issue of whether or not a particular
patient with a known test score has the condition HC vs. Anxiety Disorders
45 85.7 77.9 37.5 97.2 78.9
(Elwood, 1994). Accordingly, we calculated esti-
47 81.0 80.9 39.5 96.4 80.8
mates of positive and negative predictive power to 49 33.3 85.3 25.9 89.2 78.3
take into account the base rate of HC in our sample 53 28.6 93.4 40.0 89.4 84.7
(13.4%). In the present study, positive predictive 59 19.0 97.8 57.1 88.6 87.2
power refers to the probability that an individual 63 14.3 99.3 75.0 88.2 87.8
65 00.0 99.3 00.0 86.5 85.9
with a score at or above a given cutoff has a
diagnosis of HC, while negative predictive power HC vs. Panic Disorder
refers to the probability that an individual with a 47 81.0 69.4 53.1 89.4 72.8
score below a given cutoff does have a different 49 33.3 73.5 35.0 72.0 61.4
disorder. Finally, hit rate refers to the percentage of 51 28.6 81.6 40.0 72.7 65.7
53 28.6 91.8 60.0 75.0 72.8
all patients correctly classified by a given cutoff
59 19.0 95.9 66.6 73.4 72.8
score. 62 14.3 98.0 75.0 72.7 72.8
Differentiating HC from anxiety disorders. The 65 00.0 98.0 00.0 69.5 68.5
SHAI total score evidenced excellent discriminatory Note. SHAI = Short Health Anxiety Inventory. Calculations of
power (AUC = .82, 95% confidence interval = .74 to positive predictive power and negative predictive power were
.91). Table 4 presents diagnostic accuracy figures based on a HC diagnosis base rate of 13.4%.
92 abramowitz et al.

BAI, ASI-R, and BVS failed to demonstrate of HC which posit that intense health anxiety arises
diagnostic utility (range in AUC = .32–.42). as a result of the tendency to catastrophically
misinterpret harmless bodily sensations as threaten-
ing. As a result of putting oneself on a heightened
Discussion state of alert for signs of the feared illness, the
Clinical observations suggest that health anxiety is individual becomes body vigilant. Such increased
present in a variety of psychological disorders, yet attentional focus on internal sensations raises the
very little empirical research on health anxiety individual’s awareness of normal bodily perturba-
exists in the literature. One reason for this dearth of tions (body “noise”; e.g., ordinary fluctuations in
research is that very few measures have been gastrointestinal sensations, vestibular functioning,
developed to assess the construct of health anxiety. and so on), initiating a self-sustaining vicious cycle
The SHAI is a novel instrument that assesses the of catastrophic misinterpretation→anxiety→body
cognitive and behavioral features of health anxiety. vigilance→notice internal sensations, and so on.
It possesses good psychometric properties among This has the long-term effect of strengthening the
individuals with HC and among nonclinicals. The illness worry, which might be compounded by
present study, however, is the first to evaluate this catastrophic thinking and an intolerance of uncer-
measure in an anxiety disorder patient sample. It is tainty regarding the negative consequences of being
also the first study to empirically consider the role ill (e.g., Langlois & Ladouceur, 2004).
of health anxiety in the anxiety disorders. Given The second aim of the present study was to
that the innate function of anxiety is to protect the examine the role of health anxiety in the psycho-
organism against injury and harm, it is no surprise pathology of anxiety disorders. Consistent with
that health concerns emerge as prominent foci of conceptualizations of HC as severe health anxiety
fear and worry across a number of these conditions. (e.g., Taylor & Asmundson, 2004), patients with
The results of the present study can therefore this disorder reported higher SHAI total scores
inform the conceptualization and treatment of relative to those with anxiety disorders. The finding
clinical anxiety. that PD patients evidenced higher SHAI total scores
Confirmatory factor analyses provided equiva- relative to patients with other anxiety disorders is
lent support for two- and three-factor models of the also consistent with formulations of PD as involving
SHAI reported in previous studies by Salkovskis et health anxiety (Schmidt et al., 2003). Although we
al. (2002) and Abramowitz et al. (in press). On the found that patients with OCD did not show elevated
basis of parsimony, we elected to examine the two- SHAI total scores, OCD patients did not differ
factor model originally reported by Salkovskis et al. significantly from PD and HC patients in their
(2002) assessing (a) the perceived likelihood of beliefs about the probability of becoming ill. This is
acquiring a serious illness, intrusive thoughts, and consistent with clinical and research observations
body vigilance (Illness Likelihood) and (b) cata- that, like the concerns of patients with HC and PD,
strophic beliefs about the anticipated burden of obsessional preoccupation in OCD often focuses on
having a serious illness (Negative Consequences). health and illness (Abramowitz et al., 1999). In
Our analyses revealed satisfactory convergent and contrast, patients with HC demonstrated elevated
divergent validity for the total SHAI and the two beliefs regarding the negative consequences of ill
factors. Specifically, the total score and Illness health relative to all of the other patient groups. This
Likelihood factor were moderately to strongly pattern of results suggests that whereas HC, PD, and
associated with theoretically overlapping constructs OCD all involve preoccupation with body sensa-
(i.e., body vigilance, fear of cardiovascular and tions and the probability of becoming ill, HC (more
respiratory symptoms, worry) and weakly related than these other disorders) involves catastrophic
to constructs considered theoretically distinct from beliefs about the consequences of acquiring the
health anxiety (i.e., social anxiety, obsessive-compul- feared illness.
sive symptoms, and fear of cognitive dyscontrol). The These findings have direct relevance to the
Negative Consequences factor demonstrated signifi- assessment and treatment of HC and anxiety
cant relationships (weak to moderate in magnitude) disorders using cognitive-behavioral therapy. In
with fears of cardiovascular symptoms and worry. particular, treatment providers should include
These results indicate that the SHAI possesses good assessments of health-focused anxiety when work-
reliability and validity in a clinical sample. ing with anxious patients, and consider the role of
The findings from our regression highlight the such concerns as antecedents of avoidance and
triumvirate of anxiety sensitivity, body vigilance, safety-seeking behavior. Moreover, within the fra-
and worry as integral to health anxiety and HC. mework of available treatment manuals, cognitive
This is consistent with cognitive-behavioral models therapy techniques can be incorporated to address
health anxiety 93

intolerance of uncertainty regarding illnesses and symptom measures were self-report inventories,
patient-specific overestimates of the probability and questionnaire-specific method variance might have
costs (especially in the case of HC) of having a inflated relationships among study variables. A
serious disease. For example, one patient treated in multitrait-mutimethod approach should be consid-
our clinic held unrealistic beliefs about the costs of ered for use in future studies. Second, the design of
death, remarking that she was afraid to die because this study was cross-sectional and correlational,
of how terrible she would feel (as if still conscious) which precludes causal inferences. Although we
missing out on special family events. Once assessed, have identified factors (i.e., worry, body vigilance,
this patient benefitted from cognitive restructuring fear of cardiovascular symptoms) that are uniquely
that modified her dysfunctional belief that, if she related to health anxiety, it cannot be determined
actually died, she would wish that she was still alive. from these data whether such factors are a cause or
The ROC analyses indicated that HC and the consequence of health anxiety. Future research
anxiety disorders, including PD, are distinguishable incorporating experimental and longitudinal
on the basis of total scores on the SHAI. A cutoff designs is needed to facilitate current understanding
score of 45 correctly classified more than 75% of of variables contributing to the etiology of health
patients with HC and anxiety disorders. Likewise, a anxiety and HC.
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