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For Use with ISO/TS16949
And ISO 9001

Rev. 13 - Effective Date: Oct. 27, 2017

This document contains BWI companion requirements to the current revision of ISO/TS16949. Each
requirement within ISO/TS16949 that has a more specific BWI requirement is listed next to the
ISO/TS16949 requirement. All BWI direct material suppliers, regardless of whether or not they are
certified to ISO/TS16949 are required to comply with the requirements of ISO/TS16949 and the BWI
Customer Specific Requirements stated in this document.

Exceptions to any part of these requirements must be approved in writing by the appropriate
BWIGroup functional area contact.

This document applies only to external automotive direct suppliers to BWIGroup
All BWI direct material suppliers, regardless of whether or not they are certified to ISO/TS16949 are
required to comply with the requirements of ISO/TS16949 and the BWI Customer Specific
Requirements stated in this document.
Indirect and service providers are not included in this requirement, e.g. logistics, sequencers, parts
packagers, tooling & equipment, BWIGroup aftermarket suppliers.
The US English language version of this document shall be the official version for purposes of third
party registration. Any translations of this document will be for reference only.

An electronic copy of this document is available from

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Document 829
BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only)
4.1 General Requirements. 4.1 General requirements
All requirements listed in this document apply The organization shall establish, document,
unless otherwise authorized in writing by BWI implement, and maintain a quality management
system and continually improve its effectiveness
NOTE 1: Suppliers of non-automotive product in accordance with the requirements of this
should contact their BWI buyer for specific International Standard.
requirements. The organization shall:
a) determine the processes needed for the
NOTE 2: Third party certification does not relieve quality management system and their
the supplier of full responsibility for the quality and application throughout the organization
delivery of the product supplied. (see 1.2),
b) determine the sequence and interaction of
these processes,
c) determine criteria and methods needed to
ensure that both the operation and control
of these processes are effective,
d) ensure the availability of resources and
information necessary to support the
operation and monitoring of these
e) monitor, measure where applicable, and
analyze these processes, and,
f) Implement actions necessary to achieve
planned results and continual improvement
of these processes.
NOTE 1: Processes needed for the quality
management system referred to above should
include processes for management activities,
provision of resources, product realization,
measurement, analysis and improvement.
NOTE 2: An "outsourced process" is a process
that the organization needs for its quality
management system and which the organization
chooses to have performed by an external party.
NOTE 3: Ensuing control over outsourced
processes does not absolve the organization of
the responsibility of conformity to all customer,
statutory and regulatory requirements. The type
and extent of control to be applied to the
outsourced process can be influenced by factors
such as
a) the potential impact of the outsourced
process on the organization's capability to
provide product that conform to
b) the degree to which the control for the
process is shared,
c) the capability of achieving the necessary
control through the application of 7.4.

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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only) Engineering Specification: Engineering specifications
Official prints and specifications for use in quoting The organization shall have a process to assure
and production are only issued through your BWI the timely review, distribution and implementation
purchasing buyer. Prints and specifications of all customer engineering
received from any other BWI source, including standards/specifications and changes based on
engineering shall be considered “for reference customer-required schedule, Timely review
only”. should be as soon as possible, and shall not
exceed two working weeks.
The organization shall maintain a record of the
date on which each change is implemented in
production. Implementation shall include updated
NOTE: A change in these
standards/specifications requires an updated
record of customer production part approval when
these specifications are referenced on the design
record or, they affect documents of production
part approval process, such as control plan,
FMEAs, etc.
4.2.4 Control of Records: 4.2.4 Control of records
Production part approvals, tooling records, Records established to provide evidence of
purchase orders and amendments shall be conformity to requirements and of the effective
maintained for the length of time that the part (or operation of the quality management system shall
family of parts) is active for production unless be controlled.
otherwise specified by BWI. Production inspection The organization shall establish a documented
and test records with actual results recorded shall procedure to define the controls needed for the
be retained for one calendar year after the year in identification, storage, protection, retrieval,
which they were created. retention and disposition of records.
Some programs may require longer retention Records shall remain legible, readily identifiable
periods than specified above. A supplier may and retrievable.
specify longer retention periods than required by
BWI in its procedures or specifications.
Suppliers exiting business through liquidation or
closure are required to provide BWI with copies of
all of the records referred to above.
Suppliers are required to ensure sub-tier supplier
records are maintained in accordance with the
BWI requirements listed above. In the event BWI
requests a review of these records (e.g. a quality
concern) the supplier is required to produce these
records for review within 24 hours of the request.
If a sub-tier supplier exits business through
liquidation or closure, it is the responsibility of the
supplier to maintain all of the sub-tier supplier
records as noted above.

