SNEHA PROJECT April 11 2018

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Project work submitted to the Mahatma Gandhi University in

Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Zoology



REG NO: 150021098238






Certified that the project work entitled “A study on the oviposition responses of
aedes species to common household substances” is an authentic record of the
work done by Sneha Rachel Joseph under my supervision in the Department of
Zoology as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree ofBachelor of
Science in Zoology.

Place: Aluva

Date :

Dr. Anu Anto Dr. Seema . K

Lecturer- in- Charge Head of the Department of Zoology





I, SNEHA RACHEL JOSEPH do hereby declare that this project work entitled “A
study on the oviposition responses of aedes species to common household
substances” submitted to Mahatma Gandhi University is a bonafide work carried
out by me during the period of 2017-2018 under the guidance of Dr. Anu Anto,
Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, St. Xavier’s College for Women,


Date :


I express my reverence to the ‘Almighty’ who has given me enormous strength

during the present work and all my years of study.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Rev.Sr.Reethamma V.A., Principal, St.

Xavier’s college for Women, Aluva, for having given permission and support for
this project.

I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Seema . K Head of The Department of Zoology

for all the help and support rendered during this project.

I express my deep and sincere gratitude to Dr.AnuAnto,Assistant Professor,

Department of Zoology, St. Xavier’s College for Women, Aluva for the excellent
guidance and supervision provided for the accomplishment of this project entitled
“A study on the oviposition responses of aedes species to common household
substances” and taking initiative on such a challenging project.

I am very much grateful to Dr. Baby Divya, Dr.Annie Feby, Ms.BinuCorreya,

MsVishnupriya , Ms.Revathy S (Department of Zoology) and Ms Molly and Ms
Betty, Lab assistants, Department of Zoology and my friends for their support and

I thank Mr.Sooraj Abraham representative of Plan @ Earth programme for the

sincere co-operation.

Above all my very special gratitude goes to my parents for their prayers and
encouragement which make my work successful and satisfactory.








5. RESULT 20-24




Many mosquito-borne diseases prevalent today are caused by Aedes sp. For eg:
Aedes aegyptiis a vector mosquito with dark coloured white lyre markings on the
body and banded legs that can spread Dengue fever, Chikungunya, Zika fever,
Yellow fever and many other diseases. Especially Dengue is a major issue nowadays
but an effective vaccine or medicine is not yet available. Dengue vector control is
still considered the most effective way for controlling and preventing the
transmission of dengue viruses. This study evaluated the oviposition responses of
Aedes species to certain commonly available household substances by use of ovitrap

Ovitraps are the preferred surveillance tool for monitoring Aedes activity. Various
substances used in this study are tap water, cumin, sugar, vinegar and salt. Ovitraps
containing these various substances were exposed weekly in the field (from July
2017 to March 2018) to determine the oviposition patterns of Aedes species. Egg
count obtained was highest in the month of November and was least in the month of
March. Those ovitraps where no ovipositor take place are to be considered as
repellants and those with maximum number of eggs are to be considered as
attractants. Mann Whitney Pairwise statistical analysis revealed no significant
variation in the ovitraps with cumin and sugar solution (P>0.05) when compared
with control ovitraps. In contrast to this, ovitraps with vinegar or salt showed almost
total avoidance/deterrence towards oviposition. Significantly low mean egg count
were noticed in ovitraps with Vinegar and salt solution in comparison with the
control ovitraps (P<0.05).

In this study habitat, it seems that temperature and humidity did play a significant
role in determining the presence of Aedes mosquito. This was showed by significant
values in Pearson’s correlation analysis. Analysis revealed negative correlation (r2=
- 0.792, P<0.05) between mean egg count and temperature and positive correlation
(r2=0.637, P<0.05) between humidity and egg count in the control ovitrap.

The total avoidance/deterrence exhibited by Aedes to ovitraps with vinegar or

salt also calls for further study and response evaluation. The oviposition deterrent

effect of salt can be recommended for prevention of Aedes breeding in vases and
other small containers.

