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Unit - 11

1. Sort/Report generators
(A) are faster than index/report generators
(B) require more disk space than index/report generators
(C) do not need to sort before generating report
(D) both (A) and (B)
2. Varsatile report generators can provide
(A) columnar totals (B) subtotals
(C) calculations (D) all of these
3. If a numeric field has a width of 5.2, then value of the field could be
(A) 23.10 (B) 121.8
(C) 143.87 (D) both (A) and (B)
4. To have a file, hold a list, it is necessary to
(A) identify the records in the list
(B) identify the name, width and type of the fields of each record
(C) decide which fields will be used as sort or index keys
(D) all of these
5. Index consists of
(A) a list of keys (B) pointers to the master list
(C) both (A) and (B) (D) none of these
6. The master list of an indexed file
(A) is sorted in ascending order
(B) contains onlya list of keys and record numbers
(C) has a number assigned to each record
(D) both (A) and (B)
7. An indexing operation
(A) sorts a file using a single key
(B) sorts a file using two keys
(C) established an index for a file
(D) both (B) and (C)
8. An access path is provided by
(A) file key (B) physical record key
(C) bothe (A) and (B) (D) none of these
9. Given following relation instance:
1 42
1 53
1 63
3 22
Which of the following functional dependencies are satisfied by the instance ?
(A) XY  Z and Z  Y (B) YZ  X and Y  Z
(C) YZ  Xand X  Z (D) XZ  Y and Y  X
10. For a database relation R (a, b, c, d), whre the domains of a, b, c, d include only atomic values, only the following
functional dependencies and those that that can be inferred from them hold :
a c
b d
The relation is in
(A) first normal form but not in second normal form
(B) second normal form but notin third normal form
(C) third normal form
(D) none of these
11. A relational database which is in 3 NF may still have undesirable data redundancy because there may exist
(A) transitive functional dependencies
(B) non-trivial functional dependencies involving prime attributes on the right side.
(C) non-trivial functional dependencies involving prime attributes only on the left side
(D) non-trivial functional dependencies involving only prime attributes
12. A library relational database system uses the following Schema
USERS (User #, User Name, Home Town)
BOOKS (Book # Book Title, Author Name)
ISSUED (Book #, User #, Data)
What each of the following relational alegebra queries is designed to determine is explained by one english
sentence as
(A)  user # =  C || user #, Book Tittle (Users Issued )BOOKS)
(B)  Author Name (Book (  name town) = Delhi (Users ISSUED)))
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of these
13. A phone no is a database is an example of a
(A) record (B) field
(C) sort (D) file
14. A record in third normal form is better than a record to first normal form a relational mathematics viewpoint
(A) True (B) False
15. Every Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) decomposition is
(A) dependency preserving (B) not dependency preserving
(C) need be dependency preserving (D) none of these
16. Functional dependencies are a generalization of
(A) key dependencies (B) relation dependencies
(C) database dependencies (D) none of these
17. Normalization of database is used to
(A) elimiate redundancy (B) improve security
(C) improve efficiency (D) minimize errors
18. Any Binary relation is in
(A) 1 NF (B) 2 NF
(C) 3 NF (D) B CNF
19. If a relation scheme is in BCNF, then it is also in
(A) 1 NF (B) 2 NF
(C) 3 NF (D) none of these
20. A functional dependency of the form x  y is trivial if
(A) y  x (B) y  x
(C) x  y (D) x  y and y  x
21. Which normal form is considered adequate for normal relationship database design ?
(A) 2 NF (B) 3 NF
(C) 4 NF (D) 5 NF
22. Consider the schema R = (S T U V) and the dependencies
S  T, T  U, U  V and V  S
If R = (R1 and R2) be a decomposition such that R1  R2 =  , then decomposition is
(A) not in 2 NF (B) in 2 NF but not in 3 NF
(C) in 3 NF but not in 2 NF (D) in both 2NF and 3 NF
23. Let R = (A, B, C, D, E, F) be a relation scheme with the following dependencies :
C  F, E  a, EC  D, A  B
Which of the following is a key for R ?
(A) CD (B) EC
(C) AE (D) AC
24. Which of the following is/are correct ?
(A) An SQL query automatically elimiates duplicates
(B) An SQL query will not work if there are no idexes on the relations
(C) SQL permits attributes name to be repeated in the same relation
(D) None of these
25. Let domain set of an attribute consists of signed four digit numbers. What is the percentage of reduction in
storage space of this attribute if it is stored as an integer rather than in character form ?