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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only)
6.3.2 Contingency Plans. 6.3.2 Contingency plans
When the supplier becomes aware of an The organization shall prepare contingency plans
impending production interruption, the supplier to satisfy customer requirements in the event of
shall make every attempt to notify the BWI an emergency such as utility interruptions, labor
receiving plant’s Production Control & Logistics shortages, key equipment failure and field returns.
within 24 hours. The nature of the problem shall
be communicated with the immediate actions
taken to assure continuous supply of product.
Production interruptions may include (but are not
limited to) natural disasters, political unrest, war,
capacity issues, quality issues, labor strikes,
planned down time or other events that prevent
the supplier from meeting the specified capacity
volumes. The supplier shall advise BWI of the
plan for recovery and work toward minimizing its
effect on the BWI plant.
7.1 Planning of Product Realization. 7.1 Planning of product realization
Supplier Development and Management Process The organization shall plan and develop the
(SDMP) BWI's Advanced Product Quality processes needed for product realization.
Planning (APQP) process is called SDMP. The Planning of product realization shall be consistent
BWI AQE or SQE will work with the supplier with the requirements of the other processes of
throughout the product realization process the quality management system (see 4.1).
utilizing BWI’s SDMP or other customer directed In planning product realization, the organization
system. shall determine the following. as appropriate:
a) quality objectives and requirements for the
b) the need to establish processes and
documents, and to provide resources
specific to the product;
c) required verification, validation, monitoring,
measurement, inspection and test
activities specific to the product and the
criteria for product acceptance;
d) records needed to provide evidence that
the realization processes and resulting
product meet requirements (see 4.2 .4).
The output of this planning shall be in a form
suitable for the organization's method of
NOTE 1: A document specifying the processes of
the quality management system (including the
product realization processes) and the resources
to be applied to a specific product, project or
contract can be referred to as a quality plan. .
NOTE 2: The organization may also apply the
requirements given In 7.3 to the development of
product realization processes.

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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only) Organization Manufacturing Feasibility. 7.2,2.2 Organization manufacturing feasibility
The BWI buyer shall be notified and approve of The organization shall investigate, confirm and
any operating plan using more than 100 hours per document the manufacturing feasibility of the
week. Suppliers shall be responsible to have proposed products in the contract review process,
capability to provide 15% above the quoted including risk analysis.
volume without additional investment from BWI.
Note: Product volume increases of more than
15% from BWI over a previously verified volume
capability may require full volume feasibility
studies. Study parameters shall conform with
previously agreed to operating parameters
7.2.3 Customer Communication 7.2.3 Customer communication
Suppliers shall notify their BWI Buyer immediately The organization shall determine and implement
for changes in any of the following: effective arrangement for communicating with
• Ownership Change. customers in relation to
• Planned Manufacturing Site Change. a) product information,
• Representative Change. b) enquiries, contracts or order handling,
• Change in status of ISO 9001 or ISO/TS including amendments, and
16949 certification such as expiration, c) customer feedback, including customer
renewal, being revoked, being placed on complaints.
• Other requests for information

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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only) Special Characteristics Special characteristics
An acceptable level of process capability must be The organization shall identify special
demonstrated for PPAP approval for all characteristics [see 7.3.3 d)] and include all
special/important characteristics (KPCs and special characteristics in the control plan, comply
QCIs). See the chart below for BWI capability with customer-specified definitions and symbols,
requirements. and identify process control documents including
Acceptance Criteria for Initial Study: drawings. FMEAs. control plans, and operator
Results (Ppk) Interpretation instructions with the customer's special
Index >= 2.0 The process meets characteristic symbol or the organization's
KPC requirements equivalent symbol or notation to include those
1.67 >= Index Value < The process meets process steps that affect special characteristics.
2.0 QCI requirements, but NOTE Special characteristics can Include product
may require some characteristics and process parameters.
improvement to meet
KPC requirements
1.33 >= Index Value < The process does not
1.67 meet acceptance
criteria for KPCs or
QCIs, but may be
acceptable per for
Index value<1.33 The process does not
currently meet
acceptance criteria for
standard or critical
characteristics – ok for
characteristics only.