The study enabled us to know more about vector control methods of

Aedes species and the effect of temperature and humidity in determining the
presence of these species.It has been found that Ovitraps with common household
substances are effective, economically sound, simple control tools for monitoring
Aedes activity.


Aedes, genus of more than 950 species of mosquitoes belong to order Diptera and
some members are vectors of disease and sometimes they also transmit potentially
deadly pathogens to humans and other animals. The different species of
Aedesmosquitoes are native to temperate and tropical habitats worldwide.
Somespecies, however have spread beyond their native ranges, either as result of
having been introduced into new areas by humans or as a result of changing
environmental influences. Of particular importance has been the expansion
A.aegyptiand A.albopictusto America from Africa and Asia respectively. This has
facilitated the spread of certain debilitating infectious diseases, notably
Chikungunya fever, Dengue fever, and Zika fever.

Adult Aedesmosquitoes are distinguished from other types of mosquitoes by their

narrow and typically black body, unique patterns of
light and dark scales on the abdomen and thorax, and
alternating light and dark bands on the legs. Females
are further distinguished by the shape of the
abdomen, which usually comes to a point at its tip,
and by their maxillary palps (sensory structures with
the mouth parts), which are shorter than the

Aedes mosquitoes are floodwater mosquitoes, meaning they lay their eggs on moist
soil or in containers that periodically catch rainfall. They prefer to breed in tree holes,
overflow ditches, and old tyres. The eggs can survive drying and hatch once flooded
by water. They develop in a four-stage process like other mosquitoes. As a
predominantly tropical and subtropical group, Aedes mosquitoes tend to breed in
warm weather, although some species can survive in colder environments. The
adults feed day and night, and several of the species are considered particularly
troublesome. The males of all species of mosquitoes do not bite human or animals
of any species, they live on fruit and plant sap. The female feed not only on fruit but
also on blood.

Aedesvexans, the inland floodwater mosquito, is known as a fierce and painful biter.
Two Aedes mosquitoes are also carriers of dangerous diseases. Aedesalbopictus, the
Asian tiger mosquito, transmits dengue fever and eastern equine encephalitis,
while Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito, transmits dengue and yellow
fever.Aedesaegyptiis adapted to breed around human dwellings and prefers to lay its
eggs in clean water which contains no other living species. These eggs become adult
in about one and a half to two weeks. In dengue virus infected mosquitoes, the virus
is present in the salivary glands of the mosquito. When a female Aedes aegypti bites
a human for food, it injects saliva into the wound where the anti-coagulants
contained in her saliva facilitate feeding. Without knowing the mosquito also injects
the dengue virus into the host. Since the virus can be passed from adult to egg, the
dengue virus is guaranteed to survive until the next summer and heavy rains.

Aedes is a holometabolous insect which goes through a complete metamorphosis

with an egg, larva, pupa and adult stage. In the life cycle of Aedes sp. there exists an
aquatic phase (larvae and pupa) and a terrestrial phase (egg and adult).Female
mosquito lay their eggs on inner wet wall of the container with water. Larva hatches
when water inundates the eggs. When the larva has acquired enough energy and size,
metamorphosis is triggered changing the larva into pupa. The newly formed adult
emerges from the water after breaking the pupal skin. The entire life cycle last 8-10
days. The adult life span can range from two weeks to a month depending on the
environmental conditions.

Larval habitats of Aedes mosquito varies with species. But they can be broken down
into container mosquitoes and flood water mosquitoes. Container mosquito species
prefer to lay eggs in artificial containers like waste tires, flower pots, gutters, trash
cans etc. or in natural containers like leaf axils, tree holes etc. that can hold
water.Aedesaegypti prefer more artificial container types and Aedesalbopictus
inhabits both artificial and natural containers. Flood water mosquitoes lay eggs in
moist substrates or water logged soil in ground depressions subject to temporary

The eggs of Aedesaegypti are smooth, long, ovoid shaped, shiny black in appearance
and roughly one millimeter long. They can produce up to five batches of eggs during
its life time. The female mosquito lays eggs separately unlike most other species.