(A) 80 % (B) 20 %
(C) 60 % (D) 40 %
26. A report generator is used to
(A) update files (B) print files on paper
(C) both (A) and (B) (D) none of these
27. The PROJECT command will create new table that has
(A) more fields than the original table
(B) more rows than original table
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of these
28. A band of workers unloaded a certain number of boxes from their ship. The number of workers were between 50
and 60 . Each worker handled exactly 11 boxes, and each box was handled by exactly 7 workers. Exactly how many
boxes were there ?
(A) 77 (B) 88
(C) 99 (D) 66
29. A clock loses 5 seconds an hour and is se right on Sunday at noon.
What time will it indicate on the following Monday at noon ?
(A) 11.56 a.m (B) 11.58 a.m
(C) 12.02 a.m (D) 12.04 a.m
30. Given relations  (w, x) and S (y,z), the result of select distinct w,x From r, S is guaranteed to be the same as  ,
(A)  has no duplicates and s is non empty
(B)  and s have no duplicates
(C) S has no duplicates and  is non empty
(D)  and S have the same number of tuples.
31. A Report Form
(A) appears on the computer monitor during data entry
(B) is used during report generation to format data
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of these
32. A form defines
(A) where data is placed on the screen
(B) the width of each field
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of these
33. The designer of a form includes
(A) field designators (B) prompts
(C) data (D) both (A) and (B)
34. If calculation is embedded in a form
(A) result of the calculations are strored with the form
(B) calculations are stored with the form
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of these
35. A multiple form file management system allows
(A) defining different forms for different operations
(B) creating a look-up form with an associated read only password to present access by unauthorized users
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of these
36. The physical locations of a record is determined by a mathematical formual that transforms file key into a record
location in a/an
(A) B-tree file (B) indexed file
(C) hashed file (D) all of these
37. Two files may be joined into a third file if they have
(A) row in common
(B) field in common
(C) no records with the same value in the common
(D) both (B) and (C)
38. The main idea behind computer files is that it is convenient to
(A) arrange them (B) store information together
(C) creat them (D) access them
39. Minimum number of record movements required to merge five files A (with 10 records), B (with 20 records), C
(with 15 records), D (wtih 5 records) and E (with 25 records) is
(A) 165 (B) 90
(C) 75 (D) 65
40. A command that lets you change or more fields in a record is
(A) insert (B) modify
(C) look-up (D) none of these
41. Which command closes text file which has been created using
42. Which command is fastest among the following ?
(A) COPY TO < New File >
(B) COPY FILE < File 1 >< File 2 >
(C) COPY STRUCTRURE TO < new file >
43. GO BOTTOM and SKIP-3 Commands gives one after another in a database file of 30 records shift the control to
(A) 28th record (B) 27the record
(C) 3rd record (D) 4th record
44. Which of the following statements is true when structure of database file with 20 records is modified ?
(A) ? EOF ( ) Prints. T (B) ? BOF ( ) Prints. F
(C) ? BOF ( ) Prints. T (D) ? EOF ( ) Prints. F
45. In dBASE software the key that acts as a toggle between Edit mode and Browse mode is
(A) F5 (B) F2
(C) F1 (D) F4
46. If contents of a field cannot be zero or les than that then i the range minimum value would be specified as
(A) 1 (B) 0
(C) 4 (D) 5
47. Which of the following commands permanently delete the record marked for deletion from the data base field ?
48. Which function is used to convert a data to a character string ?
(A) DTOC ( ) (B) DTOW ( )
(C) DOW ( ) (D) CDOW ( )
49. The first element in T [4, 3] is
(A) 12 (B) 7
(C) 4 (D) 64
50. A bottle and its cork together cost Rs. 1.10, and the bottle costs Rs 1.00 more than its cork. What is the price of
the bottle ?
(A) 1.01 (B) 0.99
(C) 1.05 (D) 1.01
Unit - 11
1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. A
11. B,D 12. B 13. C 14. A 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. C 19. C 20. A
21. B22. D 23. B 24. D 25. C 26. B 27. D 28. B 29. B 30. A
31. B32.B 33.C 34. D 35. B 36. B 37. B 38. D 39. D 40. D
41.C42. C 43. A 44. B 45. B 46. A 47. A 48. A 49.A 50. C

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