Processes With One-Sided Specifications or Non-

Normal Distributions: Refer to the current revision
of the AIAG PPAP manual for further details
regarding acceptance criteria.
At any point in the life of the program, if the
organization finds that it is unable to meet the
BWI approved to capability index, the supplier
shall notify BWI immediately. Prototype Program Prototype program
Prototype requirements shall be documented When required by the customer, the organization
through the BWI Buyer shall have a prototype program and control plan.
The organization shall use, wherever possible,
the same suppliers, tooling and manufacturing
processes as will be used In production.
All performance-testing activities shall be
monitored for timely completion and conformity to
While services may be outsourced, the
organization shall be responsible for the
outsourced services, including technical

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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only) Product Approval Process. The supplier Product approval process
shall comply with the current edition of AIAG The organization shall conform to a product and
Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) manual manufacturing process approval procedure
unless otherwise specified by the BWI AQE, SQE, recognized by the customer.
or Buyer. BWI requires all certified suppliers to NOTE Product approval should be subsequent to
include a copy of their ISO or ISO/TS certification. the verification of the manufacturing process. This
PPAP will either be fully approved or may be product and manufacturing process approval
approved at an interim level. The following interim procedure shall also be applied to suppliers.
approval levels apply to BWI supplier PPAPs:
Interim A: Parts are produced using 100%
production tooling and meet design record
specifications. However, not all production
approval requirements have been met.
Interim B: Parts are produced using 100%
production tooling and require rework to meet
design record specifications.
Interim C: Parts are produced using non-
production tooling and/or process, but meet
design record specifications.
Interim D: Parts do not meet (or have not yet
been verified to meet) design record
Interim E: Parts do not meet design record
specifications. Vehicles with class E parts require
retrofit to make them saleable. Interim A, B, C,
and D are considered saleable.
Copies of PPAPs will immediately be made
available by the supplier upon request from BWI.
Notification of PPAP approval by BWI does not
authorize shipment. Shipping authorization for the
initial shipment will be issued by BWI Production
Control & Logistics and will contain the delivery
due date, quantity to be shipped, and change
level to which the material will comply.
Run at Rate. When specified in the APQP
process, Run at Rate shall be performed as a
method for production capacity and quality
system verification.
7.3.7 Control of design and development 7.3.7 Control of design and development
changes. changes
All proposed changes including but not limited to Design and development changes shall be
design, process, component, packaging, identified and records maintained. The changes
component suppliers, or facilities, and site shall be reviewed, verified and validated, as
changes including supplier proprietary designs appropriate, and approved before implementation.
shall be submitted to BWI for approval. The The review of design and development changes
supplier shall not make any changes without prior shall include evaluation of the effect of the
written notification and approval from BWI. changes on constituent parts and product already
The supplier shall retain approved change delivered. Records of the results of the review of
requests for the life of the program. changes and any necessary actions shall be
maintained (see 4.2.4).
NOTE Design and development changes include
all changes during the product program life (see

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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only) Statutory and regulatory conformity Statutory and regulatory conformity
Substances of Concern and Recycled Content. All purchased products or materials used in
Materials disclosure is required as follows. Global product shall conform to applicable statutory and
legal requirements and customer specifications regulatory requirements.
necessitate material content and substance
disclosure. The reporting requirements are
detailed in the BWI Substances of Concern and
Recycled Content specification. This requirement
applies to all parts and raw materials that become
part of a BWI saleable product or end item unless
otherwise specified.
Conflict Minerals:
BWI is required by some customers to report
conflict minerals. Suppliers to BWI shall provide
this information in a timely manner upon request.
BWI encourages the use of Conflict Free

Suppliers Shipping Into the United States:

Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-
TPAT). To the extent any good to be supplied by
the supplier are to be imported into the United
States of America, the supplier shall comply with
all applicable recommendations or requirements
of the Bureau of Customs and Border Protection's
Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism
("C-TPAT") initiative. Upon request, the supplier
shall certify in writing its compliance with the C-
TPAT initiative. Any questions regarding this
requirement should be directed to the supplier’s
BWI Buyer or PC&L representative.