Not all eggs are laid at once, but they can be spread out over hours or days, depending
on the availability of suitable substrates. Eggs will be most often be placed at varying
distances above the water line. They do not lay the entire clutch at a single site, but
rather spread out the eggs overseveral sites. Eggs can survive for very long periods
in a dry state, often for more than a year.

The larva hatches from the egg and lives in the water. They have siphon or air tube
and spend most of their time on the surface breathing. Larvae eat constantly-feeding
on algae, plankton, fungi, bacteria, and other aquatic organisms. During growth, the
larva moults or shed its skin four times. The stages between the moults are called the
instars. At the fourth instar, the larva have a length of 10mm and the diagnostic
features of the larva are more pronounced. When the fourth instar larva moults, it
becomes a pupa (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Life cycle of Aedesaegypti Mosquito

Mosquito pupae, commonly called “tumblers” live in water. Pupae are mobile and
respond to stimuli. The pupae do not feed and take approximately two days to
develop. The metamorphosis of the mosquito into an adult is completed within the

pupal case. The adult mosquito splits the pupal case and emerges to the surface of
the water where it rests until its body dries and hardens.

Substantial vector control efforts have not stopped rapid emergence and global
spread of dengue virus infection. Studies show that there were 96 million apparent
dengue infections globally in 2010. Asia bore 70% of this burden, and is
characterized by densely populated regions coinciding with very high suitability for
disease transmission. India alone contributed 34% of the global total (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Average number of suspected or confirmed dengue cases reported to WHO,


According to figures released by the National Vector Borne Disease Control

Programme (NVBDCP) of the Ministry of health and Family welfare, a sharp
increase in dengue has been reported in India last year. The highest rate was reported
in Kerala. 18,727 confirmed dengue cases and 35 deaths were reported in 2017.
Tamil Nadu witnessed second highest rate of dengue cases followed by West
Bengal, Karnataka and Delhi.

In the absence of a vaccine against dengue virus, control of Aedes mosquito is the
only tool for surveillance and management of dengue.The involvement of
community and their role in vector control is very important. Thus, mapping the
distribution of Aedes sp. is essential for public health planning and prevention of

Various studies have been conducted to analyze and evaluate the ovipositor
responses of Aedes sp. towards various substances.Ovipostor responses in
mosquitoes could be effectively studied by placing ovitraps. Ovitrap usually is a dark
coloured container filled with water and provided with a scale wrapped with white
cloth for ovipositor, are the tools for monitoring this study.


 To study the egg laying habits of Aedes sp. and to record the egg count
during different months of a year.

 To study the oviposition responses of Aedes sp. to some common household


 To categorize household substances as attractants/deterrents so as to use

them in vector control methods.

 To study the effect of temperature and humidity in determining the presence

of Aedes mosquito.


1. Prajapati et al (2005) studied on the Insecticidal repellant and oviposition-

deterrent activity of selected essential oils against Anopheles stephensi, Aedes
aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus at the Central Institute of Medicinal and
Aromatic plants (CIMAP), Lucknow, India. Essential oils extracted from 10
medicinal plants were evaluated for larvicidal, adulticidal, ovicidal,oviposition-
deterrent and repellant activities towards three mosquito species; Anopheles
stephensi, Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus.The essential oils of
Juniperusmacropoda and Pimpinellaanisum were highly effective as both larvicidal
and ovicidal.The essential oil of P.anisum showed toxicity against 4th instar larvae
of A.stephensi and A.aegypti with equivalent LD95 values of 115.7 µg/ml, whereas it
was 149.7 µg/ml against C.quinquefasciatus larvae. Essential oils of
Zingiberofficinale and Rosmarinus officinalis were found to be ovicidal and
repellant, respectively towards the three mosquito species. The essential oil of
Cinnamomumzeylanciumresulted into highest repellant (RD95) values of 49.6, 53.9
and 44.2 mg/mat against A.stephensi,A.aegypti and C.quinquefasciatus respectively
apart from oviposition- deterrent potential.

