Further Oral Activity - Foa Proposal: PROPOSAL: Questions To Answer

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YOU (+ YOUR GROUP MEMBERS’) NAME(S): ______________________________________________________________


You will present two FOAs during your two years of the IB DP: Language and Literature course. These will be presented
on Parts 1 and 2 (Language in Cultural Context and Language & Mass Communication). The FOA is out of 30 and your
best mark of the two FOAs will count for 15% of your final grade.

The further oral activities (FOAs) are intended to address the relationship between language, meaning and context. There
must be a clear link between the content of the FOA and the part of the course.

PROPOSAL: Questions to Answer

1. Topic: FOAs are based on topics related to the course. What idea will you be pursuing in your
FOA? PART ____ SUB-TOPIC: ___________________________________________________

2. Texts: What material does your FOA use as a basis? In which texts will you root your discussion?
What other texts will you create/use? (You should have at least 1 primary and 1 secondary source.)

3. What insights are you showing you have gained about your topic and about how language (and
visual elements, possibly) are used to affect audiences? So what? Why is this interesting?

4. What learning outcome will you show you have accomplished and HOW? (be specific -see task sheet)?

5. Format/presentation style: What type of "speech act" will you be doing (speech, interview,
campaign pitch, visual presentation, newscast, prezi, etc.)? WHY? What will this help show?

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