Suppliers within North America (NAFTA – North

American Free Trade Agreement). It is the
responsibility of suppliers of direct automotive
parts to provide the most current, valid, and
appropriate Certificates of Origin and
Manufacturer’s Affidavit by part number and
manufacturing site to BWI. It is the responsibility
of suppliers of direct automotive parts to BWI to
renew NAFTA Certificates of Origin by January 1st
of each new year.
Suppliers shall forward all completed NAFTA /
Manufacturer’s Affidavit / Additional Plant
Shipping forms as requested by their BWI Buyer
or PC&L representative.

Country of Origin for BWI Declarations: BWI relies

on the supplier provided Country of Origin
information for our Country of Origin declarations.
The supplier is responsible to provide BWI the
correct information in writing. Shipping containers
shall be identified with the material's Country of
Origin. The containers the material is shipped in
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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only)
must also be identified with their Country of

Notice to All Suppliers Shipping Goods Across

International Frontiers or Borders:
To minimize the possibility of tariff classification
errors and duty rate calculation errors, all BWI
suppliers shipping goods across international
frontiers or borders must include BWI part
number(s) and a detailed plain language English
description of the goods on all invoices.
Note: Should a supplier’s non-compliance with
this requirement be the contributory cause of
administrative penalty action against BWI or any
revenue loss to BWI, BWI may seek
indemnification from such supplier for all
additional costs and expenses incurred by BWI
that arise out of such supplier’s non-compliance
with this requirement, as allowable under law. Supplier Quality Management System Supplier quality management system
Development development
Certification: The organization shall perform supplier quality
Suppliers to BWI shall be certified to ISO/TS management system development with the goal
16949 or ISO 9001 by an accredited third-party of supplier conformity with this Technical
certification body. Specification. Conformity with ISO 9001:2008 is
It is the responsibility of suppliers of direct the first step in achieving this goal
material to BWI, including distributors, and non- NOTE The prioritization of suppliers for
manufacturing suppliers to: development depends upon, for example, the
1. Ensure their suppliers and sub-suppliers at supplier's quality performance and the importance
all tiers in the value stream are certified to of the product supplied.
either ISO9001 or ISO/TS16949. Unless otherwise specified by the customer,
2. Manage the development of a robust suppliers to the organization shall be third party,
management system that facilitates defect registered to ISO 9001:2008 by an accredited
prevention, on-time delivery, monitoring, third-party certification body.
and continuous improvement at all
suppliers and sub-suppliers at all tiers in
the value stream
Quality Certification Certificate:
The latest valid and complete quality
management system certificate shall be provided
to the BWI buyer upon request.