2. Hao et al (2012) have done a Preliminary analysis of

several attractants and spatial repellents for the mosquito, Aedesalbopictus
using an olfactometer, at the Naval Medical Research Institute, Shanghai, China.
In this research, they demonstrated the usefulness of an olfactometer system, and
optimized testing conditions for Aedesalbopictus(Diptera: Culicidae). 5-10 day old
mosquitoes were relatively strongly attracted, with bloodsucking rate 75.8%. The
random capture rate (entered trap in absence of odor) was less than 20% for the 20-
40 tested insects. One percent of L-lactic acid in dichloromethane resulted in a
consistently higher capture rate (43.8%) than that from a human odor
(31.2%). Under their testing conditions, eugenol, anisaldehyde, geraniol, citronellal,
citral, and linalool all exhibited some inhibition effect on mosquitoes to successfully
trace human odor or 1% of L-lactic acid in dichloromethane. The results of these
two tests indicate that the L-lactic acid/dichloromethane mixture may be used as an

effective attractant to evaluate the effect of possible spatial repellents on Ae.


3. Sharma et al (2008) studied on the Oviposition responses of Aedes

aegypti and Aedesalbopictus to certain fatty acid esters. Laboratory studies were
carried out to observe the oviposition responses of Aedes aegypti (L.)
and Aedesalbopictus to several C21 fatty acid esters. The oviposition activity of
these dengue and chikungunya vectors to the long-chain fatty acid esters of
C21 length have not been reported earlier. From the multiple choice experiments on
oviposition activity in standard mosquito cages, it was observed that compounds
hexadecyl pentanoate, tetradecyl heptanoate and tridecyl octanoate presented
significant oviposition repellent activity against the two mosquito species, while
one compound propyl octadecanoate was found to attract A.aegypti to the treated
oviposition substrate at 1- and 10-ppm concentrations. The possible utilization of
these esters in integrated vector management is discussed.

4. Zahiri et al (1997) conducted a study on the Oviposition responses of Aedes

aegypti and Aedesatopalpus (Diptera: Culcidae) females to waters from
conspecific and heterospecific normal larvae and from larvae infected with
Plagiorchiselegans (Trematoda: Plagiorchiidae).OvipositingAedes aegypti
females were attracted to waters in which uninfected Aedesatopalpus larvae had
been reared , but were repelled by waters from larvae of either species infected with
the entomopathogenic digenean Plagiorchiselegans. In contrast, Aedesatopalpus
females were attracted to or repelled by waters from conspecific uninfected larvae,
respectively, but did not respond corresponding waters from Aedes aegypti larvae.
The sensitivity of ovipositing females of both species to replants and attractants is
discussed in terms of possible selective pressures exerted by unstable breeding

5. Kumawat et al (2014)worked on the ‘Use of different colouredovitraps in the

surveillance of Aedesmosquitoes in an arid-urban area of western
Rajasthan, India’. For the study of colouredovitraps baited with grass infusion,
24 households were selected in a locality. Five ovitraps with colours black, green,
orange, red and transparent one were used to find out the effect of different
colours on the oviposition response of Aedesaegypti females. A grass infusion of

Cyndondactylonof 50% concentration was used as an oviposition attractant.

Weekly ovitrap surveys were conducted during the study for four times. The
percent positivity of different colouredovitraps revealed that red colouredovitraps
have highest positivity (92.7%), followed by black and orange (91.7% each),
green (76.3%) and transparent (45.8%). The overall location wise ovitraps
positivity revealed that highest positivity was recorded among the ovitraps
installed inside bathrooms (92%) followed by bedroom (85%), lobby (66.7%)
and stores (48.3%). The study revealed that for immediate detection of presence
of gravid females in a particular locality during epidemic, the black
colouredovitraps may be useful, however in normal situations for surveillance of
vector species, the orange colouredovitraps might be more suitable.

6. Hoelet al (2014) worked on the “Efficacy of ovitrapcolours and patterns for

attracting Aedesalbopictus at suburban field sites in North-Central
Florida”. They enhanced the attractiveness of the standard black ovitap
routinely used in the surveillance of Asian tiger mosquitoes, Aedesalbopictus
and now being used as lethal ovitrapsin Ae. aegypti dengue control programme.
Black ovitaps were visually altered to offer field population of gravid female
mosquitoes. Trials were conducted at three different field locations in
Gainesville, Orange Park, Jacksonville, during July – August in 2009. A black
glossy cup served as the control and was tested against 5 cup choices consisting
of white, blue, orange or black and white contrasting patterns checkered or
vertically striped. Means of eggs collected over 6 week for each choice were
calculated. The highest positivity was found in black colouredovitrap followed
by blue, orange, checkered, orange, striped, and white. Black ovitraps
outperformed competing coloured and contrasting patterned ovitraps with
respect to choice from gravid A.albopictus seeking artificial oviposition sites.

7. Sivagnanameand Dominic (2008) conducted study on ‘Do colour and surface

area influence the oviposition behaviour of Aedesaegypti, the vector of
dengue and DHF? ’. Attempt was made to develop and evaluate an ovitrap
with considerable increase in surface area incorporated with avisual attractant
of black and white strips painted on the outer surface of the trap. A newly

developed ovitrap made from fiberglass tray (FGTO) was compared with
conventionally used black jar ovitrap (BJO) n field condition in terms of egg
received. FGTO was painted with alternating black and white strips on the outer
surface of the tray. It was also provided with two metal legs at the height of
50cm.FGTO was placed 50cm apart from the BJO. 5ml of 10% hay infusion
and country filter paper was used in both ovitraps to collect egg. Traps were
surveyed on alternate days. A portion of eggs from both traps were allowed to
hatch and reared into adults for species identification. The number of egg laid
was considerably higher in FGTO than in BJO. Out of 33 observations, FGTO
was negative for eggs only in one occasion whereas BJO in six occasions. 88%
of adults emerged were Aedesaegypti and 12% were Aedesalbopictus.

8. Meza-Ballesta A, (2014) worked on the influence of climate and vegetation

cover on the occurrence of dengue cases (2001-2010).Analysing the spatio-
temporal relationship regarding the occurrence of cases of dengue in Colombia’s
Cordaba Department. Temperature, rainfall and the phenological state of
vegetation (vigor and density). Occurrence of dengue was studied in 30 selected
municipalities. The statistical relationship between dengue cases and the
normalized difference vegetation index was calculated. Analysis and evaluation
of the statistical datas showed that the selected climate variables and vegetation
state were significantly related to the occurrence of dengue both separately and

9. Farnesi(2018) worked on the influence of a light and dark cycle on the egg
laying activity of aedesaegypti.The epidemiological importance of the mosquito
aedes based on oviposition behaviour, significant specific knowledge about egg
viability and female fertility under light and dark condition. The number and
viability of eggs was analyzed under three different light / dark regimes: constant
darkness and constant light. Results shows that females prefer to lay their eggs in
dark conditions, but maximizing the number and viability of eggs requires the
occurrence of a light/ dark cycle.

10. Qureshi (2017), worked on the distribution of aedes in eight selected parks of
Lahore, using oviposition traps during rainy season. The study was
conducted in eight parks in Lahore, Pakistan, over three years from 2011 to 2013.

A total of 2,496 ovitraps were placed in environmentally different conditions,

near thick vegetation cover/ shades, unclean sites. The value for ovi trap index
was found highest in rainy season, high association was observed with
environmental conditions, micro-habitat, shades, water channels. Abundance and
occurrence frequency of aedes had a positive association with deteriorating
environmental and seasonal climatic conditions.


The study was conducted from July 2017 - March 2018.Area selected for study is
Pump Junction, Aluva which is a Town area (Figure 3). Four dengue cases were
reported in this area during the study period.