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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only) Incoming Product Quality. Incoming product conformity to
The supplier shall be responsible all sub- requirements
supplier’s quality and delivery performance, The organization shall have a process to assure
including sub-suppliers directed by BWI. the quality of purchased product (see 7.4.3)
utilizing one or more of the following methods:
• receipt of, and evaluation of statistical data
by the organization;
• receiving inspection and/or testing, such
as sampling based on performance;
• second or third party assessments or
audits of supplier sites, when coupled with
records of acceptable delivered product
conformity to requirements;
• part evaluation by a designated laboratory;
• another method agreed with the customer. Control Plan Control plan
A change history shall be maintained as part of The organization shall:
the control plan to document implementation of • develop control plans (see Annex A) at the
changes. Family control plans may be used for system, subsystem, component and/or
parts with common processes. The family shall be material level for The product supplied,
clearly defined on the control plan so that including those for processes producing
applicability is easily identified. Family bulk materials as well as parts, and
designations must receive the prior approval of • have a control plan for pre-launch and
BWI. production that takes into account the
NOTE: Design and process controls shall focus design FMEA and manufacturing process
on prevention rather than detection and FMEA outputs.
correction. Special attention shall be placed on
the identification of input control characteristics The control plan shall:
rather than the post processing inspection and • list the controls used for the manufacturing
containment. process control.
• include methods for monitoring of control
exercised over special characteristics (see defined by both the customer and
the organization,
• include the customer-required information.
if any, and,
• initiate the specified reaction plan (see when the process becomes
unstable or not statistically capable.
Control plans shall be reviewed and updated
when any change occurs affecting product,
manufacturing process measurement, logistics,
supply, sources, or FMEA (see 7. 1.4).
NOTE Customer approval may be required after
review or update of the control plan Verification of Job Set-ups. Verification of job set-ups
Set-up verification shall be performed for all tool Job set-ups shall be verified whenever performed,
replacements (e.g. dull, worn, or broken tools) such as an initial run of a job, material
changeover or job change.
Work instructions shall be available for set-up
personnel. The organization shall use statistical
methods of verification where applicable.
NOTE Last-off part comparisons are
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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only) Production Scheduling Production scheduling
BWI expects its suppliers to accept schedules Production shall be scheduled in order to meet
and communicate shipments through formal customer requirements, such as just-in-time
electronic communications. BWI prefers to supported by an information system that permits
communicate with its key suppliers using access to production information at key stages of
Traditional EDI. This method allows suppliers to the process and is order driven.
utilize their normal ERP processes to view orders,
schedule production, and process shipments. A
second tool that is available to our suppliers is our
BWI Supplier Web Portal. This tool enables
suppliers to receive shipment authorizations,
schedules, and forecasts; and to create shipment
ASNs (Advance Ship Notice) using a web based
tool. The BWI Supplier Web Portal is offered to
our suppliers at no cost to them. At the time of
sourcing, each supplier is expected to commit in
writing which method of communication preferred.
From there, your purchasing contact will
coordinate to establish the preferred form of
communication. Suppliers utilizing Traditional EDI
or the BWI Web Portal are expected to receive
schedules and shipment authorizations
electronically, and shall send ASNs at the time of

Suppliers who fail to provide valid, timely, and

accurate ASNs are subject to a cost recovery by
the receiving BWIGroup location and suppliers
will be expected to participate in the Problem
Case resolution process with the BWIGroup team.
BWIGroup expects ASN’s will be sent a maximum
of 30 minutes after the shipment leaves the dock.

Fabrication Authorization terms will be 2 weeks

and Material Authorization will be 2 additional
weeks for a total of 4 weeks. All information
beyond 4 weeks is for planning purposes only.
Exceptions to these terms shall be agreed upon
during the quoting process and documented in
the purchase agreements.

BWIGroup will establish the shipping frequency

for each production part. The supplier shall be
able to ship daily at a minimum. Supplier shall
ship to the exact quantities, dates, and times
specified on the release: no over, under, early or
late shipments and no freedom of the week
delivery. All BWIGroup schedules shall be in
standard pack quantities in the smallest approved
standard pack container. Suppliers shall have
shipping capability that matches the BWIGroup
receiving plants normal production schedule. At
the time of pick up, the supplier shall allow the
authorized carrier's driver to check the shipping
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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only)
quantities against the scheduled quantities. Over-
shipments will not be accepted, if an over-
shipment occurs it will be returned at the expense
of the supplier.

If for any reason the supplier is unable to meet

the schedules communicated, it is the
responsibility of the supplier to notify proper
BWIGroup PC&L personnel immediately and
receive authorization for the under-shipment.
Suppliers will make up all under-shipments via
supplier paid premium transportation on
BWIGroup authorized carriers to meet the
originally scheduled destination window.

If BWIGroup and/or its customer's production is

interrupted by the failure of the supplier to deliver
contracted goods within the terms of the contract,
all costs that are incurred by BWIGroup and/or its
customers will be the sole responsibility of the
supplier and corrective action taken in the form of
a Problem Case. Refer to section 10.2 below for
the definition of problem case.