Figure 3. Map showing Study habitat


Figure 4. Ovitraps installed in the study

Ovitraps (usually a dark coloured container filled with water and provided with a
towel cloth/wooden paddle for Oviposition) are the preferred surveillance tool for
monitoring Aedes activity.Ovitraps were set up using a black jar, a scale, white cloth,
2 chocobar sticks (Figure 4). The black container was filled with 100 ml of pure
water. The scale wrapped with cloth was placed in such a way that the tip of the
scale touches the water surface and through capillary action the white cloth always
remained moist. Water was refilled as the level goes down.

Various household substances such as Cumin (4g), sugar (4g), vinegar (20ml), and
salt (4g) in 100 ml of water were provided in triplicates in 100mlovitrapbowls for
oviposition. Distilled water was kept as control to check the oviposition response.

The Ovitraps were examined or monitored daily in order to count the number of eggs
laid on the scale wrapped in white cloth. Temperature and humidity of the area were
also noted.


The present study examined the oviposition responses (attraction/deterrence) of

Aedesspecies to certain common household substances for their use in ovitraps to
monitor Aedes activity. The result can also be utilized to form an effective and simple
control tool.

The results presented in Table 1 indicate that average number of eggs obtained
in a week of each month from July 2017 to March 2018, when ovitraps with
household substances namely tap water (control), cumin seeds, sugar, vinegar and
salt were offered.

Table 1. Average number of Aedeseggs observed during the study period from
July 2017 to March 2018.


JULY 51.5±5.55 59.5±4.27 54.92±3.77 0±0 0±0
AUG 59±1.40 63.25±3.52 60.83±3.39 0±0 0±0
NOV 65.83±3.78 75.92±5.02 66.17±5.95 0±0 2.08±2.50
DEC 49.42±9.49 53.08±9.95 50.92±9.88 0±0 0±0
JAN 44.5±7.40 48.92±6.75 46.33±5.93 0±0 0±0
FEB 32±5.88 35.42±6.22 33.42±6.18 0±0 0±0
MARCH 21.75±1.45 24.92±2.17 23.08±1.77 0±0 0±0

From the experimental results, it was observed that ovitraps with tap water
showed positive oviposition response. It has been observed that cumin seeds
rendered maximum number of eggs, sugar is the next preferred attractant (Figure7,8
and 9). Mann Whitney Pairwise statistical analysis revealed no significant variation
in the ovitraps with cumin and sugar solution (P>0.05) when compared with control
ovitraps. In contrast to this, ovitraps with vinegar or salt showed almost total
avoidance/deterrence towards oviposition. Significantly low mean egg count were
noticed in ovitraps with Vinegar and salt solution in comparison with the control
ovitraps (P<0.05). (Figure no: 11 and Figure 12)

In this study habitat, it seems that temperature and humidity did play a
significant role in determining the presence of Aedes mosquito. This was
showed by significant values in Pearson’s correlation analysis. Analysis
revealed negative correlation (r2= - 0.792, P<0.05) between mean egg count
and temperature and positive correlation (r2=0.637, P<0.05) between
humidity and egg count in the control ovitrap.In July the temperature and
humidity was 26°C, 81% respectively and in March the temperature increased

to 33°C and humidity was 71%. Egg count decreased as the temperature
increased and vice versa. The egg count increased from July 2017 to
December 2017 and reduced gradually from January 2018 to March 2018.
(Figure5 and Figure 6).





Figure 5. Average number of eggs obtained in a week of each month from July
2017 to March 2018





Figure 6. Average number of eggs obtained in a week of each month from July
2017 to March 2018

Eggs of Aedes mosquito

Figure7. Aedes eggs observed on the scale in ovitrap

Figure 8. Egg count in cumin Figure 9. Egg count in sugar solution


Figure 10. Egg count in Control Figure 11. Egg count in Salt
(tap water) solution

Figure12. Egg count in vinegar


‘Aedes Borne Diseases’especially Dengue Fever, is a major issue of today’s world.
These Diseases are transmitted by the bite of infective mosquito vectors belong to
Aedes Species which breed in domestic and peridomestic containers.

Vector control method is considered the most effective way of controlling and
preventing the transmission of respective viruses.

Many studies have been done to evaluate the oviposition responses of Aedes species
to various substances inorder to use them as attractants or deterrents.

Prajapati V, Tripathi AK, Aggarwal KK and Khanuja SP in 2005 studied on the

Insecticidal ,repellant and oviposition-deterrent activity of selected essential oils
against Anopheles stephensi, Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus.

Sharma KR , Seenivasagan T, Rao AN, Ganesan K, Agarwal OP, Malhotra RC

and Prakash in 2008 studied on the Oviposition responses of Aedes aegypti and
Aedes albopictus to certain fatty acid esters.

Hao H, Sun J and Dai J In 2012 have done a Preliminary analysis of

several attractants and spatial repellents for the mosquito, Aedesalbopictus using
an olfactometer.

Zahiri et al in (1997) conducted a study on the Oviposition responses of Aedes

aegypti and Aedesatopalpus (Diptera: Culcidae) females to waters from conspecific
and heterospecific normal larvae and from larvae infected with Plagiorchiselegans
(Trematoda: Plagiorchiidae).OvipositingAedes aegypti females were attracted to
waters in which uninfected Aedesatopalpus larvae had been reared , but were
repelled by waters from larvae of either species infected with the entomopathogenic
digenean Plagiorchiselegans. In contrast, Aedesatopalpus females were attracted to
or repelled by waters from conspecific uninfected larvae, respectively, but did not
respond corresponding waters from Aedes aegypti larvae.

But some of the substances used in the above studies are moreover expensive
and are not commonly available.

The present study aimed at:

1. Evaluate oviposition responses of Aedes species to certain common

household substances(which are easily available and economically sound) by
ovitrap method
2. Categorize these substances as oviposition attractants or deterrents inorder to
use them as a vector control measure and also for monitoring and managing
Aides activity.
3. To study the effect of temperature and humidity on oviposition responses of
Aedes mosquito.

Various household substances used in the study are common water, sugar, cumin
seeds, vinegar and salt.

The study period selected was from July 2017 to March 2018, and the study habitat
was Aluva Town in Ernakulam District.

Ovitraps containing these substances were exposed weekly in the field to determine
the oviposition responses.

Those ovitraps where no ovipositor takes place are to be considered as repellants and
those with maximum number of eggs are to be considered as attractants.

The correlation analysis of data on temperature and humidity shows that temperature
and no of eggs is negatively correlated and humidity and no of eggs is positively

It was also observed that cumin seeds rendered maximum number of eggs and is the
most preferred attractant,sugar being the next preferred attractant.Ovitraps with
Vinegar and salt showed almost total avoidance/deterrence towards oviposition.


‘Aedes borne diseases’ is a major issue of Today’s world .As there is no effective
vaccine or antiviral therapy commercially available , controlling the primary
mosquito vector of Aedes species is the only means to prevent the outbreaks of the
major mosquito borne diseases like dengue, chikungunya , yellow fever etc… The
conventional insecticidal treatment and the new emerged approaches such as
biological control method, genetic modification techniques etc... are not economical
and have some negative effects.

Through this study we have examined the oviposition

attraction/deterrence of common household substances for their use in ovitraps to
monitor Aedes activity. The study findings indicate that salt and vinegar act as
oviposition deterrants.The positive oviposition response of Aedes to ovitraps with
cumin seeds/sugar necessitates a closer look at these household substances. There is
a need to chemically analyze these substances with a view to study the effect of its
active ingredients on the oviposition responses of Aedes.

The total avoidance/deterrence exhibited by Aedes to ovitraps with vinegar or salt

also calls for further study and response evaluation. The oviposition deterrent effect
of salt can be recommended for prevention of Aedes breeding in vases and other
small containers.

The study enabled us to know more about vector control methods of Aedes
species and the effect of temperature and humidity in determining the presence of
these species.It has been found that Ovitraps with common household substances are
effective, economically sound, simple control tools for monitoring Aedes activity.


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