Scheduling Lead Time

The scheduling lead-time will be quoted in
calendar days and should quantify the time from
receipt of order to ship availability. Steady state
lead-time (when schedule and/or forecast are
routinely available) is 10 calendar days or less.
Exceptions to this lead-time requirement must be
approved by PC&L and Purchasing, and must be
documented in the purchase agreement.

7.5.2 Validation of processes for production 7.5.2 Validation of processes for production
and service provision. and service provision
AIAG Designated Special Processes The organization shall validate any processes for
For suppliers of parts that are processed using production and service provision where the
any AIAG designated Special Process (commonly resulting output cannot be verified by subsequent
referred to as CQIs), including sub-tier supplier monitoring or measurement and, as a
processing, the supplier shall ensure that the consequence, deficiencies become apparent only
appropriate AIAG assessment is completed prior after the product is in use or the service has been
to and the results reported to BWI with the PPAP delivered.
unless otherwise authorized in writing by your Validation shall demonstrate the ability of these
BWI AQE or SQE. processes to achieve planned results.
The organization shall establish arrangements for
these processes including as applicable:
a) defined criteria for review and approval of
the processes,
b) approval of equipment and qualification of
c) use of specific methods and procedures,
d) requirements for records (see 4. 2.4), and,
e) revalidation.
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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only)
7.5.3 Identification and Traceability Labels. 7.5.3 Identification and traceability
Materials shall be identified in accordance with Where appropriate, the organization shall identify
the appropriate BWI Shipping/Parts Identification the product by suitable means throughout product
Label Standard. realization.
NOTE: A sample or facsimile of your label should The organization shall identify the product status
be provided with your PPAP package. with respect to monitoring and measurement
requirements throughout product realization.
Where traceability is a requirement, the
organization shall control the unique identification
of the product and maintain records (see 4.2.4).
NOTE In some industry sectors, configuration
management is a means by which identification
and traceability are maintained.
NOTE Inspection and test status is not indicated
by the location of product In the production flow
unless Inherently obvious, such as material in an
automated production transfer process.
Alternatives are permitted, if the status is clearly
Identified, documented and achieves the
designated purpose.
7.5.4 BWI Property Returnable Containers. 7.5.4 Customer property
Regardless of ownership, the supplier shall be The organization shall exercise care with
responsible for tracking and maintaining customer property while it is under the
(including repairs and cleaning) returnable organization's control or being used by the
containers in their possession. organization. The organization shall identify,
verify, protect and safeguard customer property
provided for use or incorporation into the product.
If any customer property is lost. damaged or
otherwise found to be unsuitable for use, the
organization shall report this to the customer and
maintain records (see 4.2.4).
NOTE Customer property can include intellectual
property and personal data
NOTE Customer owned returnable packaging is
included in this sub-clause. Customer-owned production tooling Customer-owned production tooling
Tool inventory/Disposal Customer-owned tools, manufacturing, test,
The supplier shall furnish evidence at PPAP, and inspection tooling, and equipment shall be
upon request, that all tooling owned by BWI or permanently marked so that the ownership of
BWI’s customer is identified in accordance with each item is visible, and can be determined.
BWI’s, or BWI’s customer’s requirement.

BWI will determine the disposition of tooling

owned by BWI or BWI’s customer. Tooling
disposition will be communicated to the supplier in
writing by the BWI buyer.

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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only)
7.5.5 Preservation of Product. 7.5.5 Preservation of product
Packaging: The organization shall preserve the product
Suppliers shall provide packaging as agreed to during internal processing and delivery to the
with the BWI buyer. intended destination in order to maintain
conformity to requirements. As applicable,
preservation shall include identification, handling,
packaging, storage and protection. Preservation
shall also apply to the constituent parts of a
7.6.1 Measurement System Analysis. 7.6.1 Measurement system analysis
The supplier shall use the latest edition of AIAG Statistical studies shall be conducted to analyze
MSA Manual unless otherwise approved by BWI. the variation present in the results of each type of
measuring and test equipment system. This
requirement shall apply to measurement systems
referenced in the control plan. The analytical
methods and acceptance criteria used shall
conform to those in customer reference manuals
on measurement systems analysis. Other
analytical methods and acceptance criteria may
be used if approved by the customer.
8.1.1 Identification of Statistical Tools. 8.1.1 Identification of statistical tools
The supplier shall use the latest edition of AIAG Appropriate statistical tools for each process shall
SPC for manufacturing process controls unless be determined during advance quality planning
otherwise approved by BWI. and included in the control plan.
8.2.1 Customer Satisfaction 8.2.1 Customer satisfaction
Scorecards. As one of the measurements of the performance
BWI uses a Supplier Scorecard database to of the quality management system the
monitor supplier performance in a number of organization shall monitor Information relating to
functional areas. customer perception as to whether the
Note: Suppliers can obtain this information from organization has met customer requirement. The
their BWI buyer. methods for obtaining and using this information
shall be determined.
NOTE: Monitoring customer perception can
include obtaining input from sources such as
customer satisfaction surveys, customer data on
delivered product quality, user opinion surveys,
lost business analysis, compliments, warranty
claims and dealer reports.
NOTE: Consideration should be given to both
internal and external customers.

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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only) Customer Satisfaction - Supplemental Customer Satisfaction - Supplemental
Suppliers shall use zero defects and 100% on Customer satisfaction with the organization shall
time deliveries as their BWI customer satisfaction be monitored through continual evaluation of
targets performance of the realization processes.
Performance indicators shall be based on
objective data and include. but not be limited to:
- delivered part quality performance.
- customer disruptions. including field returns.
- delivery Schedule performance (including
incidents of premium freight), and
- customer notifications related to quality or
delivery Issues.
The organization shall monitor the performance of
manufacturing processes to demonstrate
compliance with customer requirements for
product quality and efficiency of the process
8.2.4 Monitoring and measurement of product 8.2.4 Monitoring and measurement of product
Relevant authority in section 8.2.4 of ISO/TS The organization shall monitor and measure the
16949 shall be interpreted as referring to BWI characteristics of the product to verify that product
Group. requirements have been met. This shall be
carried out at appropriate stages of the product
realization process In accordance with the
planned arrangements (see 7.1). Evidence of
conformity with the acceptance criteria shall be
Records shall indicate the person(s) authorizing
release of product for delivery to the customer
(see 4.2.4 ).
The release of product and delivery of service to
the customer shall not proceed until the planned
arrangements (see 7.1) have been satisfactorily
completed, unless otherwise approved by a
relevant authority and, where applicable, by the
NOTE When selecting product parameters to
monitor compliance to specified internal and
external requirements, the organization
determines the types of product characteristics,
leading to the types of measurement, suitable
measurement means, and the capability and skills
required. Layout Inspection and Functional Layout inspection and functional
Testing. testing
Annual layouts and functional verification to all A layout inspection and a functional verification to
engineering material performance, and durability applicable customer engineering material and
requirements may be required. All results shall be performance standards shall be performed for
reported to BWI as requested. each product as specified in the control plans.
Results shall be available for customer review.
NOTE Layout inspection is the complete
measurement of all product dimensions shown on
the design records.

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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only)
8.3 Control of Nonconforming Product. 8.3 Control of nonconforming product
Repaired or reworked parts, as well as parts The organization shall ensure that product which
produced outside of the PPAP approved process does not conform to product requirements is
shall require additional inspection and controls to identified and controlled to prevent its unintended
ensure these parts meet all design record use or delivery. A documented procedure shall be
requirements. All such processes and controls established to define the controls and related
must be approved in writing by BWI prior to responsibilities and authorities for dealing with
shipment to a BWI plant. nonconforming product.
Where applicable, the organization shall deal with
nonconforming product by one or more of the
following ways:
a) by taking action to eliminate the detected
b) by authorizing its use, release or
acceptance under concession by a
relevant authority and, where applicable,
by the customer;
c) by taking action to preclude its original
intended use or application;
d) by taking action appropriate to the effects,
or potential effects, of the nonconformity
when nonconforming product is detected
after delivery or use has started.
When nonconforming product is corrected it shall
be subject to re-verification to demonstrate
conformity to the requirements.
Records of the nature of nonconformities and any
subsequent actions taken, including concessions
obtained, shall be maintained (see 4.2.4).
8.5.2 Corrective Action. 8.5.2 Corrective action
Problem Case (PPR) Response: The organization shall take action to eliminate the
Suppliers shall respond to all problem cases causes of nonconformities in order to prevent
issued by BWI. recurrence.
Corrective actions shall be appropriate to the
Suppliers shall complete a BWI 8D problem effects of the nonconformities encountered.
solving form (or other structured problem solving A documented procedure shall be established to
process as agreed to by BWI) as a means of define requirements for
a) reviewing nonconformities (including
ascertaining and communicating root cause
customer complaints);
analysis and verification activities. b) determining the causes of nonconformities.
c) evaluating the need for action to ensure
Below are the response time rules after receiving
that nonconformities do not recur,
a PPR (Product Problem Report) with the d) determining and implementing action
associated step in the 8D methodology: needed;
e) records of the results of action taken (see
Required Response Timing: 4.2.4). and;
Suppliers are required to provide: reviewing the effectiveness of the corrective
24 hours - D3 Interim Containment Action - An action taken.
initial response within 24 hours of receiving this
document. Initial response must include plan to
contain and provide certified material to BWI
14 days - D5 Permanent Corrective Action -
Within 14 days Root Cause Analysis and
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BWI Customer Specific Requirement ISO/TS Requirement (for reference only)
Permanent Corrective Actions implementation
30 days - D8 All steps completed and report
closure - Within 30 days evidence of
implementation and validation of the Permanent
Corrective Actions.

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Document 829
829 BWI CSR Change Log:
Revision Number / Description of change Date Modified by:
00 / Issued new 01-Nov-2009 D. Hudson
01 / 4.1.d Added link to ISO site for certifying bodies 15-Mar-2010 D. Hudson
02 / 4.1.i and changed to add required submission of ISO or ISO/TS
13-Apr-2010 D. Hudson
certificate with each PPAP. Clarified “saleable” interim levels
03 / 4.2.4. Added supplier responsibility to ensure sub-tier supplier records
maintained per BWI CSR, added requirement to turn over records in case of 30-Apr-2010 D. Hudson
liquidation or closure
04 / 4.1 Added point j 09-Sep-2010 D. Hudson
05 / Added clarification of BWI process control requirements for
08-Nov-2010 D. Hudson
designated special characteristics.
06 / Added Supplier Acknowledgement page at end of document 10-Dec-2010 D. Hudson
07 / 7.1 Rewrote to indicate the use of AIAG forms versus BWIGroup forms
7.2.3 Changed C-TPAT wording per input from PC&L Changed per input from PC&L and Purchasing Included Web Portal requirement 18-Apr-2011 D. Hudson
7.5.3 Included Web Portal label capability
Transportation (pg 21) – Changed wording per input from PC&L
A couple of corrections due to typos in various places.
08 / 7.1 Added reference to Added “unless otherwise specified” to the end of the SOC
requirement. Opened up requirement for CQI compliance to cover all AIAG
designated special processes rather than just CQI-9, 11, and 13 in order to 11-May-2012 D. Hudson
include any newly published requirements. Corrected oversight in changing this section to agree with previous
change to 7.1
7.5.2 Changed to agree with update to
09 / Revised and rewrote all sections in accordance with the IATF Document
“Development of Organization Customer Specifics related to ISO/TS 01-Oct-2013 D. Hudson
16949:2009”, dated 22-Sep-2009
10 / Added Conflict Minerals requirement to section 10-Jan-2014 D. Hudson
11 / Renamed title from "Customer Specific Requirements" to: "BWI Customer
Specific Requirements". Revised “CSR Change Log” title to “BWI CSR Change 20-Nov-2014 G. Holder
Log” added “Modified by:” to BWI CSR Change Log.
12 / Added to define BWI quality and delivery performance targets 09-Oct-2015 D. Hudson

13 / Section: Production Scheduling - Added additional verbiage and G. Holder/ S.

Fabrication Authorization & Material Authorization terms. Section 8.5.2 27-Oct-2017 Kimbrell / G.
Corrective Actions: Revised PPR timetable. Zajac

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